volitation 发音
英:[ˌvɑːlɪˈteɪʃən] 美:[ˌvɒlɪˈteɪʃən]
英: 美:
volitation 中文意思翻译
volitation 短语词组
1、volitation helicopter ─── 直升机
2、volitation meaning ─── 意
3、volitation definition ─── 电压定义
4、volitation define ─── 电压定义
5、volitation 9053 ─── 振动9053
6、volitation 9053 parts volitation 9053 ─── 零件
7、volitation company volitation ─── 公司
volitation 词性/词形变化,volitation变形
形容词: volitational |
volitation 相似词语短语
1、volitating ─── 旋转
2、visitation ─── n.访问;探视;视察;正式访问
3、militation ─── 民兵
4、cogitation ─── n.深思;思考
5、volition ─── n.意志,意志力;决断力
6、volutation ─── 旋涡
7、velitation ─── 争论;小争斗
8、volitational ─── 可选择的
9、velitations ─── 争论;小争斗
volitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Let volitation my heart! ─── 让我们梦想成真!
2、All previous classics 10 carry harships severe test, northeast sky canal uses it eventually gradually the assistant of abundant, prop up case span the volitation of the century. ─── 历经十载风雨洗礼,东北空管终于用它渐丰的羽翼,支撑起跨越世纪的翱翔。
3、Although they adore object each are not identical, but the property that they adore star is same however, it is the volitation of a kind of spirit, it is the record that they grow. ─── 尽管他们崇拜的对象各不相同,但他们崇拜明星的性质却是一样的,都是一种精神的翱翔,是他们成长的记录。
4、The integral formula of fog drip volitation distance and fog drip decelerated falling distance was solved by fourt... ─── 算例表明,新方法计算简便、结果精确、易于编程用计算机计算、收敛速度快。
5、At the same time the volitation of the ball has speed, weight, discretion, far and near, firm again artful, wave turn wait for change, make itself of this kind of motion was full of rich fun. ─── 同时球的飞翔又有快慢、轻重、高低、远近、狠巧、飘转等变化,使这种运动本身充满了丰富的乐趣。
6、The nonsmooth morphology of primaries is propitious to reducing the air vortex resistance which is caused by flapping volitation. ─── 初级飞羽的非光滑形态,有利于减少振翅飞翔中产生的空气漩涡的阻力。
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