clairvoyance 发音
英:[klerˈvɔɪəns] 美:[kleəˈvɔɪəns]
英: 美:
clairvoyance 中文意思翻译
clairvoyance 相似词语短语
1、clairvoyant ─── n.能预知未来的人;adj.能预知未来的;有超人视力的;n.(Clairvoyant)(美)克莱尔瓦扬(人名)
2、clairvoyants ─── n.能预知未来的人;adj.能预知未来的;有超人视力的;n.(Clairvoyant)(美)克莱尔瓦扬(人名)
3、clairvoyancy ─── 透视
4、air lance ─── [动力]空气吹灰枪;压缩空气吹风管
5、air-lance ─── [动力]空气吹灰枪;压缩空气吹风管
6、flamboyance ─── n.华丽;炫耀
7、clairvoyantly ─── 透视
8、clairaudience ─── n.超人的听力;神听
9、chatoyance ─── 变彩
clairvoyance 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Clairvoyance of Historical Logic on Anti-Japanese War and National Liberation War ─── 抗日战争与解放战争的历史逻辑透视
2、Some are: clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection, telepathy, anima, and there are many more. ─── 它们是:超视力、超听力、星体投射、心灵感应、灵力等等。
3、7. These skills, e.g. clairvoyance, are being given to help others to become attuned to the changes occurring within the individual. ─── 这些技巧,如:千里眼(超视觉),用以帮助他人将注意力调谐至个人正在发生的变化。收藏指正
4、St. Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance. ─── 圣玛拉基据说是拥有悬浮、治疗和透视的力量。
5、The clairvoyance of information education under the cultural philosophy visual field ─── 文化哲学视野下的信息教育之透视
6、Under the macroscopical background of the new course reformation, the backbone of ecological and moral education is the ecological clairvoyance of the culture of Young Pioneers and the charming show of the green culture of Young Pioneers. ─── 在新课程改革的宏观背景下,生态德育支柱是以生态学的视角透视少先队文化,展示绿色少先队文化的魅力。
7、Clairvoyance of semiconductors and IC by the scanning electron microscope ─── 用扫描电子显微镜透视半导体和集成电路
8、Clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy, and intuition. ─── 洞察力、灵感、星际力量、直觉;
9、Clairvoyance That Illegal Raise Capital ─── 非法集资的法律透视
10、B. Any man so claiming world be a dignified man with a dignified messages; no table jumping, no whispering from the dead, no clairvoyance, but an intelligent statement of truth. ─── 任何这样子宣称的人会是个有尊严的人带出有尊严讯息;没有在桌子上跳、没有死亡的流言、没有异常的洞察力,只有对真理明智的陈述。
11、Clairvoyance Discussing of the Problem of Divorce of the Women of Ancient Rome ─── 古罗马女性离婚问题透视
12、Clairvoyance of the Fertilization in Chinese Traditional Agriculture from Gu-Nong-Shu ─── 从古农书中透视中国传统农业施肥
13、Thus, telepathy is actually a specific form of clairvoyance. ─── 心灵感应实际上是超视力的一种特殊形式。
14、The performer tries an imposing experiment in clairvoyance, working simultaneously with a member of the audience. ─── 执行者尝试一个轰烈的实验在洞察力, 同时运作以观众的成员。
15、However if one closes their eyes and looks at fourth dimensional earth through one's clairvoyance, one perceives a valley teaming of life with trees, birds, waterfalls, rivers and lakes. ─── 不过如果你闭上眼睛以透视来观看第四密度地球的话,你会看到一个布满生命的峡谷,遍布树木、小鸟、瀑布、溪流和湖泊。
16、SANDALWOOD: Stimulates clairvoyance, aids in seeing past lives, healing, clearing, protection, calms the mind. ─── 檀香,激发第六感,有助于反省过往的生活,治愈,清除,保护,平静心情。
17、A mode of paranormal perception, such as clairvoyance. ─── 感觉超敏一种超自然知觉的方式,如千里眼
18、And then you shall validate for yourself your own gifts of telepathy and clairvoyance! ─── 而随后你会验证自己心灵感应和透视的天赋!
19、The Single Clairvoyance Screen Printing Solar Energy Neon Light Is Full of Life ─── 单透视网印太阳能霓虹灯广告生机盎然
20、CINNAMON: raise and enhance spiritual vibrations, stimulate clairvoyance, aids focus and concentration, good for personal protection. ─── 肉桂:提高和增加灵性,激发你的潜意识和第六感。有助于集中精力和专心。对于个人的修行和防御很有用途。
21、Clairvoyance of the Essence of Bush's "Democratization" in Mid-east by Kennedy's "Modernization" ─── 从肯尼迪"现代化"透视布什中东"民主化"的本质
22、"Clairvoyance" means "clear seeing". ─── “超视力”意思是“看得清”。
23、Talk about the Many Capes Clairvoyance of the Personal Income Margins and It's Synthetic Management ─── 浅谈个人收入差距的多角透视和综合治理
24、One of the outcomes from the funding was a set of protocols designed to make clairvoyance a more scientific process, and minimize as much as possible session noise and inaccuracy. ─── 其中一些发现的效果是一系列决定是否让透视方法变得更有科学性的草案协议,尽可能地把会议的噪声和错误最小化。
25、Personal potential, loyalty, the family, trusting your instincts, developing clairvoyance, lucid dreams. ─── 一个人的潜在可能性,忠诚,家庭,相信你的直觉,发展洞察力,清晰的理想。
26、He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege, clairvoyance, presentiment, and dreams. ─── 他求助于各种迷信的方式,如抽签、千里眼、预感和解梦等。
27、The effect comes with a routine that explores the darker side of psychology and the paranormal as you take your spectators on a journey into clairvoyance and the reality of the afterlife. ─── 作用来与探索心理学的暗边和奇异的惯例,当你在旅途入洞察力和晚年的现实采取你的观众。
28、The Clairvoyance about the Disputes of the Field of Fete in Song Dynasty ─── 透视宋代墓祭田争讼
29、Clairvoyance on the Reason and its Radical Countermeasures for Accounting Information Distortion ─── 会计信息失真原因透视及根治对策
30、someone who has the power of clairvoyance. ─── 一个有透视能力的人。
31、You possess psychic talents such as telepathy (thought communicating), telekinesis (ability to move objects through thought), and clairvoyance (ability to see into the future). ─── 你具有精神才能例如心灵感应(思想传递),心灵遥感促动(通过思想移动物体的能力),透视千里眼(看见未来的能力)。
32、Intellect, imagination, memory, creativity, learning, clairvoyance, persuasion, charm, confidence, joy, comfort, attraction, diminishes jealously, ─── 智慧,想象力,回忆,创造力,知识,洞察力,说服力,吸引力,信心,欢乐,
33、After that, according to the vision range finding principle, we design monocular vision range detection method for highway based on the theory of lane rebuilding and clairvoyance projection. ─── 基于视觉测距原理,在分道线重建和透视投影原理的理论基础上,建立了一种针对高速公路的单目视觉距离测量方法。
34、You can "read" a person's mind by using clairvoyance and looking at their mental body and observing the thought-forms that are emitting from the person's mental body. ─── 你可以通过运用超视力看见别人的精神体,观察由精神体发出的思想形式来“读出”一个人的思想。
35、the power of magic and clairvoyance ─── 非凡的魔力和洞察力
36、subjective clairvoyance ─── 主观透视
37、The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science. ─── 诡异心理学,心理玄学一种对心理现象证据研究的学问,包括心灵感应、千里眼及心灵致动等科学无法解释的现象
38、His strange gift of clairvoyance has never been duplicated in modern times, although a few other psychics have proved a measure of ability beyond any doubt. ─── 他神奇的千里眼在当代是独一无二的,尽管也有一些巫师证明确实具有特异心灵能力。
39、Power Component: Chronolily Nectar A chronolily nectar can be harvested to brew a potion of clairvoyance. ─── 法术材料:时光百合的花蜜可将收获的时光百合的花蜜用于酿制一副天眼术药剂。
40、someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance. ─── 研究人的意志力、心灵感应和洞察力等心理现象的一些人。
41、These skills, e. g. clairvoyance, are being given to help others to become attuned to the changes occurring within the individual. ─── 这些技巧,如:千里眼(超视觉),用以帮助他人将注意力调谐至个人正在发生的变化。
42、Clairvoyance on Financing Problems of the Hardness of Small-and Medium-enterprises ─── 中小企业融资难的重新透视
43、Parsons.She assured us that her dearest wish was our welfare, but I knew even then, with the mysterious clairvoyance of childhood, that what she wanted most was the husband she never got.There was Mr. ─── 她要我们相信她最大的愿望是希望我们幸福,但是即使是那个时候凭着我小孩子神秘的的直觉我都知道,她最希望得到的是她从未得到过的丈夫。
44、In the transference of knowledge from the human species unto the dolphins and whales, the knowledge of dreamtime and clairvoyance were the main records that their species obtained. ─── 在人类种族的知识转换到海豚和鲸鱼的过程中,有关做梦时间和洞察力的知识是它们种族获得的主要记录。
45、He is dull sometimes, and yet once in a while he surprises us with his exceptional clairvoyance! ─── 他有时候表现的很迟钝,但是有时候他以异常的洞察力让我们感到惊奇!
46、knowledge of something in advance of its occurrence,especially by extrasensory perception; clairvoyance ─── 尤指通过超感官的知觉而在某事发生前便得到其有关信息;洞察力
47、someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance ─── 研究人的意志力、心灵感应和洞察力等心理现象的一些人
48、Clairvoyance beyond Walls and Quench Kindle - light by Flick ─── 隔墙猜物与弹指灭烛
49、After Marshall's statement, no clairvoyance was needed to see that China's already full-fledged civil war would become an all-out conflict for control of the Asiatic continent. ─── 在马歇尔发表上述声明以后,人们无需具有特别致锐的眼光也能看出,中国那早已广泛展开的内战,即将变成一场争夺中国大陆的全面冲突。
50、She thought the clairvoyance that allowed her to witness crimes as they happened had been destroyed in the nightmare of her past. ─── 她以为使她能目击罪案的感应能力已经毁于过去皂一场梦魇中。
51、This entity stimulates the chakras of the medium directly, by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities, clairvoyance, channelling, healing, production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium. ─── 这个实体通过与灵媒合为一体、直接刺激灵媒的脉轮,以引发心灵能力、超视觉、通灵、治疗、产生流质等等,并通过灵媒加以展示。
52、intuition comes very close to clairvoyance; it appears to be the extrasensory perception of reality. ─── 6直觉非常像千里眼,它似乎又是对现实的洞悉先机。
53、Representative powers include clairaudience/ clairvoyance, object reading, precognition , and ubiquitous vision. ─── 该系典型异能包括“锐耳术/眼术”、阅读物体”、预知术”和“全域视野”。
54、Clairvoyance is ability to see or visualize objects and events beyond the range of normal sight. ─── 无碍视指看到或在心里呈现通常视力范围以外的事物或事件。
55、Communication here, is done by high level telepathic imaging, similar to one-on-one clairvoyance only much more vivid and real. ─── 这里的交流是通过高层次的心灵感应的想象进行的,和一对一的超视力相似,只是更生动、更真实。
56、Such information includes clairvoyance, telepathy, and modalities of channeling soul through form. ─── 这类信息包括透视力、 心灵感应及透过身体与灵魂通讯的特征。
57、Scanning and clairvoyance of contemporary university students'society adaption ─── 当代大学生社会适应的扫描与透视
58、audio-frequency electric clairvoyance ─── 音频电透视
59、These skills, e.g. clairvoyance, are being given to help others to become attuned to the changes occurring within the individual. ─── 这些技巧,如:千里眼(超视觉),用以帮助他人将注意力调谐至个人正在发生的变化。
60、The Cultural Clairvoyance of Novelistic Figure ─── 小说人物形象的文化透视
61、the study of the evidence for psychological phenomena,such as telepathy,clairvoyance,and psychokinesis,that are inexplicable by science ─── 一种对心理现象证据研究的学问,包括心灵感应、千里眼及心灵致动等科学无法解释的现象
62、Based on the context of the new era,clairvoyance on the business development trend,gripping the opportunity,it has successfully realized the conversion of main business. ─── 他们立足时代高度,洞察商业发展趋势,抢得先机,不断创新,胆识俱全,成功实现了主营业转型。
63、Sometimes those gifted at clairvoyance relive such an ancestral experience in present time. ─── 有时候,那些擅长透视者会在现今重新体验这样一种祖先经历。
64、Clairvoyance of the Essence of Bush's "Democratization" in Mid-east by Kennedy's "Modernization" ─── 从肯尼迪“现代化”透视布什中东“民主化”的本质
65、The enterprise directs to know tendercy of science and technology and market, must rely on information system " clairvoyance " with " clairaudient " action. ─── 企业为了了解科技动向和市场导向,必须依靠情报系统“千里眼”与“顺风耳”的作用。
66、Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance. ─── 在前往梵帝冈的途中,一个前往爱尔兰的教宗使节向他呈现。
67、5.To make any kind of sense of the Akashic records yourself, some skill in clairvoyance is a definite help. ─── 要想使你自己看懂阿卡西记录,超视力的一些技巧肯定会有帮助。
68、Ms. Clinton replied: “She cast a vote based on the best available evidence. Perhaps you had clairvoyance then, and that's extraordinary.” ─── 切尔希答:"她是基于能获得的最好的证据而投票的,也许你那会儿有透视力,那很了不起."
69、Such information includes clairvoyance, telepathy, and modalities of channeling soul through form. ─── 这类信息包括透视力、心灵感应及透过身体与灵魂通讯的特征。
70、Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development in the human heart and, being the Angel of the Third Eye, offers assistance in the matters of clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and invocation. ─── 萨基尔也燃起人们心中想要提升灵性的渴望,身为第三眼的天使,祂在灵视力、清明的梦与祈祷上提供协助。
71、Attaching probabilities to forecasts is certainly better than clairvoyance. ─── 利用概率进行预测当然要比凭空猜测好。
72、clairvoyance speculum ─── 透视窥镜
73、2.Parapsychology The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science. ─── 我在超心理学部分找到了你父亲的书,它介于催眠状态和外星人绑架之间。
74、Digital Surveillance System of Wireless Internet: Science Innovation Clairvoyance ─── 无线网络数字化监控系统:科技创新千里眼
75、or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fort.. ─── 或者给予你透视能力找到叛军
76、The term "remote viewing" emerged as a generalised short hand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance. ─── “遥视”这个术语呈现出总体性的速记,去描述这个建筑物,从而接近千里眼。
77、Clairvoyance on Current Price Situation ─── 对当前物价形势的透视
78、CLAIMS of clairvoyance, particularly when they come from economists, deserve a sceptical reception. ─── 有洞察力的主张,尤其是当其来自经济学家时,应被批判性的接受。
79、"Five Plans as a Whole": The Theoretical Clairvoyance and the Experience Arising in Advance ─── "五个统筹":理论透视与先发经验
80、X-ray clairvoyance apparatus, rigidity apparatus, explore thickness apparatus and other machine measure instrument (please see page measure equipment). ─── 无损探伤仪,硬度仪,测厚仪及其他机械测量工具(见测量设备页面)
81、a person,such as a medium,possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance ─── 有假想的超视能力的人,如巫师
82、Affirmations, Visualization, Healing, NLP, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Healing, ALL work hundreds, if not thousands of time better at this level. ─── 自我肯定、视觉化、康复治疗、NLP、直觉、超级洞察力、疗愈、所有的工作,如果不是成千上万数以百计的时间,最好的球队。
83、The 4th chapter is geography clairvoyance of Metropolitan Tourist Real Estate. ─── 第四章为大都市旅游房地产的地理学透视。
84、HINOTO: He reflected back my spell of clairvoyance. ─── 他将我的咒术反弹回来了。
85、A person, such as a medium, possessing the supposed power of clairvoyance. ─── 千里眼有假想的超视能力的人,如巫师
86、Application of the gallery clairvoyance in the condition of the complex geology ─── 坑透技术在复杂地质条件下的应用
87、Our channel did not naturally hear spirit, but studied with those of such gifts of clairvoyance and telepathy and opened up to such gifts and talents over time. ─── 我们的通道不是天生就能听到灵界,但是随时间,她向那些有透视力和心灵感应能力的人学习,并向这样的天赋与能力敞开。
88、Clairvoyance, clairaudience, dreams, hypnotism, point the way to a better understanding of the history and depth of the human mind and soul. ─── 千里眼(遥视)、顺风耳(遥听)、梦,催眠,它们都指向一个更深刻理解人类心理和心灵及其历史的方向。
89、The clairvoyance and governance to the phenomenon of passive administration ─── 被动行政现象透析与治理
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