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09-16 投稿



striated 发音


英:  美:

striated 中文意思翻译



striated 网络释义

adj. 有条纹的;有线纹的v. 加条纹(striate的过去分词)

striated 词性/词形变化,striated变形

动词过去式: striated |动词第三人称单数: striates |动词现在分词: striating |动词过去分词: striated |

striated 短语词组

1、striated epithelium ─── [医] 有纹上皮

2、striated hem ─── [医]条缘

3、striated muscle J-band ─── [医] 横纹肌明板(J带)

4、striated muscle ─── [医] 横纹肌

5、striated pebble ─── 擦痕卵石

6、striated muscle fibril ─── [医] 横纹肌原纤维

7、striated bundle ─── [医] 纹束

8、striated root ─── 具条纹根(鞭毛)

9、striated muscle fiber ─── [网络] 横纹肌纤维

10、striated muscle disc ─── [医] 横纹肌盘

11、striated duct ─── 分泌管,纹状管

12、striated finish ─── 条纹饰面

13、striated muscle cell ─── [医]横纹肌细胞

14、Striated Swallow ─── 条纹燕子

15、striated border ─── [医] 纹缘

16、striated pattern ─── 条纹图形,线性光栅

17、striated strand ─── [医]具条纹线(鞭毛鞘)

18、striated membranes ─── [医] 透明带

19、striated muscle tissue ─── [网络] 横纹肌肉组织

striated 相似词语短语

1、unstriated ─── adj.无横纹的

2、striae ─── n.条纹;细沟;妊娠纹

3、storiated ─── adj.用历史图案装点的

4、patriated ─── v.控制自治国的权力

5、striata ─── 纹状体

6、asteriated ─── adj.显出星形的

7、striate ─── adj.有条纹的;vt.加条纹,加条痕

8、striatum ─── n.纹状体,终脑的皮层

9、striates ─── adj.有条纹的;vt.加条纹,加条痕

striated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Striated Lorikeet ─── n. 纵纹吸蜜鹦鹉

2、striated secondary wall ─── 条纹次生壁

3、Looks like a bunch of striated muscle is composed of fat, gland, every muscle fiber have horizontal stripes. ─── 横纹肌看起来象是由一束发状腺组成的,每条肌纤维均有横纹。

4、Striated Earthcreeper ─── n. 线纹爬地雀

5、Striated Babbler ─── n. 纹背鸫鹛


7、striated boulders ─── 擦痕巨砾

8、striated epithelium ─── [医] 有纹上皮

9、In this rebuilt environment, architecture relinquishes its conventional identity as autonomous figure, to initiate a dialogue with the striated geology of the natural and industrial landscape. ─── 在这个人为重建的环境,建筑抛弃了它传统做为独立个体的意识形态,开启了与(自然和工业地景)地质纹理的对话。

10、and that the cuticular membrane of leaf epidermis is with fine striated shallow wave, coarsely striated deep wave or worm-striated. ─── 叶表皮角质膜具浅波状细条纹、深波状粗条纹或具蠕虫状条纹;

11、striated crystal ─── 条纹晶体

12、Striated Laughingthrush ─── n. 条纹噪鹛

13、Rather, the external striated sphincter is more tubular and has broad attachments oer the fascia of the prostate near the apex. ─── 事实上,外括约肌更是管状,在前列腺尖部附近同前列腺包膜有广泛的附着。

14、striated ground ─── 带状土

15、a relaxant for striated muscle that is used as an adjunct to anesthesia during certain surgical procedures. ─── 在某种外科手术中用来作为助手的横纹肌疏松剂。

16、Striated Caracara ─── n. 条纹卡拉鹰

17、striated bundle ─── [医] 纹束

18、Striated Field Wren ─── n. 田刺莺

19、striated column ─── 凹槽柱

20、Abstract A method for obtaining longitudinal sections of fresh frozen striated muscle with a cold knife mouted by coolers and cold anti-roll plate is described. ─── 摘要 作者介绍一种用冷刀纵切新鲜冰冻肌肉的方法。此种冷刀由半导体致冷器致冷,并附有冷却的防卷板。

21、Striated Softtail ─── n. 条纹软尾雀

22、striated boulder ─── 擦痕巨砾擦痕漂砾

23、striated hem ─── 条缘

24、Results The break, atrophy, structure distortion and collagen fibers hyperplasia were obviously found in the middle striated muscle layer. ─── 结果大鼠尿道括约肌损伤后中段尿道横纹肌、平滑肌出现断裂、萎缩、结构紊乱,胶原结缔组织增生明显。

25、Striated red-rock mountains capped by a piercingly blue sky overlook a weather-beaten outpost in Utah's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. ─── 在犹他州的大阶梯-埃斯卡兰特国家保护区,带有条纹的红岩山矗立在澄澈的蓝天下,俯瞰着脚下这片饱经风霜的村落。

26、It can be classified as striated , cardiac, and smooth or as phasic and tonic (responding quickly or gradually to stimulation, respectively). ─── 分类为横纹肌、心肌及平滑肌,或是分为相位肌或兴奋肌(快速或逐渐对刺激反应)。

27、striated duct ─── 分泌管, 纹状管

28、Striated Antbird ─── n. 条纹蚁鸟

29、The striated marks on the curve part of magazine are the marks formed by the friction between shell cases and the inner angularity of magazine's curve part during the process of bullet installation. ─── 摘要弹匣弧形部擦划痕迹是射手在以压推方式向弹匣内压装枪弹过程中,弹壳体与弹匣弧形部内边棱相摩擦而形成的痕迹。

30、Specimen preparation of Trichinella spiralis larva capsule in striated muscle without stain ─── 旋毛虫肌幼虫囊包不染色标本的制作

31、The pudendal nere proides the major nere supply to the striated sphincter and leator ani. ─── 外括约肌和提肛肌的主要支配神经为阴部神经。

32、The striated and polished surfaces are called slicken-sides. ─── 有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。

33、periurethral striated muscle ─── 尿道周围横纹肌

34、Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber. ─── 肌原纤维一种线状的纤维,它组成了有条纹肌肉的可收缩部分

35、An Investigation on the DNA Content of Striated Muscle Mitochondria after Aerobic Exercise Training in Rat ─── 有氧运动训练后大鼠横纹肌线粒体DNA含量观察

36、Detail of simple columnar epithelium with striated border (microvilli). Notice that the border is quite thin and the striations close together, looking like very regular, closely set brush bristles. ─── 单柱上皮表面纹状缘(微绒毛)。注意:纹状缘很薄、排列规则精密,状如鞋刷的毛簇.

37、paraurethral striated muscle ─── 尿道旁横纹肌

38、Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant. ─── 已证明芬那露是疗效很好的横纹肌松弛药。


40、striated strand ─── 具条纹线

41、striated pebble ─── 擦痕卵石

42、Striated Scops Owl ─── n. 纵纹角鸮

43、The striated and polished surfaces are called slickensides. ─── 有条痕的磨光面则称为擦痕面。

44、obliquely striated muscle ─── 斜纹肌(动)

45、striated marble ─── 条纹大理石

46、While there were epidermic thicking scar formation and degeneration of striated muscles under microscope. ─── 显微镜下可见表皮增厚,瘢痕及横纹肌退变等异常改变。

47、Parameter estimation of the continuous model of the striated muscle of a rabbit ─── 兔子横纹肌的连续模型的参数估计

48、In the adult, the fibers at the apex of the prostate are horseshoe shaped and form a tubular, striated sphincter surrounding the membranous urethra. ─── 在**,前列腺尖部的括约肌纤维是马蹄形,并形成一管状结构,环绕在尿道膜部。

49、Striated Green Bulbul ─── n. 纵纹绿鹎

50、Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant. ─── 已证明芬那露为一种有效的横纹肌松施药。

51、Monte-Carlo Simulations for Light Propagation in Striated Scattering Medium[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王建岗,王桂英,徐至展.

52、striated root ─── 具条纹根

53、striated finish ─── 条纹饰面

54、striated surface ─── 条纹表面

55、Striated Antthrush ─── n. 纵纹蚁鸫

56、Abstract: Objective: To observe the effect of "Renshen Yangrongtang" on the absorptive function of striated border on intestinal mucosa of aged mice. ─── 摘 要: 目的:观察中药人参养荣汤对老龄鼠小肠粘膜纹状缘吸收功能的影响。

57、Observation of Gel Formation from Rabbit Striated Muscle Myosin Molecules ─── 兔骨骼肌肌球蛋白分子形成凝胶过程的负染观察

58、striated urethral sphincter ─── 尿道横纹括约肌

59、Objective To investigate the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) distribution in intramural striated sphincter of female rats. ─── 全尿道标本纵切面显示,尿道壁内横纹括约肌并不分布于尿道全长,而是仅环绕尿道的中下段。

60、Myofibril assembly results in a regular array of identical sarcomeres in striated muscle. ─── 肌原纤维大会结果定期一系列相同的横纹肌肌节。

61、Effect of Chinese Herb Feed Additives on the Characteristics of Striated Muscle Fiber and Meat Features in Growing and Finishing Pigs ─── 中草药添加剂对生长肥育猪横纹肌肌纤维特性及肉质的影响

62、Striated Thornbill ─── n. 纵纹刺嘴莺

63、Rather, the external striated sphincter is more tubular and has broad attachments oer the fascia of the prostate near the apex. ─── 事实上,外括约肌更是管状,在前列腺尖部附近同前列腺包膜有广泛的附着。

64、Keywords rabbit;striated muscle;myosin;molecle;Gel;electron microscopy;heating; ─── 兔;骨骼肌;肌球蛋白;分子;凝胶;电子显微镜;加热;

65、striated membranes ─── [医] 透明带

66、striated pattern ─── 条纹图形线性光栅

67、Striated Yuhina ─── n. 栗头凤鹛(画眉科)

68、The research about rolling power of striated groove heat exchange tubes ─── 换热管横纹槽滚轧力分析

69、Striated Swallow ─── n. 斑腰燕

70、Striated Marsh Warbler ─── n. 沼泽大尾莺

71、Striated Starling ─── n. 纹辉椋鸟

72、Atypical striated muscle cells of uncertain significance ─── 意义未定的非典型横纹肌细胞

73、Keywords Reperfusion injury;Striated muscle;Limb;Preconditioning; ─── 再灌注损伤;横纹肌;肢体;预适应;

74、striated muscles ─── 条纹肌

75、striated structure ─── 条纹结构

76、Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant. ─── 已证明芬那露是疗效很好的横纹肌松弛药。

77、striated rays Most soft rays are segmented, that is, they have crossbands or striations. ─── 有条痕的鳍条大多数的软条是分节的,那就是有交叉条纹或线纹。

78、Striated Pardalote ─── n. 黄端啄果鸟(啄花鸟科)

79、intramural striated sphincter ─── 内横纹括约肌

80、Striated Bulbul ─── n. 条纹鹎

81、A transportation hub in Lisbon has dozens of uprushing white steel columns topped with a canopy of striated, faceted glass that evokes a forest of tropical palms. ─── 在里斯本的一个客运枢纽中心,有十几根高耸的钢柱,顶上是用带条纹的多面玻璃做的罩蓬,整体看起来就象上一个热带棕榈树林。

82、Striated Grass Wren ─── n. 纹草鹩莺

83、The quadriceps and gluteus maximus have the highest concentration of striated muscle fibers, a pure measure of strength. ─── 如果你以持续无疲劳为标准测量肌肉力量,那么心肌将是最强壮的肌肉。

84、Another one flies, and Striated Heron appears too. ─── 另一只池鹭飞来了,并且又来了一只绿鹭。

85、This fascia is most prominent and dense near the base of the prostate and the seminal esicles and thins dramatically as it extends caudally to its termination at the striated urethral sphincter. ─── 在前列腺底部和精囊腺附近最明显和致密,向尾侧延伸后迅速变薄,最后终结于尿道外括约肌。

86、striated effect ─── 成纹效应

87、striated surface texture ─── 条纹织构

88、Striated muscle cells connected with the neonate chondrocytes firmly.Neonate capillaries and micro blood vessels of various diameters were abundant in striated muscle stratum. ─── 其外层可见横纹肌细胞,其间有大量的新生的直径不等的微血管和毛细血管,软骨细胞与肌细胞之间连接紧密。

89、striated muscle disc ─── [医] 横纹肌盘

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