sprightly 发音
英:['spraɪtlɪ] 美:['spraɪtli]
英: 美:
sprightly 中文意思翻译
sprightly 词性/词形变化,sprightly变形
名词: sprightliness |形容词最高级: sprightliest |形容词比较级: sprightlier |
sprightly 短语词组
1、sprightly cbd ─── 明快的中央商务区
2、sprightly yarns acrylic worsted ─── 轻纱腈纶精纺
3、sprightly means ─── 明快的意思
4、sprightly his theme ─── 鲜明的主题
5、sprightly yarn ─── 轻纱
6、sprightly ltd ─── 斯普里特利有限公司
7、sprightly dance ─── 轻快的舞蹈
8、sprightly meaning ─── 活泼的意义
9、sprightly yarns acrylic wool super bulky ─── 蓬松纱亚克力羊毛
sprightly 相似词语短语
1、sprightfully ─── 活泼的
2、rightly ─── adv.正确地;恰当地;公正地;合适地
3、sprightless ─── 无精打采的
4、uprightly ─── adv.正直地;笔直地;诚实地
5、brightly ─── adv.明亮地;鲜明地;生辉地
6、slightly ─── adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地
7、straightly ─── 笔直地;直接地
8、sprightlier ─── 生气勃勃地;活泼地(sprightly的比较级)
9、sightly ─── adj.悦目的;可以眺望的
sprightly 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Therefore said that the style the localization must suit us, is like this only then comfortable, what the most people like is the line succinct color sprightly modernistic. ─── 所以说风格的定位要适合我们自己,这样才舒服,多数人都喜爱的是线条简洁色彩明快的现代风格。
2、They are like streetcars running contendedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country . ─── 他们就像街上的电车一样,在他们既定的轨道上行驶,而对于那些不时出没于车水马龙间和欢快地奔驰在旷野上的廉价小汽车却不屑一顾。
3、"Hello, Carrie," he said, as a sprightly figure of a girl drew near him."Got here safe, did you?Well, we'll take a car. ─── 她还要买一双漂亮的带暗扣的鞋子,还要买长统袜子,买裙子,买--就像当初核计如何花她没到手的薪水一样,她现在想要的东西超出了这些钱的购买力的2倍还不止。
4、Is good educated, intelligent virtuous ,slender is delicate and exquisite, is cheerful sprightly .Both has the up-to-dateness and not to lose the traditional moral excellence. ─── 受良好教育,聪慧娴淑,性格开朗明快,苗条娇小,既有现代意识又不失传统美德。
5、Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. ─── 在欢舞之中起伏颠簸。
6、As a sprightly comedy this show fills the bill. ─── 作为轻喜剧,这样演是适宜的。
7、They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country .I respect them; ─── 他们就像街上的电车一样,在既定的轨道上行驶,而对于那些不时出没于车水马龙间和欢快地奔驰与空旷原野上的廉价小汽车却不屑一顾。
8、to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper ─── 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃;蹦跳
9、Therefore, the ground of small room must choose the dark tone's cool color, or the succinct sprightly floor, it makes the person having the feeling that the area expands. ─── 所以,面积小的房间地面要选择暗色调的冷色,或简洁明快的地板,使人产生面积扩大的感觉。
10、A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spitefulperson. ─── 恶作剧的人,狡诈的人,恶毒的人通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人。
11、Other spot's repair adopts, the sprightly means succinctly, the material standard spoken Chinese, the work simplification. ─── 其他部位的装修采取简洁、明快的办法,材料普通话,做工简单化。
12、They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country . ─── 他们就像电车心情得意的运行在他们的轨道上,忽略进出的形形色色的人群,穿过这座城市.
13、Tossing their heads in sprightly dance ─── 在轻盈活泼的舞步中举起他们的头
14、The main sound box uses the edges and corners distinct rectangle design, the line succinct sprightly. ─── 主音箱采用棱角分明的长方形设计,线条简洁明快。
15、Its sprightly tune expresses a mood of happiness, being enriched by dance rhythm ─── 它的富于舞蹈性的节奏,抒发了欢快的心绪。
16、Sprightly and bearded, he completed a half marathon at the weekend in 5 hours 13 minutes. ─── 着大胡子的马丁精神矍铄,精力充沛。上个周末,他以5小时13分的时间跑完了半程马拉¬松赛。
17、They continued to sing praises of the sect, only now their voices were shaky; the cheerful, sprightly air they had earlier had completely escaped them. ─── 口中歌颂之声仍是不断,只是声音发颤,哪里还有什么欢欣鼓舞之意?
18、"tossing their heads in sprightly dance" (William Wordsworth) ─── “在轻盈活泼的舞步中举起他们的头”(威廉·华兹华斯)
19、The boat moves forward sprightly. ─── 船儿轻快地向前行进。
20、Taking a zero tolerance approach to grammatical lapses, she wrote a sprightly guide to punctuation, Eats, ShootsandLeaves, that has sold more than half a million copies in Britain alone and soared to the top of bestseller lists. ─── 对于语法上的任何小错都毫不容忍的特鲁斯写了一本很生动的标点符号指南《吃完了就开枪,开了枪就走人》,该书只在英国就卖出了50多万本,名列最佳畅销书榜首。
21、In the past the sprightly rhythm and style, lyrical about Zhang Dan / Zhang Hao of the more expressive. ─── 与以往的明快节奏风格不同,抒情对于张丹/张昊的表现力有更高的要求。
22、tossing their heads in sprightly dance(bWilliam Wordsworth) ─── 在轻盈活泼的舞步中举起他们的头(b威廉 华兹华斯)
23、Small and sprightly; mischievous. ─── 小巧的小而有生气的; 恶作剧的
24、Spike, a British ginger and white tom, had been certified as the world's oldest living cat by the Guinness Book of Records in 1999, when the sprightly kitty was just 29. ─── 斯伯克是一只英国姜黄色带白色的雄猫,被吉尼斯世界纪录大全认定为世上年纪最大的活猫,那时这只活泼的猫刚好29岁。
25、Lively; sprightly ─── 活泼的;轻快的
26、In the G7 only Americans remain relatively young, with a median age in 2009 of just 36.4 years, thanks to a steady influx of sprightly Mexicans. ─── 得益于不断涌入的墨西哥青年人,七国集团中只有美国还相对较年轻,到2009年他们的年龄中位数只有36.4岁。
27、"there are any number of jobs out there you could do, " says my father, looking at me with faux-sprightly eyes. ─── “这里有一些工作你可以试着做一做”我的父亲用那故作轻松的眼神看着我说。
28、Sprightly and bearded, he completed a half marathon at the weekend in five hours 13 minutes. ─── 生气勃勃的并蓄着山羊胡子的他在周末用五个小时13分钟完成了半程马拉松。
29、A sprightly 67-year-old who has regular health check-ups abroad, Mr Nguema says he has no plans to leave office. ─── 恩圭马先生已经67岁了,但是精神矍铄,而且定期到国外做身体检查。他说还不打算退休。
30、He's surprisingly sprightly for an old man. ─── 他这把年纪了,还这麽精神,真了不起。
31、In an ageing society where many pensioners are refreshingly sprightly, the ruling party looks utterly clapped-out. ─── 在这个老年化社会里,很多退休老人都很充沛愉快,当权党派却显得疲惫不堪。
32、President Mugabe, sprightly and smiling, welcomed the European Union delegation. ─── 总统穆加贝愉快地微笑着欢迎欧盟代表团。
33、They stretch''d in never-ending line Along the margin of a Bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. ─── "它们沿着湖湾的边缘, 延伸成无穷无尽的一行;我一眼看见了一万朵,在欢舞之中起伏颠簸。"
34、I never heard any one more sprightly than he was today, when he conversed with you. ─── 他今天同你说话,再高兴也没有了。
35、Perhaps not so sprightly as he once was, he still managed to visit Japan in September! ─── 或许步履不再轻快,但他的活动力健旺如昔,九月份才作过一次日本之旅喔!
36、She was too sprightly to allow of their walking at a slow pace on her account ─── 她很利索地跟着他们走,以免他们为了她的缘故而要放慢脚步。
37、tossing their heads in sprightly dance(William Wordsworth) ─── 在轻盈活泼的舞步中举起他们的头(威廉 华兹华斯)
38、Sprightly in the eastern open to Toyama Hiraoka, pine grass, bamboo-based Qushui dock. ─── 东部明快开朗,以平冈远山、松林草坪、竹坞曲水为主。
39、"Hello, Carrie," he said, as a sprightly figure of a girl drew near him. ─── 杜洛埃正在马路转弯处等候,心情很兴奋。
40、She is a sprightly married woman, hemmed in by an overwhelming sense of duty. ─── 她是个活泼的已婚妇女,但却为一种强烈的责任感所约束。
41、Aquarelle is affluent and sprightly so that it is so suitable to express the lights, shadows, and colors of atmosphere with ample and transparent layers, which other materials cannot compare to. ─── 水彩具有流畅、明快的特性,很适合表现大气的光影与色彩,丰富而透明的层次是其他媒材所不能及。
42、They stretch'd In never-endIng lIne Along the margIn of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance TossIng theIr heads In sprIghtly dance. ─── 它们沿着湖湾的边缘,延伸成无穷无尽的一行;我一眼看见了一万朵,在欢舞之中起伏颠簸。
43、Scarlett was much pleased with herself, for not only had she and Melanie rendered a touching duet, "When the Dew Is on the Blossom," followed as an encore by the more sprightly "Oh, Lawd, Ladies, Don't Mind Stephen!" ─── 思嘉十分满意,因为她不仅跟媚兰合唱了一曲感人的《花上露浓》,又在要求再唱时来了个更加轻快的《女士们啊,请别管斯蒂芬!
44、I never heard any one more sprightly than he was today, when he conversed with you ─── 他今天同你说话,再高兴也没有了。
45、They had no fear of ideas nor, though they liked to be sprightly in manner, of serious talk ─── 他们虽然都喜欢生气勃勃的风度,但是既不怕谈理论,也不怕作严肃的讨论。
46、He may be 100 years old and she a sprightly 80, but all hope for one of the most critically endangered species on the planet, the Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle, is vested in them. ─── 他或许已有100岁了,她看起来精神奕奕,也有80岁了。但是作为世界上最为濒危物种之一----扬子大软壳乌龟,他们肩负了所有的希望。
47、As an old man of 75, he is surprisingly sprightly. ─── 作为一个75岁的老人,他可谓精神矍铄,令人称奇。
48、"Hello, Carrie," he said, as a sprightly figure of a girl drew near him. "Got here safe, did you? ─── “喂,嘉莉,"看到一个女孩的倩影活泼地向他走来,他喊了起来,"平安无事,对不对?
49、Sprightly in rhythm and remarkable in image, easy-to-read poems take a larger proportion in English poetry realm. ─── 唱诵类短诗在英诗中为数甚多,其节奏明快,意象突出,音律所占诗意比重高。
50、At present, more and more people like the simple sprightly modern repair style. ─── 眼下,越来越多的人喜欢简单明快的现代装修风格。
51、Mr. Yorke, as a general rule, was, when young, noted for his preference of sprightly and dashing women ─── 约克先生年青的时候,一向是以喜欢活泼,浮华的女子闻名的。
52、That's when his body is still sprightly and he's presumably learned what the game is all about. ─── 那时候他的身体还是如此的强壮,而他们需要学的就是比赛的精髓所在。
53、A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person. ─── 恶作剧的人,狡诈的人,恶毒的人通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人
54、Then all the words will be sprightly, &every sentence a surprise. ─── 如果那样,所有的词语将是轻快的,每个句子都是一个惊奇。”
55、Some forecasters say cheerily that the world economy is likely to make a sprightly recovery. ─── 有些预言家高兴地说,世界经济可能强劲复苏。
56、Judith is a sprightly young woman ─── 朱迪思是个机灵的姑娘。
57、A sprightly 115-horsepower engine matches the free-revving spirit of the original, which made its name on the European racing circuit in the 1960s. ─── 一个轻便的115马力发动机能够与随意自由加速的原型号相媲美。 后者于60年代在环欧洲赛事中一举成名。
58、A sprightly 115-horsepower engine matches the free-revving spirit of the original,which made its name on the European racing circuit in the 1960s. ─── 一个轻便的115马力发动机能够与随意自由加速的原型号相媲美。后者于60年代在环欧洲赛事中一举成名。
59、The architectural style of Dongying is simple and sprightly, exhibiting its unique rhythm of urban construction. ─── 整座东营市有着简洁的线条,明快的建筑风格,谱写出现代化都市的独特韵律。
60、Cavort: to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper ─── 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃
61、” In her late years, the winningly eccentric Moore, in her cape and tricornered hat, became an icon of sprightly gentility. ─── 摩尔后来十分迷人,她的斗篷和三角帽成为轻快而文雅的标志。
62、Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkls on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay : Ten thousands saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. ─── 如耀眼的繁星 在银河中闪烁, 花朵无边的扑向远方 盛开在湖水的边缘: 只是一眼,我看见了千千万万朵 花枝微摆,舞姿轻盈。
63、She be as sprightly as a woman half her age ─── 她跟比她年轻一半的妇女一样活泼
64、Sprightly and lighthearted in disposition, character, or quality. ─── 欢乐的,愉快的在性情、性格或特征上欢乐的和愉快的
65、A graying work force focusing on rebuilding its nest egg while the young struggle for entry doesn't bode well for an economy dependent on sprightly consumers. ─── 老年劳动力专注于积攒养老金,年轻人则努力寻找工作机会,这种状况对依赖于强劲消费的美国经济来说并不是什么好兆头。
66、It makes woman characteristic of gentle and beautiful out of common with the design technique of brief, capable and sprightly. ─── 以简洁、干练、明快的设计手法将知性女人柔美、流畅的特点演绎得完美而不凡。
67、Also the sprightly rhythms of modern brilliant style, the decorative excellent product, as required decorated with natural graining, patterns and other decorative effects, provide a good visual. ─── 亦有体现现代节奏的明快亮丽的风格,产品的装饰性极佳,可根据需要饰以天然木纹、图案等多种装饰效果,提供良好的视觉享受。
68、They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the sprightly flitter that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country.I respect them; ─── 他们就像电车一样满足地行驶于他们的轨道上,并且瞧不起那些在敏捷地出没车水马龙中,快乐地奔驰于旷野上的车子。
69、“Music in poetry”, that is harmonious rhythm and sprightly melody and cadence.Lieder/Melodie shows the beauty of art and combines the melody and poetry together. ─── 艺术歌曲其实就是出自内心的产物,它的诗(词)和音乐是无限的敏感触觉和智慧相联系的美妙的艺术。
70、The patient smiled when he heard the sprightly music on the radio. ─── 听到收音机里传来的轻快乐曲,这个病人笑了。
71、The sprightly woman lives in a nursing home with 50 other pensioners. ─── 这位精神矍铄的老奶奶同其他50名领取养老金的老年人一起居住在一家养老院里。
72、Other spot's repair may adopt, the sprightly means succinctly, the material Pu Tonghua, the work simplification. ─── 其他部位的装修则可采取简洁、明快的办法,材料普通化,做工简单化。
73、The room arrangement simplifies as far as possible, the old furniture can not need not to need, to select several succinctly, sprightly, info clerk function strong furniture. ─── 居室的布置尽可能简化,旧家具能不用就不用,挑几件简洁、明快的,收纳功能强的家具。
74、Song melody exquisite sprightly, to sings by the men and women adds traditional entertainment involving talking and singing's form, displays the teenage boys and girls pure love sentiment the romanza. ─── 歌曲旋律优美明快,以男女对唱加说唱的形式,表现少男少女纯真爱情的浪漫曲。
75、But the industry seems to be coming to terms with the fact that it is no longer as young and sprightly as it once was. ─── 不过这个产业似乎已经认识到,事实上他们已经不再像曾经有过的那样年轻活泼了。
76、It's partly responsiveness:when you move your mouse, for instance, does it feel sluggish, or nippy and sprightly? ─── 比如:我们移动鼠标时,鼠标的反应是迟缓还是灵敏的;
77、But administered to sprightly sportsmen, the treatment may allow them to heave greater weights, swim faster and jump farther (see article). ─── 然而,若是这种疗法应用到了身手敏捷的运动员身上,那么替换过基因的他们则可能举起更重的杠铃,游得更快,跳得更高。
78、a sprightly 80-year-old ─── 精神矍铄的80岁老人
79、Abstract: The Chengguang live area is a lately-set up residential area, unified architecture style, sprightly tone, have distinct characteristic of times. ─── 摘要:辰光小区是新建的住宅小区,建筑风格统一,色调明快,具有鲜明的时代感。
80、Strip out this cyclical stimulus and the country's performance would look less sprightly. ─── 剥去这些周期性的刺激,巴西经济的表现实际上并没有那么让人乐观。
81、a sprightly 90-year-old ─── 90岁仍精力充沛的老人
82、Though it’s an ancient art form, the aphorism is as sprightly and as apposite as ever. ─── 尽管谚语是一种很古老的艺术形式,但它依然是最为简洁贴切的表达法。
83、Small and sprightly;mischievous. ─── 小巧的小而有生气的;恶作剧的
84、She is as sprightly as a woman half her age. ─── 她跟比她年轻一半的妇女一样活泼。
85、1.lucid and lively; sprightly; 2.straightforward; forthright ─── 明快
86、The colchicines, gentle Cleaner like mother's eyes, is most sensation , streams from the gap between the tongue-out, beating a sprightly lively note of the presence in fall flows and nuances. ─── 盈盈秋水,温柔明净的似母亲的眼睛,最是一泓浓情,溪水从隙石间奔窜出来,跳动着明快活泼的音符,流淌着秋天的身影和神韵。
87、But the industry seems to be coming to terms with the fact that it is no longer as young and sprightly as it once was. ─── 不过这个产业似乎已经认识到,事实上他们已经不再像曾经有过的那样年轻活泼了。
88、On the sprightly haut-boy play , all the instruments of joy , ─── 当活泼的双簧管声扬起,乐师们使用欢乐的乐器,
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