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09-12 投稿


platitude 发音

英:['plætɪtjuːd]  美:['plætɪtud]

英:  美:

platitude 中文意思翻译



platitude 词性/词形变化,platitude变形

副词: platitudinously |形容词: platitudinous |

platitude 短语词组

1、platitude def ─── 陈词滥调

2、platitude means ─── 陈词滥调

3、platitude meaning ─── 陈词滥调

4、platitude in a sentence ─── 陈词滥调

5、platitude defined ─── 陈词滥调

6、banal platitude ─── 陈词滥调

7、pious platitude ─── [网络] 虔诚的

platitude 相似词语短语

1、gratitude ─── n.感谢(的心情);感激

2、platitudes ─── n.陈词滥调;平凡;陈腐

3、latitudes ─── n.[地理]纬度,某一纬度地区(latitude的复数形式)

4、latitude ─── n.纬度;界限;活动范围

5、colatitude ─── n.[天]余纬度

6、Beatitude ─── n.祝福;至福

7、plentitude ─── n.充分(表示情况、状态丰富)

8、plenitude ─── n.充分;丰富;大量

9、altitude ─── n.高地;高度;[数]顶垂线;(等级和地位等的)高级;海拔

platitude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、About the crucial factor that Internet rises abruptly: Want to have a distinctive commercial pattern above all, be like platitude, but it is really such. ─── 关于互联网崛起的要害因素:首先要有一个独特的商业模式,好象老生常谈,但确实就是这样。

2、So the problem is a platitude before investors before: IPO market to accelerate the resumption of adjustment will be an opportunity for you? ─── 于是一个老生常谈的问题又摆在投资者面前:IPO加速重启将是市场调整的契机么?

3、he seems has no origial ideas, his speeck was full of platitude. ─── 他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。

4、Reviewing "Platitude"--Correctness of Structure and its Significance in Contemporary Architectural Critique ─── 重温"陈词滥调"--谈结构正确性及其在当代建筑评论中的意义

5、4.To adapt the high and low terrain, the project has adopted cascade house layout to reduce platitude, the cascade houses, matched with the beautiful lake view, creates a rich dwelling space. ─── 为顺应地形的高低错落,项目采用跌落式住宅的布局方式,减少了单调感,配合优良湖景,创造出丰富的居住空间。

6、Though it's no more than a platitude, Washington still hopes that this 'business mogul' will find opportunities during his trip through his relations with high level Chinese officials. ─── 虽然这个论调有些“老生常谈”,但华盛顿仍希望这位“财神爷”能凭借他过去在中国的高层内线,为这次访华之行带来生机。

7、But this one reason is platitude already, "It is early two years ago, when Sai Di medium should oppugn its gain ability to the market, it is reason prevaricate with this all the time. ─── 但这一原因早已是老生常谈,“早在两年前,赛迪传媒应对市场质疑其盈利能力时,就一直以此为理由搪塞。”

8、Now, not only my attitude change, but also my platitude. ─── 现在,不只是我的态度变了,我的口头禅也变了。

9、Nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude. ─── 好的老生常谈最管用。

10、I am the champion of the platitude ─── 我是这种老生常谈的冠军。

11、This was such a mere platitude as almost to go without saying. ─── 这不过是老生常谈,不用说也明白。

12、Platitude: A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were original or significant. ─── 陈腔滥调,陈腐的或平庸的评论或陈述,尤指某人表述它时好象它是新颖的或有意义的。

13、As regards the hinge-request, page numbers, tunkinskiye, and so on request is hit by a platitude, this phenomenon is extremely rare. ─── 至于折页要求、页码撞齐等等要求是老生常谈的问题,因此这一现象极少发生。

14、APPLAUSE, n. The echo of a platitude. ─── 掌声:陈词滥调的回音。

15、A commonplace remark or notion; a platitude. ─── 陈词滥调陈腐庸俗的话或想法; 陈词滥调

16、Epigram: A platitude with vine-leaves in its hair. ─── 所谓名言隽语,也不过是经过刻意修饰的陈腔滥调罢了。

17、” This sounds like a platitude, but I'll never forget my father telling me that. ─── 这话听起来似乎是老生常谈,但我永远都不会忘记父亲给我这则忠告的情景。

18、The talk is no more than a platitude. ─── 这番话无非是老生常谈。

19、Applause is the echo of a platitude. ─── 掌声是一种单调的回音.

20、And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well. ─── 我也想对这里的老师们说,原谅我的老套话,你们可能早已烂熟于心了。

21、taking comfort in the platitude that all will end well; ─── 在老套的大团圆中寻求安慰;

22、platitude; senseless prate; cliche; often-repeated rubBish ─── 陈词滥调

23、In fact, the noise problem is a platitude, but is not a good solution for. ─── 实际上,噪音问题是老生常谈的问题了,但是解决的并不好。

24、It was a platitude to maintain the fiction that he was conferring a great boon on me. ─── 这是一种陈腐的老生常谈,旨在维护似乎他给了我极大恩惠的假象。

25、A commonplace remark or notion;a platitude. ─── 陈词滥调陈腐庸俗的话或想法;陈词滥调

26、Although be platitude, but it is the simplest and effective method however. ─── 特洛伊木马程序常被定义为当执行一个任务时却实际上执行着另一任务的程序,用瞒天过海”或披着羊皮的狼”之类的词来形容这类程序一点也不为过。

27、Real love is not a platitude;nor is love a fantasy;nor is love lust. ─── 真正的爱并不是一句陈词滥调,爱不是幻相,爱也不是贪欲。

28、But this is just a reassuring platitude. ─── 但这不过是用来安慰人的陈词滥调。

29、her platitude is:" when i was in university, i did...." anyway, she is the profect teacher in my hreat. ─── 她的口头禅:我大学时怎么怎么样......总之,她是我心中最完美的老师了!

30、We shall have to listen to more platitude about the danger of overspending ─── 我们又得再听一通超支危害的陈词滥调了

31、With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude. ─── 讽刺作品用自然的嘲讽态度重新设置了观点,将熟悉的事物自相矛盾地置在一起。

32、It has become a platitude of political commentary in Britain to envy the drama that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton brought to American politics. ─── 英语的政治评论总是讲羡慕奥巴马和希拉里为美国政坛上演的好戏。

33、The General was showing him that he wasn't superior to the platitude either ─── 将军的本意也正是要叫他明白,他也一样跳不出这些老调的圈圈。

34、Its no more than a platitude. ─── 3.无非是老生常谈。

35、And the old people here. Forgive me for platitude that you know so well. ─── 我也想对这里的老师们说,原谅我的老套话,你们可能早已烂熟于心了。

36、Our quality exceeds platitude , our tech produces miracle, our service features consideration! We hope this trinity will bring the most interest to our partners and clients. ─── 品质超越平凡--技术创造奇迹--服务体贴到底!愿我们的三位一体,为合作伙伴和客户带来最大的利益

37、MRS. CHEVELEY. : In modern life nothing produces such an effect as a good platitude. It makes the whole world kin. ─── 谢弗利太太:当今社会里,没有什么能像一个恰到好处的陈词滥调那样让人趋之若鹜了。

38、than a platitude. ─── 老生常谈。

39、A fellow comes out with some insignificant platitude when I am speaking with my whole heart ─── 一个人散布枯燥乏味的陈腔滥调时,而我正全心全力地演说。

40、The problem appears to be a platitude in fact, but not many artists can answer it.Therefore, there appear the difference of the current artists and the diversity of the meaning. ─── 问题看似老生常谈,实际上并不是许多人能做到的,因为此,就分别出了当下的艺术家的差异和意义。

41、But this platitude goes against a hundred years of educational psychology. ─── 但是这种陈词滥调是和一百年来的教育心理学研究相抵触的。

42、Life Style of this discusses the subject of poetic productive force, which is a “platitude“ about the society under the background of rapid economic development. ─── 生活方式探讨“诗意生产力”主题,是对飞速经济背景下的社会“老生常谈”。

43、and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude. ─── 讽刺文学用自己的语言,而不是采用抽象的陈词滥调来表达。

44、"Someone must have told you that. You'd never think of such a platitude all by yourself. ─── "也许有人对你说过这话了,你自己决不会想出这种陈腔滥调来的。

45、We shall have to listen to more platitude about the danger of overspend. ─── 我们又得再听一通超支危害的陈词滥调了。

46、Despite Sewell's original performance, the rest of the film could not be saved from its nondescript platitude. ─── 尽管休厄尔表现抢眼,电影的其他部分无法挽救其难以名状的平庸。

47、But to enjoy freedom, if the platitude is pardonable, we have of course to control ourselves. ─── 要真正享受自由(恕我用这一陈词),就必须要有自我约束。

48、It used to be a platitude of Western-and Marxist-analysis of China that wrenching economic change would demand political reform. ─── 在西方国家和马克思主义者关于中国的分析中,经济突变必然要求政治改革的论调已经是老生常谈。

49、It's no more tahn a platitude. ─── 无非是老生常谈。

50、It reduced the romance to platitude, and the third person in the drama to the appearance of a stick ─── 这使得浪漫色彩减少为陈词滥调,而剧中的第三者成了一个呆头呆脑的角色。

51、It was a platitude to maintain the fiction that he was conferring a great boon on me ─── 这是一种陈腐的老生常谈,旨在维护似乎他给了我极大恩惠的假象。

52、A fellow comes out with some insignificant platitude when I am speaking with my whole heart. ─── 一个人散布枯燥乏味的陈腔滥调时,而我正全心全力地演说。

53、taking comfort in the platitude that all will end well ─── 在老套的大团圆中寻求安慰

54、2.Maternal love is the most common and yet the greatest affection one can experience in the world. It defines sublimity with platitude. ─── 母爱是世界上最普通又最伟大的情感,它会使平凡变得崇高。

55、I became a walking platitude telling friends without a trace of irony to live every day as though it were their last. ─── 我成了行走着的话唠(活生生的唐僧?),我不带丝毫讽刺意味地告诉朋友们,要像它是人生最后一天一样过好每一天。

56、Good luck to you! I do not hope you will be tired of reading my platitude -just behold it as a four-leaf clover! ─── 祝你幸运,希望你不会对我沉长的信感得厌倦——仅仅就将它看作是一朵幸福的小四叶草吧!

57、Buddhist monastic disciplineSmokeTo me, the topic that has been a platitude. ─── 戒烟对我来说,已经是一个老生常谈的话题了。

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