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09-16 投稿



cabled 发音

英:[ˈkeɪbld]  美:[ˈkeɪbld]

英:  美:

cabled 中文意思翻译



cabled 词性/词形变化,cabled变形

名词: cabler |动词第三人称单数: cables |动词现在分词: cabling |动词过去式: cabled |动词过去分词: cabled |

cabled 短语词组

1、cabled tam ─── 电报在那里

2、cabled t.v. ─── 有线电视。

3、cabled poncho pattern ─── 有线雨披图案

4、cabled throw ─── 缆绳抛掷

5、cabled cardigan ─── 羊毛衫

6、cabled definition ─── 有线定义

cabled 相似词语短语

1、gabled ─── adj.有山形墙的;人字板制作的;三角墙的;v.砌三角墙;形成三角墙(gable的过去分词)

2、cables ─── n.[电]电缆;锚索(cable的复数);连线;v.用锚链系住;用海底电报拍发;安装缆索(cable的三单形式);n.(Cables)人名;(法)卡布勒

3、fabled ─── adj.传说中的,寓言中的;虚构的,假想的;(因品质高或罕见而)著名的;v.虚构(fable的过去式和过去分词)

4、cablet ─── n.细缆;周围10英寸以下的九股扭成的钢索

5、caballed ─── n.阴谋(尤指政治上的);阴谋集团;vi.策划阴谋;n.(Cabal)人名;(西)卡瓦尔;(葡)卡巴尔

6、tabled ─── v.正式提交讨论;暂缓考虑;用宽贴边加固(帆)(table的过去式及过去分词)

7、cable ─── n.缆绳;电缆;海底电报;vt.打电报;vi.打海底电报

8、cabbed ─── n.驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车;vi.乘出租马车(或汽车)

9、cabler ─── 搓绳机

cabled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What greeted us was a pair of well-respected (and expensive) floorstanding speakers, used with good pre-power amplification and a fine CD source and reasonably cabled. ─── 如果单线的声音效果好于双线分音的效果,那么我们就选择单线;

2、We cabled congratulations.to him. ─── 我们打电报向他祝贺。

3、We have cabled you that we extend the L/C to the end of November and hope to hear from you soon. ─── 我们已电告你方,信用证已展至11月底,相信不日就能听到你方有关此事的消息。

4、In case the Buyer fails to arrange i urance in time due to the Seller's not having cabled in time, all lo es shall be borne by the Seller. ─── 如因卖方未能及时通知致使买方不能及时投保,卖方则承担全部损失。

5、round electric cabled yarn ─── 圆形电缆线

6、Spring contacts in all form factors can be quickly engineered into highly reliable connector systems, including cabled, coaxial, surface-mount, and double-sided varieties. ─── 各种外形的弹簧触弹针都能够快速结合到极其可靠的连接器系统中,包括接线式、同轴、表面安装和双面种类。

7、I was cabled to start. ─── 我收到叫我出发的电报。

8、In October, the U.S. embassy in Phnom Penh cabled Washington that it was time to start investigating whether the tribunal met the standards that would qualify it for congressional funding. ─── 十月,美国驻金边的大使馆连线华府,告之已经到了展开调查时候了,看看这个特别法庭是否达到了(美国)国会同意注资的标准。

9、The supplier cabled his buyer's agent that the S. S. "DAIWA MARU" would not arrive on the original date for the engine failure. ─── 供货商发电报给买方代理人说由于“大和丸”轮的船机故障船不能于原定日期到达。

10、In the meantime, I've cabled for an X-ray report on the patient's chest. ─── 同时,我通过电报发送了这位患者的X射线胸片。

11、He cabled in reply ─── 他回电了。

12、"I thought of it like a movie, " said Mr. Lauren, who appeared in a cream cabled sweater tough enough for the Russian steppes. ─── “我把它看作一场电影,”劳伦说。他身穿奶油色的粗针毛衣,足够抵挡俄罗斯大草原的寒冷。

13、Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals - Part 9: Interfaces of cabled distribution systems for digitally modulated signals ─── 电视和声音信号用电缆分配系统。第9部分:数字调制信号用电缆分配系统的接口

14、She cabled him some money. ─── 她电汇给他一笔钱。

15、Coaxial Cable with Lonqitudinal Hole PE Insulation for use in Cabled Distribution Systems ─── 电缆分配系统用纵孔聚乙烯绝缘同轴电缆

16、Mother cabled her son to come immediately. ─── 母亲打电报给儿子要他立刻回来。

17、News of his death was cabled to his family . ─── 我家里的人大都擅长音乐, 是世传.

18、bi-directional cabled distribution system ─── 双向电缆分配系统

19、Sisal fiber are longer and have character sticks of pure whiteness, tough texture, strong tensile and wear resisting, etc, which are major materials for cabled ropes making and other sisal products. ─── 剑麻纤维,又称西纱尔麻,具有纤维长,色泽洁白,质地坚韧,拉力强,耐磨等特点,是制作各绳缆及其它剑麻制品的主要原料。

20、Le Duc tho cabled me in a similar vein on October 27 ─── 十月二十七日,黎德寿以同样基调给我来电。

21、Neither my traveler's checks nor the money that my father cabled me is sufficient to pay for the ticket. ─── 不管是我的旅行支票还是我父亲汇给我的钱,都无法支付这张票钱。

22、hansom cabl ─── 单马双轮双座马车

23、Make Mere Figurehead the Electrical (Light) Road Method and Standard of Cabled Yarn of Guarding Against Thunder ─── 架空电(光)缆线路防雷的方法和标准

24、Our transmission is based instead only on the little motor and on an entirely cabled system. ─── 我们的传输完全依靠电缆系统而不是一个小马达。

25、We have cabled today, asking you to amend your L/C No.3429 as follows. ─── 今天我们发了电报,要求你方将第3429号信用证修改如下。

26、Each room is completely equipped with air-conditioner, cabled TV, DDD and IDD, ADSL, etc. ─── 有线电视、24小时空调、国际互联网、国内国际直播电话等配套设施为您开展商务、休闲活动提供便利。

27、He had cabled Rudoph his flight number and time of arrival. ─── 他已把自己的航班及抵达时间电告了鲁道夫。

28、We confirm cabled estranged as per copies(cable confirmation) herewith attached. ─── 我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本。

29、No doubt there must have been some reason for the delay in shipment and we cabled you that we were extending the L/C to the end of Nov. ─── 毫无疑问,一定是由于某种原因耽误了装运。

30、Using OTDR to Measure the Fault Point of Cabled Yarn ─── 如何用OTDR快速准确测出光缆线路故障点

31、County Village Cabled TV Network Management Work is Nasty to Treat to Enhance ─── 县乡镇有线电视网络管理工作亟待加强

32、cabled flutings ─── 卷绳饰缺口的柱面凹槽饰纹

33、Instructive analysis on power cable ju nction faults is carried out and an algorithm for indirect on-line measuring of cabl e junction resistance and insulation aging is proposed. ─── 对电缆接头故障进行了一些有益的分析,提出了一种间接在线评估接头电阻和绝缘老化的算法,从理论上验证了接头温度与接头质量的相关性。

34、During the roof design, combined with the functional demand,the novel hyperboloidal roof with prestressed cabled truss system was adopted. ─── 屋面设计中,结合建筑功能要求,采用了新颖的预应力索桁架双曲屋面结构体系。

35、We have already cabled to inform you of this and we enclose a copy of our telegram. ─── 就此我们已电告你方,现附上电报附本一份。

36、We cabled the news to London. ─── 我们把消息用电报发往伦敦。

37、Their fishing boats were cabled together before the storm came. ─── 暴风雨降临前,他们的渔船都用缆绳系在一起。

38、Year 2004, Jinshiweishi's dedicated cabled monitoring system successfully served Athens Olympic Games for the State Administration of Radio Monitoring Center. ─── 2004年雅典奥运会期间公司为广电总局监测中心提供的奥运会专用有线监测系统圆满完成了任务。

39、US diplomats cabled back to Washington the widely held view that Medvedev was the "junior partner" , or Putin's "capable assistant" . ─── 美国外交官发回华盛顿的电文普遍认为梅德韦杰夫是“低级合伙人”或是普金的“好助手”。

40、Witness the European reporter who, after being sent to this country to profile Andrew Carnegie, cabled his editor, "My God, you'll never believe the sort of money there is in running libraries.") ─── 一位欧洲记者被派驻到美国采访卡内基,发了一封电报给他的编辑主管说到,老天你一定不敢相信经营博物馆竟然可以赚那么多钱)

41、If you notice in the picture below of the Hoop Cabled Air Bag, the corners have no cables, and therefore the wsp cannot be raised. ─── 如果您注意到下面关于纵横钢缆充气包的图片,就会发现转角处没有钢缆,所以压力值无法提高。

42、We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods, subject to you reply reaching us by September 20. ─── 我们确认已向你方电报下列商品实盘,以9月20日前复到有效。

43、Examination of the Coaxial Cable of Cabled TV ─── 有线电视同轴电缆的检测

44、A company is converting a cabled LAN to a wireless Ethernet LAN. ─── 一家公司正把一个电缆的区域网路转化成一个无线乙太区域网路。

45、George Bernard Shaw, the prolific playwright, cabled the following invitation to Winston Churchill ─── 多产的舞台剧作家萧伯纳发了下面这封电报邀请丘吉尔

46、She cabled the good news about her arrival in Chicago. ─── 她打电报说她已顺利到达芝加哥。

47、News of his death was cabled to his family ─── 他的死讯已电告其家属。

48、They also encouraged people to put a star on the calendar if they managed not to smoke that day, and they even cabled the Cabined for support. ─── 他们还鼓励人们如果哪天没有抽烟,就在日历上画个星号。

49、VHF cabled distribution system ─── 甚高频电缆分配系统

50、He had cabled Rudolph his flight number and time of arrival. ─── 他已把他的班机号和到达时间打电报通知鲁道夫。

51、The local government would supply the “6 supplies &1 leveling (road, water supply, drainage, power supply, cabled TV, broad band and land leveling” service for the enterprises for free. ─── 政府无偿为企业提供道路、供水、排水、供电、有线电视、电信宽带和场地平整等"六通一平"服务。

52、Flax yarn, single, Flax yarn, multile (folded) or cabled ─── 亚麻纱线,单纱,亚麻纱线,多股纱线或缆线

53、shield cabl ─── 屏蔽电缆

54、The Cabled TV Enlarger Work Characteristic Analysis ─── 有线电视放大器工作特性分析

55、This is easily accomplished with a twisted pair, or at least a tightly cabled pair, of conductors. ─── 采用双绞线或者将导线成对紧扎成线束,可以很容易地达到这个要求。

56、A Preliminary Analysis to the Adjustment of Audio Network for Rural Cabled Broadcasting ─── 浅析农村有线广播音频网络的调整

57、The AP is hard wired to the cabled LAN to provide Internet access and connectivity to the wired network. ─── AP以硬线连到缆线的LAN,以提供网际网路存取及和有线网路连接。

58、Measure a function to include: Echo loss, VSWR, cabled yarn loss and distance - cause trouble (DTF) analysis. ─── 测量性能 包括:回波损耗,VSWR,缆线损耗及距离-致故障 (DTF) 分析。

59、I cabled congratulations to him. ─── 我打电报庆贺他。

60、I cabled him some money. ─── 我电汇给他一些钱。

61、General requirements and tests for single-unit coaxial cables for use in cabled distribution systems ─── 电缆分配系统用单同轴电缆一般要求和试验

62、At the cable TV net, already formation from cabled T.V. fiber optic cable is lord, the satellite, microwave deliver a network for the appropriation for assist. ─── 在有线电视网络方面,已形成由有线电视光缆为主,卫星、微波为辅的专用传输网络。

63、“I’d love to have cabled observatories all over the sea floor,” Smith says. ─── “我喜欢有致电天文台都海楼, ”史密斯说。

64、Construction of Cabled Digital TV Equipment Room ─── 浅析有线数字电视机房的构筑

65、He cabled that he would come back soon. ─── 他打电报通知我他很快就会回来。

66、Abstract: Instructive analysis on power cable ju nction faults is carried out and an algorithm for indirect on-line measuring of cabl e junction resistance and insulation aging is proposed. ─── 摘 要: 对电缆接头故障进行了一些有益的分析,提出了一种间接在线评估接头电阻和绝缘老化的算法,从理论上验证了接头温度与接头质量的相关性。

67、The us of variou type of sewer pipe is an attract altern for the instal of fiber optic cabl in the complex infrastructur of cities. ─── 基础设施复杂的乡村中,利用不同类型的下水管来安装光缆是一种具有吸引力的方法。

68、She cabled her aunt in San Francisco. ─── 她发电报给旧金山的姑妈。

69、The modem did not respond to the command sent to it. Verify that the modem is properly cabled and powered on. ─── 调制解调器没有接受发送给它的指令。验证该调制解调器是否接线正确并且打开了电源开关。

70、The dinos poised in the skeletal power of hydraulic hoses, chained gears, and cabled levers. ─── 他们用液压软管驱动的骨架、铰链咬合的齿轮和电缆连接的力臂来保持平衡。

71、The settings of the line description should match the hardware to which it is cabled. ─── 线路描述的设置应该与它所连接的硬件相匹配。

72、He cabled his condolences to the widow of the late President. ─── 他向已故总统的遗孀拍了唁电。

73、Series and products of high frequency wideband amplifiers for hybrid integrated circuits used in cabled distribution systems ─── 电缆分配系统用混合集成电路高频宽带放大器系列和品种

74、I cabled him from Amsterdam. ─── 我在阿姆斯特丹给他发过电报。

75、They cabled the news to her family. ─── 他们把这个消息电告她的家属。

76、Be in the United States a lot of rich and feudal in, the residence bestrewed high-speed cabled yarn, in order to join more PC and printer. ─── 在美国很多富有领地里,住宅都布满了高速的缆线,以连接更多的PC和打印机。

77、cabled TV ─── 有线电视

78、We cabled him to return immediately. ─── 我们给他拍电报叫他马上回来。

79、We cabled congratulations to him. ─── 我们打电报祝贺他。

80、The supplier cabled his buyer's agent that the S.S. “DAIWA MARU” would not arrive on the original date for the engine failure. ─── 供货商发电报给买方代理人说由于“大和丸”轮的船机故障船不能于原定日期到达。

81、I cabled her the good news. ─── 我打电报告诉她这个好消息。

82、She cabled him to come. ─── 她打电报给他要他来。

83、In case the Buyer fails to arrange insurance in time due to the Seller's not having cabled in time, all losses shall be borne by the Seller. ─── 发货后,卖方立即以电报或信件将合同号、品名、发票金额、发货日期通知买方,以便买方及时投保。

84、He cabled the good news about his arrival from Rome . ─── 他从罗马电告了他抵达的好消息。

85、This is a confirmation of the credit advised by cable today to the advising bank whose notification of such cabled advice must be attached hereto, the two jointly constituting evidence of outstanding amount of the credit. ─── 此确认信用证今日已填电报给通知行,通知行将以此作为通知附件共同作为信用证余额的证明。

86、They cabled the news to her family. ─── 他们把这个消息电告她的家属。

87、mf cabled distribution system ─── 中频电缆分配系统

88、We cabled her to make the highest bid for the ancient painting. ─── 我们拍电报要她出高价收购那幅古画。

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