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humanform(human form中文翻译,human form是什么意思,human form发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

humanform(human form中文翻译,human form是什么意思,human form发音、用法及例句)

human form

human form发音

英:  美:

human form中文意思翻译




human form双语使用场景

1、One might equate this in human form with going upon a special diet of food to assist the body enough to detoxify an illness.───你可以将这等同于人类身体中,有一套特殊饮食来协助身体足以从某种疾病中解毒。

2、The human form has changed little over the last 30 000 years.───多年以来,人的体形没有多大变化。

3、After a while a rind of white moon and a few sparse stars settled overhead, enough light for him to make out a human form.───过了一会儿,头顶上出现了白色月亮的轮廓和一些稀疏的星星,足以让他能分辨出一个人形。

4、Doctors say it is possible, but unlikely, to contract a human form of the disease by eating meat from infected animals.───医生们说,人类有可能通过食用病牛肉而感染上导致脑部病变的致命疯牛病,但是可能性并不大。

5、The reconstructed mammoth hemoglobin could deliver oxygen at colder temperatures than the human form of the protein could handle.───重组的猛犸象血红蛋白可以在比人类血红蛋白更低的温度下输送氧气。

6、Seeing the Creator in human form and knowing Him to be their Lord, the Hebrew children sought to please Him with branches, crying: Hosanna!───当看见造物者以凡人的形象出现,并得知了他就是上主;希伯来的儿童们手持树枝欢欣迎请,并大声欢呼:贺撒纳!

7、Habits are a curse, but there is no recognizably human form of life without them.───习惯是一种诅咒,但是没有习惯的人类生活方式是不被认可的。

8、Language is not only spoken words, as you know it in human form, but founded upon symbols, movement and sound.───语言不仅是如你所知的说话的言语,而且构建了符号、运动和声音。

9、Terra, in her own way, has been a very ill planet, equivalent to one in human form with terminal cancer.───按照她自己的方式,已经是一颗非常病重的行星,就相当于一个在癌症末期的人类身体。

human form相似词语短语

1、common form───普通形式

2、human drama───人类戏剧

3、human heart───人心

4、human error───人为误差

5、human errors───人为错误(humanerror的复数)

6、human folly───人类的愚蠢


8、human body───人体

9、human soul───人的灵魂


卡尔蜜拉人间体(Karmilla Human Form)在网剧《Karmilla 卡尔蜜拉》中首次登场是在第15集。

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