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08-09 投稿


decorative 发音

英:[ˈdekəreɪtɪv]  美:[ˈdekərətɪv]

英:  美:

decorative 中文意思翻译



decorative 网络释义

adj. 装饰性的;装潢用的

decorative 常用词组

decorative design ─── 装饰设计

decorative lighting ─── 装饰照明;装饰灯具

decorative art ─── 装饰艺术;装饰性艺术饰品

decorative 词性/词形变化,decorative变形

名词: decorativeness |副词: decoratively |

decorative 短语词组

1、decorative rib ─── 装饰肋

2、decorative painting ─── 彩画

3、decorative board ─── 装饰板

4、decorative block ─── 装饰块

5、decorative glass ─── 装饰玻璃

6、decorative panel ─── 装饰面板

7、decorative wall ─── [建] 装饰墙

8、decorative joint ─── 装饰接头

9、decorative lamp ─── 装饰灯

10、decorative porcelain ─── [化] 彩瓷

11、decorative arts ─── 装饰艺术

12、decorative art ─── 装饰艺术; ─── 装饰性艺术饰品

13、decorative nail ─── 装饰钉

14、decorative band ─── 装饰带

15、decorative paint ─── 装饰涂料

16、decorative sursery ─── [医] 颌面外科

17、decorative metal ─── 装饰金属

18、decorative iron ─── 装饰熨斗

19、protective decorative electrochrom-plating ─── [化] 防护-装饰性电镀铬

decorative 相似词语短语

1、decorating ─── v.装饰;粉刷;点缀;授给(某人)勋章(或奖章)(decorate的现在分词);n.(对房子进行的)油漆,裱糊

2、decretive ─── adj.法令的;有法令效力的;命令的

3、decorate ─── vt.装饰;布置;授勋给;vi.装饰;布置

4、depurative ─── adj.净化的;纯化的;n.净化剂;纯化剂

5、decoration ─── n.装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章

6、decoratively ─── adv.装饰地

7、decoctive ─── 诱因

8、declarative ─── adj.宣言的;陈述的,说明的

9、memorative ─── 备忘录

decorative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room. ─── 壁缘沿尾内墙壁的上部装饰的水平饰带

2、Holly, with its bright red berries, is very decorative. ─── 冬青结有鲜红的果子,极适于作装饰物。

3、A small decorative object; a trinket. ─── 小装饰品;小件饰物

4、An inveterate changer of decor. ─── 坚决要改变布景的人

5、Easy to apply just like conventional interior decorative paints. Once cured, its epoxy resin strength ensures High performance. ─── 像普通的室内装饰涂料一样方便使用,一旦固化性能极高。

6、Her rival downgraded the painting, calling it decorative but superficial. ─── 她的对手极力贬低那幅画,称它华丽而肤浅

7、As a long-term decorative topcoat on the surface of high buildings. ─── 作为长效装饰面漆,涂覆在高层建筑的外表面。

8、The forms of the woman, phoenix and the dragon are all of decorative beauty. ─── 人和龙凤的造型都有一定的装饰性。

9、Shanghai Yuanxia Building Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. ─── 上海源厦装饰材料有限公司

10、Pourquoi le soleil disparait? --Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为什么太阳会消失? --为了地球另一边的装饰。

11、A small, usually decorative flap or tongue on a garment. ─── 垂饰,小垂片衣服上的小的、通常为装饰性的下垂物或舌状物

12、To bed for the bedroom characters, a wall embedded wardrobe, the other side to push and pull the glass doors, decorative excellent results. ─── 以床为主角的卧室,一面墙嵌入了衣柜,另一侧为玻璃推拉门,装饰效果极佳。

13、The furniture and decor of his room spelled elegance and a substantial income. ─── 他的室内家具和装饰意味高雅和收入丰裕。

14、The Cultural Origins of Chinese Architectural Decorative Art II. ─── 中国建筑装饰艺术文化源流2。

15、A structure, often decorative, from which a jet or stream of water issues. ─── 人造喷泉一种装饰性的能使水流喷出的装置

16、Choose curtains that blend in with your decor. ─── 挑选和装饰格调一致的窗帘。

17、Company Name KASH SQUARE DECOR, INC. ─── 作者:佚名文章来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2008-6-30

18、The councils have little more than a decorative advisory function. ─── 各委员会只有一点点装饰门面的谘询作用。

19、The decor is so artistic. ─── 全部装饰很有艺术性。

20、You don't want to clash with the decor. ─── 如果你不想和场合不符一个女士应该先做好准备。

21、They decided not to modernise the Victorian decor. ─── 他们决定不对维多利亚时代的装潢进行现代派的改变。

22、Collect Russia Imperial and French decorative arts. ─── 收藏俄罗斯帝国和法国的装饰艺术品。

23、She has learned how doing decorative border. ─── 她学会了如何做花边。

24、Kar Ronghua Decorative Material Equipment Ltd. ─── 嘉荣华装饰设备有限公司。

25、The additional tower height above the cable connection is purely decorative. ─── 在钢索连接处以上多加的塔的高度纯粹是装饰性的。

26、A small portrait, picture, or decorative letter on an illuminated manuscript. ─── 彩饰经过装饰的书稿上的小人像、图画或装饰性字母

27、Aboard, understated elegance is the byword for the decor. ─── 在船上,含蓄的优雅是其装潢的代名词。

28、She drew a decorative border around the picture. ─── 她在图画周围画了一条饰边。

29、however, lagged far behind scholarship. Buildings continued to be put up in an effete , decorative Gothic style . ─── 许多年来的建筑总是落后于学术的进步,还是延续那种颓废的,装饰华丽的哥特式风格。

30、The mechanism of color difference on decorative paper was analyzed. ─── 摘要对装饰纸印刷的色差形成进行分析。

31、A V-shaped point that is part of a decorative border or edging. ─── V形点作为装饰性的边或镶边的一部分的V形点

32、A decorative hanging for the front of an altar, a lectern, or a pulpit. ─── 帏幔,屏饰圣坛,经坛,道坛等前面的装饰性帷幔,缎屏

33、Pour l'autre partie du decor. ─── 为了地球另一边的装饰.

34、I don't underrate the decorative side of life. ─── 我并不低估生活中起装饰作用的东西的价值。

35、A decorative trinket; a bauble. ─── 小玩意儿装饰用的小摆设;美观的便宜货

36、We do high-quality, decorative paintings cheaper products. ─── 我们做高品质,廉价格的画饰产品。

37、You may ONLY use the approved decor styles listed below. ─── 你只能使用以下核准的装潢风格。

38、A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn. ─── 彩包爆竹外面包有装饰性硬纸板的小圆筒,里面装有糖果或聚会纪念品,从一端或两端同时拉出纸绳时,会发出爆裂声

39、They are gold, silver, and very decorative with plenty of "flair". ─── 他们对许多"锐利的眼力"感到金色的,银,和非常装饰。

40、Excuse me,I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思?我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

41、The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close. ─── 那些窗帘纯粹用于装饰目的,不能开合。

42、Others lure younger guests with garish decor and discounts. ─── 另外一些则以花哨的装饰品和低廉的折扣吸引年轻人。

43、The quiet decor of her home made her feel comfortable and at ease. ─── 她家里淡雅的装饰使她感到舒适。

44、Small pieces of light-reflecting decorative material. ─── 小发光物小片的反光的装饰材料

45、It is a charming night with an all-white decor. ─── 全场被布置为白色,为厨师的颁奖晚宴增添气氛。

46、Shanghai Lejoin New Decorative Material Co., Ltd. ─── 上海联景新型装饰材料有限公司。

47、Foshan Nanhai Heyi Decorative Material Co., Ltd. ─── 佛山市南海合艺装饰材料有限公司。

48、An artistic or decorative ceramic vessel of any shape. ─── 壶,罐任何形状的艺术性或装饰性陶制器皿

49、We specialize in luxury home decor that is both upscale and unique. ─── 我们专门从事开发华贵家居饰品,她高端,独特。

50、Decorative work crafted in leather. ─── 在皮革上制作的装饰性物品

51、With a wave of resistance will not fade, the same type, three-dimensional sense of strong features, decorative logs are the best match. ─── 具有耐潮、不褪色、不变型、立体感强等特点,是原木装饰的最佳搭配。

52、The cooking utensils in the kitchen were decorative. ─── 厨房的这些炊具只是装饰品。

53、Data of decor mold design can be managed effectively. ─── 建立了自顶向下的设计模式与导航设计机制,实现了模具设计过程的数据管理。

54、A decorative structure or an ornamental panel situated above a mantelpiece. ─── 壁炉架上方的壁饰安装在壁炉架上方的装饰性的构造物或饰块

55、Anarchy Decor create a lot of anarchy. ─── 它能制造十分混乱的状态。

56、Chinese legends were another subject for European decorative tiles. ─── 中国的神话,也成欧洲装饰瓷砖的题材。

57、Decorative enamels for interior use. ─── 室内用的装饰性磁漆。

58、A decorative container for a plant or small tree. ─── 培植器皿,花架容纳植物或小树的装饰性容器

59、A usually decorative covering for a bed. ─── 床单常用于覆盖床的装饰品

60、The items he makes are purely decorative. ─── 他做的那些物品纯粹用于装饰。

61、A lot of Christmas decorative products are lacquered wood based. ─── 很多圣诞装饰产品涂漆木材为主。

62、You Boom Decorative Material Co. Ltd. ─── 广州市友邦装饰材料公司。

63、She was lively and decorative. ─── 她仍旧那么活泼而且善于打扮。


65、The slot seam is a decorative seam. ─── 嵌条缝是一种装饰缝。

66、Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思,我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

67、Beijing Jingtai Decorative Design Co., Ltd. ─── 北京景泰装饰设计有限公司。

68、Collect decorative arts and industry. ─── 收藏装饰艺术品和工业。

69、Canadian art, contemporary art, Amerindian art, and decorative arts. ─── 收藏加拿大艺术、当代艺术、印第安人艺术和装饰艺术。

70、Guangzhou Goodsense Decorative Building Materials Co., Ltd. ─── 广州吉鑫祥装饰建材有限公司

71、This frightening decor terrorizes captives. ─── 它使俘虏们感到无比的恐惧!

72、Yiwu Meiyu Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. ─── 义乌美玉装饰材料有限公司

73、Quilt cover and pillowcase with decorative embroidery. ─── 带有装饰绣花的被套和枕套。

74、A pitcher, especially a decorative one with a base, an oval body, and a flaring spout. ─── 大口水罐一个具有装饰性的水罐,有一个底,椭圆形的罐体和一个突出来的壶嘴

75、A decorative design, figure, or pattern, as one used in embroidery. ─── 图案某种装饰性的设计画像或图案,如刺绣品上使用的一种(装饰或图案等)

76、A decorative flap or loose fold on a garment or headdress. ─── 垂饰外套或头巾上的装饰性的下垂物或松散的褶层

77、KMD Building and Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. ─── 卡睦德建筑装饰材料有限公司

78、Decorative pots, watering cans or buckets can make great planters. ─── 几盆植物盆栽就能立刻使家里生动起来。

79、A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded as a prize or trophy. ─── 奖杯一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿

80、Tweak open the two decorative covers respectively. ─── 分别拧开两个装饰盖.

81、A decorative ribbon or bow worn as a headdress. ─── 发饰一种用作头上装饰的带子或蝴蝶结

82、The overall design concept of exquisite decorative, handwriting atmosphere, the body of "Long" imperial style. ─── 整体设计装饰构思精致、手笔大气,体“龙”的皇权风范。

83、Collect decorative arts, medals , painting and drawings. ─── 收藏装饰艺术品、勋章、油画和绘画。

84、The mirror is functional yet decorative. ─── 这镜子能照人,但也有装饰作用。

85、A decorative flap or loose foldon a garment or headdress. ─── 垂饰外套或头巾上的装饰性的下垂物或松散的褶层。

86、You should objectively examine decorative itemized budget. ─── 您应该逐项客观地审核装饰预算。

87、Very decorative, such elements are a strong contrast to the rough renderings of the side facades. ─── 很多装饰,这些元素是一个强烈的对比,方外观粗糙的渲染的。

88、No, you decorative little dauber. ─── 不是,你这个毫无修饰的蹩脚画家。

89、She began in her 20s, making textless, decorative paintings of flowers with insects. ─── 20多岁时,她开始创作花卉与昆虫的无文本装饰画。

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