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complex sentence中文翻译,complex sentence是什么意思,complex sentence发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

complex sentence中文翻译,complex sentence是什么意思,complex sentence发音、用法及例句

1、complex sentence

complex sentence发音

英:  美:

complex sentence中文意思翻译



complex sentence双语使用场景

1、Is it a compound or a complex sentence?───它是并列句还是复合句?

2、She could write a grammatically complex sentence, but was unable then to read it back.───可以写语法复杂的句子, 但不能复读.

3、This is a complex sentence.───这是个复合句.

4、Complex sentence: the system shall be able to display the elapsed time for the car to make one circuit around the track within 5 seconds of the lap completion.───复合句:系统应能在车沿跑道绕行一圈后5秒之内显示这一圈花费的时间。

5、Is it a complex sentence?───是个复句 吗 ?

6、Um this or here is making these two sentences a complex sentence so you should leave that in.───恩,这个或者使的两个句子,成为一个复杂句,你们应该留下那个。

7、Analyse a complex sentence into several clauses.───把这个复合句分析成几个句子.

8、Analyse this complex sentence into many clauses.───将这个复合句分析成许多从句.

9、Now I talk something about complex sentence.───我现在说一说复句问题.

10、So any complex sentence just keep them together.───所以任何复杂句都能把他们合在一起。

11、If you need Band 6 – no need for complex sentence structure.───如果你须要的是6分,没必要写庞杂句型.

12、I can not understand the meaning of the complex sentence.───我理解不了这个复杂句子的意思.

13、Advanced - level dialogues feature more complex sentence types.───高级会话以更复杂的句式为特点.

complex sentence相似词语短语

1、compound sentences───复合句

2、open sentence───开命题;开句;真伪未定的命题

3、complex sentences───复句;复合句

4、complement sentence───补足句

5、commute a sentence───减刑

6、simple sentences───简单句

7、complement sentences───补足句

8、compound sentence───并列复合句

9、simple sentence───简单句

2、定义(define)简单句simple sentence,并列句compound sentence,和复杂句comple



Simple Sentence:A sentence that only has one independent clause,it contains one subject and one verb,it can express a plete idea.

例子:I like to play basketball.(我喜欢打篮球.一个主语一个谓语对否?)但是其实,还可以是Sam and I like to play baskeball.(”我和Sam喜欢打篮球“也是个simple sentence.)

Compound Sentence:A pound sentence is a sentence containing two independent clauses joined by a coordinator.

例子:He screamed for help because a dog was barking at him.(他呼声喊救命因为一只狗对他吠了.) 这里,有个连词,所以是pound sentence,其实就是两个simple sentence 用连词(conjunction)连在一起

Complex Sentence:Complex sentence is a sentence containing an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses.

例子:The book which I borrowed you yesterday was stolen.(我昨天借你的书被偷了.)

在这里,which引入了个dependent clause(在这个句子相当于定语,其实我不知道dependent clause 用在定语以外的方法,应该没有吧)


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