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knocked at中文翻译,knocked at是什么意思,knocked at发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

knocked at中文翻译,knocked at是什么意思,knocked at发音、用法及例句

knocked at

knocked at发音

英:  美:

knocked at中文意思翻译



knocked at双语使用场景

1、When somebody knocked AT the door and asked if Mr. Marcus was in, John got the wind up. He though it was the police!───当有人敲门问马库斯是否在家里,约翰吓了一大跳,他以为是警察来了!

2、Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.───咋天一个乞丐来敲我的门,问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。

3、So he knocked at the gate and called out: "A guest has come, open up and let him in. "───小驴儿敲敲门,大声喊起来:“有客人来了。请把门打开,让他进来。”

4、I knocked at the front door and there was no answer.───我敲了前门,没有应答。

5、As he lay down in the seat and closed his eyes, a man came up and knocked at the window to ask the time.───在他躺在座椅上比上眼睛后,一个人敲了敲车窗问时间。

6、However, just about David was gona get mental problems, a girl knocked at the door and dragged him out of his misery.───然而,就在大卫即将出现精神问题的时候,一个女孩敲响了他家的门,把他从痛苦中拯救了出来。

7、Just then, someone knocked at the front door.───就在那时,大门口有人敲门。

8、They went and knocked at the door.───他们走了过去敲门。

9、Someone knocked at the door and he felt afraid for a moment.───有人敲门,那会儿他感到很害怕。

knocked at相似词语短语

1、knocked about───漫游,漂泊;殴打

2、knocked up───一夜大肚(**名)

3、knocked back───反击(knockback的过去式和过去分词)


5、knocked off───击倒;停工;中断

6、knocked on───被打出的

7、knocked out───喝醉;神志不清;被麻醉

8、cocked hat───三角帽;[水运]船位误差三角形

9、unlooked at───不期而至

Knock on 和Knock at 有什么区别

knock on 撞击撞出;敲击(门、窗)

knock at 敲(门、窗等)


There was a knock at/on the door. 有人敲过门。(knock是名词)

Ring the doorbell or knock at/on the door before you enter the room. 在你进入房间之前,按一下门铃或敲门。(knock是动词)

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