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09-16 投稿



headlight 发音

英:['hedlaɪt]  美:['hɛdlaɪt]

英:  美:

headlight 中文意思翻译



headlight 网络释义

n. 汽车等的前灯;船上的桅灯;矿工和医生用的帽灯

headlight 同义词

lamp | headlamp

headlight 反义词


headlight 词性/词形变化,headlight变形

名词: headlessness |

headlight 短语词组

1、shine the headlight ─── 照亮前 ─── 照灯

2、fogged headlight ─── 雾气大灯

3、headlight tracker ─── 前照灯跟踪器

4、acetylene headlight ─── 乙炔前照灯

5、headlight piano version ─── 前照灯钢琴版

6、headlight switch ─── 头灯开关,大灯开关

7、main beam headlight ─── 远光前照灯

8、fogged headlight repair ─── 雾气大灯修理

9、beetle headlight fix ─── 甲壳虫头灯固定

10、moisture in headlight ─── 前照灯受潮

11、one headlight ─── 一个前照灯

12、cyclops headlight ─── 独眼巨人头灯

13、suggestion of headlight ─── 前照灯建议

14、dipped headlight ─── 近光灯

headlight 相似词语短语

1、delight ─── n.高兴;vi.高兴;vt.使高兴;n.(Delight)人名;(英)迪莱特

2、alight ─── adj.燃烧着的;闪亮的;(兴奋得)神采飞扬的;v.(鸟或虫等)飞落;从(公共汽车、火车等)下来

3、deadlights ─── n.舷窗盖;舷窗

4、bedlight ─── n.床头灯

5、head height ─── [人类]头高

6、deadlight ─── n.舷窗盖;舷窗

7、thread blight ─── 线疫病

8、headright ─── 按份权

9、headlights ─── n.头灯,车头灯;前大灯

headlight 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The intensity and alignment of a headlight must be within the specified limits. ─── 强度和一个大灯的排列必须在规定的极限。

2、The headlight penetrated the darkness. ─── 前灯的光穿透了黑暗。

3、headlight door ─── 头灯框前灯框

4、headlight glare ─── 前灯闪光

5、On your car you got a busted headlight ─── 你的车子上有只破碎了的前灯。

6、headlight bracket ─── 头灯托架

7、headlight reflector seal ─── 头灯反射镜封垫

8、headlight wiring conduit ─── 前灯导线管

9、headlight clip ─── 前灯卡

10、Design of the Free Form Reflector for the Headlight of Automobile ─── 多曲面汽车前照灯反射器的设计

11、Other features include disc brakes, headlight and taillight, and aluminum wheels. ─── 其它特点包括盘式制动器,车头灯和尾灯,铝轮毂。

12、On the use of lamplight, besides lens headlight indispensable, droplight and wall lamp are completely OK eliminate. ─── 在灯光的使用上,除了镜前灯必不可少,吊灯和壁灯则完全可以剔除。

13、headlight molding ─── 头灯框

14、headlight guard ─── 头灯护架

15、acetylene headlight ─── 乙炔照明

16、" He rubbed at the windshield and strained his vision over the sweep of headlight. ─── 他擦了擦挡风玻璃,紧盯着头灯扫过的区域。

17、headlight cable terminal block ─── 头灯接线板

18、3. Make sure your headlights are aimed correctly . This helps you see better and prevents glare for others. Have your mechanic check headlight alignment annually. ─── 保证前灯正确定向。这可以帮助您看得更清楚并且防止强光照射他人。让技工每年检查前灯校准线。

19、Can you fix me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car? ─── 你能给我一个车前灯的新灯泡吗?

20、Tell me what is headlight switch? ─── 告诉我什麽是车头灯?

21、make sure to change the fuse for the headlight to at least more than 20A. ─── 保证供电线路所使用的保险丝能承受的电流至少大于20A,如果使用小于20A的保险丝,开灯时,可能会烧断保险丝。

22、Go out for a drive at night and everytime you and your love pass a one -eyed (cars with one headlight) car you owe each other a kiss. ─── 开车在晚上出去,每当你还有你的爱人被别人的大灯照过,你们就欠彼此一个吻。

23、vehicle headlight tester ─── 大灯仪

24、headlight adapter ─── 前灯接头

25、headlight visor ─── 头灯防眩罩

26、How long had me headlight been out? ─── 多久了我头灯被吗?

27、Small incision surgery assisted with headlight for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation combined with nerve root canal stenosis ─── 头灯辅助小切口治疗腰椎间盘突出并神经根管狭窄症

28、headlight relay ─── 大灯继电器

29、headlight oil ─── 头光油

30、headlight lens locator ─── 前灯玻璃固定器

31、Gentleman answer says: "Plainspoken, it is you opened headlight, I just know this is my madam. ─── 先生回答说:“老实说,是你开了大灯,我才知道这是我太太。”

32、Another needs to improve the place is automobile body's plate work craft, giant slit between the cowling and headlight's, possibly will hurt of first group of consumers' feelings. ─── 另一个需要改进的地方就是车身的钣金工艺,发动机盖和车灯间的巨大缝隙,可能会伤了第一批消费者的心。

33、The front-end is still quite covered by the camouflage, but we expect to see a headlight combination between the CS Concept and the 5 Series GT. ─── 前端仍然相当涵盖的伪装,但我们期望看到头灯组合之间的概念和政务司司长5系列燃气轮机.

34、The polarized headlight system can improve drivers' visibility and distinguishing ability by decreasing the amount of light from oncoming headlight. ─── 偏振照明系统可以过滤对面的偏振光,增加会车时司机的视力范围以及分辨力完美解决夜间会车的失能性眩光。

35、The Mathematical Model on Calculating the Linear Headlight Source ─── 关于车灯线光源计算的模型

36、Could you show me everything I need to know to, especially how to turn on the headlight? ─── 你能告诉我所需要知道的吗?尤其是如何开车大灯.

37、headlight reflector ─── 头灯反射镜

38、headlight tester ─── 前照灯试验机

39、headlight bulb mounting seat ─── 头灯灯泡座

40、Detection Method Study Of The Shape Of Vehicle Headlight Fixed Position Error ─── 基于机器视觉的车灯定位误差检测方法研究

41、headlight (sealed-beam lamp units) ─── 前灯(聚光灯组)

42、headlight dimmer ─── 前灯减光器

43、He asked her to shine the headlight on the door. ─── 他叫她把前灯照到门上。

44、In a moment, the red glare from the headlight streamed up the snow-covered track before the siding and glittered on the wet, black platform. ─── 一会儿,车头耀眼的红灯照射在月台前被白雪覆盖的铁轨上,湿漉漉、黑幽幽的铁轨闪闪发亮。

45、automatic headlight dimmer ─── 前照灯自动变光装置

46、headlight | headlamp ─── 前灯| 大灯

47、headlight body ─── 头灯壳

48、headlight hood ─── 前灯护罩

49、headlight casing stand ─── 头灯壳座

50、Previous renderings give us a clue as to what the new car could look like, showing a vented bonnet and a new headlight design not seen on any previous Mercedes models. ─── 前渲染给我们什么的线索新车可能看起来像,显示通风罩和一个新的头灯设计上没有看到以往任何梅赛德斯模式.

51、In 2003 the introduction of the development of high-pressure xenon lamp, high-level of advanced countries in Europe of high-grade automotive headlight configuration. ─── 2003年引进开发的高压氙气车灯,是欧洲先进国家高级汽车的高档配置车灯。

52、headlight sight distance ─── 头灯视距

53、Mike: Hey, I really think Harry ought to be responsible for fixing your car. He busted the headlight out of it when he borrowed it from you. ─── 麦克:嘿,我确实认为哈利应当负责修好您的车。是他借用您的车子而且碰裂您车子的前灯。

54、Clothes rolled up in the towel and stowed in the panniers; check. The headlight battery pack on the charger; check. ─── 衣服用毛巾卷起,塞进挂篮里;没问题。车前灯电池还在充电中;没问题。

55、An Optical Thinking About the Problem of "Optimal Design for Linear Headlight Source" ─── 关于"车灯线光源的优化设计"问题的光学思路

56、headlight switch knob ─── 头灯开关钮

57、Have separately: Products, such as strong mere light, flashlight, headlight, key light, flashing stationery, cell-phone fittings, bicycle light, flashing toy. ─── 分别有:强光灯、电筒、灯、匙灯、光文具、机配件、行车灯、光玩具等产品。

58、headlight of all kinds (excl. sealed beam lamps) ─── 各种前灯(不包括聚光灯)

59、Design and Improvement of Die of Headlight Bracket ─── 大灯支架成形模的设计与改进

60、full beam headlight ─── 全光束头灯

61、We are looking for Headlight On/off Rotary Switch for developing a new vehivcle. ─── 买家在开发一款新车现在在中国寻找配套零部件。

62、headlight switch ─── 头灯开关

63、Last weekend, I had to replace a burned-out headlight on my daughter's Chevrolet HHR. ─── 上周末,我女儿的雪佛兰HHR汽车(ChevroletHHR)前车灯烧坏了,我只好帮她更换。

64、Synopsis :The murky street, the faintly headlight, a pair of migration's canvas shoe, all of them make the night unpeaceful and turbulent. ─── 作品简介:昏沉的街道,恍惚的车灯,一双移动的帆布鞋,让这个夜晚有了不安与动荡。

65、Automobile headlight with halogen lamp has limitations on work-time and efficiency. ─── 传统光源卤素灯泡用于前照灯照明,在节能和寿命上存在不足。

66、When you call the driver back, have him stand in front of the right passenger headlight, and then you stand on your right fender of your patrol car. ─── 在复查驾驶员时,让他站在右侧乘客大灯前面,然后你站在巡逻车的右保险门后。

67、headlight beam indicator ─── 头灯光度指示器

68、Forward LED headlight and blinker system; ─── blinker制度和领导向前大灯;

69、headlight socket ─── 头灯座

70、headlight step ─── 头灯级

71、Last weekend, I had to replace a burned-out headlight on mydaughter's Chevrolet HHR.I figured this was a do-it-yourself job. ─── 其实,除了像我这样的业余修车族之外,还有很多人也都在纳闷,现在的考试博客汽车怎么那么难修。

72、headlight beam aiming control ─── 前照灯光束对光操纵件

73、headlight cleaner contro ─── 前照灯清洗器操纵件

74、She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car. ─── 她在车前灯的光线中看到他模糊的身影在汽车前周走动。

75、headlight bulb ─── 头灯灯泡

76、He asked her to shine the headlight on the door. ─── 他叫她把前灯照到门上。

77、headlight lens ─── 前灯玻璃

78、Can you put in a new headlight? ─── 你能不能装一只新的头灯?

79、headlight wiper control ─── 前照灯刮水器操纵件

80、Have separately: Products , such as strong mere light , flashlight , headlight , key light , flashing stationery , cell-phone fittings , bicycle light , flashing toy . ─── 分别有:自行车灯、手电筒、头灯、钥匙灯、闪光文具、手机配件、自行车灯、闪光玩具等产品。

81、headlight cable ─── 头灯电线

82、Some of the first details to catch the eye are the LED daytime running lights which appear to be flowing upwards into the fenders as headlight extensions. ─── 一些细节,以赶上第一的眼睛是LED日间运行灯的似乎是向上流动的挡泥板作为头灯扩展。

83、headlight control ─── 头灯控制距离

84、The company now mainly supplies moulds of headlight and rear light for Shanghai Volkswagen and first-class manufacturers of Chang'an. ─── 目前主要为大众公司及长安的一级配套厂供应前大灯、后尾灯的模具。

85、headlight bulb retainer ring ─── 头灯灯泡护圈

86、A glass or plastic reflector designed to glow in the beam of a headlight, used on a vehicle as a safety device or set in rows along a highway as lane markers. ─── 反射装置在汽车前灯的照耀下闪光的玻璃或塑料制反射装置,用于汽车的安全设备或在高速公路上成列安置作为道路标志

87、And you were right about that horse story you told me because when I drove the car back, I found that its broken headlight had already been fixed. ─── 你告诉我的那个塞翁失马的故事,真的很准啊!因为当我将车子开回来时,发现破掉的大灯已经修好了!

88、headlight turbine ─── 前灯汽轮机

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