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09-15 投稿


historian 发音

英:[hɪˈstɔːriən]  美:[hɪˈstɔːriən]

英:  美:

historian 中文意思翻译



historian 词性/词形变化,historian变形


historian 短语词组

1、social historian ─── 社会历史学家

2、art historian ─── 美术史学家 艺术史学家

3、living historian ─── 在世的历史学家

4、Michael Sullivan (art historian) ─── 迈克尔·沙利文(艺术史学家)

5、historian of science ─── 科学史学家

6、political historian ─── 政治历史学家

7、architectural historian ─── 建筑历史学家

8、local historian ─── 当地历史学家

9、Fan Ye (historian) ─── 范晔(史学家)

10、livy the historian ─── 历史学家利维

11、oral historian ─── 口述历史学家

historian 常用词组

natural historian ─── 博物学家

historian 相似词语短语

1、historism ─── 历史主义

2、Victorian ─── adj.维多利亚女王时代的;英国维多利亚女王时代的;n.维多利亚时代;维多利亚女王时代的人

3、historians ─── n.历史学家(historian的复数)

4、histories ─── n.历史,历史故事;历史纪录(history的复数形式)

5、historic ─── adj.有历史意义的;历史上著名的

6、historify ─── vt.把…载入历史

7、historical ─── adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的

8、Nestorian ─── n.基督教教派;adj.基督教教派的

9、historied ─── adj.有历史的;史上所载的

historian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Historian for some reason, does not matter that the book was intentionally cover up the truth of the matter, saying that the Qubi. ─── 史官由于某种原因,不据事直书,有意掩盖事情真相,谓之曲笔。

2、The visiting historian was disposed to be argumentative. ─── 一位前来访问的历史学家喜好辩论。

3、Once the historian writes with footnotes, historical narrative tells a distinctively modern, double story. ─── 一旦史家写作加上脚注,历史叙事就述说着一个现代才有的双重故事。

4、To make a country's history intelligible, the historian naturally seeks for some point of unity. ─── 历史学家为了把一个国家的历史写得清晰明了,他自然要去找寻某种统一的东西。

5、He had accepted in June a new position, which led to his spending his most productive years as an architectural historian. ─── 他在六月已经接受一个新的位置,导致他的开支他的最能生产的数年如一位建筑的历史学家。

6、Allan Lichtman is the a presidential historian at American University in Washington. ─── Allan Lichtman是华盛顿美国大学的一位总统历史学家。

7、He is an historian, but also takes an interest in archaeology. ─── 他专攻历史,旁及考古。

8、As a historian, he was most typical of the times in which he lived. ─── 作为历史学家, 他是他所处时代最有代表性的人物。

9、He was a French pedagogue and historian. ─── 他是法国历史学家和教育家。

10、The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog document than to interpret and explain them. ─── 历史学家在发现并给文献编目方面的作用不及在翻译并解释文献方面的作用。

11、Every one has enriched the pool of material available to the local historian. ─── 人人都提供了手头掌握的资料,丰富了当地的历史学家的资料库。

12、Like Bush, John Adams was "hugely proud" of his son, presidential historian Richard Norton Smith says. ─── 与老布什一样,约翰 - 亚当斯也曾为儿子感到“非常自豪”,总统历史学家诺顿说。

13、Stephen Ambrose is a historian and teacher. ─── 史蒂芬?安布罗斯是一位历史学家兼教师。

14、Sima Qian (145 ~86 BC) was such an extensively traveled Western Han historian. ─── 司马迁(公元前145一公元前86年)就是这样的一位曾四处游历的西汉历史学家。

15、In 1987 the late historian Werner Maser said he had unearthed an oil portrait of Hitler executed in 1925. ─── 1987年,已故历史学家马塞表示,他早在1925年就发现一幅希特勒的油彩自画像。

16、In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, "He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it. " ─── 在他生活的年代,大洋是无尽的边界,历史学家后来说:“他生于海边,逝于海上,葬于海中。”

17、History repeat itself;historian repeat each other. ─── 历史会重演;历史学家则彼此重复地讲别人讲过的事情。

18、Historian should strive after objectivity. ─── 历史学家应当力求做到客观。

19、Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918--), Soviet novelist and historian. ─── 亚历山大 - 索尔仁尼琴(1918-),苏联小说家,历史学家。

20、Cook, a renowned American historian, arranges the books on his bookshelves in a unique way. ─── 不论我们要描述的是一个大国家还是一个小房间,我们都要先设计好描述的顺序。

21、Anachronism vs. antiquarianism: how does a good historian find a balance? ─── 11去古主义与好古主义:一个优秀的历史学家如何在其中求取平衡?

22、The greatest historian of the early Middle Ages was an English monk named Bede. ─── 中世纪早期最著名的历史学家是英国僧侣比德。

23、And so, a Nietzschean laughter meanwhile runs through the historian’s text. ─── 世博会之后,法国人没有舍得把大铁塔拆除。

24、A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution. ─── 史料编纂者尤指由一群人或公众机构指定的历史学家

25、A historian, especially one designatedby a group or public institution. ─── 史料编纂者尤指由一群人或公众机构指定的历史学家。

26、In a calm historian's tone, he proceeded to sketch for his friend some pictures of the corruption which was rife abroad. ─── 他用史学家一般平静的语调,给朋友描述了国外腐化成风的情景。

27、Gerald Holton, a historian of science at Harvard and a longtime Einstein expert, also was not surprised. ─── 一位在哈佛的爱因斯坦专家,也表示并不惊讶。

28、MA, a famous medical historian and a founder of TCM lite -rature science in our country. ─── 60多年来在针灸学领域中成就卓著,在腧穴学、经络学研究中多有建树。

29、Quan Zuwang was the famous historian, litterateur and thinker lived in the Qing Dynasty. ─── 全祖望是清代著名的史学家、文学家和思想家。

30、The historian must conclude that, on the whole, Taft's record in foreign affairs was even more barren than in domestic politics. ─── 历史学家不得不下这样的结论,整个说来,塔夫脱在对外事务方面比在内政方面成绩更差。

31、Historian needs to constantly bring forth mew ideas in his research and discussing historical issues in the whole world. ─── 先生研究历史的眼光是开阔的,他总是从世界范围内认识历史学问题。

32、But the historian still called him Duke Spirit after his death.Isn't it rather a reclame, based on no truth? ─── 可是他死后,历史学家们却尊称他为灵公,这是否有些不顾事实,让他浪得虚名呢?

33、Historian Drew Gilpin Faust was named this week to lead Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts. ─── 值得一提的是,那是它的第一任女校长。

34、The historian can only treat conscientious religious belief with the respect it deserves. ─── 历史学家只可以用应有的尊敬态度来对待严肃的宗教信仰。

35、In the words of the English art historian, Ernst Gombrich, “it signifies a change in the psyche of artists. ─── 借用英国艺术史家贡布里希的话来讲:“它意味着艺术家某种心理的变化。”

36、This is how one historian, soaked with the fantastic political ideals of our times, is pleased to write of this evil expedition. ─── 一个浸透了我们这个时代荒诞无稽的政治思想的历史家却这样兴致勃勃地来写这次不幸的远征。

37、Moreover, the classical sources are only one: Thucydides, who may have been a great historian but was also nothing less than a politician. ─── 以前在玫瑰战争时期,权臣当道,诸侯并立,英王是一个没人注意的可怜虫,靠举债渡日,随时会被替换。

38、The river however has given more than it has taken, enough to make Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian say: Egypt is a gift from the Nile. ─── 但毕竟,尼罗河所赋予的远大于它索取的。正如古希腊历史学家希罗多德所言:埃及是尼罗河赐予的礼物。

39、Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths. ─── 历史学家迈克尔·贝斯切罗斯揭露了一些神话的真相。

40、As a historian of Philosophy, his interest is the study of History of Modern Chinese Philosophy. ─── 作为哲学史家,他的兴趣在于中国近代哲学历史的研究。

41、Sima Qian's transcendency to Confucianism of Han Dynasty is concentratedly reflected in his motive for writing Records of the Grand Historian. ─── “究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”的《史记》著述动机,集中反映出司马迁对汉代经学的整体性超越。

42、It was clear from the accounts of the historian Pliny(23-79 A.D. )that the Romans also possessed burning-glasses. ─── 从历史学家普林尼(公元23-79年)的记述中清楚知道罗马人也有点火镜。

43、One such historian was Escott, who emphasized regional and economic conflict among Southerners. ─── 就是这样一位历史学家,他强调南方人之间的地区和经济冲突。

44、He calls himself a historian, but his books are a mere journalism. ─── 他自称为历史学家,但是他的书都是些肤浅的通俗作品。

45、Campbell, historian of the Hibernian Society. ─── 作者声明: by John H.

46、The historian drew a horizontal line on the date to remember it. ─── 历史学家在日期上画了一条水平线来记住这天。

47、"Lady with a Mirror" was called "an apotheosis of seeing" by the late art historian, Otto Pacht. ─── “执镜仕女”被后世的历史学家奥托帕赫茨誉为“视觉的神化”。

48、In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius . ─── 在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

49、He, too, was a naturalist, as well as a farmer, inventor, historian, writer and politician. ─── 他自己也是博物学家兼农民,投资者,历史学家,作家,政治家。

50、Also somebody thinks, be in early BC Gu Xila of 200 years, historian Bolibiaosi (Polybius) had spoken of globalization. ─── 也有人认为,早在公元前200年的古希腊,历史学家波利比奥斯(Polybius)就已经谈到了全球化。

51、But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task. ─── 但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。

52、The historian discovers the past by the judicious use of such aheuristic device as the ideal type. ─── 历史学家通过对有启发性的工具的明智的运用来发现过去是一种理想的方式。

53、History repeat itself; historian repeat each other. ─── 历史会重演; 历史学家则彼此重复地讲别人讲过的事情。

54、The historian himself called them "synthesize the numerous strange stories and harmonize hundreds of schools of ideas". ─── 司马迁自己称之为“厥协六经异传,整齐百家杂语”。

55、A noted American historian once wrote: "The civilization of any country is much more the product of external influences than of native invention. ─── 一位外国的著名历史学家曾经写道:“任何国家的文明,来自外来影响的产物总是多于本国的发明创造。

56、One does not need to be a historian to know how narrow his field of social vision was. ─── 即便不是历史专家的任何一人都可以轻易观察出,夏丹观察社会的视野是多麽的狭隘。

57、Li Being a historian, of course you would. ─── 你是个历史学家,当然要看。

58、I love Magic Yang best in the story.He want to be a historian,but a militarist. ─── 个人最喜欢的人物是杨威利,这个懒惰的天才军事魔术师,一心只想当个平凡的历史学家,却每次都戏剧性地成为民主主义英雄。

59、As early as 1946 the historian Carey McWilliams judged it "a collection of suburbs in search of a city" . ─── 早在1946年,历史学家凯瑞·麦克威廉姆斯评价洛杉矶是“一些寻求城市化的乡下的集合”。

60、"I'm somewhat of a football historian, and I've got a great deal of respect for those who came before me," says Tomlin. ─── "我在一定程度上也可以算是一个美式橄榄球的历史学家,我对于我的前任们充满了深深的敬意。

61、He said, @Nothing but the loss of my life will prevent me from visiting their country and becoming their historian. ─── 他说,“除非失去生命,什么也不能阻止我去探访他们的领地,成为他们的历史记录者。”

62、North Kingstown historian Tim Cranston said the two men were part of a civilian army hired to build two military bases in the area. ─── 北金斯敦历史学家提姆·克兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。

63、And it was indeed decided.A historian noted that after Bouvines, no one would dare to wage a war against King Philip. ─── 从历史可以注意到在柏汶之战后,没有一个人胆敢再发动战争来对抗菲力普王。

64、The historian says 'it's great' Mr. Ross lives at home, and it's easy to understand why a fledgling ballplayer would want to. ─── 这位历史学家认为,罗斯和家人在一起生活“很不错”,他非常理解一位初出茅庐的球员为什么会选择这种生活方式。

65、Charles Kindleberger, the late economic historian, was one of many who believed that national vitality moved in a life cycle. ─── 包括已故经济史学家查尔斯-金德尔伯格(CharlesKindleberger)在内的许多人认为,国家兴衰是有周期规律的。

66、The famous words of Lord Acton, a 19th-century historian, were quoted in another: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely. ─── 另有人引用19世纪历史学家阿克顿勋爵的名言说“绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。”

67、Two treatises by the Swedish art historian Oswald Siren on the city walls, gates, and palaces of Peking appeared in 1924 and 1926. ─── 二个论文藉着在北京的城市墙壁,门和宫殿上的瑞典艺术历史学家奥斯瓦德女海妖出现在1924和1926。

68、To the historian, the volume in which Millikan's paper appeared shows that physics in America was still a mixed bag. ─── 但是对于科学史学者来说,包含了密立根文章的这卷刊物仍然表明当时美国的物理研究是个大杂烩。

69、The historian Plutarch[5] later wrote that the goddess was "too busy taking care of the birth of Alexander to send help to her threatened temple". ─── 历史学家普卢塔克后来写道:女神由于“太忙于照料亚历山大的出生以至无法赢救自己受到威胁的神庙。”

70、The year 1989 ended what the historian Eric Hobsbawm dubbed the "short" 20th century. ─── 1989年结束的一年什么历史学家埃里克霍布斯鲍姆称为“短”20世纪。

71、Acclaimed presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin says she believes Mr. Obama feels a genuine connection to Abraham Lincoln. ─── 受欢迎的总统历史学家多丽丝凯恩斯古德温说她相信奥巴马感觉到了他和林肯之间存在这确实的联系。

72、Has historian finally discovered real reason for Hitler's obsessive hatred of Jews? ─── 发现了希特勒仇恨犹太人的真正原因?

73、American historian and writer. Her best-known work, In the Days of McKinley(1959), won a Pulitzer Prize for history. ─── 利奇,玛格丽特·克尔诺钱1893-1974美国历史学家和作家。她的最有名的作品是麦金利时代的日子(1959年),获普利策历史奖

74、Acton's thought of history exceded any historian's in his contemporaneity. ─── 他的思想超越了同时代的史家。

75、As the last step in interpretation, a historian prepares a written account of events.The writing of history is part of a field called historiography. ─── 历史学家研究的最后一步是准备一份历史事件的书面叙述,写作历史是被称做历史编纂学领域的一部分。

76、You can call it maturity, good judgment," says historian David McCullough. ─── 历史学家戴维麦克库洛夫说。

77、Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. ─── 虽然他不是科班出身的艺术史学家,但他对这一时期的知识却普遍为人尊重。

78、The historian search for primary source of information about the past. ─── 历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。

79、George is a natural historian. ─── 乔治是一位博物家

80、He is not so much a historian as a scientist. ─── 与其说他是位历史学家,不如说他是位科学家。

81、Curator and finanical historian Richard Sylla says everyone has something to learn at the museum, even the Wall Street wheelers and dealers. ─── 博物馆的金融历史学家查德.西拉说,每一个参访者都能各取所需,包括那些在华尔街上呼风唤雨的交易商们。

82、What steps should a historian take in the critical evaluation of archival sources? ─── 历史学家在对档案材料进行评估时应采取哪些步骤?

83、The famous words of Lord Acton, a 19th-century historian, were quoted in another:“Absolute power corrupts absolutely. ─── 另一篇评论引用了19世纪英国历史学家,阿克顿勋爵一句著名的词语,“绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败”。

84、Dioscorides, a Greek historian, recommended Aloe Vera as a treatment for burns, kidney ailments and constipation. ─── 一位古希腊的名医和历史学家。

85、This idea seemed barmy when first proposed by a local historian a century ago. ─── 一个世纪前,当这个观点被当第一个历史学家提出来时,它看起来有点傻头傻脑。

86、He is known as the legendary Hebrew liberator, leader, lawgiver, prophet, historian, and founder of Israel, or the Jewish people. ─── 他在希伯莱传说中被认为是一位解放者、领导者、立法者、先知、历史学家和以色列的创立人,或者是犹太民族主义者。

87、A good historian must have an academic mind. ─── 出色的历史学家须有学术头脑。

88、Historian Allan Lichtman says the speech was so popular because it makes American leaders more human. ─── 历史学家阿伦·奇曼说,劳拉的调侃之所以这么受欢迎,是因为它使得美国领导人更加平易近人。

89、"The real culprit," one historian has argued,"was the system itself". ─── 一个历史学家争辩道,“真正的病根在于这个制度本身。”



悔愧轻狂错愈深, 醍醐警醒重为人。 知耻后勇幡然悟, 一改往昔立志新。

知错必改大修行, 悔过自新暗反剩 有朝负荆深道歉, 完好如初伴君行。


在电影《弱点》中,有一首插曲是出自英国诗人威廉·亨利·戈兹沃斯的诗歌《Ode on a Grecian Urn》。这首诗的部分内容被引用,用于弱点主人公选择人生路途的场景。


Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness,

Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time,

Sylvan historian, who canst thus express

A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme:

What leaf-fring'd legend haunts about thy shape

Of deities or mortals, or of both,

In Tempe or the dales of Arcady?

What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?

What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?

What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?



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