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cost down的中文意思(cutting down中文翻译,cutting down是什么意思,cutting down发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

cost down的中文意思(cutting down中文翻译,cutting down是什么意思,cutting down发音、用法及例句)

1、cutting down

cutting down发音

英:  美:

cutting down中文意思翻译



cutting down双语使用场景

1、We don't use the toilet anymore since we're cutting down on the water bill.───自从欠费断水以后我们就不用马桶了.

2、The broadscale cutting down of trees is damaging the environment.───对树木的大规模砍伐正在破坏环境。

3、We were for cutting down the cost of production.───我们赞成降低成本.

4、Dietary fibre was touted as the latest cure - all , cutting down weight and promoting good health.───食物纤维素被吹捧成最新的万灵仙丹, 既可减轻体重,又有益健康.

5、Robert was for cutting down the cost of production.───罗伯特赞成降低生产成本.

6、Usually, woodmen are busy cutting down trees in winter.───通常, 伐木工人在冬天忙于伐树.

7、Most doctors advise cutting down on coffee and tobacco.───大多数医生建议少喝咖啡,少吸烟.

8、Hiring locals also has the effect of cutting down on visa hassles.───雇佣当地人还可以减少签证时遇到的种种麻烦.

9、The banks, the factories, the big firms - they're all laying off staff and cutting down wages.───银行界, 厂家, 大公司里,都为的时局不好,裁员减薪.

10、I think people ought to plant more trees instead of cutting down too many of them.───我认为,人们必须多种树,而不是大量砍伐它们.

11、Cutting down fruit trees for firewood is a case of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.───砍倒果树当柴烧,这是杀鸡取卵.

12、They had the laborious task of cutting down the huge tree.───他们接受了伐大树的艰苦工作.

13、They have been cutting down the trees and bulldozing the land.───他们正砍倒树木,推整土地。

14、They are cutting down trees.───他们正在伐木.

15、That means cutting down on red meat and whole milk dairy products.───这意味着少吃牛羊肉以及各种各样的乳品.

16、She is cutting down her dress for her younger sister.───她正把自己的衣服改小,准备给妹妹穿.

17、It would have meant cutting down over 200 trees, including oaks and hickories.───这就意味着砍伐200多棵树,包括栎树和山胡桃树。

cutting down相似词语短语

1、dusting down───除去…的灰尘

2、shutting down───关闭;停工

3、setting down───放下;记下;看做;确定

4、counting down───倒计时,脉冲分频

5、hunting down───穷追直至抓获

6、letting down───下滑;松弛回火

7、casting down───v.使沮丧;使下降;推翻

8、getting down───下来;吞下;使沮丧

9、putting down───v.着陆;羞辱;放下;写下;付定金;镇压(暴动、叛乱)

2、cut down 和 cut down on的区别是什么啊

cut up


This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.


That piece of cloth will cut up into a jacket.


切碎, 切割开

Let's cut up the chicken and make some soup.


砍伤, 使…受伤; 毁坏

The heavy truck cut up the new lawn.


Her younger brother was cut up by a robber last week.


恶作剧, 胡闹

He often cut up in public.


对…吹毛求疵, 抨击

The film was severely cut up by many reviewers.


使悲痛, 使伤心

His son's death cut him up badly.


cut down


He cut the tree down.


She cut the grass down.


裁短, 改小

My sister cut father's coat down to fit me.


She is cutting down her dress for her younger sister.

她正把自己的衣服改小, 准备给妹妹穿。

减少, 降低

We were for cutting down the cost of production.


You must cut down on sugar to lose weight.


〈非正〉驳倒, 使逊色, 击败

He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.

他能言善辩, 胜过最好的演说家。

Your arguments are too easy to be cut down.


砍〔杀〕死, 伤害

He cut down the snake.


The soldier was cut down in his youth.


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