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09-16 投稿



unadulterated 发音

英:[ˌʌnəˈdʌltəreɪtɪd]  美:[ˌʌnəˈdʌltəreɪtɪd]

英:  美:

unadulterated 中文意思翻译



unadulterated 相似词语短语

1、adulterated ─── adj.掺入次级品的;v.在…中掺入杂质(adulterate的过去分词)

2、unadulterate ─── 纯正的

3、adulterates ─── v.在(饮食)中掺入低劣杂质,掺假;adj.掺假的,不纯的;通奸的

4、adulterised ─── 通奸

5、adulterate ─── v.在(饮食)中掺入低劣杂质,掺假;adj.掺假的,不纯的;通奸的

6、unacculturated ─── 非文化的

7、adulterized ─── 掺假

8、adulterator ─── n.搀假的人;伪造人;造假货的人

9、unadulteratedly ─── 毫不含糊地

unadulterated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Be located on a four south in Kyoto of loose is, specially dip to anticipate and the Tan roast of pure and unadulterated taste, constituted the unique life time of the eel rice delicacy. ─── 位于京都四条南座的松乃,独特的蘸料以及炭烤的纯正风味,构成了鳗鱼饭的绝世美味。

2、There is no such thing as a pure, unadulterated, separate Western civilization or Chinese civilization. ─── 没有所谓的纯粹的、不受污染的、独立的西方文明或者中华文明,我们都一直在混合几个世纪了,尤其是在过去的两个世纪里。

3、For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure. ─── 对我来说,这个假期是百分之百的赏心乐事。

4、Reading can change people's persona.Only those with a pure and unadulterated mind can penetrate their subject of study. ─── 读书可以变化人的气质,心地干净纯正的人,才能把书读通;

5、Unadulterated quantum theory does not, in fact, pose any contradictions. ─── 事实上,不加料的量子理论并不会陷入任何矛盾。

6、Butter Unadulterated butter is suitable for vegetarians. ─── 黄油 奶油 纯正,适合素食者。

7、the unadulterated truth. ─── 纯粹的真理

8、unadulterated water ─── 无杂质的水

9、Free from foreign matter or pollution; unadulterated. ─── 无外来物质或污染的;不掺假的.

10、You want to experience that thing fully in its natural and unadulterated form. ─── 你希望完全和纯粹的体会其实质。

11、Wade Rucker, the authority of U.S. management association, believes that the knowledge has become the unadulterated capital and the all-important treasure. ─── 美国管理学权威得鲁克认为:”在现代经济中,知识已经成为真正的资本和首要的财富。

12、Postmodernism is still with us, both in its unadulterated form, and in fascinating combinations with other modes of narration. ─── 后现代主义依然健在,不只是以纯粹的形式,还有与其他种叙事体迷人的混合。

13、believe in people,in sheer, unadulterated humanity. ─── 我信仰人类,信仰透明,纯粹的...

14、As I wrote a few months ago, I've come to see being cheap as less of an unadulterated positive. ─── 正如我几个月前写的,我开始认为锱铢必究不再是完全积极的了。

15、And we no longer have unadulterated football like we did in the golden 70's: no Cruijff nor his arch rival Beckenbauer . ─── 再也没有黄金70'一代那纯粹的足球了:没有了克鲁伊夫,也没有了他的头号对手贝肯鲍尔;

16、Analysis for Osteoform cures unadulterated Osteoporosis of old women ─── 乐力治疗老年妇女原发骨质疏松疗效分析

17、Otherwise, without anything to the contrary in her mental system, the most likely reaction to her first encounter with a living snake would be pure, unadulterated fascination. ─── 因此,既然她的思维里没有不好的印象,那麽她第一次见到蛇的反应就是纯粹的著迷。

18、: Pottery is made from unadulterated clay. ─── 陶器是用比较纯粹的黏土制成的。

19、S. management association, believes that the knowledge has become the unadulterated capital and the all-important treasure. ─── 美国管理学权威得鲁克认为:”在现代经济中,知识已经成为真正的资本和首要的财富。”

20、One day, I hope that my foreign friends realize unadulterated China through my blog. ─── 有一天,我希望能通过我的博客,让一些我的外国网友也了解真正的中国是什么样子。

21、It seemed as if being a gay icon might not come with the unadulterated respect I'd been hoping for. ─── 它仿佛是一个同性恋图标可能不来与纯粹的方面,我希望得到的。

22、then discern that as an aesthetic idea, the summit experience that is an "unadulterated essence" sublime in fact, makes people live in the consideration and spiritual pursuance again; ─── 然后辨析高峰体验作为一种审美理想,使人重新活在思考与精神追求之中,其实是一种“纯粹精神”的崇高;

23、Spread the American romantic feeling of accept the pure and unadulterated classic, the WEIYANA try hard for perfect deduce your bathroom space in the ideal! ─── 传承纯正经典的美式风情,唯雅纳力求完美演绎您理想中的卫浴空间!

24、Sequential clockwork systems we understand;nonlinear web systems are unadulterated mysteries. ─── 我们能理解顺序钟控系统,而非线性网络系统却是道地的难解之谜。

25、Yuanming yuan was a unadulterated Oriental museum. Innumerable art treasures were ever conserved in Yuanming yuan. Now Yuanming yuan is a relics park. ─── 圆明园是一座名副其实的东方博物馆,其中究竟藏有多少珍宝和文物已无从知晓。今天,圆明园是一座遗址公园。

26、unadulterated nonsense ─── 一派胡言

27、“Content that is personable, true from the blogger’s heart, sincere, genuine, unadulterated and unfiltered will really draw me in. ─── “真正吸引我的博文,是动人的、来自博主内心的、诚挚的、真实的、纯粹的、不加修饰的内容。”

28、But those jargons can't be used unadulterated because they contain ambiguities and contradictions. ─── 但又不能够直接使用这些行话,因为它们可能包含模糊与矛盾。

29、Discover pure, unadulterated truffles bliss. Diva Life Chocolatier's signature collection: the highest level of chocolate indulgence is assembled in a silver leather box with its elegant ribbons. ─── 经典时尚特别款,银色的高贵衬托出您的独特眼光,沉醉在爵士以及美味巧克力的浪漫之中,唯有首选时尚爵士。

30、Nobody in Lil Buck's family had ever left the United States, so I was curious to experience China through his unadulterated eyes. ─── 利尔·巴克和他的家人从未离开过美国,所以我很想通过他纯粹的眼睛再一次体验中国。

31、pure and unadulterated ─── 粹而不杂

32、For me, the holiday was sheer unadulterated pleasure. ─── 对我来说,这个假期是百分之百的赏心乐事。

33、Food source began to become genetically modified to a point that not one plant, vegetable or fruit, nut or grain grown remained unadulterated by the scientific communities of the time. ─── 农作物开始被基因调整到这样一个程度,以至于没有任何一种植物、蔬菜、水果、坚果或稻谷未被当时的科学体系进行改动。

34、Pottery is made from unadulterated clay. ─── 陶器是用无搀杂的黏土制成的。

35、What I learned in that shabby hotel room with the moldy shower curtain and the iron burns on the carpet was that I had what it took to go all the way: pure, unadulterated bullheadedness. ─── 在有着发霉浴帘、和地铁烫斗焦痕的那件破旧旅店房间内,我学到了自己有走完全程所需要的东西:一种纯洁、纯粹的”蛮劲“。

36、code that gives learning how to trade a mysterious quality that will be challenging in a fun way at first, but usually turns into pure, unadulterated exasperation. ─── 这样的代码教你用新的方法交易,你在一开始会觉得有趣,但是通常会变成纯粹的未成年人的恼怒。

37、However,Kant assumed time existed before experience.It was the unadulterated form of human thought and the medium of knowledge,thus time made the comprehensive pre-experience judgment possible. ─── 康德预先假设了时间是验前的存在,人们认识的纯粹形式,产生知识的中介,时间使得验前综合判断成为可能。

38、talking pure unadulterated nonsense ─── 纯粹胡说八道

39、the unadulterated truth; ─── 纯粹的事实;

40、By rights, the film should be unadulterated garbage. ─── 按理说,这部电影应该是纯粹的垃圾。

41、Yet another claim asserts that the "clink" served as a symbolic acknowledgment of trust among imbibers who did not feel the need to sample each others' drinks to prove them unadulterated. ─── 然而还有另一种则认为:碰杯是一种象征性的相信酒是干净的,不需证明有没有放毒。

42、I believe in perople, in sheer, unadulterated humanity, I believe inlistening to what people have to say, in helping them to achieve the things which they want and the things which they need. ─── 我们所生活的这个时代,是人类历史上思想与价值充满革命性变化的一个时代。

43、It was pure, unadulterated hell. ─── 那是纯粹的,十足的地狱。

44、Language Directly Becomes Nature Showing--Recognize Again "Unadulterated Art" and "Abstract Expressionism" ─── 语言直接成为本质的显现--对"纯粹美术"和"抽象表现主义"的再认识

45、Song is the most essential person to solve the issue .Fist, he must differentiate the difference between the “like” and “love”, then he should ask himself which one does he love unadulterated. ─── 宋是解决这个问题的最关键的人物,他必需明确的区分喜欢与爱之间的差别,然后问下自己到底真心的爱的是哪一个人。

46、unadulterated coffee. ─── 纯咖啡

47、Only time can prove you are timeless, and only adulteration can demonstrate you are unadulterated. ─── 在创造我的时候,你已将那形象铭刻于我记忆的母板,而只有时间才能显示你的永恒,只有沧桑才能显示你的纯粹。

48、The best pu er you should not be missed, fitting in loose and tight, shape fatty strong of leaves, the color and luster is brown-red, ruddy in tea soup, the taste is mellow, aroma pure and unadulterated. ─── 你不能错过的好茶就是宫廷普洱王,其饼形周整,松紧适度,条索肥壮,色泽褐红,汤色红亮,滋味醇和,香气纯正。

49、a feeling of unadulterated hatred ─── 不搀假的憎恶感情

50、A popular tourist attraction in Norway, this is all about exploring unadulterated beauty of nature at a leisurely pace. ─── 这是挪威一个很受欢迎的旅游景点,其卖点就在于悠然自得中尽享至纯至真的自然之美。

51、The hyperlink must deliver users directly to this Web site unaltered, unmodified and unadulterated in any way by the hyperlinking Web ite. ─── 由超级连接网站传送到这个网站的用户必须是未改变的,未修改的和未掺假的。

52、unadulterated medicinal material ─── 道地药材

53、Our two days of deliberations have shown post-1978 Chinese agriculture to have been a mixed bag, in sharp contrast to earlier appraisals of unadulterated success. ─── 我们为期两天的审议显示,1978年后中国的农业已经与之前形成鲜明对比,与之前相比取得很大成就。

54、unadulterated maple syrup; the unadulterated truth; here is genius unadulterated- Amy Loveman. ─── 纯正的枫蜜;纯粹的事实;这有个真正的天才-埃米·拉夫曼。

55、unadulterated alcohol ─── 纯乙醇

56、The former unadulterated pleasure of simply dining has been replaced with the feeling of a very expensive clinic. ─── 前者那种纯粹的、简单的饮食快乐逐渐被昂贵的医疗情感所取代。

57、The Nature Brand Pearl powder of our factory is made of unadulterated natural medicinal materials. ─── 本厂“天然”牌珍珠粉,采用纯天然药材制成。

58、Our life was unadulterated bliss. ─── 我们的生活幸福极了。

59、The unadulterated Second World War version is shown in the illustration to the right. ─── 版面上照片是第二次世界大战时此奖章照片。

60、Wouldn’t the symphonies be awesome, captivating, and unadulterated? ─── 交响曲将会是令人惊叹的,迷人的,纯正的!

61、After twelve years development, we have founded more than 30 apiary bases which guarantee the unadulterated and pure honey resources. ─── 年生产能力达5000吨,在全国建立了多个基地蜂场,所有原料均来自养蜂联合体,为优质的无污染蜜源提供了坚实的保障。

62、Pure and unadulterated, non-staining Qian Chen. ─── 纯净无瑕、不染纤尘。

63、The crawfish with caviar. This simple yet unadulterated dish best exemplifies the chef's fastidious attention to the inherent flavors of the ingredients. ─── 炸小鳌虾佐鱼子酱.这道简单而绝对的菜最能表现主厨追求食材味道的洁癖.

64、Organic food is unadulterated food produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides. ─── 有机食品是纯粹的不含人工化学制剂或杀虫剂的食物。

65、For whatever exists in those rooms is pure, unadulterated devil. ─── 因为在那座屋子里的绝对肯定就是鬼。

66、Life on the brigantines was unadulterated hell, granted. ─── 双桅船上的日子好比人间地狱,这一点毋庸置疑。

67、unadulterated maple syrup; ─── 纯正的枫蜜;

68、So he has to kill him, and he tries to do that with unadulterated fury. ─── 因此他必须杀死他,而他伴着纯粹的狂怒下了杀手。

69、Reality can be perceived only as a fragment and relying on the single’s fragmented and not necessarily unadulterated vision. ─── 真实,依赖着个体破碎而混杂的洞见而存在,并且只能以残缺的形式被领悟和察觉。

70、So I still select black,unadulterated black. ─── 依然选择黑色,纯粹的黑。

71、Three, taste pure and unadulterated, pure fragrance delicacy. ─── 三、口味纯正,清香美味。

72、However, Kant assumed time existed before experience.It was the unadulterated form of human thought and the medium of knowledge, thus time made the comprehensive pre-experience judgment possible. ─── 康德预先假设了时间是验前的存在,人们认识的纯粹形式,产生知识的中介,时间使得验前综合判断成为可能。

73、The paper called for a 'Standard Bread' to be developed, made from unadulterated flour and at least 80 per cent of the germ of the wheat. ─── 该报纸倡议发起用纯粹的面粉和至少80%的小麦胚芽做成的“标准面包”。

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