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09-16 投稿



extenuating 发音

英:[ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ]  美:[ɪkˈstenjueɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

extenuating 中文意思翻译



extenuating 反义词


extenuating 同义词

extensor muscle

extenuating 词性/词形变化,extenuating变形

动词过去式: extenuated |动词现在分词: extenuating |动词第三人称单数: extenuates |动词过去分词: extenuated |名词: extenuator |形容词: extenuative |

extenuating 相似词语短语

1、extenuation ─── n.减轻;酌情减轻

2、extending ─── v.延伸;扩展;(向某人)伸出;提供;给予;允许使用(资源)(extend的现在分词)

3、extenuations ─── n.减轻;酌情减轻

4、extenuative ─── 可减轻的

5、eventuating ─── v.结果为,终于发生(eventuate的现在分词)

6、extenuatingly ─── 减轻

7、catenating ─── vt.连接;把……连接成链状;adj.链状的

8、attenuating ─── 衰减

9、extenuatives ─── 可减轻的

extenuating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、extenuating circumstance ─── 可使减轻的情况

2、There are extenuating circumstances why I was late;the intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement. ─── 我的迟到情有可原:市际火车发生故障,结果我们只得等待一个多小时更换火车。

3、The defendants decide to admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances. ─── 被告们决定认罪,但坚称有情有可原的情节。

4、The Prosecutor made similar gestures;he agreed that I was guilty, but denied extenuating circumstances. ─── 检察官伸出双手,宣告我的罪行,没有可以宽恕的地方。

5、He stole the money, but there are extenuating circumstances. ─── 他是偷了钱,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。

6、he's coming upstairs, meeting or no meeting.That is ludicrous!What about extenuating circumstances? ─── |他会上楼 才不管什么会议 太可笑了 那些情有可原的状况呢?

7、Roy:So we are all going to suck it up and let her take us to her master, where we will do our best to explain the extenuating circumstances. ─── 所以,我们要一起摆平这件事情,让她带我们去见她的主人,在那儿我们要竭尽全力说明这事是情有可原的。

8、He did misappropriate the public funds,but there were extenuating circumstances. ─── 他的确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。

9、Some extenuating circumstances related by you now might throw a slightly different light on all this. ─── 有些可以宽恕的地方,你要是现在讲出来,说不定对这件事的看法就略有改变。

10、The act of extenuating or the condition of being extenuated;partial justification. ─── 开脱使人原谅的行为或被人原谅的条件;

11、Even though you really were in an extenuating circumstance, I'm sorry, I still can't offer you forgiveness. ─── 虽然你当时的处境使得你做的一切情有可原, 但对不起,我仍然无法原谅你.

12、If there are extenuating circumstances, you should make prior arrangements with your recitation instructor. ─── 如果有能令人谅解的情况,你应该提前跟你的演习课讲师做出安排。

13、Even though you really were in an extenuating circumstances, I'm sorry, I still can't offer you forgiveness. ─── 虽然你当时的处境使得你做的一切情有可原,但对不起,我仍然无法原谅你。

14、It's not good that the PC market is weakening for Microsoft, but there are extenuating circumstances for Microsoft as well. ─── 个人电脑市场疲软对于微软不利,但是微软也有一些令人可以喘口气的情况。

15、"He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances." ─── "他的确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。"

16、The judge is aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing. ─── 法官知道可使罪行减轻的情况,你肯定会得到公正的判决。

17、Qianlong 2006 (1741), on review can be ordered into the case, Chao "extenuating circumstances, and so reduce the flow to ask," in return. ─── 乾隆六年(1741年),上命复核可进案,诏“情有可原,减等问流”归里。

18、There are extenuating circumstances why I was late; the intercity train broke down and we had to wait more than an hour for a replacement. ─── 我的迟到情有可原:市际火车发生故障,结果我们只得等待一个多小时更换火车。

19、In view of the case and he will plead guilty to summary trial, as appropriate, extenuating accordance with the law. ─── 鉴于他能认罪及本案适用简易程序审理,遂依法酌情从轻处罚。

20、Because of extenuating circumstances , the court acquitted him of the crime. ─── 因考虑到情有可原,法庭判他无罪。

21、Write an autobiographical essay describing your goal and any extenuating circumstances that effect your performance in high school. ─── 写一篇自传,介绍你在高中时期的目标和任何影响你达到此目标的情形。

22、In view of Ni-Na Liu speakers better attitude after the account, as appropriate, be extenuating. ─── 鉴于刘妮娜到案后交代态度较好,酌情予以从轻处罚。

23、A parent's note indicating extenuating circumstances for an incomplete assignment may allow for an extension of time. ─── 如果家长能为学生不按时完成作业写明情况,那么时间可以延长。

24、In case of extenuating circumstances, the curriculum committee can meet and resolve such issues. ─── 未详尽之情况,则提交课程委员会协调解决。

25、It was possible for her to hear in the first place what the extenuating circumstances were. ─── 对她来说首先有可能听到缓和一些的情况是个什么样子。

26、Answer:At this time, we can restore characters, but only for extenuating circumstances. ─── 回答:目前,我们可以恢复角色,但只针对情有可原的情况。

27、Non-tabloid journalists are supposed to avoid anonymous sources except in extenuating circumstances. ─── 原则一,非小报记者应尽量避免使用匿名消息,除非情有可原;

28、The young man was terribly rude to his friend, but there were extenuating circumstances. ─── 那位年轻人当时对待他的朋友十分无礼,但是情有可原。

29、However, due to flat-tax issue was subject to interrogation, truthful testimony of the judiciary has not yet grasp the crime, is surrendered, has the statutory mitigating or extenuating circumstances. ─── 但周因单位偷税问题被盘问时,如实供述了司法机关尚未掌握的罪行,属自首,具有法定从轻或减轻处罚情节。

30、Miss Bennet was thecreature who could suppose there might be any extenuating circumstances in the case, unknown to the society of Hertfordshire; ─── 只有班纳特小姐以为这件事里面有些蹊跷,还不曾为哈福郡的人们弄清楚。

31、Expert testimony that obedience to authority and other social-psychological processes were extenuating circumstances, resulted in 9 of the 13 defendants' being spared the death penalty. ─── 实验过程中,当学生的假被试和当教师的真被试被分别安排在不同的房间里,学生的胳膊上绑上电极,被绑在椅子上,以便在记忆词汇发生错误时被教师惩罚。

32、Nate: I still think there could be extenuating circumstances. All you know you've learned from one newspaper article. ─── 我还是认为事情另有隐情。这些都是你从报纸上看到的。

33、Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances. ─── 最后,我们可以记住行为人的罪过可能因为可恕的环境而通常被减轻。

34、If there are extenuating circumstances, a visit to an employee assistance counselor, may help you deal with your negative feelings and plan your successful transition。 ─── 如果真的情有可原的话,可以向一位员工顾问助理求助,这样可以帮你处理自己的负面情绪,成功的做好工作移交。

35、There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. ─── 因有可减轻罪行的情节被告未被判刑。

36、He stole the money, but there are extenuating circumstances. ─── 他是偷了钱,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。

37、Miss Bennet was the only creature who could suppose there might be any extenuating circumstances in the case, unknown to the society of Hertfordshire; ─── 只有班纳特小姐以为这件事里面一定有些蹊跷,还不曾为哈福郡的人们弄清楚。

38、hiding, excusing, or extenuating of sins, when called to a free confession; ─── 本应坦白认罪,却躲躲藏藏,寻找藉口,减轻罪责;

39、The young man was terribly rude to his friend, but there were extenuating circumstances. ─── 那位年轻人当时对待他的朋友十分无礼,但是情有可原。

40、A parent’s note indicating extenuating circumstances for an incomplete assignment may allow for an extension of time. ─── 当然如果家长能给出作业没有按时完成的原因的话也会给与延期。

41、The act of extenuating or the condition of being extenuated; partial justification. ─── 开脱使人原谅的行为或被人原谅的条件;偏心的辩护

42、Thus to secure effective deterrence, crimes committed in extenuating circumstances should be punished more severely. ─── 因此为了保障威慑效果,在可恕环境下的犯罪应当受到更严厉的处罚。

43、The fact that the object of his ex-wife can be used as the discretion of extenuating circumstances. ─── 强奸的行为对象为前妻的事实可以作为从轻处罚的酌定情节。

44、Then, briefly explain the extenuating circumstances as to why you did what you did. ─── 然后,简短的解释你之所以会这样做的原因。

45、I do not plead any extenuating act ─── 我不求宽大,也不要求减刑。

46、some extenuating circumstances in your life right now. ─── 改善你行为的方法。

47、There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. ─── 有可减轻罪行的情节被告未被判刑。

48、The means of extenuating fluoride damage were presented. ─── 根据各类别的特征,提出减轻氟危害的方法。

49、Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances. ─── 最后,我们可以记住行为人的罪过可能因为可恕的环境而通常被减轻。

50、In extenuating the Brahmins, there is a danger of erring in the opposite direction from Parrington. ─── 为了替绅士派文人洗脱罪名,我们也有犯错误的危险,有可能走向巴灵顿的反面。

51、Abstract AIM: To analysis the mechanism of earlyenteral nutrition extenuating the damage of intestinal mucosa in burnedrats. ─── 彭毅志,袁志强,肖光夏.早期肠道营养减轻烧伤后肠黏膜损伤的机制研究.世界华人消化杂志2003;

52、You may need to register or convert it upon arrival, but it cannot be revoked except under certain extenuating circumstances. ─── 他们通常没有居留或语言要求,申请遣返处理更迅速,通常不收取费用。

53、Extenuating circumstances." The jury went out, and I was taken to the little room where I had already waited. ─── 陪审员们出去了,我被带进我原来在里面等候的那间小屋子里。

54、There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. ─── 因有可减轻罪行的情节被告未被判刑。

55、the act of extenuating or the condition of being extenuated; partial justification ─── 使人原谅的行为或被人原谅的条件;偏心的辩护

56、The restraint of an individual outside such extenuating circumstances, or the use of excessive force, is unjustifiable. ─── 若个人约束超出这种范围,或是过度使用武力,这就是不正当。

57、extenuating circumstances ─── 可使罪行减轻的情况

58、In extenuating the Brahmins, there is a danger of erring in the opposite direction from Parrington ─── 但是,为了替绅士派文人洗脱罪名,我们也有犯错误的危险,有可能走向巴灵顿的反面。

59、2."He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances. ─── ""他的确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。

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