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08-29 投稿



recklessness 发音


英:  美:

recklessness 中文意思翻译



recklessness 网络释义

n. 鲁莽;轻率;不顾一切,不顾后果

recklessness 短语词组

1、recklessness wow ─── 鲁莽哇

2、recklessness synonym ─── 鲁莽同义词

3、recklessness mtv ─── 鲁莽mtv

4、recklessness means ─── 鲁莽意味着

5、recklessness meaning ─── 鲁莽的意思

6、recklessness death wish macro ─── 鲁莽死亡愿望宏

7、recklessness is ─── 鲁莽是

8、recklessness def ─── 鲁莽定义

recklessness 同义词

thoughtless | rash | inattentive | out of control | heady | daring | uncontrolled | flighty | heedless | careless | hasty | unmindful | wild | despairing | irresponsible | impetuous | headlong | adventurous | aimless | inconsiderate | desperate | wanton | foolhardy

recklessness 词性/词形变化,recklessness变形

副词: reck-lessly |名词: recklessness |

recklessness 反义词


recklessness 相似词语短语

1、lucklessness ─── 不幸

2、specklessness ─── 无斑点

3、restlessness ─── n.坐立不安;不安定

4、tracklessness ─── 无轨

5、fecklessness ─── n.徒劳;低效率;无能;不负责任

6、dreamlessness ─── 无梦

7、fencelessness ─── n.没有围墙

8、breadlessness ─── 无面包

9、dreadlessness ─── 无畏

recklessness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beijing has chastised the U. S. for fiscal recklessness, but it may be headed for an economic collapse of its own. ─── 北京严厉谴责美国财政政策过于鲁莽,但它自己的经济可能面临崩溃的风险。

2、Retaliation : Shield Wall : Recklessness cooldowns have been removed, now requires a Nexus Crystal to activate. ─── 反击风暴,盾墙,卤莽现在没有冷却时间,使用它们需要消耗一块连结水晶。

3、Impetuousness and recklessness is one of them. ─── 冲动与鲁莽便是其中之一。

4、In one sense, this is a story of Asian prudence versus US recklessness. ─── 从某种意义上说,这关系到亚洲人的谨慎与美国人的鲁莽。

5、He is a bit reckless; still you can't help liking him. ─── 他有点毛手毛脚,但你仍然禁不住喜欢他的。

6、Showing boldness and enterprise, as in business, often to the point of recklessness or unscrupulousness. ─── 勇敢冒险的(做生意)勇敢的,好冒险以致于草率或不谨慎的

7、He could not understand the wild quiver of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that lingered after she was gone. ─── 他无法理解的野生颤抖的他的心,也没有下面的责任感鲁莽和优雅的徘徊后,她已经走了。

8、Your reckless spending will beggar your father. ─── 你无度的挥霍将使你父亲穷困潦倒。

9、I was reckless, i was reckless never thought that gril would play me. ─── “大意呀,大意呀,想不到被一丫头片子玩儿了。”

10、He was thinking about the reckless life he meant to live in Mexico. ─── 他在想象着他将在墨西哥过的那种新奇狂放的生活。

11、Don't be reckless or your plans may fall apart. ─── 不要轻举妄动,不然你的计划可能会破产。

12、His reckless driving accounted for the accident. ─── 他开车鲁莽,引起了这场事故。

13、Showing boldness and enterprise,as in business,often to the point of recklessness or unscrupulousness. ─── 勇敢冒险的(做生意)勇敢的,好冒险以致于草率或不谨慎的

14、What recklessness I what wastefulness!what criminal carelessness! ─── 啊,荒谬、该死的宝石匠,闯了弥天大祸!

15、Because recklessness involves taking a known risk, eschewing knowledge of the danger probably averts a court case. ─── 因为重大过失涉及到冒已知风险的问题,如果风险未知,即不知道自己是否携带病毒,似乎可以免惹官非。

16、Don't wilfully cling to your reckless course. ─── 不要一意孤行。

17、Achievement is found on diligence and wasted upon recklessness. ─── 业精于勤,荒于戏。

18、His recklessness landed him in trouble. ─── 他的鲁莽使他陷于麻烦中。

19、His recklessness brought down disaster on the whole family. ─── 他草率行事,使整个家庭遭到了灾难。

20、You are really reckless for fighting over such a trifle. ─── 为这点小事跟人打架,你可真是活该!

21、He apologized for their reckless behavior. ─── 他对他们的鲁莽行为道了歉。

22、Each has an element of recklessness. ─── 每个力量都带有卤莽的因素。

23、Mr Hurt, however, sees the enthusiasm of Mr Perriello and his Democratic colleagues for this sort of spending as "fiscal recklessness" . ─── 然而,赫特认为,佩列罗以及他的民主党同事对花费这笔钱的热情是“财政鲁莽”。

24、All the same, he wasn't feeling as reckless as he pretended. ─── 可是,他不像他假装的那样胡闹了。

25、Reckless driving may lose you even your life. ─── 乱开车甚至会送掉你的命。

26、And yet the functionaries and celebrities privileged enough to have cars continued to exercise a familiar kind of recklessness and immunity. ─── 然而官员和名人享有的特权足以使汽车以一种熟悉的方式继续作威作福,无法无天。

27、Consequently, what we may expect is recklessness. ─── 因此,我们可以预期的是鲁莽而不顾后果。

28、Frontlines aims to discourage such reckless neophyte abandon in a variety of ways. ─── 决战火线:燃料战争打算用各种各样的方阻止鲁莽的初学者。

29、He is very reckless when he is drunk. ─── 他喝醉酒时非常鲁莽。

30、His tradecraft was appallingly reckless. ─── 他的经营轻率得令人吃惊。

31、An extremely reckless person who seems to court death. ─── 作神风式行动的人极其鲁莽,似乎不顾一切寻死的人

32、He dashed out, reckless of the danger. ─── 他不顾危险, 冲了出去。

33、He soon regretted his recklessness. ─── 他不久便后悔他的鲁莽。

34、Reckless driving may even cost your life. ─── 乱开车甚至会使你送命。

35、Three cases of reckless driving within one year. ─── 在一年内三次鲁莽驾驶。

36、Deaths caused by reckless driving are avoidable. ─── 因鲁莽驾驶引起的死亡是可以避免的。

37、Russia was dragged into the fray by the recklessness of the Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili. ─── 俄罗斯是被格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利的鲁莽卷进了争斗。

38、Survive heart-pounding levels of hilarious and reckless mayhem! ─── 你要从激动人心的刺激混乱的关卡中逃脱!

39、His brother is a reckless gambler. ─── 他的弟弟是个不计后果的赌徒。

40、Watching me with a reckless abandon, screaming out with joy at intervals. ─── 他们不计后果的狂热的看着,不时开心的大叫。

41、Although anxious parents may not welcome the notion, educators could turn adolescent recklessness to academic ends. ─── 尽管焦虑的父母可能不欢迎这种想法,但教育工作者可以把青少年的鲁莽转变为学术目的。

42、A heedless, reckless creature he was. ─── 他是个粗心大意、无法无天的家伙。

43、War crimes typically involve deliberate brutality or recklessness. ─── 典型的战争罪应该包含蓄意和野蛮的滥杀。

44、Meanwhile, Secretary Knox pressed forward in a more reckless move. ─── 在此期间,诺克斯国务卿还曾积极推进一种更鲁莽的活动。

45、He brought about his company's collapse by reckless speculation. ─── 他的公司被他做冒险的投机倒把生意搞垮了。

46、I am disillusioned by the institutions of China that let a man of such recklessness get away with impunity. ─── 大失所望是因为中国的机构让一个如此粗心鲁莽的人逃过了惩罚。

47、Wanting caution or discretion; heedless of consequences; rash; reckless. ─── 不谨慎的;轻率的;不思后果的;卤莽的;不顾一切的。

48、Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall will no longer be cancelled if you switch stances while the effect is active. ─── 反击风暴,鲁莽跟盾墙,在发动后,假如切换状态不会取消效果。

49、He praised their courage,but condemned their recklessness. ─── 他赞扬了他们的勇气,同时谴责了他们的鲁莽。

50、He had always been reckless with money. ─── 他花钱总是大手大脚。

51、Harrell’s reckless spending and lending vaporized the rest of the money. ─── 哈洛随便花钱及把钱借贷给别人的方式,很快地就将剩余的钱消耗殆尽。

52、"This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed," he said. ─── "这是一家因鲁莽和贪婪而让自己身陷财务困境的公司," 奥巴马说。

53、Braveryand prudence should also be joined so that we have courage without recklessness. ─── 勇猛和谨慎一定要紧紧结合在一起,才能做到所谓的胆大心细。

54、Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. ─── 他虽是个孩子,却已被饥饿和痛苦逼得不顾一切,铤而走险。

55、To cross a street illegally or in a reckless manner. ─── 乱穿马路鲁莽地不遵守交通规则而穿越马路

56、It was reckless of him to skate out onto the thin ice. ─── 他溜冰溜到了冰层很薄的地方,真是胡来。

57、Most southern town have suffer from the reckless depredation of the armed gang. ─── 大多数南方城镇都遭受过这帮武装匪徒的鲁蛮掠夺。

58、If a young dog is a reckless leaper, then keep your throws low. ─── 几个月大的狗狗就开始要跳起来玩飞盘。。

59、He was made to be niggardly and reckless. ─── 他既嗜钱如命,又挥金如土。

60、She could not keep in check the recklessness with which he insisted on ordering the most expensive things. ─── 她无法制止他那毫不在乎地坚持要点最名贵的酒菜的主张。

61、He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety. ─── 他对个人安危全然无所顾忌。

62、Caroline Hand was, perhaps, unduly reckless. ─── 加罗琳·韩德也许是过于轻率了。

63、A reckless young man gambled his fortune on a turn of cards in one night. ─── 一个鲁莽的年轻人玩了一夜纸牌就赌尽了所有的财产。

64、Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment. ─── 上星期像是在不顾后果的放任中度过的。

65、I often feel reckless and out of control when I shop. ─── 在我购物的时候,我经常有不顾一切和失控的感觉。

66、It's the way you try to sound rough or reckless. ─── 你说起话来故意这样显得很粗野或者毫不在乎。

67、A reckless man! To win a bet , he had once spent a whole night in the cemetery. ─── 一个肆无忌惮的人!为了赢得一笔赌注,他有一次在墓地里待了整整一夜。

68、Don't be too reckless with your money. There may come a rainy day for everyone. ─── 不要胡花钱了,人总有个急需的时候。

69、In his face there was a look of exaltation not unmixed with recklessness. ─── 他脸上是一片狂欢大乐的样子,掺杂着不顾一切的神气。

70、But that very tangibility can lead to reckless speculation. ─── 但这种资产有形性导致过度投机。

71、"All right", said Easton, who was beginning to feel reckless. ─── “好”伊斯顿说。他开始感到有些昏昏然了。

72、Wasn't love supposed to be spontaneous, reckless? ─── 人们不是都说爱情是任性的、轻率的吗?

73、But we do not want to be reckless. ─── 可是,我们不想贸然行事。

74、Fianna: They should take life a bit more seriously. Such reckless behavior will destroy them. ─── 他们应该生活的更认真一些。如此不顾后果的行为会毁了他们。

75、He was not really reckless, at any rate in his relations to society. ─── 他并非真正毫无顾忌,至少在他与社会的关系上是如此。

76、He's quite reckless of his own safety. ─── 他完全不顾及自己的安全。

77、Retaliation: Shield Wall: Recklessness cooldowns have been removed, now requires a Nexus Crystal to activate. ─── 反击风暴,盾墙,卤莽现在没有冷却时间,使用它们需要消耗一块连结水晶。

78、There is a smack of recklessness in his character. ─── 他的个性有些鲁。

79、They giggled at his recklessness. ─── 他们对他的鲁莽哈哈大笑起来。

80、And he notes that recklessness, like that apparently exhibited by Winehouse, is only part of the equation. ─── 他还指出像温赫斯表现出的那种鲁莽行为只是一部分原因。

81、He thought she was too reckless at it. ─── 他起初觉得她对它太粗心大意了。

82、Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness. ─── 业精于勤,荒天嬉。

83、Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment. ─── 上星期像是在不顾後果的放任中度过的。

84、Nora tended to be impulsive and sometimes reckless. ─── 劳拉做事冲动,有时还很莽撞。

85、By his reckless conduct he inflicted great misery on his parents. ─── 他行为不检使父母遭受很大痛苦。

86、He's a reckless driver. ─── 他是个鲁莽的司机。

87、Two children were killed by a reckless driver. ─── 两个孩子被鲁莽的司机撞死.

88、Even Silver, eating away, with Captain Flint upon his shoulder, had not a word of blame for their recklessness. ─── 西尔弗独自坐在一边吃,让鹦鹉弗林特船长蹲在他肩上。

89、Behind his cool exterior lurks a reckless and frustrated person. ─── 在冷酷的外表背后,他是一个鲁莽又不得志的人。

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