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address the problem(address problem中文翻译,address problem是什么意思,address problem发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

address the problem(address problem中文翻译,address problem是什么意思,address problem发音、用法及例句)

1、address problem

address problem发音

英:  美:

address problem中文意思翻译



address problem双语使用场景

1、To address this problem, you need to find an effective tool that can work independently from build changes.───为了解决这个难题,您需要找到一个有效的工具,该工具独立于构建变更之外。

2、You can also report for any branch address problem with the build-in feedback email feature.───用户也能通过内置的报料邮件功能,给我们提供更准确的银行地址资料。

3、Agent oriented technology is important to address problem solving of complex dynamic systems, to achieve integration, intelligent, automation and network.───面向代理的技术对于解决复杂动态系统的问题求解,实现集成化、智能化、自动化和网络化具有重要作用。

address problem相似词语短语

1、pressing problem───亟需解决的问题;紧迫的问题

2、drink problem───酗酒问题

3、real problem───真正的问题

4、drugs problems───毒品问题;吸毒问题

5、address the problem───解决问题


7、debt problem───债务问题


"Please address the letter to my new house."(请将这封信寄到我的新家。)

"The speaker addressed the crowd from the podium."(演讲者从讲台上向人群讲话。)

"She gave a thoughtful speech that addressed the key issues of our time."(她发表了一篇富有思考的演讲,涉及了我们这个时代的关键问题。)

"He failed to address the core problems of the project."(他未能解决项目的核心问题。)

"In your letter, please address the points listed in the prompt."(请在您的信中回答提示中列出的要点。)

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