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ratecard(rate card中文翻译,rate card是什么意思,rate card发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

ratecard(rate card中文翻译,rate card是什么意思,rate card发音、用法及例句)

1、rate card

rate card发音

英:  美:

rate card中文意思翻译




rate card双语使用场景

1、Rate Card user groups include: Media, NOCs, IFs, Sponsor Hospitality and the IOC.───费率卡的用户群包括: 媒体 、 各国奥委会 、 国际单项体育组织 、 赞助商接待和国际奥委会.

2、you see here, they have a rate card and it says the cheapest one is 18 rupees.───你看到这里有个价目表,上面写着最便直的票价是18卢比。

3、The most someone can steal is your pricing page or your rate card.───最多某人窃取走你的价格网页和收费卡。

4、For Advertisers who have rate protection commitment under Rate Card No.39.───只适用于受39价目表价格保障的客户.

5、The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Rate Card aspects.───组委会可以成立专门的职能部门办理费率卡事宜.

rate card相似词语短语

1、race car───赛车


3、race cards───(赛马、赛狗等的)比赛程序单

4、rate cards───广告收费卡;价目牌

5、race card───(赛马、赛狗等的)比赛程序单

6、face card───人头牌(扑克中的J,Q,K)

7、race cars───赛车

2、rate card是什么意思?

rate card 的意思是费率卡。 rate card 英 [reit kɑ:d] 美 [ret kɑrd] 费率卡,广告费卡

1、The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Rate Card aspects. 组委会可以成立专门的职能部门办理费率卡事宜。

2、The publisher will not be bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing in orders or copy instructions when such conditions with the regulations set forth in the rate card. 订单或稿件指示上的任何条件,无论列明与否,若与广告价目表上的规定不同,本刊将不受约束。

3、Any service call made by a US Laser employee ( even under warranty) would be in accordance with our international service rate card. 美国激光公司职员到中国当地进行维修时(即使在保修范围内),按照本公司国际服务标准收费。

4、This rate card is based on model and weight settings, and the use of a real estate development enterprise project case of bank loans, the actual rate card model tested in the real estate project loans in use. 本文立足打分卡模型以及权重的设置,以及利用某房地产开发企业的银行贷款项目案例,运用以上方法进行操作,实际检验了打分卡模型在房地产项目贷款中的运用。

5、Rate card for the goods and services are mainly used during the Olympic Games, thetypical, including, telecommunications, office technology and equipment, audio-visual equipment, automobiles, furniture, equipment, devices, white goods, medical equipment and debris. 费率卡物资和服务主要供奥运会期间使用,典型的包括,电信、办公技术设备、声像设备、汽车、家具、设备装置、白色家电、医疗设备和杂物。

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