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illiteracy 发音

英:[ɪˈlɪtərəsi]  美:[ɪˈlɪtərəsi]

英:  美:

illiteracy 中文意思翻译



illiteracy 常用词组

eliminate illiteracy ─── 扫盲,扫除文盲

illiteracy 同义词


illiteracy 反义词


illiteracy 短语词组

1、wipe out illiteracy ─── 扫除文盲

2、anti-illiteracy n. ─── 扫除文盲

3、numerical illiteracy ─── 数字文盲

4、functional illiteracy ─── 功能性文盲

illiteracy 词性/词形变化,illiteracy变形


illiteracy 相似词语短语

1、illiterate ─── adj.文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的;n.文盲

2、illiterates ─── adj.文盲的;不识字的;没受教育的;n.文盲

3、nonliteracy ─── 非识字

4、illiterately ─── 文盲的;无知的

5、illiteracies ─── n.文盲;无知

6、aliteracy ─── n.(受过教育但)不接触文字

7、illiberally ─── adv.吝啬地;小气地

8、illiterati ─── n.未受教育的人,文盲(illiteratus的复数)

9、literacy ─── n.读写能力;精通文学

illiteracy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Chinese government has also paid special attention to promoting vocational education and eliminating illiteracy among women. ─── 中国政府还特别重视发展职业教育和扫除妇女文盲。

2、For example, John Mogger became concerned about the problem of illiteracy three years ago, so he started teaching five prisoners in Brazil. ─── 例如,John Mogger 三年前开始关注文盲问题,所以他开始在巴西对五名囚犯进行教学。

3、The eliminate illiteracy class that does a few night a few days says the farmer takes off blind, farmer nature is grouchy. ─── 办几天几夜的扫盲班说农民脱盲了,农民自然是不兴奋的。

4、The illiteracy level of our children are appalling. ─── 儿童文盲的程度令人震惊。

5、Multivariate analysis showed that illiteracy increased the risk of AD with odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 4. 097 (1. 663-10. 097),smoking decreased the risk of AD with OR and 95%CI: 0. 225, (0. 059-0. 858) . ─── 将受教育情况、吸烟、血糖等因素进入条件Logistic回归分析,结果显示:受教育情况的OR值为4.097,95%可信区间(95%CI)为(1.663-10.097); 吸烟的OR值为0.225,95%CI为(0.059-0.858)。

6、Another connection between the lower classes and the centralization of power is literacy, or more accurately, illiteracy. ─── 另外一种下层阶级和权力的集中的连接是读写能力,或者更确切的说,是文盲。

7、The Chinese government has also paid special attention to promoting adult and vocational education and eliminating illiteracy among women. ─── 中国政府还特别注意发展妇女成人教育、职业技术教育和扫盲教育。

8、In a world of illiteracy it is a dream of education. ─── 在一个文盲的世界里,它是一个教育之梦。

9、It is generally agreed that the extension and improvement of primary education is the best weapon against illiteracy. ─── 人们普遍认为,扩展和改善基础教育是消除文盲的最佳武器。

10、Functional illiteracy seems to be increasing among both those who drop out of school and those who finish. ─── 在辍学者及毕业生中半文盲越来越多。

11、The people were borne down by universal poverty, disease, illiteracy and repression. ─── 人民却被普遍的贫穷、疾

12、About 13 percent of all 17-year-olds in the United States can be considered functionally illiterate. Functional illiteracy among minority youth may run as high as 40 percent. ─── 大概有13%的17岁的美国人被认为是职业上的文盲。在少数民族的年轻人中,职业上的文盲高达40%。

13、It also contributes to a higher illiteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead. ─── 它还会促成较高的文盲率,因为本来可用于教育的钱被用于烟草。

14、the other the largest in terms of population in the Arab world, with a high rate of illiteracy and ever widening inequality. ─── 另一个在阿拉伯世界中人口最多,具有高文盲率和不断扩大的不平等。

15、He is an illiterate, but he knows “ taking jade ”, choosing a way to use other people's intelligence for their own profit, illiteracy likewise to become a millionaire! ─── 他是一个文盲,可他却懂得“他山之石,可以攻玉”的道理,选准一条创业之路,利用别人的智慧为自己赚钱,文盲照样也能成为亿万富翁!

16、If the machine were used deliberately for that end, hunger, overwork, dirt, illiteracy, and disease could be eliminated within a few generations. ─── 如果当初有意识地把机器用于这个目的,什么饥饿、过度的劳动、污秽、文盲、疾病都可以在几代之内一扫而空。

17、I the developing world, illiteracy i redominantly a rural roblem. ─── 在发展中国家,文盲问题主要集中在农村。

18、By the end of 2000, a nine-year compulsory education has been made universal by and large, and illiteracy among young and middle-aged people has been basically eliminated. ─── 到2000年底,全国基本实现普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲的目标。

19、carry on war against the unholy trinity of poverty, illiteracy, and disease ─── 向贫穷、文盲、疾病这邪恶的三位一体开战

20、In nowdays,the meaning of illiteracy has been changed in high-advanced information sociaty,from the primary meaning of unlearned to learning disable. ─── 在信息高度发达的今天,文盲已经从原来意义上不识字延伸到不会学习。

21、We must do away with illiteracy. ─── 我们必须扫除文盲。

22、It contributes to a higher illiteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead. ─── 这就导致了更高的文盲率,因为能用在教育上的钱被花在了烟草上。

23、Initial success was achieved in fulfilling the objectives of basically universalizing nine-year compulsory education in the country and eliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged people. ─── 基本普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲的目标初步实现。

24、By 1990 the number of illiterates among people above the age of 15 came down to 180 million, and the illiteracy rate dropped to 22.2 percent. ─── 到1990年,中国15周岁以上人口中的文盲人数降为1.8亿,文盲率降为22.2%。

25、Very often she felt ashamed of her illiteracy and inability to be like other girls. ─── 她常常很惭愧,因为自己没有学问,所以没办法跟其她的女孩一样。

26、Zhou says illiteracy made her feel so inadequate, she would never allow her own kids to suffer the same fate. ─── 周济寒说不识字使她感到不能适应社会的需要;她绝不允许她的孩子遭受同样的命运的痛苦。

27、One can be hard-nosed about illiteracy but the hard-nosed fact is that the functionally illiterate are going to be part of our society for the rest of their lives. ─── 人们可以对文盲抱着一种视而不见的顽固态度,但是铁一般的事实是:半辈子带着半文盲帽子的人将成为我们社会的一部分。

28、Schools have decreased, illiteracy has actually increased and education has touched bottom. ─── 学校减少了,文盲的实际数字有所增长,教育已降到最低点了。

29、campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour. ─── 扫盲运动轰轰烈烈地展开了。

30、"Conquest of illiteracy comes first" (John Kenneth Galbraith). ─── “消灭文盲是首要的” (约翰·科尼斯·卡布瑞斯)。

31、Although illiteracy is a major problem in America, only on e percent of the Japanese can be considered illiterate. ─── 尽管在美国文盲是个大问题,但在日本只有百分之一的人可被看成是文盲。

32、And so a nationwide drive is necessary to raise funds to rescue them from illiteracy and ignorance.That drive is called the “Project Hope”. ─── 因此需要一个全国性的行动来募集资金把他们从文盲和无知中解脱出来。

33、The problem of girl-dropouts has been the issue in the campaign for wiping out illiteracy and promoting obligatory education. ─── 女童失学问题已成为扫盲教育、义务教育中要解决的焦点问题。

34、The president said no nation that has high illiteracy rates can attain prosperity. ─── 总统表示,没有国家可以在拥有很高的文盲率的情况下达到繁荣。

35、developmental illiteracy elimination ─── 发展性扫盲

36、But their uncritical acceptance of this story worries me as a warning of the dangers of our current scientific illiteracy. ─── 但是他们对这个故事的不严格的接受,却作为一个对当前科学无知的危险的警告,让我非常担心。

37、Over a period of 45 years since the founding of the People's Republic,more than 110 million women illiterates have been taught to read,reducing the female illiteracy rate from 90 percent in 1949 to 32 percent in 1993. ─── 建国四十多年来,累计扫除女性文盲1.1亿人,使女性文盲比例从1949年的90%下降到1993年的32%。

38、We all share responsibility for the persistence of poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy on a vast scale. ─── 我们对贫困、饥饿、疾病和文盲的大规模持续存在都负有责任。

39、a nationwide compaign against illiteracy ─── 全国扫盲运动

40、It also contributes to a higher illiteracy rate, since money that could have been used for education is spent on tobacco instead. ─── 它还会促成较高的文盲率,因为本来可用于教育的钱被用于烟草。

41、Rates of poverty and illiteracy are much higher in democratic India than in authoritarian China. ─── 作为民主政体的印度,其贫困率和文盲率远高于威权统治下的中国。

42、The impact of illiteracy is seen frequently in these islands in unemployment, increased crime and anti-social behavior. ─── 在这些岛上文盲产生的影响经常是与失业、犯罪的上升、和反社会行为等看在一起。

43、To keep moving forward in the fight against hunger, disease, homelessness, illiteracy, and other serious problems, TRF depends on Rotarians' continual contributions to the Annual Programs Fund. ─── 为了继续对抗饥饿、疾病、无家可归、文盲及其他严重的问题,我们需要继续募集年度计划基金捐献来改善这些情况。

44、130000 adults rid themselves of illiteracy. ─── 13万成年人摘掉了文盲帽子。

45、In 1988, by province, to acceptance, the region reached a "basic illiteracy unit" standard. ─── 1988年,经省、地验收,全区达到了“基本扫除文盲单位”标准。

46、Two sides working together on the UN Millennium Development Goals: the elimination of poverty, hunger, disease, environmental degradation, illiteracy, discrimination against women etc. ─── 双方在联合国千年发展目标方面进行合作:如消除贫困、饥饿、疾病、环境恶化、文盲、歧视妇女等。

47、Norman Augustine, What We Don't Know Does Hurt Us. How Scientific Illiteracy Hobbles Society, Science, Vol. 279, 13 March 1998, p. 1641. ─── 卞毓麟.科学普及太重要了,不能单由科普作家来担当.科学,1993(2):4

48、It would help to end illiteracy and disease, but it would also dislocate a traditional way of life. ─── 它该会有助于消除文盲和疾病,但也会打乱一种传统的生活方式。

49、But their uncritical acceptance of this story worries me as a warning of the dangers of our current scientific illiteracy. ─── 但是他们对这个故事的不严格的接受,却作为一个对当前科学无知的危险的警告,让我非常担心。

50、Where illiteracy carries a stigma, it can be especially difficult to combat. ─── 在有些地方文盲代表耻辱,扫除文盲尤其困难。

51、Illiteracy is a major problem in some developing countries. ─── 在一些发展中国家,文盲是个大问题。

52、If we meet our goals of education, we won't just transform these children's lives for good by consigning childhood illiteracy to history. ─── 如果我们实现了我们的教育目标,我们不仅可以使这些孩子们的生活变得更好。

53、Our overriding concern is the eradication of illiteracy. ─── 我们最关心的事是消除文盲

54、Before 1949, the illiteracy rate was upwards of 95 percent in Ningxia, and there was not a single institution of higher learning. ─── 1949年以前,宁夏全区文盲率高达95%以上,没有高等教育;

55、They have made great strides in eradicating illiteracy, boosting university enrolment and reducing gaps in education between the sexes. ─── 他们已经在根除文盲、增加大学注册人数并降低两性的教育差距等方面大步前进。

56、Before 1949,the illiteracy rate was upwards of 95 percent in Ningxia,and there was not a single institution of higher learning. ─── 1949年以前,宁夏全区文盲率高达95%以上,没有高等教育。

57、Helping marginalized youth: illiteracy, urban areas, unemployment; job skills training, etc. ─── 帮助处于社会边缘的青少年:文盲,城市地区,失业,职业训练等等。

58、Hardly a month goes by without word of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among the citizens of this country. ─── 该国公民科学知识匮乏的现象日益严重,这种调查报告几乎月月都有。

59、Illiteracy is almost unheard of in Switzerland. ─── 在瑞士没有听说过文盲。

60、Illiteracy rates are high across the Muslim world. ─── 在整个穆斯林世界,文盲率很高。

61、Our freedom will remain fragile and our rights empty shells if millions of South Africans continue to be cursed by the legacy of homelessness and hunger, ill-health and illiteracy. ─── 如果数百万南非人民继续承受历史所造成的无家可归、饥饿、疾病和无知的折磨,我们的自由将依然是脆弱的,权利也只是一个空壳。

62、She said that must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. ─── 她告诉我不能宽容无知,但可以理解文盲。

63、Investors tend to be dissuaded by the high transport costs associated with the interior regions.Rural areas therefore remain stuck in a vicious cycle of poverty, hunger, illness and illiteracy. ─── 再加上内陆地区运输成本太高,往往令投资人望之却步,因此农村地区至今仍卡在贫穷、饥饿、疾病和文盲充斥的恶性循环中。

64、By the end of 1999,the illiteracy rate of adult women was 21.6 percent,and the illiteracy rate of women between 15 and 45 years old was 7.2 percent. ─── 1999年底,妇女成人文盲率为21.6,15至45岁的妇女文盲率为7.2%。

65、Policy Research on the Illiteracy Education Abroad ─── 国外扫盲教育政策研究

66、He at once makes the whole Shanghai become illiteracy, but again makes it feel a cracking-heart waiting and finale. ─── 他让全上海的人立刻成为文盲,但又似乎马上感到了一种撕心裂肺的等待与结局。

67、I can really feel do not understand English, now in the age of the Internet today, has indeed had an illiteracy. ─── 我能真切感受到不懂英文,现在,在互联网时代的今天,已经确实是文盲一个了。

68、By consigning trial to the literacy childhood illiteracy to history we'll help make poverty history too. ─── 并且通过使儿童文盲成为历史的同时,我们也将帮助使贫困成为历史。”

69、He was handicapped by illiteracy. ─── 他因不识字而吃亏。

70、Within his framework for development, he chides India for its slighting of primary education -- a decision resulting in illiteracy rates of nearly 50 percent, and even higher among women. ─── 在其发展理论框架中,他厉声斥责印度对小学教育之轻忽-----此种决策,导致印度文盲率近于50%,而妇女文盲率更高。

71、Alleviation of mass illiteracy on a global scale is essential to the alleviation of health, hunger and other major world problems. ─── 以全球性的规模减轻大众文盲问题是减轻卫生、饥饿及其他世界性问题所不可或缺的条件。

72、In a society wrecked by wars, poverty and illiteracy, the government lacks the human resources to run the country. ─── 在一个被战争破坏的社会,充斥着贫穷与文盲人口,政府缺乏使国家正常运转的人力资源。

73、Since the founding of the People's Republic, the educational situation in ethnic-minority areas has been improved remarkably, and the illiteracy rate has been reduced by 68 percentage points. ─── 建国后,少数民族地区的受教育状况得到了根本的改善,少数民族人口文盲率下降约68个百分点。

74、his illiteracy made him unemployable. ─── 他是文盲,因而找不到工作。

75、Life expectancy has increased from 35 years prior to the founding of New China to the current 71. The illiteracy rate among adults has dropped from 80% to 16.5%. ─── 中国人口的预期寿命由新中国成立前的35岁提高到目前的71岁,成人文盲率由百分之八十下降到百分之十六点五。

76、In her 12 June keynote address at the Rotary International Convention, she set the tone for discussions about Rotary's role in breaking the cycle that connects poverty, disease, and illiteracy. ─── 在她6月12日的国际扶輪年会主题演讲,为讨論扶輪在打破结合贫穷、疾病、及文盲的惡性循环应扮演的角色定了调。

77、Its accusation of the so-called Chinese "theft of nuclear secrets" was sheer fabrication. The fraud of the Cox Report is "a reflection of the kind of scientific illiteracy'' of its writers. ─── 其中对中国的所谓“窃取核机密”的指控完全是不顾事实凭空捏造的,报告中的内容足以证明报告作者“对科学的无知”;

78、China s illiteracy rate has 0dropped by some 60 percent over the past few years , but nonetheless remains at one of the highest levels for any developing nation . ─── 在过去的几年中,中国的文盲率下降了约60%,但仍是发展中国家中较高的。

79、The rate of illiteracy should be further reduced. ─── 发展基础教育、职业教育、成人教育和老年教育,降低文盲率。

80、People will have access to better education. We will make senior secondary education basically universal in the country and eliminate illiteracy. ─── 人民享有接受良好教育的机会,基本普及高中阶段教育,消除文盲。

81、Like them, I have turned a blind aeye to more mundane problems like hunger, illiteracy, disease, country music-nd poverty so as to focus on the true menace ravaging our Dating yber-society. ─── 喜欢他们,我有眼闭一只眼,以更为困难像饥饿、文盲、疾病、音乐和国家重点贫困等公害肆虐的真实网络社会.

82、Therefore,the government should make larger investments in basic education,devote attention to education of women,eliminate illiteracy and strengthen management of the... ─── 对此,政府应加大基础教育投资力度,重视女性的教育,消灭文盲,加强流动人口管理。

83、They wiped out illiteracy in their village within a few years. ─── 他们在几年内就消除了村里的文盲。

84、In the educational field, the objectives of basically universalizing nine-year compulsory education and basically eliminating illiteracy among young and middle-aged people have been attained primarily. ─── 在教育方面,基础教育“两基”目标(基本普及九年义务教育和基本扫除青壮年文盲)初步实现;

85、"If we meet our goals in education, we will not just transform those children's life lives for good.By consigning childhood illiteracy to history we will help make poverty history too. ─── “如果我们的目标实现,将不仅意味着我们改善了孩子们的生活,更重要的是,我们将结束失学儿童的时代我们将改变贫穷的历史。”

86、Illiteracy and inaccessibility to a good education complete the precarious social condition of the majority of the population in this country, and in particular of the economic minorities. ─── 人民知识水平低落,加上缺乏良好教育设施,为国内大部份人口,尤其是经济环境差劣的一群,带来不稳定因素。

87、The ratio of the educated population of the region has grown remarkably. The proportion of illiteracy among the young and middle-aged has dropped to less than 2%. ─── 全区受教育人口比例显著增大,青壮年文盲率已降至2%以下。

88、It is encouraging to read that illiteracy is declining. ─── 从读报中了解文盲情况正在好转,这是令人鼓舞的。

89、We almost wipe out illiteracy. ─── 我们几乎扫除了文盲。

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