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售票处英语(ticket office中文翻译,ticket office是什么意思,ticket office发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

售票处英语(ticket office中文翻译,ticket office是什么意思,ticket office发音、用法及例句)

ticket office

ticket office发音

英:  美:

ticket office中文意思翻译



ticket office双语使用场景

1、Where is the ticket office?───售票处在哪儿?

2、Our travel arrangements have been messed up by ticket office.───我们的旅行安排被售票处搞乱了.

3、It's said that this movie had shattered all precious ticket office records.───据说它打破了以前所有的票房记录.

4、Seeing nothing that indicated studied observation, he made his way to the ticket office.───确定没人在监视他, 他便向票房走去.

5、There is a long line at the ticket office.───售票处排着长队.

6、I had no idea how much I should pay for such a long ride, I asked an attendant in the ticket office.───我不知道进行如此漫长的一段旅行究竟要花多少钱,于是来到售票处向一位工作人员打听。

7、Can you tell me where the ticket office is.───请问售票处在哪儿.

8、The ticket office is at the rear of the station concourse , ie its main hall.───售票处在车站大厅的后部.

9、Those film fans were waiting at the ticket office.───那些影迷们正在售票处门口等着.

10、Excuse me. Can you tell me where the ticket office is?───请问可否告诉我售票处在哪儿?

11、At Shanghai Railway Station, passengers lined up at the ticket office some 20 hours before it opened.───在上海火车站,一些乘客在售票窗口排队近20个小时。

12、Ticket Office. What can I do for you?───这里是售票处. 我能为你做些 什么 ?

13、Have you tried the ticket office?───你去售票处试过 吗 ?

14、BIt's easy. Just go to the ticket office in the subway.───这容易. 到地铁的售票处去就行了.

15、Our travel arrangements have been buggered up by the ticket office.───我们的旅行安排被售票处弄糟了.

16、Queue formed at the ticket office when the news of the fare reduction got out.───票价下调的消息一传出,售票处前就排起了队.

17、I hurried to the ticket - office.───我赶紧到售票处.

18、You can go to that ticket office to buy your ticket.───您可以到那里的售票处买票。

ticket office相似词语短语

1、the office───政府机关;办公室

2、the Met Office───气象局

3、ticked off───列举;用记号标出

4、ticket machine───售票机;自动售票机

5、night office───夜间办公室

6、tourist office───游客咨询处

7、ticket of leave───n.假释证,假释许可证

8、ticket offices───n.售票处

9、back office───后勤办公室;后勤部门;股票或证券交易清算室

结语:ticketoffice汉语啥意思,售票处[shòu piào chù ]ticket office; booking office; (剧院等的) box office;关于旅游观光的英语词组!,Admission is free 不收门票Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment提前预定,避免错过.All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance.

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