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08-01 投稿


butter 发音

英:[ˈbʌtər]  美:[ˈbʌtə(r)]

英:  美:

butter 中文意思翻译




butter 网络释义

vt. 涂黄油于;讨好n. 黄油;奶油;奉承话n. (Butter)人名;(英)巴特;(德、匈)布特

butter 词性/词形变化,butter变形


butter 短语词组

1、bread n butter ─── 面包和黄油

2、bread and butter pickle ─── [网络] 面包和黄油泡菜

3、Body Butter ─── 身体滋养霜; ─── 身体润肤霜; ─── 身体乳霜;润肤油

4、apple butter n. ─── 苹果酱

5、butter face ─── 身材好脸蛋丑(非正式)

6、anchovy butter n. ─── 奶油鱼酱 [网络] 鱼是鱼 ─── 奶油;鯷鱼牛油

7、bread and butter ─── 涂黄油的面包, 生计

8、shea butter ─── 牛油树脂

9、Bercy butter ─── [网络] 贝西黄油

10、brandy butter n. ─── 白兰地黄油, ─── 白兰地 ─── 白脱

11、truffle butter ─── 松露奶油; ─── 松露酱; ─── 松露牛油

12、bread-and-butter pericardium ─── [医] 黄油面包状心包, 纤维蛋白性心包

13、a pat of butter ─── 一小块奶油

14、antimony butter ─── [化] 三氯化锑

15、peanut butter n. ─── 花生酱

16、arsenic butter ─── [化] 砷油; 三氯化砷 ─── [医] 三氯化钾

17、bread-and-butter a. ( ─── 英)年轻的, 女学生派头的, 不成熟的, 关于生计的, 日常生活的

18、black butter ( ─── 煮过的)黑黄油, 黑奶油酱

19、bread-and-butter issue ─── 生计问题

butter 常用词组

peanut butter ─── 花生酱

bread and butter ─── 涂黄油的面包;基本生活资料;生计

shea butter ─── 乳木果;牛油树脂

butter 特殊用法

1、vegetable butter ─── 植物脂

2、bitter butter ─── 有苦味的黄油

3、neutralized sour cream butter ─── 用经中和过的酸稀奶油制成的奶油

4、milk-blended butter ─── 搀奶的奶油

5、laurel butter ─── 月桂油

6、print(ed) butter ─── (成形并定量切成小块的)印模奶油

7、overworked butter ─── 压炼过分的奶油

8、mealy-bodied butter ─── 表面呈粉状黄油

9、coconut butter ─── 椰子油[脂]

10、peanut butter ─── 花生酱

11、renovated butter ─── 再制奶油

12、shea butter ─── 牛油树脂

13、serum butter ─── 乳清奶油

14、confectionery coating butter ─── 装饰糖食用的奶油

15、rendering butter ─── 熔炼的奶油

16、goa butter ─── 羚羊奶油; 藤黄油

17、weak texture butter ─── 组织松软的奶油(缺陷)

18、pasty butter ─── 加工过度的奶油; 糕点用的奶油

19、butter of tin ─── 氯化锡; 四氯化锡

20、washed butter ─── (压炼前)水洗后的奶油

21、zinc butter ─── 氯化锌

22、crumbly butter ─── 松散易碎的奶油

23、kokum butter ─── 烛果油

24、oily butter ─── 出油奶油

25、salted butter ─── 加盐[咸味]奶油

26、felled butter ─── 走油的奶油

27、creamery butter ─── 酪农[奶油厂](生产的)奶油

28、mahua butter ─── 玛华油

29、streaky butter ─── 颜色不均匀的奶油

30、mountain butter ─── 【矿】铁明矾

31、nutmeg butter ─── 肉豆蔻脂

32、greasy butter ─── 滑腻奶油

33、starter-ripened butter ─── 发酵过的奶油; 用起子发酵成熟的奶油

34、grass butter ─── 春季(产的)黄油

35、ripened cream butter ─── 经过乳酸发酵的奶油

36、butter of antimony ─── 三氯化锑

37、fermenting butter ─── 发酵奶油

38、wavy butter ─── 带有条纹的奶油

39、demon's butter ─── 粘菌

40、cultured butter ─── (乳酸)发酵过的奶油, 酸性奶油

41、paraffin butter ─── 石蜡脂

42、galam butter ─── 牛油树油

43、gritty butter ─── 颗粒性组织奶油

44、salvy butter ─── 充分压炼的奶油; 软质奶油

45、butter with a cooked flavour ─── 带有过熟味的奶油(稀奶油杀菌受热过度)

46、snake butter ─── 冬菇

47、firm butter ─── 硬质奶油, 含脂量高的奶油

48、sweet cream butter ─── 甜性奶油(用未经发酵成熟的甜性稀奶油制成的奶油)

49、spring butter ─── 春季奶油

50、pure creamery butter ─── (工厂制造的)纯净奶油

51、fairy butter ─── 黑耳(真菌)

52、sticky butter ─── 发粘奶油(缺陷)

53、ranga butter ─── 奶油树油

54、petroleum butter ─── 凡士林, 矿脂, 石油膏

55、unprinted butter ─── 非定量包装的奶油

56、mineral butter ─── 凡士林; 矿脂

57、fruit butter ─── 果膏

58、process butter ─── 加工黄油

59、waxy texture butter ─── 因不新鲜而变得干硬如蜡状的奶油(缺陷)

60、cacao-shell butter ─── 可可油[脂]

61、mealy butter ─── 表面呈粉状黄油

62、mace butter ─── 肉豆蔻油

63、peach butter ─── 桃(子)酱

64、briny butter ─── 很咸的奶油, 粗制奶油

butter 习惯用语

1、Butter to butter is no relish. ─── 奶油加奶油不是美味; 好菜还要饭来配; 千篇一律的东西令人生厌。

2、apple butter ─── 苹果酱 ─── [美方]圆滑讨好的话, 闲聊

3、butter up ─── 阿谀奉承

4、spread the butter ─── 奉承, 巴结; 灌米汤

5、will cut butter when it is hot ─── 烧热了可以切奶油; 非常钝(指刀)

6、look as if butter would not melt in one's mouth ─── 装得一本正经的样子; 装老实

7、put butter upon bacon ─── [罕]咸肉上加奶油(指企图改进已经完善的东西); 画蛇添足

8、(as) fat as butter ─── 肥胖的

9、lay on the butter ─── 奉承, 巴结; 灌米汤

10、put butter on bacon ─── [罕]咸肉上加奶油(指企图改进已经完善的东西); 画蛇添足

butter 相似词语短语

1、Mutter ─── vi.咕哝;喃喃自语;vt.咕哝;抱怨地说;低声含糊地说;n.咕哝;喃喃低语;n.(Mutter)(法)米泰;(德、匈、西)穆特;(英)马特(人名)

2、cutter ─── n.刀具,切割机;切割者;裁剪者;n.(Cutter)人名;(英)卡特

3、gutter ─── n.排水沟;槽;贫民区;vi.流;形成沟;vt.开沟于…;弄熄;adj.贫贱的;粗俗的;耸人听闻的;n.(Gutter)人名;(罗)古特尔;(英)格特

4、abutter ─── n.相邻业主;邻近住户

5、butte ─── n.孤峰;孤立的丘;n.(Butte)人名;(法)比特;(罗)布特

6、butters ─── n.播放器;[食品]黄油;(俚)太有趣了;n.(Butters)人名;(英)巴特斯

7、buttes ─── n.(Buttes)人名;(法)比特

8、butted ─── adj.[建]对接的

9、buttery ─── adj.谄媚的,奉承的;涂用黄油的;像黄油样的;n.食品室;配膳室;酒贮藏室

butter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The butter has an odor of cheese about it. ─── 奶油的周围飘荡着干酪的味道。

2、Don't be so stingy with the butter. ─── 别那样舍不得用奶油。

3、Rancid butter and margarine are notorious. ─── 哈喇奶油和人造奶油的难闻气味是众所周知的。

4、Tibet is often associated with the scent of burning incenses and ever-lit butter lanterns in monasteries. ─── 提到西藏,人们会立刻联想到香火缭绕、酥油灯长明的藏传佛教寺庙。

5、She put a dab of butter on the toast. ─── 她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。

6、He spreads the butter thickly on his bread. ─── 他在面包上涂了厚厚的一层黄油。

7、He spread butter on a piece of bread. ─── 他把黄油涂在面包上。

8、Butter is perishable and can go rancid. ─── 黄油会腐败,变哈喇。

9、He gave me a butt on the stomach. ─── 他在我腹部撞了一下。

10、One kilogram of butter was a lot! ─── 一千克黄油非常多!

11、Brush the sides of the tin with butter. ─── 在烤模的四周刷上黄油。

12、Don't scant the butter when you make a cake. ─── 做糕饼时不要吝惜奶油。

13、She never spares the butter when baking. ─── 做点心时,她从不少用奶油。

14、He spread fresh butter on his slice of bread. ─── 他在面包片上涂新鲜的黄油。

15、She insisted on buying margarine, not butter. ─── 她坚持买杂志,不买奶油。

16、It was so hot that the butter started to melt. ─── 天太热,黄油都化了。

17、Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. ─── 你可不要砸自己的饭碗。

18、Do not quarrel with your bread and butter. ─── [谚]不要砸自己的"饭碗"。

19、She sat down and proceeded to cut bread and butter. ─── 她坐下来,动手切着面包和黄油。

20、They ate a whole jar of peanut butter. ─── 他们把整整一罐花生酱都吃光了。

21、He worked hard to earn his bread and butter. ─── 他努力工作以维持生计。

22、Butter to butter is no relish. ─── 千篇一律的东西令人生厌。

23、The seed of this plant, used in making chocolate, cocoa, and cocoa butter. ─── 可可种可可树的种子,用于制造巧克力、可可粉和可可油

24、How much is a jar of peanut butter? ─── 一瓶花生酱多少钱?

25、Don't skimp the butter in making a cake. ─── 做糕点时不要吝惜放奶油。

26、One day Grandmother fell ill, so Red Riding Hood's mother baked her a cake and made her some fresh butter, just to make her feel better. ─── 有一天,外婆生病了,小姑娘的母亲做了一个新鲜的奶油蛋糕,让她去看望外婆。

27、She dressed the vegetables with butter and salt. ─── 她在蔬菜里面加上黄油和盐。

28、Want me to put peanut butter cups in your eggs? ─── 你想在鸡蛋上放些花生酱么?

29、You like the peanut butter cups?- Yes. ─── 你喜欢花生酱夹心巧克力?-是的。

30、look, the cake big, round face, and was covered with white butter, cream with all kinds of flowers, it seems to me smiling, and lovely! ─── 瞧,那蛋糕又大又圆,被纯白的奶油覆盖着,上面堆满了各种奶油花儿,好像在对我笑着,可爱极了!

31、She stretched across the table for the butter. ─── 她探身去取放在餐桌对面的黄油。

32、Eric earned his bread and butter as a bookkeeper, but added a little jam by working with a dance band on weekends. ─── 埃里克以当簿记员来维持生计,且利用周末当舞会伴奏赚些外快。

33、Do you want butter on your popcorn? ─── 你的爆米花要加奶油吗?

34、She spread the bread with butter. ─── 她把黄油涂在面包上。

35、Don't spread the butter on as thickly at that. ─── 不要把黄油抹那么厚。

36、Why you like peanut butter so much? ─── 你为什么那么喜欢花生酱?

37、How does he earn his bread and butter? ─── 他怎样谋生?

38、Cream your butter before adding the sugar and flour. ─── 在加面粉和糖之前把奶油搅成糊状。

39、A smooth, chewy candy made with sugar, butter, cream or milk, and flavoring. ─── 卡拉梅尔糖一种光滑宜多咀嚼的糖块,用砂糖、黄油、奶油或牛奶,以及调味香料制成

40、This packet of butter is under weight. ─── 分量不足。

41、First, melt two ounces of butter. ─── 先溶好两盎司黄油。

42、Melt the butter and then blend in the flour. ─── 先把黄油融化,然後加入面粉。

43、Don't skimp the butter when you make cakes. ─── 你做蛋糕时不要吝惜用奶油。

44、They scrimped on butter as best as they could. ─── 他们尽量节省奶油。

45、Butter would not melt in his mouth! ─── 他总是一本正经的样子。

46、of our butter comes from New Zealand. ─── 我们的黄油大多产自新西兰。

47、It's fairly easy to solve: learn how to say you don't eat meat or milk or cheese or butter in whatever language you'll be encountering. ─── 这很容易解决:学会用当地的语言说你不吃肉、牛奶、奶酪、黄油。

48、Will you run round to the shop and get some butter? ─── 你去一下商店买些奶油回来好吗?

49、Relating to, containing, or derived from butter. ─── 奶油的与奶油相关的、含奶油的或从奶油中提取的

50、He began to butter up the director in hope of being given a better job. ─── 他开始奉承主任,希望得到一份更好的工作。

51、He stuck his knife into the butter. ─── 他把餐刀插入黄油。

52、A syrup, sauce, candy, or flavoring made by melting butter, brown sugar, and sometimes artificial flavorings. ─── 奶油膏,奶油沙司,奶油硬糖由融化的奶油、黄糖,有时还有香精混合熬制的糖浆、沙司、糖块或调味品

53、The butter will run if you put it near the fire. ─── 奶油放在火旁会融化的。

54、She filmed a slice of bread with butter. ─── 她涂一层薄薄的奶油在一片面包上。

55、Resembling butter in appearance, consistency, or chemical properties. ─── 似乳油的,奶油状的在外观、稠密度和化学性质上象奶油一样的

56、He was spreading peanut butter on bread. ─── 他正往面包上涂花生酱。

57、Randy love to eat, he's a butter ball. ─── 兰迪好吃东西,成了个胖墩儿。

58、Don't spread the butter too thick. ─── 别把黄油涂得太厚。

59、They make milk into butter and cheese. ─── 他们把牛奶制成白脱和奶酪。

60、He spread some butter on his bread. ─── 他在面包上抹了一些黄油。

61、He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter. ─── 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。

62、The butter churn had two paddles to whip the cream. ─── 奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。

63、Margarine is often used as a substitute for butter. ─── 人造奶油常被用作奶油的代用品。

64、He spread butter on his bread. ─── 他在面包上涂黄油。

65、For breakfast, she had only a slice of bread and butter. ─── 她早餐只吃了一片奶油面包。

66、Use a low-fat spread instead of butter. ─── 不要抹黄油,抹点低脂肪的东西吧。

67、His strong voice cut through the hum of conversation like a knife through butter. ─── 他那宏亮有力的声音一下子压倒了嗡嗡的谈话声。

68、The list included most of the things Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk, chocolate, and sweets. ─── 单子上大都是他喜欢吃的东西:黄油、土豆、大米、啤酒,牛奶、巧克力和糖果。

69、Terreano put a pat of butter on his plate. ─── 特里诺把一小块奶油放在他盘子里。

70、When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? ─── 什么时候吃黄油变成了一种罪恶,什么时候肉不经驱虫就变得一点吸引力都没有?

71、You can substitute margarine for butter. ─── 你可以用人造奶油代替奶油。

72、In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat. ─── 取一只汤锅,把黄油放入,中火加热融化。

73、He tried hard to butter up the Mayor. ─── 他拼命地拍市长马屁。

74、Danish bacon has a reputation second only to the butter. ─── 丹麦猪肉的名声仅次于牛油。

75、The waitress brought us two pats of butter. ─── 女服务员给我们端来两小块黄油。

76、It is unwise to quarrel with your bread and butter. ─── 厌弃自己的谋生行业是不明智的。

77、Much of the butter eaten in England comes from New Zealand. ─── 在英国食用的黄油多产自新西兰。

78、Did you spread butter on the bread? ─── 你在面包上涂黄油了吗?

79、Chanel loved the party, especially the cake, which had a peanut butter flavor and had been made for dogs, Denice Shaughnessy said. ─── 丹尼斯称,香奈尔很喜欢那次派对,特别是专为它制作的花生酱黄油口味的生日蛋糕。

80、He blended butter and sugar together. ─── 他将奶油和糖混合在一起。

81、"It was the best butter," the March Hare meekly replied. ─── “这是最好的黄油。”三月兔温顺地答道。

82、The classic tradeoff is between "guns and butter. ─── 一个“枪与黄油”之间的经典的交易。

83、Top the grilled fish with a pat of butter. ─── 在烤好的鱼上放一小块黄油。

84、Well, gosh, you sure know how to butter a man up. ─── 你可真会奉承。

85、There was also no milk, cider, potatoes, or butter. ─── 也没有牛奶、苹果酒、土豆和黄油。

86、Don't put too much butter on your bread. ─── 不要在你的面包上放太多奶油。

87、Poor John was the butt of all their jokes. ─── 可怜的约翰是他们嘲笑的对象。

88、Would you like some more bread and butter? ─── 再来一点黄油面包好吗?

89、He does not just write for fun; write is his bread and butter. ─── 他写作并不只是为了乐趣,那是他的谋生方式。


椰子的英语是:coconut,读音为:英 [ˈkəʊkənʌt] 美 [ˈkoʊkənʌt] ;coconut;释义:[植]椰子;[植]椰肉;词性:n.;复数: coconuts;双语例句:;1.Coconut milk has little nutritive value. ;翻译:椰子汁没什么营养价值。;2.The coconut is particular to the tropics. ;翻译:椰子是热带地区的特产。;3.Coconut and peanut butter ice cream. ;翻译:椰子冰淇淋和花生酱冰淇淋。;扩展资料;椰子的英语单词还可以是:coco、cokernut;coco;读音:英 ['kəʊkəʊ] 美 ['koʊkoʊ] ;词性:n.;释义:椰树;椰子树;例句:The famous coco de mer, from a palm-tree once believed to grow in the depths of the sea, isthe largest seed in the plant kingdom. ;翻译:著名的海椰子是植物王国里最大的种子,曾经被认为是长在深海里的一种棕榈树的果实。;cokernut;读音:英 ['kəʊkənʌt] 美 ['koʊkəˌnʌt] ;词性:n.;释义:椰子


首先要问,那东西是butter还是Cream? 中文食品官方的译法是吧butter翻译成奶油的,也就是平时通用称之为“黄油”的东西, 而Cream是被翻译成稀奶油(或者称之为淡奶),就是指一般蛋糕上打发的鲜奶油 。

固体的Cream理论上不可能存在,0度以下Cream会水油分离,而常温是液态的。打发保持低温状态比较容易。而黄油的打发,一把手动打蛋器就可以,放室温软化,加糖,打至蓬松发白就可以了,一般用作饼干麦芬之类的制作,手工操作一般5分钟最多了。350W的电动打蛋器足够了,无论是butter还是Cream都可以 。还有更专业的称之为厨师机之类的东西,大功率比之350W的优点就是,可以揉面团上劲,价钱好像在三千块以上,贵的有四五千的。这还是家庭专用的。

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