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on the fly中文翻译,on the fly是什么意思,on the fly发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

on the fly中文翻译,on the fly是什么意思,on the fly发音、用法及例句

on the fly

on the fly发音

英:  美:

on the fly中文意思翻译


在飞行[行驶]中; <美口>匆忙地,在百忙中


on the fly双语使用场景

1、In this way, you can create objects that imitate having an infinite amount of methods on the fly.───通过这种方式,可以创建这样的对象,即动态地模拟拥有无数方法的情况。

2、There are only a few minutes now. You'd better have meals on the fly.───就剩几分钟了, 快点儿吃.

3、I usually eat breakfast on the fly.───我早餐通常吃得很匆忙.

4、However, it casts its spells on the fly like a sorcerer.───此外, 它可以像术士一样任意选择法术施展.

5、Alpha can calculate life expectancy statistics for you on the fly.───阿尔法可以计算你的飞行寿命统计.

6、Do you run through each day on the fly?───你的日子是不是像飞一样的跑过你的眼前?

7、Housework keeps mother on the fly all day.───家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌.

8、The bird caught a bug on the fly.───那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫.

9、He put my hand on the fly of his trousers.───他把我的手放到他裤子的拉链上.

10、NET library for creating, editing and filling PDF files on the fly from any.───NET应用程序实时创建 、 编辑和填充PDF文件的.

11、The laws were being changed on the fly.───法律在执行过程中被改变了.

12、We took our lunch on the fly and on our work.───我们匆忙吃过午饭后继续工作.

13、You've got to be able to make decisions on the fly as deadlines loom.───你必须能够立刻作出决定,因为最后期限迫在眉睫。

14、fish bites on the fly today.───现在用苍蝇钓不到鱼了。

15、Starting create CD on - the - fly process in test mode.───正在开始无暂存直接刻录CD测试模式.

16、They dozen lanterns swung on the fly, dance , like willow father - in - law fairy.───它们打着灯笼在河面上飞来飞去, 翩翩起舞, 好似一位位小仙女似的.

17、Here to more smiles as the Rockets attempt to put themselves together on the fly.───当火箭尝试着一边打一边磨合的时候,会有更多可让人微笑的东西.

18、She wrote those letters on the fly.───她在飞行途中写了那些信.

on the fly相似词语短语

1、on the flat───没有让步条件的

2、on the way───adj.在……途中

3、on the bot───想乞讨

4、on the sly───偷偷地;秘密地

5、on the ball───adv.机灵;留心;有见识;勤奋

6、on the air───在广播,广播中

7、on the dole───领取救济金

8、on the club───在俱乐部

9、on the bum───过流浪生活;依赖他人生活


above 在……上方 指位置高于某物

on 在……上 接触表面

There are some pictures above the blackboard.


There are some books on the desk.


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