comportable 发音
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英: 美:
comportable 中文意思翻译
comportable 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、COMport number ─── COM端口号
2、he is provided with comport and leisure by the most productive economy ever known to mankind; ─── 着人类有史以来最发达的经济提供的舒适与休闲;
3、Q - You don't seem to be such a man that I've thought of you, because you look more comportable than before. ─── 我想像中你不是这样的人,因为你看起来更加比以前更适合了。
4、Download and upload transit PC Comport,This paper gave out the design thought and implementation. ─── 文中给出了系统中串口通讯的设计思想和实现过程。
5、A judge should comport himself authoritatively [with dignity]. ─── 法官举止必须要庄严 [有威严]
6、To comport yourself well in society;restrain loose tongue's impropriety ─── 处世戒多言,言多必失。
7、seek comport in ─── adj. 安慰
8、a single individual's success and the bootstrap effort of the mass of ghetto youth is and remains too tenuous微小 to comport with reality . ─── 个人的成就与广大黑人区青年依靠自己的努力取得成功之间的可比性极其微小,很不现实。
9、It is your job to comport yourself humbly and to consistently hew to your moral ideals. ─── 这是你的职责:谦逊地把持自己并坚守你的道德理想。
10、The volume of the breathing apparatus is small.The weight of it is light.The operation is simple.It is on the safe side and comportable for the wearer. ─── 本呼吸器具有体积小、重量轻、操作简单、安全可靠、面罩视野宽阔、气密性好。
11、To comport yourself well in society, ─── 乖僻自是,悔悟必多;
12、3. His speech and deportment do not comport with his high position. ─── 他的言谈举止与他所担任的高级职务不相称。
13、Development of Serial Communication Program by Use of ComPort Component in C++Builder5 ─── C++中利用ComPort元件开发串行通信程序
14、Since you told us that our government still did not enough.We will try to comport better since now on. ─── 既然你们告诉我们说我们的政府做得还不够,那么从今以后我们将努力做好。
15、The communication format and the flow chart of serial communication are illuminated. The serial communication is implemented with COMPORT of Delphi 6.0 in Windows - NT. ─── 在Windows-NT环境中使用Delphi 6.0采用COMPORT控件实现串口通信。
16、Comport yourself with dignity. ─── 举止要庄重
17、1. behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself. ─── 能体现某种风格的举动;表现出某种举止;此举动与行为主体很相衬。
18、His remark simply does not comport with the fact ─── 他说的与事实不符。
19、How leaders comport themselves when their number is up (and afterwards: think of Edward Heath's sulk) can set the tone for their future memorialisation. ─── 领导者们在最后的日子里(之后就想想希斯的郁闷情绪吧)的行为举止,会给他们将来的回忆录定下基调。
20、His statement did not comport with the facts. ─── 他的发言与事实不符。
21、To behave or conduct(oneself) in a given manner; comport. ─── 举动按某种给定的模式行动;举止
22、In the wars of the European powers in matters relating to themselves we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. ─── 欧洲各国为它们本身的事而从事的历次战争,我们从来没有参加;如果参加,便与我们的国策不符。
23、Six luxurious villas in different styles can make you comportable and meet the demands of all kinds of guests. ─── 六栋中式、西式不同风格的小楼,为您提供豪华的居住场所,满足客人的不同需求。
24、comport oneself with dignity/in a dignified manner ─── 举止庄重.
25、10. A judge should comport himself authoritatively [with dignity]. ─── 法官举止必须要庄严[有威严]。
26、And most important of all, far down and yet always at the surface of his thought, was the problem of how he should comport himself toward these persons.What should his attitude be? ─── 而最重要的是,在他意识的底层,也在他思想的表面存在着一个问题:他在这些人面前应当如何自处,抱什么态度?
27、Nylon nosepad offers greater comport and non-slip fit ─── 尼龙鼻垫,配戴更为舒适
28、The Colonel gave me advice on how to comport myself in the White House. ─── 上校建议我在白宫该如何表现。
29、Q - You don't seem to be such a man that I've thought of you, because you look more comportable than before. ─── Q-我想像中你不是这样的人,因为你看起来更加比以前更适合了。
30、A judge should comport himself authoritatively. ─── 法官举止必须要庄严。
31、comport with ─── v. 一致, 适合
32、to be as Dasein is to understand oneself ,that is ,as we shall see later ,to comport oneself in such a way that one competently lives out some socially constituted way of being. ─── 我的翻译是:作为此在而存在即是对自身的领悟,也即是说,如同我们将会看到的那样,此在以此种方式与自身相称,即以脱离某些社会既定存在方式的方式生活。
33、His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude. ─── 他的发言同他一贯的态度极不相称。
34、We should always plead god for relief from suffering, comport strength, and for our needs. ─── 在遭受痛苦,并期望得到慰藉、力量及满足自己需求时,我应该经常向上帝寻求慰藉。
35、His conduct did not comport with his high position. ─── 他的所作所为与他的高级职务不相称。
36、Q - You don't seem to be your former self.You look more comportable than you were.Let me supposed that you are a Terminator. ─── Q-你和你之前的风格不太一样,现在的你看起来比以前更舒服了。
37、I do not know how I would comport myself. ─── 我不知道我应该怎样行动。
38、No matter where you find yourself, comport yourself as if you were a distinguished person. ─── 不管你身在何处,一举一动都要相称于一个卓越的人士。
39、A330/A340 Offer Top Comport and Luxury in Long-range Widebody Aircraft ─── A330/A340:远程宽体机中极舒适豪华的飞机
40、His conduct do not comport with his high position. ─── 他的所作所为,实在不配担任那样高的职位。
41、The way people comport themselves after losing a job can make all the difference in what comes next. ─── 人们失业之后的举止谈吐可能会决定未来的求职进展。
42、Six luxurious villas in different styles can make you comportable and meet the demands of all kinds of guests. ─── 六栋中式、西式不同风格的别墅,为您提供豪华的居住场所,满足客人的不同需求。
43、“I’ll speak to him to hear his intentions and then comport myself as a consequence. ─── 我将和他谈谈来倾听他的想法并最后说说我自己的看法。
44、The child turned to its mother for comport. ─── 那孩子向母亲求安慰。
45、Thank you for all you did to us, really thanks! Since you told us that our government still did not enough. We will try to comport better since now on. ─── 谢谢你们“为我们所做的一切”,真的非常感谢。既然你们告诉我们说我们的政府做得还不够,那么从今以后我们将努力做好。
46、Using multithread comport data collection and a varietal model called Producer/Active Consumer model, the software system runs steadily. ─── 使用多线程串口数据采集和生产者/积极消费者模型,使其具有稳定的工作性能;
47、To comport yourself well in society, Restrain loose tongue’s impropriety. ─── (5)勿恃权势而凌孤寡;勿贪口腹而恣杀性。
48、How should we underlings comport ourselves when the person we report to has changed without warning? ─── 上司在毫无通知的情况下突然被更换,我们下面这些人如何去适应呢?
49、Never was there a more beautiful example of how the majesty of age and wisdom may comport with the obeisance and respect enjoined upon it, as from a lower social rank, and inferior order of endowment, towards a higher. ─── 像这样社会地位较低和天赋能力较劣的人对高于自己者的毕恭毕敬,是年高德重之人如何使自己既有尊严又有相应的礼敬的前所未有的绝好范例。
50、Though the preliminary test,this system comport with requirements of American diabetes association testing error. ─── 该系统经过初步测试,符合美国糖尿病协会对血糖仪测试误差的要求。
51、664. comport : bear one's self; ─── 664 。水果:承担一个人的自我;
52、Such actions do not comport with your high status. ─── 那样的行为与你崇高的社会地位不相称。
53、1.His behavior did not comport with his office. ─── 他的行为与他的职务很不相称。
54、The article takes the Dalian Railway Work(DLRW) as practical backgroud, having detailed data.So the theories comport with the practice. ─── 该论文以大连机车车辆厂为实践背景,具备大量详实的资料,充分做到理论与实践相统一。
55、P9:How leaders comport themselves when their number is up (and afterwards: think of Edward Heath's sulk) can set the tone for their future memorialisation. ─── 是不是可以说:领导者们在执政最后的日子里行为举止,会给他们将来的回忆录定下基调。
56、"Comport yourselves in a manner befitting the intelligence of your race and no harm will come to you," the police line sent to everyone in frightening telepathic discord. ─── “请表现出与你们种族相称的行为举止,否则将会受到惩罚。”警察向每一个人发出了令人恐惧的心灵传递信息。
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