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金门大桥英语(golden gate bridge中文翻译,golden gate bridge是什么意思,golden gate bridge发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

金门大桥英语(golden gate bridge中文翻译,golden gate bridge是什么意思,golden gate bridge发音、用法及例句)

golden gate bridge

golden gate bridge发音

英:  美:

golden gate bridge中文意思翻译



golden gate bridge双语使用场景

1、Every year, hundreds of people jump off the Golden Gate bridge.───每年都有数百人跳下金门大桥.

2、One morning, Peter's father took Peter to the Golden Gate bridge.───一天早晨, 彼得的爸爸带着彼得去看金门桥.

3、Ahead you see the Golden Gate Bridge.───你看,前面是金门大桥.

4、That must be the golden gate bridge beyond the hill.───山那边一定是金门桥了.

5、Why is it called the Golden Gate Bridge?───“为什么把它叫做金门桥 呢 ?”

6、Ok. Let's take a look of San Francisco and the famous Golden Gate Bridge at dusk.───好了, 废话不多 说,先来看看华灯初上的三藩以及著名的金门大桥吧.

7、How did the Golden Gate Bridge get its name?───金门大桥的名字是怎么来的?

8、Will the Golden Gate Bridge ever be golden?───金门桥面一定该是金色的 吗 ?

9、Morning , Sightseeing tour of Golden Gate Bridge , Fisherman Wharf , Lombard Street, Palace of fine Art, etc.───参观著名酒厂, 欣赏田园风光, 品尝葡萄美酒.

10、The work on the Golden Gate Bridge started in 1933 and continued for the next years.───意为金门大桥上的工程始于1933并持续到其后的几年.

golden gate bridge相似词语短语

1、golden rain tree───金雨树

2、contracts bridge───合约桥牌(扑克牌游戏的一种)

3、contract bridge───合约桥牌(扑克牌游戏的一种)

4、duplicate bridge───复式桥牌

5、contracted bridge───合约桥牌(扑克牌游戏的一种)

6、the Golden Gate Bridge───金门大桥(美国旧金山市的著名建筑物)

7、build a bridge───建立好关系;修建桥梁

8、balance bridge───平衡桥,开启桥

9、Golden Gate Bridge───金门大桥



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