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at dawn中文翻译,at dawn是什么意思,at dawn发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

at dawn中文翻译,at dawn是什么意思,at dawn发音、用法及例句

at dawn

at dawn发音

英:  美:

at dawn中文意思翻译



at dawn双语使用场景

1、He ordered the army to invade at dawn.───他命令军队在拂晓入侵.

2、At dawn the army attacked the town.───军队在拂晓时向这座城镇发动攻击。

3、At dawn, the breach was closed at last.───黎明的时候, 破洞终于合拢了.

4、The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.───路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关.

5、Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard.───黎明即起,洒扫庭除.

6、At dawn I woke him up and said we were leaving.───黎明时分,我把他叫醒,告诉他我们要走了。

7、They start work at dawn .───天一亮他们就开始干活了。

8、We sallied forth at dawn.───我们在黎明时出发了.

9、Nancy woke at dawn.───拂晓时分南希醒了。

10、Did you hear the cock crow at dawn?───黎明时你听到鸡叫了 吗 ?

11、At dawn they started off to work in the fields.───天一亮他们就下地干活去了.

12、The soldiers went forward at dawn.───士兵在拂晓时前进.

13、They will strike at dawn.───他们将在拂晓进攻.

14、They set forth at dawn.───他们在黎明时出发。

15、We woke at dawn.───我们在黎明醒来。

16、Our brigade will be committed at dawn.───我们旅黎明就要投入战斗.

17、Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.───士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。

18、I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall.───我披星戴月地工作。

at dawn相似词语短语

1、beat down───打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来

2、pat downs───轻轻拍打

3、Oak Lawn───橡树草坪

4、at all───(否定句)根本;究竟

5、to dawn───黎明

6、false dawn───假曙光

7、pat down───轻轻拍打

8、sat down───坐下;扎营




at noon

in the afternoon

during the weekends

on the vacation

Around 10:00a.m.

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