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09-16 投稿



harrows 发音

英:[ˈhærəʊz]  美:[ˈhæroʊz]

英:  美:

harrows 中文意思翻译






harrows 常用词组

disc harrow ─── 圆盘耙;圆片耙

harrows 词性/词形变化,harrows变形

动词过去式: harrowed |名词: harrower |动词过去分词: harrowed |动词现在分词: harrowing |动词第三人称单数: harrows |

harrows 相似词语短语

1、barrows ─── n.坟;山,冈;古坟;阉猪;手推车

2、yarrows ─── n.蓍草;n.(Yarrow)人名;(英)亚罗

3、arrows ─── n.箭头

4、marrows ─── n.[解剖]骨髓;精髓;生气;同伴(marrow的复数形式)

5、farrows ─── n.一窝小猪;猪的一胎;vt.产(仔猪);vi.产小猪;adj.(母牛)未怀孕的;n.(Farrow)人名;(英)法罗

6、narrows ─── n.纽约湾海峡(位于美国)

7、harrow ─── n.耙;vt.耙地;使苦恼;vi.被耙松;n.(Harrow)人名;(英)哈罗

8、harrowed ─── n.耙;vt.耙地;使苦恼;vi.被耙松;n.(Harrow)人名;(英)哈罗

9、tarrows ─── 塔罗(人名);泰罗(人名)

harrows 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A mainly residential district of northeast Greater London. It is the site of the public school Harrow, founded in1571. ─── 哈罗大伦敦东北部一个建于1571年的主要住宅区,是哈罗公学所在地

2、It says truth will harrow your soul because your inclination as a poor human thing is to lie and to live by lies. ─── 它说真理会烧炙你的灵魂,因为芸芸众生的习性就是说谎,并且依靠说谎而活。

3、In the meadow before the door lay three harrows, through which, in disorder, grew all the flowers of May. ─── 门前草地上,倒着三把钉耙,五月的野花在耙齿间随意开着。

4、Both of these comb harrows are complete. ─── 两件而字耙完整。

5、A heavy harrow for breaking clods of earth. ─── 土耙打碎土块的大耙

6、This ground harrows well. ─── 这块地很好耙。

7、Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. ─── 专著:姓,首字母缩写,(年份),书名,出版社,出版地。例如:

8、For example , Eton College and Harrow School . ─── 比如,伊顿学院和哈罗学校。

9、I first went to Harrow in the summer term. ─── 今年夏天我第一次去了哈罗公学。

10、These two harrows are complete. ─── 这二件刈耙完整。

11、The farmers harrow was broken during his working. ─── 中文:农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。

12、Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? ─── 你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间。它岂肯随你耙山谷之地。

13、Making room for the harrows to come. ─── 财政真是大问题,我还只是玩难的难度。

14、He is removing weeds with a harrow in the rice field. ─── 他正在用耥耙给稻田除去杂草。

15、She was kept under the harrow. ─── 她备受折磨。

16、To work(soil) with a disk harrow. ─── 用圆盘耙耙(地),用圆盘犁犁(地)

17、ground harrows well. ─── 好耙。

18、These two harrows include a seven blade and a three blade model.The blades are made of iron, but others were made of bamboo. ─── 这二件刈耙,一是七刀另一是三刀,刀是铁打的也有用竹子削成的。

19、This ground harrows well. ─── 这块地好耙。

20、KJV] Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? ─── [新译]你怎能用套绳把野牛系在犁沟呢?它怎肯跟着你耙山谷之地呢?


22、I did not harrow our hostess with all that. ─── 我没有用些事情去折磨我们的女主人。

23、The disc harrow is broken; go and find someone to repair it immediately. ─── 圆盘耙坏了,快去找个人来修一修吧!

24、You know,hearts can be repeatedly broken.Making room for the harrows to come. ─── 地图也往东边延伸了不少啊,大概什么时候能有第一版出来?

25、To break up and level(soil or land) with a harrow. ─── 用耙弄平(农地,土壤)用耙子打碎和平整(土壤或土地)

26、The ox is never woe, till he go to harrow. ─── 挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。

27、the meadow before the door lay three harrows, through which, in disorder, grew all the flowers of May. ─── 门前草地上,倒着三把钉耙,五月的野花在耙齿间随意开着。

28、You know hearts can be harrows to come ─── 你可知道再次破碎的心

29、He was educated at Harrow School and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. ─── 他在哈罗学校与沙德赫斯特的英国皇家军事学校受教育。

30、The farmer's harrow was broken during his working. ─── 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。

31、I will harness Ephraim, Judah will plow, Jacob will harrow for himself. ─── 犹大必耕田,雅各必耙地。

32、"Can you bind the wild ox in a furrow with ropes, Or will he harrow the valleys after you? ─── 你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间.他岂肯随你耙山谷之地。

33、Horatio most like: it harrows me with fear and wonder. ─── 霍雷肖最想它耙我的恐惧和怀疑。

34、In the meadow before the door lay three harrows, through which, in disorder, grew all the flowers of May. ─── 门前草地上,倒着三把钉耙,五月的野花在耙齿间随意开着。

35、If he is violent, we shall take you away to your aunt's at Harrow. ─── 现在,我们必须把余下时间做最好的利用。

36、These two harrows include a seven blade and a three blade model. The blades are made of iron, but others were made of bamboo. ─── 这二件刈耙,一是七刀另一是三刀,刀是铁打的也有用竹子削成的。

37、To break up(clods of earth) with a harrow. ─── 耙土用耙打碎土块

38、These two harrows are complete. ─── 这二件刈耙完整。

39、I'll take the iron harrow to the field. ─── 今天下地干活要用上铁耙了。

40、He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, amongst other eccentricities, he kept a bear. ─── 他到哈罗学校和剑桥大学的三一学院学习,在学校里,他养了一只熊,而且还有其他一些古怪行为。

41、We have been in business for 15 years.During this time, we have become distributors for Dart World, Harrows, Bottelsen, Dart Master and Metroline. ─── 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。

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