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09-16 投稿



hadji 发音

英:[['hædʒɪ]]  美:[['hædʒɪ]]

英:  美:

hadji 中文意思翻译



hadji 短语词组

1、hadji murat David LodgePhilip WitnallBruce Cowan

hadji 相似词语短语

1、Tadjik ─── n.塔吉克;塔吉克人;塔吉克族

2、haji ─── n.赴麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒;n.(Haji)人名;(阿拉伯)哈吉(参见Hadji);(中)阿吉(维吾尔·汉语拼音)

3、had in ─── 贮存

4、hajji ─── n.哈吉(到麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒)

5、adj ─── abbr.adjust调整;adjacent相邻的;adjustable可调整的;adjusted调节过的

6、hadj ─── n.赴麦加朝圣

7、hadjis ─── n.朝觐过麦加的伊斯兰教教徒

8、hadjes ─── 冥府

9、haddie ─── 黑线鳕

hadji 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Vorontsov and Hadji Murad with their retinues rode back to the fort the soldiers released form. the lines gathered in groups and made their own comments. ─── 当沃龙佐夫和Hadji与其retinues轮子的Murad回炮台的士兵获释的形式聚集线路在团体做出自己的评论 .

2、A thousand-ruble reward was offered to anyone bringing in Hadji Murad dead or alive. ─── 千卢布提供给任何报酬的Murad阿引进或死。

3、Hadji Murad remained sitting on the rug, his elbows on his knees. ─── 阿的Murad依然坐在地毯的,他就手肘膝盖。

4、Lanchow. Hadji at chief mosque. ─── 兰州,清真寺里的穆斯林。

5、Arab League Kui Luo Jiu does not have such good luck, he cannot substitute in the Madrid athletics's status, so long as can also run, the Hadji thunder will not place him on the backless stool. ─── 阿奎罗就没有这样的好运气,他在马德里竞技的地位不可替代,只要还能跑,阿吉雷就不会把他放在板凳上。

6、But just then something totally unexpected happened which might have cost Hadji Murad his life but for his promptness, determination and skill. ─── 但这时却完全有可能发生意想不到的代价,但他一生的Murad阿快捷、决心和实力。

7、EL Hadji Diouf has been invited to train with Preston - but North End boss Phil Brown claims he can't afford to sign him. ─── 武夫被邀请与普雷斯顿一同训练——但是北端的老大布郎声称他无法负担起签下该球员的费用。

8、Hadji Murad again declined to sit down, and in answer to the question replied that his object in coming over to the Russians was to help them to destroy Shamil. ─── 阿的Murad再次拒绝坐下而在回答他回答说,俄罗斯反对在未来被移交给帮助沙米利摧毁。

9、Hadji Murad again pressed his hands to the center of his chest and began to say something with animation. ─── 阿再次按下手中的Murad心胸部开始说一些与动画。

10、Sometimes Hadji Murad would call on him in his room, at other times Butler would visit him. ─── 有时阿方将拜会他的Murad室,其他时候巴特勒将探视。

11、Hadji Murad raised his head and, taking two gold pieces, gave one to each of the scouts. ─── 阿的Murad抬起头,以两金件,给予每一个童军。

12、There he turned back, and since that time Hadji Murad had not seen his wife, mother or son. ─── 他转身,自那时还没有见过的Murad阿妻子或母亲的儿子。

13、It was the head of that same Hadji Murad with whom he had recently spent his evenings having such friendly chats. ─── 据团长说,与他同阿方的Murad最近花了晚会过从叙谈。

14、After several times shifting his gaze from the paper to his visitor, he finally fixed his eyes on Hadji Murad and said ─── 经过几次转移目光从他的皮访客他终于确定他眼中的Murad和阿月说

15、It was the head of that same Hadji Murad with whom he had recently spent his evenings having such friendly chats. ─── 据团长说,与他同阿方的Murad最近花了晚会过从叙谈。

16、On reaching it Hadji Murad paused, and drawing much air into his lungs he whistled and then listened silently. ─── 阿方达成它的Murad顿了一下,他的画多为空,他的肺部,然后汽笛默默聆听。

17、When Hadji Murad appeared at the prince's palace next day, the waiting room was already full of people. ─── 阿当的Murad出现在王储宫次日,候车室已经充满人民。

18、Hadji Murad touched his horse and rode on at an even pace. ─── 阿和骑骏马的Murad摸着他得步伐。

19、The Commander-in-Chief received Hadji Murad standing beside his table, and his old white face did not wear yesterday's smile but was rather stern and solemn. ─── 该总司令的Murad站在旁边,他接到阿表而他的老白脸不穿昨天的笑容,而是严肃庄严。

20、Hadji Murad understood that they were speaking about him, and smiled brightly with his eyes. ─── 阿方表示,他们谈到的Murad理解他,他笑着华灯眼睛。

21、There was one song Hadji Murad was particularly fond of and Butler was much struck by its solemn, sad refrain. ─── 有一首歌是特别喜爱的Murad阿巴特勒十分感动和庄严,不要悲伤。

22、Hadji Murad was allowed to go riding in the neighborhood of the town provided that he went with a Cossack escort. ─── 他从小没有父亲,他的老母亲不断,三姐妹和两个兄弟.

23、A search is under way, involving two French military aircraft and a French vessel, the director general of Moroni International Airport, Hadji Madi Ali, told Reuters. ─── 由两支法国空军和一支法国海军组成的搜索队已经展开搜索,莫罗尼国际机场首席执行官哈吉 马迪 阿里告诉路透社。

24、Three militiamen were wounded and their comrades not only hesitated to charge Hadji Murad and his men, but dropped farther and farther back, firing only random shots at long range. ─── 三名民兵受伤,对同志负责,不仅毫不犹豫地和他的Murad阿男子但回降越远,只随机枪射击远程。

25、Hadji Murad waved his hand in front of his face to show that he did not want anything and would not accept it. ─── 阿方手中挥舞的Murad面前展示他的脸上,他不想将有所不接受。

26、Hadji Murad waved his hand in front of his face to show that he did not want anything and would not accept it. ─── 阿方手中挥舞的Murad面前展示他的脸上,他不想将有所不接受。

27、Hadji Murad meanwhile had run up to him, and with one hand seized his horse's bridle and with the other pulled out his dagger, shouting something in Tatar. ─── 阿都跑到他的Murad与此同时,而他一手抓住马辔,与其它拔出尖刀,喊一些鞑靼。

28、Near daybreak Hadji Murad again went into the hall to fetch water to wash before praying. ─── 近天亮的Murad阿再次走进大厅去打水洗脸前祈祷。

29、Hadji Murad rode to meet him, and putting his right hand on his heart said something in Tartar and stopped. ─── 阿乘坐的Murad见面,把右手在他的心在说一件靼和制止。

30、Indeed, events at Ewood Park led to the strange scenario of actually cheering an El Hadji Diouf goal. ─── 确实,埃伍德公园的比赛让我为迪乌夫的进球欢呼。

31、He was a silversmith and Hadji Murad remembered him engraving the silver with his sinewy hands and making him say his prayers. ─── 他是一位银器和Hadji记住他雕刻的Murad银与他和他的双手说筋膜灵验。

32、Piri Reis (original name: Hadji Muhammad) was an Ottoman admiral born around 1465, in Gallipoli on the Dardanelles. ─── 皮里雷斯(原名:哈吉穆罕默德)是土耳其帝国的一位海军上将,大约在1465年出生于达达尼尔海峡的加里波底。

33、But Ximang has not received the referee excessively to affect, the goal has saved the Hadji thunder, also lets the going beyond a line prospect which the horse competes be very bright. ─── 但西芒并没有受到裁判过多影响,进球挽救了阿吉雷,也让马竞的出线前景十分光明。

34、I am tied up and the end of the rope is in Shamil's hands,"said Hadji Murad concluding his story. ─── 我捆绑的绳子是在结束沙米利的手说:"阿的Murad结束他的故事。

35、The wives and children of Hadji Murad went on to the verandah with the other occupants of the house to watch the Imam's entry. ─── 阿方的妻子和孩子接来的Murad海天与其他住客会所看着伊玛加入。

36、Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his lips. ─── 整个谈话,与他的手阿的Murad坐在他后面的处理及匕首不屑的笑容依稀在嘴上。

37、Hadji Murad again pressed his hands to the center of his chest and began to say something with animation. ─── 阿再次按下手中的Murad心胸部开始说一些与动画。

38、Hadji Murad did not understand what she said, but he understood her concern for him and nodded to her. ─── 阿的Murad不明白她说,但他明白她关心他,她点点头。

39、Not so fast, I say,'shouted Nazarov, now almost level with Hadji Murad and reaching out to seize the bridle of his horse. ─── '不是那么快,我说,'喊纳扎罗夫、现在差不多的水平,达到了与阿的Murad抓住他的马辔。

40、Hadji Murad was so lost in thought that he did not notice he was tipping the jug and spilling water over himself. ─── 阿的Murad这样出神,他不通知他的细颈瓶、烫金水泄露超过自己。

41、The Russian authorities restored peace among the mountaineers and sent a message to Hadji Murad instructing him not to attend the mosque. ─── 俄罗斯当局恢复和平和各登山传话给阿指示他不要参加的Murad清真寺。

42、If we treat Hadji Murad as a prisoner all the good effect of the situation will be lost. ─── 如果我们把所有的阿囚犯的Murad由于效果良好形势将会丧失。

43、Throughout this conversation Hadji Murad sat with his hand behind the handle of his dagger and a faintly disdainful smile on his lips. ─── 整个谈话,与他的手阿的Murad坐在他后面的处理及匕首不屑的笑容依稀在嘴上。

44、She boasted to classmates about her relationship with then Bolton footballer el Hadji Diouf. ─── 她甚至向同班同学吹嘘,她和当时身为博尔顿球员的迪乌夫关系不同寻常。

45、Hadji Murad and his men only fired when one of the militiamen showed himself and they seldom missed. ─── 阿男和他的Murad发射时只有一个民兵发现自己和他们很少错过。

46、After traveling a few miles along the main road Hadji Murad pulled in his panting white horse, which was grey with sweat, and stopped. ─── 连夜几英里主要道路沿线的Murad拉着他直冒阿白马、这是灰色与汗水和制止。

47、All right, I'm ready,' he said finally and went into the parlor, where Butler had taken Hadji Murad and the escorting officer. ─── 好吧,我准备好,他说,终于走进屋,巴特勒曾在阿采取的Murad和护送人员。

48、When he learnt that Hadji Murad had arrived, Petrov, who had heard already that he was in Grozny, was not in the least surprised. ─── 当他知道阿来的Murad,彼得罗夫,曾听到他已经在格罗兹尼是毫不奇怪。

49、But as I have already said, he will never persuade Hadji Murad that he will not take his life sooner or later should the latter return to him. ─── 但正如我已经说过,他决不会说服阿的Murad,他不会把他的一生迟早要回后者他。

50、When Hadji Murad had crossed to the other side of the ravine the men shouted to him that he should hear what they had to say. ─── 当阿来的Murad越过对方的山沟男人喊他,一定要听他们的话。

51、Hadji Murad understood that they were speaking about him, and smiled brightly with his eyes. ─── 阿方表示,他们谈到的Murad理解他,他笑着华灯眼睛。

52、Vorontsov was in his box when the striking figure of the limping Hadji Murad wearing a turban appeared in the stalls. ─── 沃龙佐夫是在他当打人物的盒子举步维艰阿戴头巾的Murad出现在档。

53、He was delighted that with every stride he was gaining on Hadji Murad and getting close to him. ─── 他很高兴,他取得的每一步对阿的Murad和亲近他。

54、All right, I'm ready, ' he said finally and went into the parlor, where Butler had taken Hadji Murad and the escorting officer. ─── 好吧,我准备好,他说,终于走进屋,巴特勒曾在阿采取的Murad和护送人员。

55、Hadji Murad put hisj jacket on the table and there was the knock of something hard as he did so: the gold pieces sewn in the lining. ─── 阿方提出的Murad夹克hisj就有人敲桌子,像他那样做一些努力:该枚金牌的车缝衬里。

56、Hadji Murad gave a scornful sideways glance at this fat little man in civilian clothes who carried no weapons, and made no answer. ─── 阿的Murad作了轻蔑侧身一眼这个发小男便衣人员携带任何武器,并没有答案。

57、Hadji Murad took the glass of tea he was offered and put it in front of him. ─── 阿的Murad代为香茶他获得放进他前面。

58、Quickly seizing his gun, Hadji Murad placed his foot in the narrow stirrup, and silently and easily throwing his body across, swung himself onto the high cushion of the saddle. ─── 他很快抓住枪,阿方在狭窄的Murad脚放在马蹬、默念易身上扔海峡,随即推高自己的鞍垫。

59、The second half, stakes everything on a single throw of the dice the Hadji thunder sent Arab League jade tablet Luo to hit 4 vanguards, Ximang is better in sidewalk's feeling. ─── 下半场,孤注一掷的阿吉雷派上阿圭罗打4前锋,西芒在边路的感觉更好了。

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