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you are late(you re late中文翻译,you re late是什么意思,you re late发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

you are late(you re late中文翻译,you re late是什么意思,you re late发音、用法及例句)

you re late

you re late发音

英:  美:

you re late中文意思翻译



you re late双语使用场景

1、Ill have to report you if you re late again.───如果你再迟到,我就得向上报告了。

2、Before you know it, you're late for dinner at home, but the conversation was so engrossing that the time just got away from you.───不知不觉中,你都忘了回家吃晚饭,但是谈话太愉快了,使你没注意时间的流逝。

3、Trying to run with a suitcase because you're late for your flight is a nightmare that most of us have had to deal with.───试着骑着你的行李奔跑,由于你迟到了你的航班,这是大多数我们都不得不去面临的恶梦。

4、You'll probably also avoid rush-hour traffic, making it less likely that you'll waste time because you're late.───你也许也可以避免交通高峰期,减小因为你迟到而浪费时间的可能性。

5、my pockets so that she wouldn't see me balling my fist, I said, "You're late. Don't" .───我说“你迟到了,不要看我,不要过来,你就跟着我走吧。”

6、There is no worse feeling than waking up and realizing you've slept through your alarm, and now you're late for work.───没有什么比醒来发现自己关掉闹钟后又呼呼睡着,而上班就要迟到更糟糕了。

7、If you're late, your wages will be docked.───如果你迟到了,就要扣你的工资。

8、A: I know you're sleepy and I hate to bother you, but I think you're late for work.───我知道你很困,不过很抱歉,我想你要迟到了。

9、And finally, be sure that you pay the card on time. All bargains are off with these deals if you're late on a payment.───最后,要保证您按时还款。如果您晚付一次,所有的优惠都会被取消。

you re late相似词语短语

1、to belate───迟到


3、to relate───联系

4、to deflate───放气

5、to reslate───重铺


7、to reflate───再膨胀


9、to replate───重复

you are late 是什么结构?

you are late是主语+系词+表语


1 主语+系词+表语

2 主语+不及物动词

3 主语+及物动词+宾语

4 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语

5 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补语

其中第一种 主语+系词+表语,系词主要有be,还有保持系动词 keep stayg remain maintain变化系动词get grow turn go become 等等

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