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09-16 投稿



inferable 发音


英:  美:

inferable 中文意思翻译



inferable 短语词组

1、inferable from ─── 可推断自

inferable 相似词语短语

1、integrable ─── adj.可积(分)的

2、inferible ─── 可推断的

3、inferrable ─── 能推论的;可推断的

4、inoperable ─── adj.不实用的;不能动手术的

5、inferrible ─── adj.可推论的;可推断的

6、informable ─── 可查的

7、deferable ─── adj.可缓期的;可延期的;n.缓征者

8、pilferable ─── 可盗窃的

9、inferably ─── 推断

inferable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the short form, the compilers infer the correct type parameter from the types of the method arguments. ─── 在短格式中,编译器从方法变量的类型中推导出正确的类型参数。

2、The human experts often could infer the almost reasonable conclusion by using the indefinite fact and the causal relation. ─── 人类专家往往可以利用客观世界中不确定的事实和因果关系,通过不精确推理来得出近乎合理的结论。

3、When listening to the teacher's story, I can infer the possible ending. ─── 听老师说故事时,我可以推论出可能的结局。

4、Here,the animals just emit this signal,and we can watch these changes and infer what's going on in the membranes of their cells,just from their behavior. ─── 但是,动物却会释放这种信号,这样我们就能观察到这些变化,并能通过它们的行为推知它们的细胞膜起了怎样的变化。

5、A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure, relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. ─── 动物学的一个长期目的是从结构中推断功能,把一个组织体的行为与其物理结构和细胞组成联系起来。

6、What do you infer from her refusing? ─── 你从她的拒绝中推断出什么?

7、Do you know what I infer from this? ─── 你可知道我由此得出了什么推论?”

8、You may infer from his remarks the implications. ─── 你可以从他的话语中猜测其含义。

9、Oh, did I lose you at infer? ─── 你不懂断章取义是什么意思吗?

10、What can we infer from the passage? ─── 从文章我们可以推断出什么?

11、In a forcing chain, a node can only infer the next successive node downstream. ─── 在一条强制链里面,一个节点仅能推断出下一个继承的节点。

12、Integration Services does not use the code page to infer locale-specific rules for sorting data or interpreting date, time, and decimal data. ─── Integration Services不使用代码页来推断对数据排序或解释日期、时间和十进制数据时遵循的区域设置特定的规则。

13、The inferable theorem is discussed under the mixed circumstances under fuzzy functional dependency and fuzzy multivalued dependency. ─── 讨论了在模糊函数依赖、模糊多值依赖混合作用下的推导公理系统;

14、What am I to infer from your remarks? ─── 你说的话究竟是什么意思呢?

15、Thus when looking at the ?15 box the consumers infer that the high price reflects high quality and they buy the chocolates. ─── 因此,当看到每盒售价15欧元的巧克力时,消费者推断这个高价反映了高质量,然后就买下了巧克力。

16、Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe. ─── 因此我们推断出宇宙中存在暗物质。

17、Claim on quality vriginates fromf infer bfrioc r quality of goodsqrc quality 2752 anges. ─── 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。

18、At the same time, we infer a decomposition mechanism of the transforming of TNT first time. ─── 同时还首次推导了TNT分子在脉冲等离子体效应下的反应降解过程。

19、Shu is the mathematics in thefield of phenomena to deduce and infer the process of change. ─── “数”是由现象界中形下的数理,演绎推详它的变化过程,由此而知人事与万物的前因与后果。

20、So we infer that rupatadine may have a protective effect on lung inflammatory through its inhibitory effect on synthesis of inflammatory factors. ─── 因此,我们推测对炎症因子释放的抑制可能是卢帕他定产生保护作用的重要原因。

21、The efficiency of Carnot cycle is merely lie on the temperatures of cold and heatt bath, which is conformable to the infer of Carnot theorem. ─── 卡诺循环的效率只取决于热源和冷源的温度,符合卡诺定理的推论。

22、It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of fact. ─── 从这些事实中可能推断出两种截然相反的结论。

23、Am I to infer(from your remarks) that you think I'm not telling the truth? ─── (从你的话中)看来你认为我没说实话?

24、From the last paragraph we can infer that . ─── 从文章最后第一段我们可以推断。

25、In terms of physical causation, and any ethical consequences inferable from that, no more can be said. ─── 根据物理原因,以及任何民族推理可以从函数推论出,没有其他的说法。

26、From this, Charles and Melanie could only infer that she took a profound pleasure in this occasional excitement, the only excitement in her sheltered life. ─── 从这里,查尔斯和媚兰只能得出一个结论,即她从这种偶然的刺激----对她平静生活的唯一刺激中,能享受到极大的乐趣。

27、It is possible to infer two complete ly opposite conclusions from this set of facts. ─── 从这些事实中可能推断出两种截然相反的结论.

28、So applying the FDOD to infer the phylogeny of whole proteome microbial organisms is significant work. ─── 因此,将FDOD方法应用于微生物系统发育分析是一项很有意义的工作。

29、The level conception is delivered in the knowledge expression method, which raises the infer efficiency and reduces the search range of rules greatly. ─── 在知识表达中提出级别的概念,极大地提高了推理效率,缩小了规则搜索范围。

30、He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder victim. ─── 他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。

31、On Inferable Acquiring of Copyright Permission ─── 浅析著作权许可的推定取得

32、He is carried then in the phone alarmed and happy, say for ages to did not see her, infer she. ─── 他在电话那端又惊又喜,说好久没见她了,想见她。

33、From his accent, we can infer that this boy must be from Henan Province. ─── 从这个小弟的口音判断,它应该是个河南人。

34、At this time, researchers must use multiple lines of evidence to infer dinosaur energetics. ─── 在现阶段,研究者必须引用大量的证据线索去推断恐龙的动力学过程。

35、What can we infer from the conversation? ─── 从这篇对话中我们能推断出什么?

36、The actual operation of the PSD requirements has somewhat diverged from what one might infer from reading the statute. ─── 《防止大气质量严重恶化》规定的实际执行,会或多或少地偏离从法令中所能推论的内容。

37、From a mathematical point-of-view, the models should be formal and inferable in order to be easily operated and implemented. ─── 从数学角度来看,空间关系模型必须是可形式化和可推理的,以方便操作和实现;

38、The var keyword does not change the types of your objects; it just instructs the compiler to infer the types. ─── var关键字不会更改对象的类型,它仅指示编译器推断类型。

39、From a mathematical point-of-view, the models should be formal and inferable in order to be easily operated and implemented. ─── 从数学角度来看,空间关系模型必须是可形式化和可推理的,以方便操作和实现;

40、You can specify the type of the input variable explicitly or let the compiler infer it; in either case the variable is strongly typed at compile time. ─── 可以显式指定输入变量的类型或让编译器进行推断;在任一情况下,此变量在编译时都是强类型的。

41、From the way he behaved I should infer that the man was drunk. ─── 从他的举止我可以推断他醉了。

42、We can infer from Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm's paper that. ─── 从迈尔斯博士和沃尔姆博士的论文中我们可以推知。

43、What do you infer from the voting figures? ─── 从选票的统计数字里你得出什么结论?

44、Likewise, if the return type for a function is not specified, the compiler will infer the appropriate return type. ─── 另外,如果没有指定函数的返回类型,则编译器将推断出适当的返回类型。

45、People usually infer an unknown fact from a known fact. ─── 人们通常从已知的事实事中推断未知的事实。

46、There are so many loopholes in your speech, and one can easily infer that you made it up. ─── 你的话罅漏百出,一听就知道是编出来的。

47、What do you infer from this man's hesitating manner? ─── 你从此人犹豫不决的态度中推断出什么呢?

48、What can we infer from the first three paragraphs? ─── 从文章前三段,我们可以推断出什么?

49、We then infer that this is a switch from wild foods such as fish and shellfish to the new domesticates that arrive at this time. ─── 因此我们可以推断,我们的所吃的东西正从野生食物如鱼和贝类转向这是我们可以饲养的新的家养食品。

50、If a passage explicitly states an effect, for example, you may be asked to infer its cause. ─── 例如,如果文章明确地给出了一个结果,你可能会被要求推导导致它的原因;

51、"Then am I to infer," said his Questioner, "that _you_ are not fallible? ─── ”那么我是不是可以推出这样的结论,“那个提问者继续说,”你本人是不会出错的?

52、They claim that now can be more accurately infer that these people were blue stones from Wales to Stonehenge about the date. ─── 他们声称,现在已经可以更准确地推断这些蓝色石头被人们从威尔士带到巨石阵的大概日期。

53、From your smile I infer that you're pleased. ─── 从你的笑容,我断定你很高兴。

54、Based on these results, we may infer that the effect of wavelength on therelation between CFF and log I is not negligible. ─── 从而可以推断:波长对CFF和logI之间关系的效应不可忽视。

55、People usually infer unknown facts from known facts. ─── 人们通常从已知的事实中推断未知的事实。

56、We infer that the minimum toxic dose should be below 10mg/L in cultured human tooth germ in vitro . ─── 因此推断,在人牙胚体外培养中,氟产生毒性作用的最小剂量应低于10mg/L。

57、May infer that, not the massive crowds carryon the difficult work, is unable to complete this huge project. ─── 可以想见,没有大量的人群进行艰苦的劳动,是无法完成这项巨大工程的。

58、What can we infer from this passage? ─── 从该文章中我们可以推断出什么?

59、A new study found that trained sexologists could infer a woman's history of vaginal orgasm by observing the way she walks. ─── 一项新的研究发现,性科学家经过训练能够通过女性走路姿势来推断其阴道高潮经历。

60、In the chemical mimic system, we infer the ideal model of the precipitation growth in the Gel. ─── 在一简化了的化学体系-凝胶介质中,提出沉淀增长的理想模型。

61、Am I to infer from your remarks that you think I am a liar? ─── 你的话里是否表示你认为我说谎呢?

62、Odd from " smoke king " this one appellation, everybody is not difficult their achievement mixes infer brilliant. ─── 单从“烟王”这一称呼,大家就不难想见他们的成就和辉煌。

63、For it solves to be difficult what infringer put to the proof, infer the principle in some occasion applicable fault. ─── 因此,我国知识产权侵权损害赔偿归责原则也应该适用过错责任原则。

64、On the Acceleration and inferable Acceleration in International Contract Management ─── 国际工程合同管理中的加速与可推定加速

65、Infer from his letter that he is not happy at all. ─── 从他的信中我们推断他一点都不高兴。

66、If observers see a quasar brighten and then dim in a particular way, they can infer that a star passed in front and briefly magnified its image. ─── 其他用来定测哈伯常数的方法有赖一长串距离测量,但是利用重力透镜,只消一步就可获得答案。

67、Can you infer the author's main idea from what he wrote? ─── 你能从这位作者所写的东西中推断出他的主要思想吗?

68、I infer from your smile that you are happy. ─── 从你的笑容可以看出你很高兴。

69、We can infer from the device on the trademark that the wine is vintage. ─── 从商标上的纹章我们可以推断出这瓶红酒是陈年佳酿。

70、Therefore, it is inferable that A-90 possesses higher molecular chain regularity than LDJ-240. Both A-90 and LDJ-240 are suitable to be used as adhesives. ─── A-90比 LDJ-240结晶速度快,结晶度变化小,从而推断A-90的分子链结构更规整,A-90和 LDJ-240适合作粘接型材料。

71、There was no physical act, no word spoken aloud, that they had not noticed, no train of thought that they had not been able to infer. ─── 他们没有不注意到的言行,没有不推想到的思想。

72、You have the very deep very deep attachment to him, but he certainly in your side, sometimes you even did not know when may infer with him? ─── 你对他有很深很深的眷恋,可是他并不在你身边,有时你甚至不知道什么时候可以和他相见?

73、A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from structure,relating the behavior of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. ─── 动物学的唯一长期目的是从框架中推断功能,把唯一组织体的行为与其物理框架和细胞组成联系起来。

74、So we can infer that humans are constructing the outlookings and actions of objective things in their real life with the meaning of languages. ─── 可以说,人类是透过语言的意义构造观望现实生活中的客观事物或动作的。

75、You can infer the meaning of a word by using context clues. ─── 你可以利用上下文线索推断出一个词的意思。

76、This article explores specially the use of inferable anaphoric NPs, esp. definite NPs, in discourse based on some foreigners' pragmatic and cognitive studies. ─── 本文根据国外语用和认知方面的研究理论专门探讨名词(短)语特别是有定名词语在语篇中的可推知照应的用法。

77、Plus the ad that the video itself that the partner offers takes oneself, can dimensions of the advertising on infer box. ─── 再加上合作伙伴提供的视频本身自带的广告,可以想见盒子上广告的规模。

78、The ultimate goal, however, is to understand their coordinated activity and infer, with statistics, which interactions lead to a diseased cell. ─── 不过,最终目的是希望能了解基因的协调活动,并透过统计方法推论导致细胞异常的交互作用是哪些。

79、Hence astronomersmostly infer their existence by looking for their effects. ─── 因此天文学家大多是通过观察它们所产生的影响来判断它们是否存在。

80、I well to infer as soon as possible you, I did not know expresses me with baa the word now the mood, I only may speak me only to love your. ─── 但能猜到他到底要想说什麽:同时我很爱你,我能给你我的电话号码。我想尽快见到你。我不懂得怎样对你说我现在的感觉,我只能说我爱你。

81、He can logically infer that if the battery is dead then the horn will not sound. ─── 他可以符合逻辑地推测,如果蓄电池用完了,喇叭也就不会响了。

82、Given this background, one could infer, if one did not know it already, the general structure of Oceanic society. ─── 了解这个背景以后,对于大洋国社会的总结构,即使还没有了解,也可以由此作出推断。

83、People infer that so able a governor will make a good president. ─── 人们推定,如此能干的州长会成为一名好总统的。

84、What can we infer from his refusal to see us. ─── 他拒绝见我们,我们能从中推断出什么呢?

85、Supply type arguments to the generic procedure so that the compiler does not have to infer them. ─── 为泛型过程提供类型变量,这样编译器将不必推导它们。

86、It is a picture of an inferable sorrow preparing the way for an unutterable and final joy . ─── 这幅图画所描绘的,是一种无可言喻最终的喜乐来临之前,短暂的哀伤。

87、People may infer from an utterance all sorts of things which neither the utterance nor the utterer implied. ─── 人们会从一段发言里臆想出各种各样既非发言本身包含、又非发言者本人所暗示的意思来。

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