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best of luck中文翻译,best of luck是什么意思,best of luck发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

best of luck中文翻译,best of luck是什么意思,best of luck发音、用法及例句

1、best of luck

best of luck发音

英:  美:

best of luck中文意思翻译



best of luck双语使用场景

1、luck. Get home safely!───祝你好运,一路平安到家!

2、Congratulations on your recent marriage. I wish you and your bride the best of luck, and ever-increasing happiness as the years go by.───祝贺您和您的新娘获得最大的幸福,祝贺你们的幸福与年月俱增。

3、He kissed her on the cheek. "Best of luck!"───他吻了一下她的面颊:“祝你好运!”

4、And for those who stubbornly suggest pricing above what I believe the market will bear, I say 'best of luck to you.───对于那些顽固地要求比我认为市场能承受的更高的价码的卖主,我会说上一句:“祝您好运”。

5、Again, I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you and I wish you and your company the best of luck.───再次对于有机会与您面谈表示感谢。祝您和您的公司发展顺利。

6、Everybody at Chelsea would like to thank him for his commitment to the club in his time here and wish him the best of luck at Barcelona.───所有切尔西人都会感谢他在这里的时间为俱乐部做出的一切,希望他在巴塞罗那好运。

7、I hope you enjoy the Christmas season and indulge if you must, and best of luck with your New Year's resolutions.───希望大家圣诞快乐,如果你一定这么做,就痛痛快快地乐呵,祝你好运,新年的决定成功。

8、Allow me to conclude by once more thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck.───容我再一次感谢裁判的合作,以及祝每一位演讲者事事如意,来作为结束。

9、He's in a new job at a new club and I'm sure Man City fans will get behind him and I wish him the best of luck.───他在一个新的俱乐部有个新的工作,我肯定曼城球迷将在后面支持他,我祝他好运。

best of luck相似词语短语

1、bit of luck───一点运气

2、beast of prey───食肉兽,猛兽

3、out of luck───运气不好

4、just my luck───偏偏就是这样倒霉

5、be pot luck───祝你好运

6、be in luck───运气好;走运

7、be out of luck───运气不好

8、best of all───最好的

9、better luck───祝你好运


两个都是祝福语。Best wishes! 最美好的祝愿! Good luck !祝你好运

best wishes 通常用于信末,就像我们用的:此致,敬礼,表示对收信人的祝福.

而good luck 通常用于口语,希望他人比赛成功,取得好成绩,工作顺利 等...


 1. godspeed /'gɔd'spi:d/

一路顺风;幸运平安; 一路平安

 We wished her godspeed.我们祝她一路顺风。

2. You’ll do great.你能行的

3. I hope it goes well.我希望一切顺利

4. Wish you well. 愿你一切安好

5. Wishing you lots/tons of luck.祝你好运

6. best regards to you

Please give my best regards to your wife.


7. best wishes

 Best wishes for a relaxing holiday and try to unplug if you can.


8. God bless you.

 May God Bless You. 愿主赐福你

9. Break a leg.

 We can't wait to see your performance. Break a leg!我们都等不及看你的表演了,加油干啊

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