digitalis 发音
英:[ˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪlɪs; ˌdɪdʒɪˈtælɪs] 美:[ˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪlɪs]
英: 美:
digitalis 中文意思翻译
digitalis 短语词组
1、powdered digitalis ─── [医] 洋地黄粉
2、digitalis flower ─── 洋地黄
3、digitalis fclia ─── [医] 洋地黄叶
4、Digitalis purpurea un. ─── 紫花毛地黄 [网络] ─── 紫花洋地黄;玄参科毛地黄; ─── 紫色花洋地黄
5、Digitalis thapsi L. ─── [医] 西班牙洋地黄
6、Digitalis purpurea L. ─── [医] 紫花洋地黄
7、Digitalis ferruginea L. ─── [医] 铁锈色洋地黄
8、herpes digitalis ─── [医] 指 ─── [单纯]疱疹
9、Digitalis lutea ─── [网络] 黄花毛地黄
10、digitalis leaf ─── 毛地黄叶
11、genus Digitalis ─── [网络] 毛地黄属
12、Digitalis ambigua Marray ─── [医] 大花洋地黄
13、digitalis parviflora ─── 小型数字
14、digitalis unit ─── [医] 洋地黄单位
15、Digitalis lutea L. ─── [医] 黄花洋地黄
16、Digitalis lanata Ehrh. ─── [医] 毛花洋地黄
17、vena digitalis ─── 趾静脉;指静脉
18、arteria digitalis ─── [医]趾动脉,指动脉
19、digitalis glycoside ─── [医]毛地黄糖苷,洋地黄配糖体,洋地黄糖苷
digitalis 相似词语短语
1、digitalize ─── vt.数字化;数位化;vt.[医]以洋地黄治疗
2、digitalised ─── 数字化
3、digitals ─── adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键
4、digitalise ─── 数字化
5、digitalism ─── n.洋地黄中毒
6、digital ─── adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键
7、digitalin ─── n.毛地黄苷;洋地黄苷
8、digitalises ─── n.洋地黄;[植]毛地黄
9、digitalizes ─── vt.数字化;数位化;vt.[医]以洋地黄治疗
digitalis 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、powdered digitalis ─── 毛地黄粉
2、Digitalis ambigua Marray ─── [医] 大花洋地黄
3、A comparison between propafenone and digitalis in the therapeutic result of patients with chronic atrial fibrillation ─── 普罗帕酮与洋地黄转复慢性心房颤动的比较
4、To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms. ─── 服最大的量供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状
5、Shi H P,Quan H.Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of Digitalis purpurea L.[J].Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs,2004,35(3):327-328. ─── [4]施和平,权宏.紫花洋地黄的组织培养和植株再生[J].中草药,2004,35(3):327-328.
6、ramus digitalis anterior ─── 指前支
7、6.Its Latin name is Digitalis purpurea, which might sound familiar;leaves from the plant are a commercial source of the heart drug digitalis. ─── 它还有个更被人熟知的拉丁名字叫“洋地黄”,其叶可用于商用,是治疗心脏病的药品“洋地黄”的原材料。
8、The myocardium is extremely sensitive to the effects of hypokalemia, particularly if the patient has coronary artery disease or is taking a digitalis derivative. ─── 心肌对低钾尤其敏感,特别是当病人患有冠心病或正在服用洋地黄类药物时。
9、Keywords chronic heart failure/congestive;digitalis;Huangqi Injection; ─── 慢性心力衰竭/充血性;洋地黄;黄芪注射液;
10、digitalis cardiac glycoside ─── 毛地黄类强心苷
11、Phyllosticta digitalis ─── n. 毛地黄叶点霉
12、ramus digitalis medius ─── 中指支
13、Yet the platies plant is part of the a group called " digitalis" . ─── 它是洋地黄属一类的植物,用于治疗心脏疾病。
14、The doctor injected the patient with digitalis . ─── 医生给病人注入洋地黄。
15、Methods The method is that this artery defect was repaired by that the proximal arterial digitalis palmaris communis whic h was reversed to the distal. ─── 方法以掌心动脉为供血管,将指总动脉近端向远端翻转来修复该类动脉的缺损。
16、digitalis unit ─── [医] 洋地黄单位
17、digitalis glycoside ─── 毛地黄糖苷, 洋地黄配糖体, 洋地黄糖苷
18、Keywords Amrinone Digitalis Cor pulmonale; ─── 关键词氨力农;洋地黄;肺心病;
19、Yet the plant is part of a group called digitalis Digitalis that is used in medicine to treat heart problems. ─── 但是这个植物是叫做阳地黄的一部分,医学上用来治疗心脏病。
20、Evaluation of Clinical Application of Digitalis in Cardiovascular Disease ─── 再评洋地黄在心血管疾病中的临床应用
21、digitalis canariensis L. ─── 洋地黄
22、The traditional mode using digitalis and diuretic do not attain contentment in increasing mortality and effects. ─── 以洋地黄和利尿剂为主的传统治疗模式对心力衰竭的疗效和提高生存率均不尽人意。
23、leaves from the plant are a commercial source of the heart drug digitalis. ─── 毛地黄的叶子因为是心脏用药洋地黄的原料,所以它用于商业途径。
24、Fondata nel 2002, principalmente impegnata in prodotti informatici, prodotti digitali, il commercio elettronico, come le operazioni a catena. ─── 公司成立于2002年,主要从事计算机系列产品,数码产品,电子商务,连锁经营等。
25、Keywords Endogenous digitalis like factor;Biological action;Hypertension; ─── 内洋地黄素;生物学作用;高血压;
26、digitalis fclia ─── [医] 洋地黄叶
27、ramus digitalis posterior ─── 指后支
28、But today doctors recognize this drug as a potent compound as important as antibiotics, digitalis and other miracle drugs. ─── 但是,医生现已将其视为与抗生素、毛地黄及其它特效药品同等重要的强效化合物。
29、vena digitalis lateralis ─── 指外侧静脉, 趾外侧静脉
30、Keywords Finger Artery defect Artery Digitalis Palmaris Communis Artery Metacarpea Pal-maris; ─── 手指;动脉缺损;指总动脉;掌心动脉;
31、Yet the plant is a part of a group called Digitalis that is used in medicine to treat heart problems. ─── 但该植物也是洋地黄类的部分,医学上用来治疗心脏问题。
32、Digitalis effect by EKG ─── EKG示洋地黄影响
33、METHODS:Pharmacology, clinical usage and ADR of digitalis were analyzed and evaluated. ─── 方法 :从洋地黄类药物的药理作用、临床应用及其不良反应方面进行分析、评价。
34、digitalis lanata ─── 毛花洋地黄
35、Digitalis was originally purified from fox glove, a flower, and ephedrine from a desert shrub. ─── 洋地黄最初被净化了从狐狸手套一朵花,和麻黄精从沙漠灌木。
36、glandula digitalis ─── 指状腺
37、Keywords Heart failure Congestive Digoxin Digitalis toxication; ─── 心力衰竭;充血性;洋地黄;洋地黄中毒;
38、Have you taken digitalis recently? ─── 你最近吃过毛地黄吗?
39、digitalis leaf ─── 毛地黄叶
40、The clinical expression with clinical and common toxic digitalis has gastric bowel path reaction and all sorts of rhythm of the heart are wrong and neurological expression and visual change. ─── 临床常见洋地黄中毒的临床表现有胃肠道反应和各种心律失常以及神经系统表现和视觉改变。
41、The current indication of non digitalis positive inotropic drug in the treatment of heart failure and research advance of non digitalis positive inotropic drug were summarized in this article. ─── 本文提出了目前心力衰竭治疗中非洋地黄类正性肌力作用药物的使用指针,并对近年来非洋地黄类正性肌力作用药物的研究动向作了小结。
42、Folium Digitalis Lanatae ─── 毛花洋地黄叶
43、Un professionista come distributore di prodotti informatici, prodotti digitali, come ad esempio la rete di alta tecnologia alle imprese. ─── 为一家专业经销电脑产品、数码产品,网络建设等的高新技术企业。
44、RESULTS &CONCLUSION: Digitalis has gained general recognition of the treatment of cardiac failure associated with atrial fibrillation. ─── 结果与结论:在心力衰竭合并心房颤动的治疗中,洋地黄类药物的使用价值得到了公认。
45、(If 2) has kidney function not complete, when uric quantity decreases, digitalis is excreted little, easy toxic; ─── (2)如有肾功能不全,尿量减少时,洋地黄排泄少,易中毒;
46、Digitalis lutea L. ─── [医] 黄花洋地黄
47、vena digitalis media ─── 指内侧静脉, 趾内侧静脉
49、vena digitalis dorsalis ─── 指背(侧)静脉, 趾背(侧)静脉
50、Keywords Infant;Newborn;Hemorrhage;Pulmonary Mechanical ventilation;Digitalis; ─── 婴儿;新生;出血;肺性;机械通气;洋地黄类;
51、To admInister digitalis In a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producIng toxic symptoms. ─── 服最大的量供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状
52、Digitalis thapsi L. ─── [医] 西班牙洋地黄
53、one of several mixtures of digitalis glycosides that are extracted from the leaves or seeds of the common foxglove ─── 一种毛地黄属葡糖苷的混合物,从普通熟地的叶子或种子里得到
54、Licorice, ephedra if and digitalis, to advanced cardiac western medicine can be induced by digitalis poisoning, caused by arrhythmias. ─── 甘草、麻黄若与洋地黄、地高等强心西药合用,可诱发洋地黄中毒、引起心律失常。
55、arteria digitalis communis ─── 指总动脉
56、The doctor injected the patient with digitalis. ─── 医生给病人注入洋地黄。
57、) Libosch.ex Fisch .et Mey.[Digitalis glutinosa Gaertn,; ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名 Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.
58、verrufca digitalis ─── 指状疣
59、Digitalis toxicity by EKG ─── EKG示洋地黄毒性
60、The familiar disease of herpes digitalis is caused by the herpes simplex virus.The incidence of this disease at the parts of nonnasality, genitalia is usually high. ─── 摘要单纯疱疹是由单纯疱疹病毒引发的一种常见疾病,在口腔、生殖等部位的发病率很高。
61、Foxglove can cause heart . failure.Yet , the plant is part of the a group called Digitalis .That that is used in medicine to treat heart problems. ─── 尽管毛地黄是毛地黄属的一种,而毛地黄属植物用在治疗心脏病的药物中,它却会引起心脏衰竭。
62、"Treatment includes Bed rest, medications such as digitalis, control of excess salt and water retention, and elimination of the underlying cause. See also congestive heart failure. " ─── 治疗包括卧床休息、给予洋地黄(强心剂)、限制钠的摄入,增加钠排出,排除心力衰竭的病因等。
63、ramus digitalis volaris ─── 指掌侧支
64、A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. ─── 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用
65、METHODS: Pharmacology, clinical usage and ADR of digitalis were analyzed and evaluated. ─── 方法: 从洋地黄类药物的药理作用、 临床应用及其不良反应方面进行分析、评价。
66、It is also demonstrated that the technique used to treat the disease caused by herpes digitalis is a kind of recommendable assistant method. ─── 本文通过总结临床应用和实验研究的基础上,得到用低能量雷射来治疗疱疹病毒引起的口腔疾病等,是一种值得建议的辅助方法。
67、A comparison observation of effectiveness between meglumine cyclic adenylate and digitalis in 120 patients with chronic congestive heart failure ─── 心先安与洋地黄对比治疗慢性心衰120例观察
68、musculus extensor digitalis ─── 指伸肌
69、vena digitalis ─── 指静脉, 趾静脉
70、Treatment comparison between amrinons and digitalis on congestive heart failure patients ─── 氨力农与洋地黄治疗充血性心力衰竭患者的疗效比较
71、Digitalis lanata Ehrh. ─── [医] 毛花洋地黄
72、Digitalis ferruginea L. ─── [医] 铁锈色洋地黄
73、(6) takes digitalis kind fight rhythm of the heart the patient of wrong medicaments, should undertake hematic drug pH indicator determines regularly reach electrolyte pH indicator to determine. ─── (6)服用洋地黄类抗心律失常药物的病人,应定期进行血药浓度的测定及电解质浓度的测定。
74、Merito: LCD TFT-LCD a colori (TFT-LCD), LCD display a cristalli liquidi (LCD), come lettore video MPEG4, prodotti elettronici digitali. ─── 主营:TFT-LCD液晶彩色电视机(TFT-LCD)、LCD液晶显示器(LCD)、视频播放器MPEG4等数码电子产品。
75、Nomatica_Italia Presenta un ampio catalogo di fotocamere e videocamere digitali, con accessori correlati. Inoltre prodotti di ottica e telefonia. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。
76、compressio digitalis ─── 指压法
77、Septoria digitalis ─── 毛地黄壳针孢
78、[Latin] Digitalis purpurea ─── 毛地黄
79、digitalis effect ─── 毛地黄效应
80、herpes digitalis ─── [医] 指[单纯]疱疹
81、Folia Digitalis ─── Digitalis
82、Commonly used drugs such as methyldopa, Symmetrel, Inderal, cimetidine, scopolamine seasickness patches, and digitalis preparations ─── 常用药物,如甲基多巴、盐酸金刚烷胺、心得安、甲腈咪胺、莨菪胺晕船膏药和洋地黄制剂。
83、Digitalis glycosides are potent inhibitors of a fundamental and vital ion transport process, common to most cells. ─── 洋地黄强心甙类是大多数细胞共有的基本和重要离子转运过程的强效抑制剂。
84、vena digitalis volaris ─── 指掌侧静脉
85、digitalis glycosides ─── 毛地黄糖苷
86、8. A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis. ─── 地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用收藏指正
87、Digitalis purpurea L. ─── [医] 紫花洋地黄
88、digitalis mosaic virus ─── 毛地黄花叶病毒
89、(4) medicaments: If certain pharmaceuticals is salicylic acid preparation, coriaceous hormone, digitalis, antiphlogistic painful, Baotaisong, can cause chronic stomach mucous membrane to damage. ─── (4)药物:某些药物如水杨酸制剂、皮质激素、洋地黄、消炎痛、保泰松等,可引起慢性胃粘膜损害。
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