epiderm 中文意思翻译
epiderm 相似词语短语
1、epidermis ─── n.上皮,表皮
2、epimere ─── (中坯层的)上段
3、epidermal ─── adj.[解剖][动]表皮的;外皮的
4、exoderm ─── n.外胚叶;[生物]外胚层
5、episperm ─── 种皮
6、periderm ─── n.[植]周皮
7、epimers ─── n.差向异构体;差位异构体
8、epimer ─── n.差向异构体;差位异构体
9、epidermic ─── adj.外皮的
epiderm 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、UN-uniform ink products were: (1) water and ink, ink and wash painting the rubber roll version of wear, spindle bearing wear, cots epiderm aging decline, ink, etc; ─── 产物墨色不平均的来因有:(1)传水、传墨、匀墨和靠版水墨各橡胶辊的圆柱度磨损超不差,拆轴承的轴脚磨损,胶辊不内脏嫩化,传墨本领回升等;
2、surface, soft texture, well compatible with epiderm cell, enjoy incomparable comfortable feeling. ─── 表面细腻,质感柔软,能与表皮细胞很好的相容,给你无与伦比的舒服感觉。
3、secondary structure of rhizome include epiderm, cortex and vascular tissue, pith ray is developed. ─── 状茎的次生结构由外向内为表皮,皮层和维管柱,髓射线发达。
4、Leaf epiderm shape ─── 叶表皮
5、Methods Relay pricking was conducted on epiderm of relative acupoints of meridian rings. ─── 在经络环上相关穴位的表皮上接力挑刺,产生快速高效的结果。
6、but it was negative in horny layer of epiderm, subcutaneous fat, internal root sheath, hair shaft cells and hair matrocytes. ─── 而表皮角质层、皮下脂肪、内毛根鞘、毛干细胞和毛母质细胞染色均为阴性。
7、Therapeutic Effect of APL on Epiderm Proliferation of Psoriasis-like Model of Guinea Pig ─── 置换肽对豚鼠银屑病样模型表皮增殖的治疗作用
8、Objective To investigate the law of episode and experience of diagnosis and treatment of bullous epiderm-necrolysis type of drug eruption. ─── 目的探讨大疱性表皮坏死松解型药疹的发病规律及诊治经验。
9、Results:the major pathogen are slaphytococcus aureus bacterin and epiderm slaphytococcus aureus bacterin. ─── 结果:病原菌以金葡菌、表皮葡萄球菌为主。
10、(1) water and ink, ink and wash painting the rubber roll version of wear, spindle bearing wear, cots epiderm aging decline, ink, etc. ─── (1)传水、传墨、匀墨和靠版水墨各橡胶辊的圆柱度磨损超不差,拆轴承的轴脚磨损,胶辊不内脏嫩化,传墨本领回升等;
11、Methods Relay pricking was conducted on epiderm of relative acupoints of meridian rings. ─── 在经络环上相关穴位的表皮上接力挑刺,产生快速高效的结果。
12、but it was negative in horny layer of epiderm , subcutaneous fat, internal root sheath, hair shaft cells and hair matrocytes. ─── 而表皮角质层、皮下脂肪、内毛根鞘、毛干细胞和毛母质细胞染色均为阴性。
13、Results Clinically one or more subcutaneous nodules were first found, then the lesion infiltrated up to the epiderm or down to the fascia. ─── 结果:临床上首发症状均表现为皮下结节,单发或多发,继而向上侵及表皮,向下累及筋膜。
14、Results Clinically one or more subcutaneous nodules were first found, then the lesion infiltrated up to the epiderm or down to the fascia. ─── 结果:临床上首发症状均表现为皮下结节,单发或多发,继而向上侵及表皮,向下累及筋膜。
15、Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of APL on epiderm proliferation of psoriasis-like model of guinea pig. ─── 目的观察置换肽(APL)对豚鼠银屑病样模型表皮增殖的治疗作用。
16、Preliminary Research for Constructing Tissue-engineered Epiderm with Acellular Bovine Pericardium as Scaffold ─── 以脱细胞牛心包膜为支架材料构建组织工程化表皮的初步研究
17、Results The epiderm in UVB irradiated group and blank group thickened, the number of fibroblasts decreased; ─── 莪术油治疗组照射侧未见表皮增厚,而成纤维细胞增多;
18、The cellcycle of the epiderm alTA cells in m ice is shortened to less than 24 h underproli-ferative condition. ─── 小鼠表皮TA细胞在增殖状态下细胞周期缩短到24 h 以内。
19、Human Epiderm Kerafinocytes ─── 人表皮角质形成细胞
20、Close surface, soft texture, well compatible with epiderm cell, enjoy incomparable comfortable feeling. ─── 表面细腻,质感柔软,能与表皮细胞很好的相容,给你无与伦比的舒服感觉。
21、Keywords T cells;epidermal proliferation;epiderm al differentiation;progressive psoriasis; ─── 关键词T细胞;细胞增殖;表皮分化;进展期银屑病;
22、epiderm cell ─── 表皮细胞
23、Objective: To explore an effective and simple method to wipe off the epiderm of vitiligo, especially it is in a accidented region or it is near eyes. ─── 目的:寻求一种更为简便有效的方法去除白斑区表皮,尤其是位于凹凸不平或近眼处的白斑。
24、Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of APL on epiderm proliferation of psoriasis-like model of guinea pig. ─── 目的观察置换肽(A PL)对豚鼠银屑病样模型表皮增殖的治疗作用。
25、Effect of Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator on Differentiation of Keratinocyte in the Human Embryonic Epiderm ─── 组织型纤溶酶原激活剂在人胚胎表皮角质形成细胞分化中的作用
26、The anther was found to be 4-sporangiate.The anther wall includes 4 layers: epiderm, endothecium, middle layer and secretory tapetum. ─── 结果表明:山韭花药具4个药室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层细胞组成,属分泌型绒毡层。
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