repaid 发音
英:[rɪˈpeɪd] 美:[rɪˈpeɪd]
英: 美:
repaid 中文意思翻译
repaid 常用词组
maintenance and repair ─── 保养和修理
repair and maintenance ─── 检修;修理和维护
repair work ─── 修理作业
repaid 短语词组
1、repaid love ─── 回报的爱
repaid 词性/词形变化,repaid变形
repaid 相似词语短语
1、repaint ─── vt.重画;重新绘制;重漆;n.重新油漆的东西;重画的画
2、repair ─── v.修理;修复,补救;(使)重归于好;(结伴)去;n.修理;修补过的部位;具体情况,物质条件;常去;常去的场所
3、unrepaid ─── 无报酬
4、prepaid ─── adj.先付的,已支付的;v.预付(prepay的过去式和过去分词)
5、repand ─── adj.呈残波状的
6、repaired ─── adj.修好的;v.修理(repair的过去式)
7、pre-paid ─── adj.先付的,已支付的;v.预付(prepay的过去式和过去分词)
8、repaved ─── vt.再铺;重新铺砌
9、repairs ─── n.修理;[会计]修理费;备件;修理工作(repair的复数形式);v.修理;恢复(repair的三单形式);弥补;纠正
repaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Can't be repaid with one favor. ─── 不是帮一个忙就能回报的。
2、He has said he accepted the money only on the basis that the payments were loans that would be repaid with interest. ─── 他说他之所以接受这些钱,是因为这是要归还的贷款,还要福利息呢。
3、He has more than repaid my kindness. ─── 他加倍地回报了我的好心。
4、Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. ─── 凡你们为主道而花费的,无论是什么,都将得到完全的报酬,你们不会吃亏。
5、Sin in view of conscience sometimes cannot be repaid through one"s whole life and hence it could become one"s karma at last. ─── 因为在良心中的罪有的时候不能从自己全部的生活中得到报答,所以决局可能是报应。
6、Since mortgage insurance period expiring repaid loans interest only, mortgage insurance amount not less than the value of the property. ─── 保险期限自抵押之日起至还清贷款本息止,保险金额不低于抵押物业的价值。
7、But first we talk about financial aid of another kind: grants. A grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. ─── 但是我们首先要讨论另一种经济资助方式:助学金。助学金,不用于借贷,是不需要偿还的。
8、Two years later, Toby repaid that kindness. ─── 2年之后托比报答了她的仁慈。
9、It was not until the company repaid all the old loans that it was allowed to take new ones. ─── 直到公司偿清所有以前的贷款后,才允许它再借款。
10、Why does America need government-sponsored bodies to back the type of mortgages that were most likely to be repaid? ─── 为什么美国需要这样一个政府支持的机构来担保几乎是违约风险最小的抵押贷款?
11、Don't be too anxious about your rights and having favors repaid. ─── 不急于求回报。
12、Repaid $100 of bonds at face value at maturity. ─── 偿还到期的债券面值100美元
13、I immediately remembered the inner vision I had had and was deeply moved. It is Master who repaid the kindness for me and liberated my stepmother. ─── 于是我立刻想起那个梦,心里非常感动,是恩师替我报了恩,让那位继母也一起超生了。
14、He once did her a good turn, but she repaid it with a bad turn. ─── 他曾经帮助过她, 而她却以怨报德。
15、Interest is usually not part of the agreement. Some lenders said they did not even expect to be repaid. ─── 利息通常不计。一些借款人表示,他们甚至不指望偿还。
16、I have already repaid you for your kindness, replied General Guan. Today I can't do anything harmful to the nation. ─── 关羽说:"你的恩情我已报答,今天不能为私情误了国家大事。"
17、Interest is only payable on the amount, if any, subsequently required to be repaid to the taxpayer, and is computed at floating rates ruling over the tenure of the certificate. ─── 利息只根据最后需向纳税人退还的数额,以持券期内生效的浮动利率计算。
18、His thoroughly pleased “Of course!” repaid the wakeful hours of the previous night. ─── 他非常高兴地说了声“对!”,这让我感到头天夜里好几个小时的思考没有白费。
19、When someone asked to be repaid, he would put on a pathetic face and beg for more time. ─── 人家要债,他会作出极可怜的样子去央求宽限;
20、Until now he has completely repaid his debts. ─── 到目前为止,他已经澈底还清了所有债务。
21、In the long run business and employment in America would be hurt, not helped, by foreign loans that were not repaid. ─── 从长远来看,贷款收不回来对美国的企业和就业并没有好处,而是有害的。
22、He had always played fair and never let anyone down, but his kindness was always repaid with ungrateful treachery! ─── 他是向来公道,从没待亏了谁,可是人家都“以怨报德”!
23、As a mortgagee bank for housing loans were repaid to the person with the purchase of mortgage contracts are reasonable. ─── 作为抵押权人,银行要求买房人还清贷款,才能解除其与购房人的抵押合同是合理合法的。
24、In fact, he says, the only times his daughter has ever repaid an advance is when he insists. ─── 他说,实际上,有几次他女儿预支零花钱来还账都是在他再三催促下才做到的。
25、When these treasury Bills Become due, the principal will Be repaid with interest. ─── 国库券到期,还本付息。
26、He repaid the money he had borrowed. ─── 他把借的钱还掉了。
27、The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus. ─── 公司发给她奖金以酬谢她的辛勤工作。
28、EXAMPLE: If the Fund is to be the lender of last resort to countries in difficulty, it needs to be confident of being repaid. ─── 例证:国际货币基金组织若要成为困难时期的最后贷款机构,就必须对他方的偿债能力具有信心。
29、Guarantors of the debtor, after having repaid debts on behalf of the debtor, may be deemed creditors, and enjoy the right to vote. ─── 债务人的保证人,在代替债务人清偿债务后可以作为债权人,享有表决权。
30、Your choice will be repaid by many years of reliable service. ─── 你的选择将换来多年的可靠服务。
31、But whether the loan comes from NTUC Thrift or the loan sharks, it still has to be repaid. ─── 不过贷款终究是贷款,条件不管多“宽厚”还是别人的钱。
32、His good intentions were repaid by good results. ─── 他的善意得到了善报。
33、Love cannot be bought and sold, but only repaid with love. ─── 爱情不能买和卖,只能以爱来报答。
34、Debt financing must be repaid, but it is less expensive than equity financing , as interest payments are tax-deductible. ─── 债务融资必须偿还,但比股票融资便宜,因为所偿还的利息可以减税。
35、Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action. ─── 她的银行警告说除非她偿还透支款,否则她可能要面临诉讼。
36、To obtain or receive money on loan with the promise or understanding that it will be repaid. ─── 以允诺或理解贷款需要偿还而获得的钱款。
37、The repaid development in recent years,P2P has been an efficient tool to construct large-scale distributed system in Internet environment. ─── P2P技术的迅速发展使其成为构建广域网中大型分布式系统的有力工具。
38、Shoufu "intermediary with the housing estate has not repaid loans, I would even pay 40% of the Shoufu for consumers to the home underwritten repaid loans. ─── “房产中介提供的房源还未还清贷款,就催我交40%的首付,让消费者为上家垫资还清贷款。”
39、Shi Yuzhu reappears after 4 years, and the ground like the miracle repaid the huge debt that giant edifice owes. ─── 史玉柱在4年后复出,并奇迹般地偿还了巨人大厦欠下的巨债。
40、Strange and bewildered looks repaid him for his courtesy. ─── 回报他的礼仪的只有惊奇和迷惘的目光。
41、He has already repaid the money he borrowed. Returned paid back given back. ─── 他已经归还了他所借的钱。
42、He repaid me only with ingratitude. ─── 他给我的报答只是忘恩负义。
43、When does my advance need to be repaid? ─── 何时必须偿还我的预支?
44、As soon as the initial amount of flexi-loan is repaid fully, the borrower re-enters the highway. ─── 一旦灵活贷款的初始数量已完全偿还,借贷者就重新进入高速公路。
45、They found no treasure, but the vines repaid their labor by an extraordinary and superabundant crop. So, in the end, their father was right. ─── 他们并没有发现宝藏,但藤蔓偿还非凡的和过分的作物他们的劳动。所以,最后,他们的父亲是正确的。
46、banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped. ─── 银行贷出了太多现在无法偿还的风险贷款,而且他们在房地产业做了投机买卖,其价值目前也已经下跌。
47、He wept because God was unfair, and because this was the way God repaid those who believed in their dreams. ─── 他哭了起来,为著上帝待他不公,为著这一切的发生都是上帝在惩罚一个相信梦的人。
48、Xibahe repaid governance in the region, will be a viewing channel, thus constituting versatile, crosscutting three-dimensional traffic network. ─── 区内的西坝河治理还清后,将成为一条观赏河道,从而构成四通八达、纵横交错的立体交通网络。
49、CSL is a federal loan, which must be repaid over a period of time after graduation. ─── CSL是联邦贷款,在毕业后一段时间内一定要缴还。
50、Hobson repaid the favour by naming the city of Auckland, half a world away in New Zealand, after his early benefactor. ─── 为了回报他的恩遇,霍布森将远在另一半球上的新西兰的一个城市以他的名字命名为奥克兰。
51、Whitacre in December said the money would be repaid by the end of June, and recently has hinted the payback would come even sooner. ─── 惠塔克去年12月表示将在今年6月底之前还完,最近又暗示时间可能会进一步提前。
52、My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people' blood. Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood. ─── 我的血液在为我族人所英雄不能发送消息流的鲜血呼喊着复仇,血债必须加倍偿还。
53、Later Gauss repaid Kastner, who also prided himself on his poetry, by lauding Kastner as the best poet among mathematicians. ─── 因Kastner也炫耀过他自己的诗集,Gauss后来就用赞美Kastner是数学家中最好的诗人的话来回敬。
54、But creditors are still at risk if they are repaid in a devalued currency. ─── 但是债权人还是得面对货币贬值带来的损失风险。
55、They know that debts have to be repaid, and that the going will be tough for quite a while. ─── 他们知道债务需要偿还,会有一段日子不好过的。
56、The difference between a draw plan and the guava teed salary plus commission, on plan is that the draw is really an advance against future commissions and must be repaid. ─── 之间的差别制定计划和番石榴开球薪加委员会,对计划的制定确实是一个对未来推进委员会和必须偿还。
57、By the end of the first month, he had repaid his load. ─── 到第一个月,他已还清他的负荷。
58、It was usual practice for stowaways to make only a downpayment before setting off, with the rest of the loan to be repaid over several years by working illegally in the US. ─── 偷渡人士通常会先付订金,到了美国后再做非法劳工来偿还余数。
59、Then, on that Day, not a soul will be wronged in the least, and ye shall but be repaid the meeds of your past Deeds. ─── 在那日,任何人不受丝毫枉曲;你们只依自己的行为而受报酬。
60、The Fed said the loan was expected to be repaid by the proceeds of selling AIG operating companies. ─── 美联储表示,预计这笔贷款将用出售AIG旗下运营公司的所得偿还。
61、Money that has been loaned to city councils by the central government can be repaid as a low rate of interest. ─── 中央政府贷给市政议会的款子可以以低息偿还。
62、Their trust was repaid with fierce loyalty. ─── 他们的信任获得的回报是忠心耿耿。
63、He was repaid for his conscientious anxiety in the character of a spectator. ─── 作为一个旁观者,他那从良心出发的焦虑得到了补偿。
64、Thus, an evening of social activity has been cleverly engineered by the practitioner into a "debt" that will be repaid many times over at the negotiating table. ─── 因而,由使用者巧妙设计的一夜社交活动就变成了在谈判桌上将要许多倍赔偿的‘债’。
65、Lianghui River repaid, or planning to build deer circle sites exurb services to industry, infrastructure, housing facilities also wants to be promoted. ─── 凉水河还清后,鹿圈还是规划为建设用地,卫星城要为产业服务,配套,居住设施也要跟上去。
66、And you lent me some money too, which I never repaid you. ─── 你还借给我一些钱,这笔钱我还没有还你哩。
67、For his length of loyal service to the company, he is only repaid in chicken feed. ─── 他对公司的长期忠诚服务,所得的回报只是很少的钱。
68、He was handsomely repaid as Terry's 61st-minute header was deflected into his own net by Middlesbrough midfielder Fabio Rochemback, who was credited with an own goal. ─── 他也很帅气地得到了报答,特里在61分钟的头球折射入网帮助球队取胜,尽管最后确认为是一个乌龙球。
69、It also buys additonal bars additional forms of pay except for stock that can only be received after government loans have been repaid. ─── 同时也禁止除股票以外的额外支出除非政府贷款已经偿还。
70、The loan is repaid in 120 equal instalments starting from the fourth year after the loan is made. Interest is charged at two per cent a year. ─── 借款人须由获得贷款之日起计的第四年开始,按年息两厘及以等额分期付款方式,分120期摊还贷款。
71、His efforts were repaid by the eventual success. ─── 他的努力得到的报偿是最后的成功。
72、All government loans are to be repaid before Fiat could take majority ownership of Chrysler in the future. ─── 在未来所有的政府贷款被偿还以前菲亚特能够获得克莱斯勒大多数所有权。
73、Maturity Date The date on which a bond's principal or other liability investment is repaid to the investor and interest payments stop. ─── 到期日期借贷方向投资者偿付债券本金或其他债务的日期,也是停止支付利息的日子。
74、He repaid her kindness with blows. ─── 他打她,以此来报答她的善待。
75、In a companys annual report, this figure shows the amount of debt due to be repaid within twelve months. ─── 在公司的年度报告中,这一指标表明公司在12个月内应偿付的债务数额。
76、Scholarships and fellowships do not have to be repaid either. A scholarship is financial aid to under graduates. A fellowship is for graduate students. ─── 一般奖学金和友谊奖学金也不用偿还,一般奖学金是给本科生,而友谊奖学金是给研究生的。
77、You are required to pay an administrative fee annually until the NLS loan and interest accrued thereon are fully repaid. ─── 你须每年为每一贷款帐户缴交一次行政费,直至偿还全部欠款及累积利息为止。
78、The firm repaid her hard work with bonus. ─── 中文:公司发给她奖金以酬谢她工作努力。
79、Some debt will be repaid but a lot will just be destroyed via default.An organized writedown seems impossible. ─── 价格的下跌确实增加溢价的风险,但真正的问题是,对于他们的股票和房屋,他们的价格在负债中的比例不合理。
80、A loan that must repaid upon the lender's demand. Also called callable loan. ─── 可随时通知债务人偿还的贷款,又称可收回贷款。
81、Bad Debt A loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid. ─── 坏账不太可能偿还的应收账款或贷款。
82、Any expense necessary for handling the entrusted affair advanced by the agent shall be repaid with interest by the principal. ─── 受托人为处理委托事务垫付的必要费用,委托人应当偿还该费用及其利息。
83、Debt financing means borrowing money that is to be repaid over a period of time, usually with interest. ─── 债务融资方式借贷的钱是要偿还,在一段时间内,通常是很感兴趣。
84、His good intentions were repaid by evil results. ─── 他的好心却得到了恶报。
85、A grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. ─── 助学金和贷款不同,它不需要归还。
86、They found no treasure, but the vines repaid their labor by an extraordinary and superabundant crop. ─── 他门没有发现到任何宝藏,但葡萄树回报给他们无数的收成。
87、After the debtor repaid the debts, the deposits shall become the purchase fund of be returned. ─── 债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。
88、When a business recognizes that a debt is unlikely to be repaid, the debt is written off as an expense in ... ─── 企业若确认一笔应收账无法收回,该笔账款即成为坏账,应予以注销,成为损益表上的一笔坏账损失。
89、Unlike a loan, a grant does not have to be repaid. ─── 不像贷款,补助金不需要还款。
This is about how to use the pension payments for design. First, through in fixed rate and floating rate under two kinds of different rates of countervail repayment method is introduced, and the method for repayment of principal calculation formula and to compare the two methods, thus obtained under different interest rates in the optimal method of reimbursement, then through an example using MATLAB draw visual graphics. Then, summarizes the payments for the three modes: every year, plus repaid repay the principal and the corresponding -- the last year, plus pay interest on interest to the principal. Finally discussed the principal plus pay interest to the general solution.
This article is about how to design matching annuity repayment problems. First, the fixed rate and floating interest rates introduced under two different laws and equal principal repayment in equal installments of principal and interest repayment method is calculated and compared the advantages and disadvantages of two methods to arrive at optimal under different interest rate changes repayment method, and then through the use of examples to draw an intuitive graphical MATLAB explained. Then, summarizes the three ways of matching loan, namely: priority to repay the principal amount repaid each year - and the corresponding set of principal, interest, first year and then pay off the interest on the year of principal. Finally, they discussed the priority of principal repayment of interest and then the general solution.
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