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09-11 投稿



forgivable 发音

英:[fərˈɡɪvəbl]  美:[fəˈɡɪvəbl]

英:  美:

forgivable 中文意思翻译



forgivable 短语词组

1、forgivable draw compensation ─── 可原谅的提取补偿

2、forgivable draw ─── 可原谅的抽签

3、forgivable sins ─── 可饶恕的罪

4、forgivable loan ─── 可宽恕贷款

5、forgivable define ─── 可原谅的定义

forgivable 相似词语短语

1、forgettable ─── adj.易被忘记的

2、forgeable ─── adj.可锻造的

3、forgivably ─── 可以原谅的

4、fortifiable ─── adj.宜于设防的;可以弄巩固的

5、forfeitable ─── adj.能没收的

6、derivable ─── adj.可诱导的;可推论的;可引出的

7、unforgivably ─── 不可原谅地;不可饶恕地

8、formidable ─── adj.强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的

9、unforgivable ─── adj.不可原谅的

forgivable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For starters, the site was down for hours, which is forgivable given the massive amount of traffic the site received. ─── 首先,该网站宕机数个小时,这对于拥有巨大流量的网站来说还情有可原。

2、Is infidelity ever forgivable? ─── 不忠行为究竟可以被原谅吗?

3、His harshness is forgivable. ─── 他很严厉,但情有可原。

4、"The genital was cut. This is grievous bodily injury. A sentence of prison is needed; but it is forgivable, the court should give a light judgement." ─── "生殖器被剪,这个是重伤,伤残哇,判刑是肯定要的,不过有情可原,应该轻判。"

5、At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable. ─── 一日将尽之际,一个可爱的家庭会发现没有任何事是不能被宽恕的。

6、Clif offers forgivable loans of as much as $5,000 so employees can buy vehicles that get at least 40 miles per gallon. ─── 该公司共有212名员工,每名员工最高可从公司获得5,000美元可宽恕贷款,用以购买油耗至少达到40英里/加仑的车辆。

7、God sees me as forgivable. ─── 4.在上帝的眼中,我是 可原谅的 。

8、The grass is greener, bird songs are sweeter, the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. ─── 草儿更绿,鸟儿的歌声更加美妙,朋友的缺点也变得更加可以理解,原谅。

9、"The right-wing books say he needs to pull himself up by the bootstraps; the left-wing books say he needs more public funding." A mistake, understandable, but not forgivable. ─── “左派的书籍说他需要勒紧裤腰带,右派的书籍说他需要公共资金的资助。

10、17. The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance. ─── 对手的到来给他一个可原谅的机会。

11、Whether the alleged new crater is a forgivable mistake, a shameful fault or actually existing there has become the focus among the netizens. ─── 经过虎照事件网民个个火眼金睛,如果确实是错误的话,即使我不发现,终究也难逃网民法眼,那时再解释就事倍功半了。

12、forgivable blunder ─── 可原谅的失误

13、The dear woman, she knew he had talent; and if affection made her over-estimate the size of it a little, surely it was a sweet and gentle crime, and forgivable for its source's sake. ─── 这位可爱的女子知道丈夫有天赋;即使爱情使她稍稍地把丈夫的天赋高估了一点儿,不过是甜蜜而温柔的过错而已,为了爱的缘故,这是可以原谅的。

14、With the forgivable loans, employees dont have to pay back any of the money if they stay with the company for generally five years; a certain amount is forgiven each year. ─── 员工一般在公司工作五年以上,就不必偿还这笔贷款了;每工作一年贷款金额就会被豁免掉一部分。

15、it takes courage to love me ,yet i can not go too far running after you ,your running away is forgivable,I was just testing you ,but you went away indeed. ─── 爱我需要勇气,而我却不能过分地追求你,你的退却是可被原谅的,而我不过是试探你,你真的离开了..........整句用英语怎么说?

16、Life had taught us that the unforgivable is usually the most forgivable. ─── 生活教会了我们,不可宽恕的东西往往最容易得到宽恕。

17、2. What do you think is the least forgivable sin? ─── 你觉得最不能让人宽恕的罪过是什么?

18、What he did is forgivable. ─── 他这样做情有可原。

19、It would have been understandable, if not forgivable, had David Cameron ducked a showdown with Leviathan. ─── 如果大卫•卡梅隆逃避了同利维坦一决雌雄的话,即便不是可宽恕的,也是可以理解的。

20、You can forgive them who killed this Jesus and any sin is potentially forgivable. ─── 你能饶恕那杀害耶稣的人,任何罪过都是可赦免的。

21、His rudeness was forgivable in the circumstances. ─── 他当时的无理情有可原。

22、Where steroid use is forgivable, or at least understandable, on the way to a winning record. ─── 在通往创造获胜纪录的道路上,类固醇的使用尚属于可以原谅,或者至少是可以理解之事。

23、You're forgiving others as well as making your own life more colourful.You'll feel even more comfortable and healthy both in physical and psychological with a forgivable heart. ─── 宽恕别人的同时,你也在为自己的人生书写精彩的一笔,拥有一颗宽恕的信,无论是你的生理还是心理都会更加舒服更加健康。

24、I do not believe that I am a revengeful man, but when fate plays a part in the matter it is forgivable to feel satisfied with the result. ─── 我的确自认不是一个爱报复的人,但是竟连不朽的众神也被触怒而干预其事,我怀着心满意足的心情观察到了这个结局,想必也是可以原谅的了。

25、The grass is greener; bird songs are sweeter; the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. ─── 草地更为青翠,鸟吟更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得让更能让人理解、宽容。

26、5 Buddha may think that these loathsome guys neglect my edification is forgivable, but how dare they openly express their desire of worldly affairs before me. ─── 佛大概会这么想,这些可恶的家伙,不听我的话也还罢了,如今竟敢在我面前来,公然的展现他们对这些世俗事务的贪念之心。

27、Then you discover what kind of wisdom has accompanied it.The grass is greener;bird songs are sweeter;the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. ─── 然后,你就会发觉与快乐结伴而来的究竟是怎样的智慧:草地更为青翠,鸟吟更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得更让人能理解。

28、His rudeness was forgivable in the circumstances. ─── 他当时的无理情有可原。

29、Thirteen years on, it has come to be a much less forgivable name for any old fool in possession of an ego and a blog. ─── 13年后,对于任何一个拥有博客的自负的老糊涂而言,这个头衔已经不那么值得宽恕了。

30、Once my boss coached me, same mistake with twice occurrence is not forgivable. ─── 我一向是一个对自己严厉对别人宽容的人,但我坚持原则。

31、English meaning: A forgivable lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings. ─── 她问我喜不喜欢她的裙子,我当然说了一个善意的谎言。)

32、This approach is often forgivable if there's a compelling dramatic reason for it, but that isn't the case here. ─── 可是,如果为了突出戏剧效果,这种表达方式也可以理解,但本片并不是这样的。

33、bird songs are sweeter;the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. ─── 草地更为青翠,鸟鸣更为甜美,朋友的缺点也变得更能让人理解、宽容。

34、The forgivable response is to hope and get the blusher out. ─── 而她只能希望并设法使红红的巴掌印早日褪去,算是原谅吧。

35、Actually, China's costume is forgivable since this is their first time to join MU. I know Min Kyung Kim's hanbok was patterned after the Tang dynasty's clothing. ─── 实际上,中国小姐的民族服装还可以原谅,毕竟这是她们国家第一次参加环球小姐。我知道韩国小姐的韩服是传于中国唐代的。

36、There are no uncriminal crimes There are no unrhymable rhymes There are no identical twins Or forgivable sins ─── 没有什么罪行能够洗刷干净没有什么诗歌可以不必压韵没有什么双胞胎会一模一样或者深重的罪恶会不可原谅

37、And watching Marin saying that, all the memories come back.I was a kid back then, it was forgivable for however stupid mistakes I made.But now? still?I hate myself. ─── 以前有好一阵,我跟某个人喝了无数次酒,吃了无数顿饭,发过无数条暧昧的短信,事实上,在我发觉某个人对我的感觉之后就几乎断绝了跟他的来往。

38、the shortcomings of your friends are more understandable and more forgivable. ─── 快乐的视野并不仅限于你周围的事物。

39、goes global, the human beings of the new millennium may be able to look back on their former garbage-producing ways as a forgivable error of their youth as a species. ─── 当世界各地的人们都持这种态度的时候,处于新千年的人类回想起当年制造垃圾的种种方式,可能会认为那只不过是人这个物种进化到青年时期犯下的可饶恕的错误。

40、Employees typically aren't required to repay forgivable loans unless they leave the company. ─── 员工只要不离开公司,一般都不要求偿还可免除贷款。

41、rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance. ─── 对手的到来给他一个可原谅的机会。

42、It is less forgivable if political leaders fail to address those concerns. ─── 但如果政治领导人没有去处理人们的这些忧虑则是难以谅解的。

43、His harshness is forgivable ─── 他很严厉, 但情有可原.

44、8.At the end of the day, a loving family should find everything forgivable. ─── 一个可爱的家庭会发现没有任何事是不能被宽恕的。

45、Actually, China's costume is forgivable since this is their first time to join MU. ─── 实际上,中国小姐的民族服装还可以原谅,毕竟这是她们国家第一次参加环球小姐。

46、certain bluster is forgivable. ─── 说点大话是可以谅解的。

47、MOVING house is always traumatic, and the odd tear would have been forgivable as the flag came down over America's old base at the South Pole. ─── 举家搬迁难免令人黯然神伤,看着国旗从美国南极站老基地上缓缓移下,即使潸然泪下也是情有可原。

48、a forgivable mistake ─── 可原谅的错误

49、I do not believe that I am a revengeful man, but when fate plays a part in the matter it is forgivable to feel satisfied with the result. ─── 我的确自认不是一个爱报复的人,但是竟连不朽的众神也被触怒而干预其事,我怀着心满意足的心情观察到了这个结局,想必也是可以原谅的了。

50、I grew up nearby and rode regularly through the park and woodlands when they belonged to a former Conservative MP.They were a forgivable muddle. ─── 我在附近长大,经常骑车穿过公园和林地,当时它们都属于某保守党前国会议员,那里曾经混乱不堪,但可以原谅。

51、and if affection made her over-estimate the size of it a little, surely it was a sweet and gentle crime, and forgivable for its source's sake. ─── 即使爱情使她稍稍地把丈夫的天赋高估了一点儿,不过是甜蜜而温柔的过错而已,为了爱的缘故,这是可以原谅的。

52、With the stimulus bill the flaws were forgivable: there was an urgent need to give the economy a boost. ─── 对于刺激方案来说,缺陷是可以原谅的:经济急需要推动。

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