disagreeable 发音
英:[dɪsə'griːəb(ə)l] 美:[,dɪsə'ɡriəbl]
英: 美:
disagreeable 中文意思翻译
disagreeable 网络释义
adj. 不愉快的;厌恶的;不为人喜的;难相处的;脾气坏的
disagreeable 词性/词形变化,disagreeable变形
名词: disagreeableness |副词: disagreeably |
disagreeable 短语词组
1、disagreeable person ─── [网络] 不愉快的人
2、peevishly disagreeable 7 little words ─── 暴躁不愉快的7个小字
3、disagreeable woman ─── [网络] 不愉快的女人
4、disagreeable job ─── 讨厌的工作
5、disagreeable chang ─── 讨厌的chang
disagreeable 同义词
undesirable | ornery | brusque | rude | obnoxious | unfriendly | crabby | ill-natured | sour | contentious | abhorrent |offensive | difficult | contrary | nasty | painful | displeasing | frightful | distasteful | hateful | unsympathetic | bad-tempered | repulsive | horrible | surly | horrid | unpleasant | unhelpful | mad
disagreeable 反义词
agreeable | agreement
disagreeable 相似词语短语
1、disagreeably ─── adv.不合口味地;不愉快地
2、decreeable ─── 发布命令的
3、disagreeableness ─── 不愉快
4、dischargeable ─── adj.可卸的;可放出的
5、agreeable ─── adj.令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的
6、unagreeable ─── 无法接受
7、agreeably ─── adv.愉快地
8、disagreeables ─── n.不愉快的事物
9、disagreeability ─── 不愉快
disagreeable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A disagreeable or troublesome situation; a plight. ─── 困境不利或麻烦的形势;进退两难的境地
2、You may find the value placed on competition disagreeable, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation rather than competition among individuals. ─── 你会觉得强调竞争令人不悦,尤其当你来自一个重视个体合作而非竞争的社会时。
3、He will never become a disagreeable neighbour or a remarkable villain. ─── 他决不会变作一个讨厌的邻居或一个闻名的强盗。
4、It was disagreeable of him not to help us. ─── 他不帮助我们,真是太不友好了。
5、What disagreeable weather! ─── 多么讨厌的天气!
6、He is always self-willed and disagreeable. ─── 他一贯刚愎自用,性情乖戾。
7、Their disagreeable bat , the symbol thinking that it is a vampire and a demon. ─── 他们讨厌蝙蝠,认为它是吸血鬼和凶神的象征。
8、He always studied to avoid disagreeable topics. ─── 他总是努力避免不愉快的话题。
9、After being used to such a home as the abbey, an ordinary parsonage-house must be very disagreeable. ─── 住惯了诺桑觉寺这样的家,再来到一座普普通通的牧师住宅,一定觉得很别扭。
10、The disagreeable oneness of roadside landscapes. ─── 大同小异的路旁风景
11、The muscles, not spontaneously moved, but moved by a low usurping wilfulness, grow tight about the outline of the face with the most disagreeable sensation. ─── 其面部肌肉运作在一种非自然而是为一种低下的、处心积虑的抽搐下,表面绷得紧紧的,给人一种极不愉快的感觉。
12、He is like a schoolboy in getting out of things that are disagreeable to him. ─── 他就像一个学生那样逃避不合他意的事情。
13、Vereshtchagin's words suddenly recurred to him, and a disagreeable chill ran down his back. ─── 他突然想起韦列夏金这句话,一阵不愉快的寒战,透过他的脊梁骨。
14、Extremely disagreeable; offensive. ─── 可憎的极讨厌的;令人不快的
15、It was during those hours of wakefulness that she remembered the things disagreeable to her fine sensibility. ─── 在那不能安眠的几个小时里,她想起了那些让她敏锐的感官觉得不舒服的东西。
16、Is Isable capable of making herself disagreeable? ─── 伊沙贝尔会不会使人觉得不好相处?
17、He could also be very disagreeable and say hard and sour things. ─── 他有时也颇使人难堪,出语尖酸刻
18、A harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord. ─── 不和谐的声音刺耳的、不和谐的混合声音,不调和
19、Disagreeable in sound; harsh or dissonant. ─── 声音不和谐的;刺耳的,不调和
20、If speech was so disagreeable it must obviously be her duty. ─── 即使要说的话是这样不合心意,也显然还是她的义务。
21、You dirty, disagreeable girl! You have never cleaned your nails this morning! ─── 你这讨厌的邋遢姑娘?你早上根本没有洗过指甲?
22、He was ludicrous;he was disagreeable with his sarcasm, but yet he roused an involuntary feeling of respect from his boundless devotion to an idea. ─── 他是可笑的,他的冷嘲热讽是令人不愉快的,可是他却无限忠诚于自己的理想,这就令人不由自主地肃然起敬。
23、Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable. ─── 伊丽莎白只觉得这个老妇人比往常更傲慢,更其令人讨厌,因此拿定主张,决不先开口跟她说话。
24、However, seeing him, handsome as ever, after his kind, and most genially disposed, her doubts as to whether the dinner would be disagreeable were swept away. ─── 可是看到他还像从前一样风度翩翩--是他那种人的风度,而且态度十分亲切,她对这顿饭是否会使她不愉快的疑虑就一扫而光了。
25、Because this undersized, sickly, disagreeable, fascinating little man was right all the time. ─── 但令人奇怪的是,这种记录对他的名望丝毫无损。
26、Very disagreeable; unpleasant. ─── 令人厌恶的;不愉快的
27、The weather was disagreeable. ─── 天气不佳。
28、He found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it. ─── 他觉得讨厌那份工作,于是就决定放弃了。
29、The disagreeable of the Molineaux woman had been prompted by Teresa Van Buren. ─── 关于莫利诺这个女人的不愉快的联想是特丽萨·范·伯伦引起的。
30、Also she had learned that Michael was not a man to push, that he could become coldly disagreeable. ─── 另外,她知道,迈克尔这人不吃硬的,来硬的,他就会冷酷地横下一条心。
31、By their remarks, they sour the pleasures of society, offend many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. ─── 在他们的谈吐中,社会的乐事成了苦事,得罪许多人,使自己处处遭白眼。
32、Keep an open mind. Discuss but don't argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. ─── 保持开放的心态。讨论但不要争论,不同意但不愤岔,是伟大心灵的标志。
33、Why, how very black and disagreeable you look! But that's because I'm used to Edgar and Isabella Linton. ─── 哎呀,瞧你那么怒气冲冲不快活啊!可那是因为我看惯了埃德加和伊莎贝拉·林顿。
34、A disagreeable, unreasonableness and nitpicks person not only wears themselves down, but also others. ─── 一个乖戾的,无理性的,吹毛求疵的人不但消磨自己,并且消磨别人。
35、He is a disagreeable fellow. ─── 他是个难以相处的家伙。
36、Only when to disagreeable to the eye or not troubling to look at talented person, such composes. ─── 只有对不顺眼或不屑一顾的人才这样做。
37、It's a disagreeable day out, isn't it? ─── 外面天气不好呀,不是吗?
38、One that is extremely disagreeable. ─── 令人不快的人
39、The disagreeable onenessof roadside landscapes. ─── 大同小异的路旁风景。
40、After the disagreeable dispute,I think I need to leave for some time. ─── 发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,我觉得有必要暂时离开一段时间。
41、November is the most disagreeable month in the whole year. ─── 一年里十一月份最没劲了。
42、He's the most disagreeable, insolent, arrogant, puff man. ─── 他是这个世界上最让人生厌。傲慢无礼,自以为是的人!
43、There were other children beside, and two nurse-maids followed, looking disagreeable and resigned. ─── 两个保姆跟在后面,表情不高兴但也没办法。
44、What a disagreeable surprise. Let us hope you know the legends and respect your elders. ─── 你的行为真是令人不快,我希望你还知道你目前的所作所为并且还能够做到尊重长者。
45、He's a shallow, disagreeable man. ─── 他是个浅薄、不友好的人。
46、He seemed to take a perverse pleasure in being disagreeable. ─── 他似乎在招人厌恶中得到一种反常的乐趣。
47、Because this undersized, sickly, disagreeable, fascination little man was right all the time. ─── 因为这个身材比正常的小、多病、讨厌的、迷人的小个子男人一直是正确的。
48、He found it hard to reconcile himself to the disagreeable state. ─── 他发现难以忍受这种不愉快的状况。
49、"But I can assure you," she added, "that Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing. ─── “不过我可以告诉你,”她补充道,“丽萃不中他的意,这对丽萃并没有什么可惜,因为他是个最讨厌、最可恶的人不值得去奉承他。
50、Things might have become rather disagreeable but for Gowing (who seems to have taken to Lupin) suggesting they should invent games. ─── 事情变得很不愉快,但是高英(似乎很喜欢卢宾)建议他们应当发明一些新游戏。
51、Nothing is more disagreeable to a man than to feel himself pursued, to realize that a woman is trying to hook him. ─── 没有什么比这个更令人讨厌的了。如果让一个男人觉得他被一个女人追求,那个女人企图勾引他。
52、He is hard to searching this disagreeable thing. ─── 他在很努力地搜寻著这些讨人严的东西。
53、Most of us think of ammonia as rather disagreeable. ─── 大多数人认为氨气很难闻.
54、"It must be very disagreeable to sleep in a tent, and eat all sorts of bad-tasting things, and drink out of a tin mug," sighed Amy. ─── “睡帐篷,吃不堪入口的食物,用大锡杯喝水,这一定十分难受,”艾美叹道。
55、Never run away from disagreeable circumstances. Fight them,with all your resources,right where you stand and without a moment's delay. ─── 别因为遇到了反对意见就想要逃避,而应运用你所有的资源就地和反对者战斗。
56、But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared,overeager or disagreeable. ─── 但有些问题会使你显得准备不足、过于心急或令人生厌。
57、On the other hand persons of whom they fancied themselves fond will be found to have become insipid and disagreeable. ─── 另一方面,她们本来以为她们很喜欢的人,现在却变得索然无味,一点也不可爱了。
58、My wife was disagreeable to me this morning. ─── 今天早上我太太对我发脾气。
59、He began to feel that she was a disagreeable attachment. ─── 他开始感到她是一个讨厌的包袱。
60、I stared - she stared also: at any rate, she kept her eyes on me in a cool, regardless manner, exceedingly embarrassing and disagreeable. ─── 我瞪眼,她也瞪眼:但是无论什么情况下,她看我的目光都是冷冷的,漠不关心的样子,让我觉得非常的尴尬和不舒服。
61、For he is such a disagreeable man that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him. ─── 他是那么讨厌的一个人,被他看上了才叫倒霉呢。
62、Disagreeable to the senses, especially to the sense of hearing. ─── 刺耳的使感官尤其是听觉感觉不舒服的
63、Such wet and gloomy days in the cold weather are eminently disagreeable, and I have spent a wretched lifeless morning. ─── 冷天碰上这样的阴雨天尤其令人不快。整个上午索然无味,糟糕透了。
64、To engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle. ─── 争吵卷入一场不愉快的争吵,通常由琐事引起;口角。
65、His clothes felt disagreeable, his hair bad. ─── 他觉得自己衣衫不整,头发凌乱。
66、Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable. ─── 伊丽莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说话,这个女人现在异常无礼,十分令人反感。(定语从句译成另外一句。)
67、He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and every body hoped that he would never come there again. ─── 大家都断定他是世界上最骄傲,最讨人厌的人,希望他不要再来。
68、Both of them are young people full of vim and vigor, they get into a fight whenever they have a disagreeable conversation. ─── 他俩都年轻气盛, 几句话不和就打了起来。
69、but the next time we come to a seat, if it is not disagreeable to you, I should be glad to sit down for a little while. ─── 再碰到座位的时候,你们要是不反对的话,我倒想坐一会儿。
70、To our surprise, the working conditions of the workers are quite disagreeable. ─── 令我们吃惊的是,工人们的工作条件相当糟糕。
71、The disagreeable imagination of the Molineaux woman had been prompted by Teresa Van Buren. ─── 关于莫利诺这个女人的不愉快的联想是特丽萨?范?伯伦引起的。
72、Then Tiny wept, and said she would not marry the disagreeable mole. ─── 但是拇指姑娘哭了起来,说她不愿意和这讨厌的鼹鼠结婚。
73、This afternoon he did not give any medicine or leave any new orders and he was spared any disagreeable scenes. ─── 今天下午,他没有给我开什么药,也没有留下新的医嘱,也没有什么不愉快的场面。
74、Extremely disagreeable;offensive. ─── 可憎的极讨厌的;令人不快的
75、Whatever else she might be, she was not disagreeable. ─── 但不管她是怎么一个人,她绝不是毫无可取的。
76、Because this undersized, sickly, disagreeable, fascinating little man was right all the time. The joke was on us. ─── 原因就在于,这位五短身材、病病怏怏、脾气暴躁、富于魅力的小老头永远是正确的。
77、His ignorance underlay his indifference towards the topic under discussion. He had been preoccupied with his disagreeable experience before the meeting. . ─── 他对那天讨论的话题一无所知,所以显得漠不关心。只是一门心思地在想来之前他碰到的那件不愉快的事。
78、A disagreeable person, event, or situation. ─── 令人不愉快者令人不愉快的人、事或经历
79、Disagreeable in sound;harsh or dissonant. ─── 声音不和谐的;刺耳的,不调和
80、An MP3 is a wise investment, as it allows you to listen only to your choice of music, and drowns out disagreeable loud noises common in the cities. ─── MP3是一个明智的投资,因为它允许你只听你选择的音乐,并且盖过城市中普遍的讨厌的噪音。
81、He found his partner to be very disagreeable. ─── 他发现这位合股人很难相处。
82、His wife, a short, thin woman with a disagreeable face, came out to see. 'He's very small, 'she said immediately. ─── 他的妻子是个瘦小枯干、面目可憎的女人。她走出来看了一眼,马上说:“他太小了。”
83、Keep an open mind; discuss, but don't argue. (It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. ─── 保持虚心;与别人讨论,但不要争论。(可能有时会不赞同对方的观点,但不必让人不愉快)
84、He showed no further wish for conversation with Mrs. Smith, who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable. ─── 他似乎不愿再和史密斯太太讲话,因为她现在异常无礼,令人厌烦。
85、An MP3 is a wise investment as it allows you to listen only to your choice of music and drowns out disagreeable loud noises common in the cities. ─── MP3是一项有远见的发明,因为它不但可以让你只听自己喜欢的音乐,还能使声响压过往日城市里那些恼人又刺耳的噪音。
86、To find fault in a disagreeable way; complain fretfully. ─── 吹毛求疵以令人不快的方式挑刺;苦恼地抱怨
87、I divined from this account, that utter lack of sympathy had rendered young Heathcliff selfish and disagreeable. ─── 从这一段叙述,我推想小希刺克厉夫已经完全没人同情,变得自私而讨人嫌了。
88、Tito felt a disagreeable chill at this answer. ─── 听见这样的答复,蒂托感到一阵不愉快的寒意。
89、He was vain of that inflexible squareness of intellect which made him the disagreeable creature that he was. ─── 他理智上的僵硬古板使他成了现在这样难以相处的人,可他以这种方正古板自负。
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