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level out中文翻译,level out是什么意思,level out发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

level out中文翻译,level out是什么意思,level out发音、用法及例句

1、level out

level out发音

英:  美:

level out中文意思翻译


平坦起来; 达到平衡[稳定]; 消除(差别等)

level out双语使用场景

1、Prices may level out with slow increases, possibly none.───价格有可能会出现伴有慢速增长的相对平稳, 或者不出现任何增长.

2、The rise in the unemployment figure should level out soon.───上升的失业数字会很快稳定下来.

3、But since the crisis took hold, the macroeconomic gyroscope has begun to level out dramatically.───但自从经济危机来临之后,宏观经济开始显著地趋于稳定。

4、Soon the land would level out to plateaus.───不久,地势会平下来延伸出去,形成高原.

5、The rise in the unemployment figures should level out soon.───失业数字上升这一现象不久应当稳定下来.

6、Discontinue use when your supply begins to level out.───当供需平衡时停止服用.

7、The tax system is extended to level out the big differences between the rich and the poor.───这个税法旨在消除贫富间的差距.

8、Level out this field; we want to play games on it.───平整这块场地, 我们想在这里比赛.

9、Level out and fly straight and level.───拉高机头保持水平直线飞行。

10、We're asking customers to give us orders [ year - round ] to level out revenues.───我们要求客户为我们提供 ( 全年 ) 订单,以使我们的收入更均衡.

11、If necessary ballast tanks level out the weight difference to keep the ship stable.───如有必要,压载水舱会消除重量差异以保持船体平衡.

12、rise in the unemployment figures should level out soon.───失业数字上升这一现象不久应当稳定下来。

level out相似词语短语

1、feel out───v.试探出

2、even out───v.使平坦;使均等;变正常

3、live out───住在外面;活过(某一段时间);实践,实现

4、reel out───放出

5、leveled out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平

6、peel out───迅速离开;汽车突然加速

7、level off───趋平;呈平稳状态;把...弄平

8、levels out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平

9、leveling out───把……弄平;达到平衡;持平


out face的中文翻译  out face  人脸  双语例句  

1  Gasping, she tossed her hair out of her face.  她气喘吁吁地把头发从脸上甩开。  

2  In the short term, men who drop out face no financial penalty in their entry-level salaries.  就短期而言,男性初入职场的薪水并不会因为辍学而减少。  

3  We must straighten it out face to face, lest there should BE misunderstandings.  这事我们要当面说清楚,以免发生误会。  

4  This is good, straightening things out face to face.  这样好,当面扯清楚。

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