diabolical 发音
英: 美:
diabolical 中文意思翻译
diabolical 网络释义
adj. 恶魔的
diabolical 短语词组
1、diabolical definition ─── 邪恶的定义
2、diabolical ironclad beetles ─── 邪恶的铁甲甲虫
3、diabolical sudoku ─── 恶魔数独
4、diabolical beetle ─── 恶魔甲虫
5、diabolical game ─── 恶魔游戏
6、diabolical angesand ─── 邪恶的澳新
7、diabolical box ─── 恶魔盒子
8、diabolical woman ─── 邪恶的女人
diabolical 词性/词形变化,diabolical变形
副词: diabolically |异体字: diabolic |名词: diabolicalness |
diabolical 相似词语短语
1、Biblical ─── adj.圣经的;依据圣经的(等于biblical)
2、diabolic ─── adj.残忍的;魔鬼似的;恶魔的
3、diabetical ─── 糖尿病
4、diabolicalness ─── 邪恶
5、diabolise ─── 辉绿岩
6、diabolically ─── adv.恶魔般地;非常恼人地
7、parabolical ─── adj.比喻的;寓言似的;抛物线的(等于parabolic)
8、diabolised ─── 糖尿病
9、dialogical ─── adj.对话(体)的;问答的;n.对话式,对话型
diabolical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、diabolical scheme ─── 穷凶极恶的诡计
2、They are possessed with a diabolical patience to watch the doings of people who fancy themselves private ─── 他们具有魔鬼那样的耐心,观察那些自以为隐蔽着的人们的活动。
3、7. A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession does not absolve him from sins of diabolical cunning. ─── 他的很多关于这个国家的人文风俗的常识是可笑的。
4、It had been far more diabolical ─── 这比那阴险得多。
5、And, truly, it appeared as if the lad WERE possessed of something diabolical at that period. ─── 而这个孩子在那个时候好像的确着了魔一样。
6、The traffic was diabolical. ─── 交通状况糟糕透了。
7、About three hours later I heard this awful smashing, crashing, diabolical end-of-the-world type thunder sound. Now here we are back at the beginning of my story. The Daftsplosion. ─── 大约三小时之后我听到了这个震撼的粉碎,碰撞,恶魔般世界末日类型的雷鸣声。现在我们回到我故事的开始。
8、How the diabolical darts fly to fragments, and the infernal bucklers are broken like potters’ vessels! ─── 祂践踏每种敌挡我们的起诉,摧毁每一控告。
9、Making a psychic prediction is seen as invoking diabolical forces, perhaps even entering into a pact with Satan. ─── 作出通灵预测,被认为是援引了恶魔的力量,甚至与恶魔撒旦达成了协议。
10、fiendish, fiendishly, devilishly, devilish, diabolical, diabolically, hellishly ─── 恶魔般的。可怕的。
11、They are possessed with a diabolical patience to watch the doings of people who fancy themselves private. ─── 他们具有魔鬼那样的耐心,观察那些自以为隐蔽着人们的活动。
12、Now he has a paranoid suspicion of women which he plans to express in a diabolical plan to marry a woman from the harem and then have her executed the very next morning. ─── 由于舒哈亚有过一次不快乐的婚姻,他的前妻联同舒哈亚弟弟谋害他,致令舒哈亚对婚姻产生恐惧。
13、Some people experience in their lives or in their homes the presence of evil that seems to be diabolical in origin. ─── 有些人在他们的生活或家庭中经验到一些似乎是来自魔鬼的事。
14、The Japanese too particular about manners, so the other side will certainly too deep Xinhen point is extremely diabolical, Yiguanqinshou. ─── 而日本人太讲究礼貌了,所以其另一面肯定也会太深,深至极点就是心狠毒辣,衣冠禽兽。
15、Pleasure without love?Is there no longer any feeling in man‘s Faith?Sade are you diabolical or divine? ─── 萨德,告诉我,为什么要为了那种因无爱而存在的**血流成河?
16、traffic was diabolical. ─── 交通状况糟糕透了。
17、'My amiable lady!' he interrupted, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face. 'Where is she - my amiable lady?' ─── “我贤惠的女人!”他面露近乎恶魔般的讥笑,打断我的话,“她在哪里?我贤惠的女人?”
18、It hardly was credible that such a he*** enly light could be the parent of such a diabolical sound. ─── 这样一直落自天穹的闪光竟会引起如此惊天动地的声响,简直有些令人难以置信。
19、H:Tell me more of your diabolical scheme,so that I can swoon at your manly evilness. ─── 再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。
20、Stewie's diabolical clone has kidnapped the entire Griff... ─── 同名电视剧改编的游戏。
21、This diabolical agent had the Divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul. ─── 这个恶魔的代理人获得神圣的特许,在一段时间里,钻入牧师的内心,阴谋破坏他的灵魂。
22、Redo prevents a diabolical situation in multiple Undo. ─── 在多次撤销中,恢复能避免糟糕情形的出现。
23、Let me evoke my diabolical power which is from the unlimited darkness. ─── 微软是最以钱为本的公司了,情理之中,意料之外。
24、To counteract the effects of this diabolical process, the witch-doctor prescribed a certain medicine, and a charm to be worn next the body, on that part where the disease principally lay. ─── 他的一些邻村还不是本村的朋友怂恿他去看巫医,那些朋友认为他是被恶魔缠身了。
25、Papageno enters, and Monostatos and Papageno are equally amazed at the other's outlandish and diabolical appearance. ─── 巴巴基诺出现,和莫诺斯塔托碰面,双方都被对方古灵精怪的打扮吓一大跳而各自逃跑。
26、No matter how often someone uses this diabolical door, he will always attempt to pull it open, because the affordances are strong enough to drown out any number of signs affixed to the door saying Push. ─── 无论某人如何经常使用这扇讨厌的门,他总是试图把它拉开,因为该启示比门上任何“推”的文字标志的影响都要强烈。
27、To represent as diabolical. ─── 描述成恶魔,象恶魔一样
28、We find in the eighteenth century, in nearly all the songs of the galleys and prisons, a diabolical and enigmatical gayety. ─── 及至十九世纪,几乎所有的大桡船、苦役牢、囚犯队里的任何歌曲都有了一种疯狂费解的轻快趣味。
29、About three hours later I heard this awful smashing, crashing, diabolical end-of-the-world type thunder sound. ─── 大约三小时之后我听到了这个震撼的粉碎,碰撞,恶魔般世界末日类型的雷鸣声。
30、It was diabolical the way they let me know ─── 他们用这种方式暗示我真是可恶。
31、But when it comes to election-time they not only play the politics of victimhood, but play it with extraordinary relish, presenting ordinary Americans as the victims of diabolical conspiracies. ─── 但是一旦到选举期间,他们不仅玩起受害者的政治游戏,还带着特别的乐趣,俨然代表了受阴谋毒害的普通美国人。
32、Of,relating to,or suggestive of a fiend;diabolical. ─── 恶魔的恶魔的,与恶魔有关的令人想起恶魔的;恶魔的
33、His forehead, that I once thought so manly, and that I now think so diabolical, was shaded with a heavy cloud. ─── 他的前额,我曾认为很有丈夫气概,现在我感到它变得十分恶毒,笼罩着一层浓云。
34、The latest updates from the Department of Energy were nothing short of diabolical. ─── 来自美国能源部的最新数据不啻是恶魔。
35、of his is a diabolical conspiracy. ─── 他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。
36、This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul. ─── 这个恶魔的代理人获得神圣的特许,在一段时间里,钻入牧师的内心,阴谋破坏他的灵魂。
37、Diabolical method! ─── 毒辣法!
38、but also there the soldiers followed her, and when they found her, she served as new nourishment to their diabolical enjoyments; ─── 兵士搜寻着她们。如果找到了她们和孩子,她们就会做为满足他们恶魔享乐的养料。
39、The preacher thought the fork was evil and called it a diabolical luxury. ─── 这位牧师认为叉子是邪恶的,并把叉子说成是一个恶魔般的奢侈品。
40、Meanwhile, Emperor Pilaf sets in motion a diabolical plan to destroy Goku and steal his Dragon balls using a lethal army of robotic enforcers! ─── 与此同时,皮拉夫大王又开始了一场新的魔鬼计划,这一次他想要利用他的夺命机器人军团来消灭小悟空,偷取所有的龙珠。
41、devilish schemes; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen; the diabolical expression on his face; a mephistophelian glint in his eye ─── 恶魔般的安排;一些政客们冷静的算计和恶魔般的诡计;他脸上邪恶的表情;他眼中恶魔似的光芒
42、We discovered human skeleton really below this monkey bread tree, but it cannot be " diabolical tree " after having a person, stay. ─── 我们在这棵猴面包树下的确发现了人类的骨骼,但它不可能是“恶魔之树”吃人后留下的。
43、The preacher thought the fork was evil and called it a diabolical luxury. ─── 这位牧师认为叉子是邪恶的,并把叉子说成是一个恶魔般的奢侈品。
44、7. Cascading dialogs are a diabolical idiom whereby controls, usually pushbuttons, in one dialog box summon up another dialog box in a hierarchical nesting. ─── 级联对话框是一种糟糕的习惯用法,一个对话框中的控件,通常是按钮。
45、he interrupted, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face. ─── 他插嘴,脸上带着几乎是恶魔似的讥笑。
46、Tom was given Boris Karloff eyebrows that enhanced his diabolical demeanor, and in many poses bears a strong resemblance to Bugs himself, with a tail and cropped ears. ─── 汤姆是鲍里斯卡洛夫的眉毛,增强其凶残的风度,而且在许多对负有强烈的相似性错误的自己,有尾巴和剪裁的耳朵。
47、Frederick: That was a diabolical day. Did you understand what was going on? ─── 腓特烈:这真是可怕的一天。你清楚战时的情况吗?
48、His forehead, that I once thought so manly, and that I now think so diabolical , was shaded with a heavy cloud. ─── 他的前额,我曾认为很有丈夫气概,现在我感到它变得十分恶毒,笼罩着一层浓云。
49、In desperation, the undead newlyweds turn to an expert frightmeister named Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) -- who has a diabolical agenda behind his scheme to help them. ─── 为保家园,两只哗鬼誓要用尽任何方法把这家人赶出去,可惜事有愿违,最后唯有找上通灵大师的帮助。
50、News Of discovery reaches a Middle East monastery where warrior monks choose their best pupil, Lukas to face the diabolical threat. ─── 同时,魔仆正袭击嘉伦以徒夺取锁匙拯救其主人撒旦。
51、Fortunately, Voltaire was the author of "Candide" in spite of this, and in spite of this, he is, among all the men who have followed each other in the long series of humanity, the one who has best possessed the diabolical laugh. ─── 幸运的是,尽管如此,伏尔泰还是写下了《老实人》,仍然是空前绝后最善于冷嘲热讽的人。
52、‘My amiable lady!‘ he interrupted, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face. ‘Where is she - my amiable lady? ─── 我贤惠的女人!他面露近乎恶魔般的讥笑,打断我的话,她在哪里?我贤惠的女人?
53、Pray that every diabolical plan against these people who are precious to God will be demolished. ─── 祷告每个针对神所宝贵百姓的邪恶计画都被摧毁。
54、Is there no longer any feeling in man‘s Faith? Sade are you diabolical or divine? ─── 萨德,你告诉我,你究竟是圣徒,还是恶魔?.
55、This diabolical agent had the Divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul. ─── 这个恶魔的代理人获得神圣的特许,在一段时问里,钻入牧师的内心,阴谋破坏他的灵魂。
56、The diabolical prisoners' cage is occupied first by the sadist who designed it ─── 残暴囚笼的设计者们,那些虐待狂,最先“享用”囚笼的滋味
57、What diabolical weather! ─── 多么令人讨厌的天气!
58、There was such a diabolical conglomeration of mustache, glasses, fairly bushy eyebrows and knitted lines where the eyebrows met! ─── 他的髭须,眼镜,又粗又厚的眉毛,和两眉间的皱纹,合组而成一个恶魔似的容貌。
59、A diabolical liberty,ie an act that one resents very much ─── 极放肆的举动.
60、Ah, the diabolical dice. A word of caution. Don't throw them when you're alone. The fiends lack loyalty, and their notion of nourishment is quite disturbing. ─── 啊,恶魔的骰子。切需谨记,孤身时勿要抛玩。恶魔不耽于忠诚,何况他们对营养品的概念与我们可大不一样。
61、Sade are you diabolical or divine? ─── 你是恶魔还是神圣?
62、Surely, Gutenberg's diabolical invention was the deathknell of librarianship. ─── 至少对于积极进取的图书馆员,或许真是这样。
63、The Chinalco bid is a diabolical policy problem. ─── 中铝的竞标是个很大的政治问题。
64、This sordid, vultrous, diabolical old man reminded Nately of his father ─── 这个卑鄙、贪婪、恶魔似的老头儿使纳特雷想起了他的父亲。
65、This approach has identified about 350 cancer-related genes and yielded many significant insights into this diabolical disease. ─── 利用这种做法,已经找到了将近350个癌症相关基因,并让我们对这个恶疾有更深入的了解。
66、Liz has a "diabolical" moves her to drink a drug Garfield, when it said that when the offensive would stop the tail swing, so this cartoon very angry. ─── 莉丝出了一个很“毒辣”的招数,她给加菲猫喝下一种药物,当它表示反感时尾巴就会不停的摇摆,这事让加菲猫气愤不已。
67、Eventually, we saw that " diabolical tree " green crown of a tree. ─── 终于,我们看到了那“恶魔之树”绿色的树冠。
68、It is only another example of the diabolical influence which this woman exercises over the court ─── 这不过再一次证明了那个女人对于咱们这个法庭所产生的邪恶影响罢了。
69、devilish schemes; the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen; the diabolical expression on his face; a mephistophelian glint in his eye. ─── 恶魔般的安排;一些政客们冷静的算计和恶魔般的诡计;他脸上邪恶的表情;他眼中恶魔似的光芒。
70、Thus Kinski-Paganini leads us through segments of his past and, like a diabolical magician, foretells and envisions for us his unavoidable destiny. ─── 因此金斯基-帕格尼尼使我们通过阶层和他的过去,像一个恶魔魔术师,预示著和他的设想,我们不可避免的命运。
71、It hardly was credible that such a heavenly light could be the parent of such a diabolical sound . ─── 这样一道落自天穹的闪光竟会引起如此惊天动地的声响,简直有些令人难以置信。
72、Guide says with one's eyes open: "' diabolical tree ' be in around! ─── 向导警惕地说:“‘恶魔之树’就在四周!”
73、She joins the diabolical dance ─── 她加入了妖魔的舞蹈。
74、In an attempt to acquire two Dragon Balls, our hero infiltrates the army's lair, where he must face Commander Red and his diabolical legion of soldiers. ─── 为了夺回另外两颗龙珠,我们的小英雄冲进了敌人的老巢,在那儿,他将面对黑元帅和他的魔鬼军团。
75、Dark Scream: Probably just another diabolical plan to get us destroyed. ─── 可能又是另一个巨馊的会把我们灭了的主意.
76、What he doesn't realize is that he is about to become the protagonist of a diabolical scenario... ─── 爱伦不理其他人的劝告,终止性游戏,却令他逐步走向危险边缘...
77、The peaceful herbivore herds of slothien were assimilated into the zerg Swarm to produce one of the fiercest and most diabolical of the zerg strains. ─── 这些安详的草食性树獭兽被异形群体同化来做为生产异形里最残忍且致命地基因链。
78、Ran fell, we were a diabolical mind super stuffy smoked up a raised eyebrow; ─── 昏昏然中,大家被一记超级毒辣闷臭屁熏醒了;
79、Of, relating to, or suggestive of a fiend; diabolical. ─── 恶魔的恶魔的,与恶魔有关的令人想起恶魔的;恶魔的
80、You will find that they were only out to enslave you, and made diabolical plans to achieve it. ─── 你们会发现他们仅仅打算奴役你们,并且制订出恶魔般的计划来实现它。
81、Their captors hatched a diabolical scheme ─── 这些狗的捕获者策划了一个凶残的阴谋
82、It hardly was credible that such a heavenly light could be the parent of such a diabolical sound ─── 这样一道落自天穹的闪光竟会引起如此惊天动地的声响,简直有些令人难以置信。
83、Combined with our diabolical routines, you'll have a modern electronic miracle in your hands. ─── 与我们的恶魔般惯例结合,你在你的手将有一个现代电子奇迹。
84、The diabolical prisoners' cage is occupied first by the sadist who designed it. ─── 残暴囚笼的设计者们,那些虐待狂,最先“享用”囚笼的滋味;
85、Network game is a Shuang Renjian, advantageous also have disadvantage, this bit of child may be not known, but the teaching staff should realise, cannot abominably regards network game as diabolical. ─── 网络游戏是把双刃剑,有利也有弊,这点孩子可能认识不到,但教育工作者应该认识到,不能极端地把网络游戏当作恶魔。
86、Most of us own the diabolical gimmick but don't use it because the perfect routine hasn't existed until now. ─── 因为完善的惯例直到现在,不存在大多数我们拥有恶魔般秘密装置,但是不使用它。
87、This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy. ─── 他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋。
88、For example, in the original sinister diabolical double arrogance of江别鹤Jianghu disturb order, and the new version, however, add a court to use the new line江别鹤story. ─── 譬如,原著中阴险毒辣的江别鹤利用双骄搅乱江湖秩序,而新版中则加入了一条朝廷利用江别鹤的故事新线。
89、It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error. ─── 那是个糟糕透顶的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。
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