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09-13 投稿



grouted 发音

英:[ˈɡraʊtɪd]  美:[ˈɡraʊtɪd]

英:  美:

grouted 中文意思翻译





grouted 短语词组

1、grouted joint ─── 灌浆接缝

2、grouted bolt ─── 混凝土锚杆,灌浆固定的螺栓

3、pressure grouted ─── 压力灌浆的

4、grouted concrete ─── 灌浆混凝土

grouted 词性/词形变化,grouted变形

动词现在分词: grouting |动词过去分词: grouted |动词过去式: grouted |名词: grouter |动词第三人称单数: grouts |

grouted 常用词组

cement grout ─── 水泥浆

grout curtain ─── 水泥屏障;薄浆隔墙;灌浆帷幕

grouted 相似词语短语

1、grouter ─── n.[建]灌浆机

2、grounded ─── adj.理性的;理智的;接触地面的;v.停(ground的过去式);触地

3、rerouted ─── v.改程;改航(reroute的过去式)

4、glouted ─── 幸灾乐祸的

5、groused ─── n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨;n.(Grouse)人名;(英)格劳斯

6、routed ─── n.已选择路径;v.按路线发送(route的过去分词和过去式)

7、grouped ─── adj.分组的;化合的;v.分组,分类(group的过去分词)

8、groutier ─── 地面工

9、grouched ─── n.心怀不满;不高兴的人;抱怨;vi.发牢骚;闹脾气;抱怨

grouted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Compared with sulphate lignin grout, the new kind of sulph ate lignin grout has a higher strength , lower price and more easy-controllable gellitation time. ─── 与以前的硫木质素浆液相比,硫木质素复合浆液强度更高,价格更低廉,浆液胶凝时间更易调控。

2、After 24 hours, the cobble oar that has mixed beforehand even shakedown is on the ground, planish, pat solid, go up till grout water till extensive. ─── 24小时后,将事先拌好的石子浆均匀地铺在地面上,压平、拍实,直到水泥浆水上泛为止。

3、For the prestressing procedure (anchors, cou-plings, grout pipes, etc.), a type approval according to the applicable standards is generally required. ─── 对于预应力工艺(定位,连接,水泥砂浆管等),通常要求有依据适当标准的类型认证。

4、The Hydration Performance of CGM Grout Material ─── CGM灌浆料的水化性能

5、Improvement of curtain grout pressure at top section ─── 帷幕灌浆提高孔口段灌浆压力施工技术

6、After mud of bushing column affusion ends, because the action of to hydrate heat makes grout arises in gel process,warm up phenomenon, and subsequently weightlessness. ─── 套管柱注水泥结束后 ,由于水化热的作用使水泥浆在胶凝过程中产生升温现象 ,并随之失重。

7、In sand, injection of a large quantity of grout is able to induce local failure which forms permanent heave to serve the purpose of rectifying structure tilling. ─── 只有在砂土层中注入大量浆材造成上方覆土局部破坏,才可以产生永久性隆起达到扶正建筑物的目的。

8、Primary Thought on Some Problems of Grout for Dam Foundation ─── 坝基灌浆若干问题刍议

9、The object of this study is to investigate the effects of slag content on the basic physical properties of microfine cement grout. ─── 摘要:本研究旨在探讨不同之炉石添加量对超微粒水泥浆体性质之影响。

10、A new kind of sulphate lignin composite grout can be abtained on the basis of sulphate lignin grout if proper amount of inorganic ma tter( D) is added to. ─── 在原硫木质素浆液的基础上,通过加入适量的无机物()以得到一种新型硫木质素复合浆液。

11、All over the world, temperature-controlled concrete is used to build large-sized dykes and grout large-scale bases of high-rise buildings. ─── 世界各地大型水坝的建造和高层建筑基础的浇注需要采用温控混凝土。

12、Post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor ─── 后张拉水泥浆锚索

13、This paper presents a method for analyzing the plastic properties of a grouted rock bolt element. ─── 介绍了一种考虑岩石锚杆单元塑性性能的修正常数法。

14、Discussion of formula of pullout resistance for fully grouted anchor ─── 全长粘结式锚杆抗拔力计算公式的探讨

15、In order to monitor the cement grout density accurately and dynamically in grouting practice, a detection instrument incorporating a CR105 photomultiplier tube as optic sensor was designed. ─── 为了高精度、非接触动态地检测灌浆工程中水泥浆液的密度,采用CR105型光电倍增管作为感光器件,设计了一种检测装置。

16、SEM analysis of the hydrate of tuff grout and phosphorus-slag grout ─── 掺凝灰岩粉、磷矿渣粉水泥浆体水化的SEM分析

17、Thoroughly clean the existing concrete surface and prirne applying the base colour coat (grout line colour). Next apply tape or stencil and edge masking. ─── 在用底色料之前,先彻底清洁混凝土表面,然后再使用胶条或镶边模板。

18、In order to prevent deep sliding, vertical grouted anchor pipe is adopted. ─── 并通过动态监测法,反馈到施工过程中,及时调整支护参数。

19、Finally, the bond strength of FRP bars to epoxy resin and cement grout is also studied. ─── 同时对纤维塑料筋与水泥装和环氧树脂的粘结强度也进行了探讨。

20、Construction of jet grouted barrier wall in Dalong Water Control Project ─── 大隆水利枢纽工程高喷板墙施工

21、For coal spontaneous combustion in roadway, the test drilling method is applied and then the mud fluid or water is grouted for rescue work in practice of coal mine. ─── 摘要对于巷道自然发火,我国当前煤矿现场往往采用试探法打钻,然后灌注泥浆或水实施救灾。

22、However, some old gravity dams were not grouted well, even not grouted at all due to some historical reasons. ─── 但是,由于历史原因,一些现役的老坝,其纵缝在建造初期没有设置键槽、灌浆不善甚至没有进行灌浆处理。

23、The characteristic and mechanical properties of pretensioned cable with small borehole anchored by resin and grout are summarized. ─── 介绍小孔径树脂与注浆联合锚固预应力锚索的特点和力学性能。

24、The LJ-Grout Auto Recorder System is the first product in similar products in China which can test real-time pressure, flow and water-cement ratio of the grout. ─── 7LJ灌浆测控系统能同时在线动态检测压力、流量和水灰比这三个参数,为国内同类产品中首创。

25、Study on Full-size Grouted Bolt Pullout Test ─── 全长锚固锚杆拉拔试验研究

26、The holes of anchor bolts will be grouted with normal (Portland, non-shrinkage) cement mortar. ─── 这些地脚螺孔将灌入普通(波特兰,无收缩)水泥砂浆。

27、The loading transfer differential equation of anchoring section is obtained based on grout body damage. ─── 推导了基于浆体材料损伤的锚索锚固段荷载传递控制微分方程;

28、So the well cementing assisted by grout inflatable external packer is realized based on matching grout inflatable external packer assistant well cementing tools. ─── 在配套水泥浆胀封管外封隔器辅助固井工具的基础上实现了水泥浆胀封管外封隔器辅助固井。

29、If the grouted new technique of pile surroundings and pile toe is adopted, we can increase the load capacity 30 per cents than that of the replacement pile, and economize 20 per cents of the cost. ─── 已建多座桥梁工程采用桩周、桩底压浆新工艺的比较分析表明,该工艺可使水下混凝土的用量节省40%以上,且比传统的钻孔灌注桩可提高承载力30%以上;

30、Chemical grouted or sandwich flameproof glass are easy to become milky white and produces air bulbs and loose basic transparency of glass. ─── 化学灌浆或夹层防火玻璃在紫外线照射下容易变成乳白色及产生汽泡,失去了玻璃基本的通透功能。

31、Armour rock backfill or grout mattresses will be applied afterwards to the various sections as indicated in Figure 2 and Figure 6 of this Permit respectively. ─── 各段管道敷设完成后会进行护面块石回填或灌浆护盖工程,分别如本许可证图2及图6所示。

32、a grout mixer; a machine grout mixer ─── 拌浆机

33、CGM High -strength Non -shrinking Grouted procedure ─── CGM高强无收缩灌浆料工法

34、Compared to ordinary grouted masonry, the mechanical properties of the grouted slotted block masonry were more realistic. ─── 与普通灌孔砌块砌体相比,开槽砌块灌孔砌体的受力性能更接近实际工程。

35、But these were uncased auger-drilled poured pilings, with the grout in direct contact with the native materials. ─── 不过这些都是露出地面经钻孔绕灌而成的桩,灰浆同天然材料直接接触。

36、Discussion on Wholly Grouted Anchor Pullout Resistance ─── 全长粘结式注浆锚杆抗拔力分析

37、Pica in dogs may be a sign of Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, especially when it involves eating substances such as tile grout, concrete dust, and sand. ─── 异食癖好有时可能是免疫介导的溶血性贫血的临床表现,尤其是摄食瓷砖、混凝土灰尘和沙子。

38、The design of cement ratio is encountered by means of replacing the soil with grout, and the distribution of cement in the pile is changing with the return soil-cement. ─── 在置换地基土才能使水泥掺入量满足设计要求的情况下,上返水泥土的存在改变了水泥掺入量的分配,桩体实际水泥掺入比随水泥土上返量大小及固相中水泥所占比例而改变。

39、Manufacturer and supplier of E- Mix premixed spray plaster, tile adhesive, self- levelling screed, non shrink grout and repair mortar. ─── 乾混喷浆及手批用批荡、磁砖黏合剂、填缝剂、自流平地台及修补混凝土材料生产商及供应商。

40、Chemical Industry: acid, alkali, salt solution, a variety of viscous, pasty emulsion chemical grout. ─── 化学工业:酸、碱、盐液,各种粘滞、糊状乳状化学浆液。

41、Monolithic cesiumic potassiumflameproof glass has the most striking feature of weather-resistance compared to traditional grouted or sandwich glass. ─── 单片防火玻璃与传统的灌浆或夹层玻璃相比,最大的特点就是耐侯性。

42、Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V.Palisca. ─── 书名/作者 A history of western music / J.

43、The behavior of microfine cement grout is similar to Bingham fluid. ─── 在流变性质上,超细水泥浆液属于宾汉流体。

44、If customers are buying more brushes and grout, it could be a sign that the housing market, particularly in some regions, is improving. ─── 如果消费者购买油漆刷和水泥浆的数量增加,那可能表示房市的状况正在改善,尤其是在部分地区。

45、Color epoxy grout system and method for use. ─── 彩色环氧灰浆系统和其使用方法。

46、Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed. ─── 确保你的瓦被水泥浆彻底填塞并密封了。

47、Finally, the pavement performance of on grouted composite materials was systematically studied through a series of indoor tests. ─── 最后通过一系列室内相关性能试验对灌浆复合材料的路用性能进行了系统研究。

48、Study on the Action Mechanism of Full length Grouted Bolt ─── 全长粘结锚杆作用机理研究

49、The conclusion of( mechanic) property of clay-cement grout has been successfully applied to reinforce the roadbed crossing the Jing-Zhu Expressway through a box culvert which is at Renming East Road, Changsha. ─── 所得的粘土-水泥浆液结石体力学特性结论已应用于长沙市人民东路下穿京珠高速公路箱涵顶推路基加固工程,为现场施工提供指导与依据。


51、So it takes a lot of effovt for preventing coal spontaneous combustion in per year in coal mine methods are grout nitrogen flooding and even pressure fire-extinguished to prevent coal spontaneous combustion. ─── 为此,煤矿每年都要花很大气力防止煤炭自燃,采取了灌浆、氮、压灭火等阻止煤炭自燃的措施。

52、unit capacity of injecting grout ─── 单位注灰量

53、In many cases, however, the soil must be stabilized by mixing some other material with it. This may be bitumen or a grout of concrete or some other substance. ─── 但是在许多情况下,土壤中都要掺加其他材料使其稳定。这些材料或者是沥青,或者是一层水泥薄浆,还可能是某些其他的材料。

54、Its dam foundation grout curtain and backfilling technologies are advanced. ─── 在大坝基础工程帷幕灌浆、回填技术上处同行之首。

55、Injection of Dam with AM-9 Grout and Microcement ─── AM-9和超细水泥浆液注浆处理坝体渗漏

56、The hydration products, construction and morphology of cement grout added expansion agent were observed by SEM. ─── 利用SEM分析了掺膨胀剂水泥的水化产物、结构和形貌。

57、The accident cause of pile's quality failure was studied.The defected pile were effectively restored by injection grout. ─── 对工程事故原因进行了分析,并对缺陷桩采取了有效的高压注浆补强措施。

58、This paper introduces the joint application of high-pressure jet grouted piles and cement soil mixed piled for dealing with seepage of earth cofferdam for dry dock in Rizhao Port. ─── 介绍高压喷射注浆和水泥土搅拌桩防渗加固技术在日照港干船坞土围堰防渗处理中的组合应用。

59、Analysis of Slurry Consolidation of Splitting Grout of Earth Dam ─── 土坝坝体劈裂灌浆浆液固结分析

60、At present,very little test data is available about the peak shear strength between the grout and the bore wall in the interior bond section of prestressed anchorage cable. ─── 关于锚索内锚固段注浆体与孔壁之间的峰值抗剪强度,目前很少有试验资料可供采用。

61、The self-igniting characteristic of ore and the fire extinguishing method that uses watery grout in Tongshan Copper Mine are presented. ─── 介绍了铜山铜矿矿石自燃发火特征及用稀水泥浆阻燃灭火的方法。

62、The flow of chemical grout in the medium with double porosity is a two phase flow process. ─── 化学浆液在岩土双重孔隙介质中的流动是一个二相驱替过程。

63、Some tiles have spacers built into them but you can use extras to create a larger grout line. ─── 一些瓷砖里面有间隔构造,但是你能使用额外之物产生一条更大的薄泥浆线。

64、The grout deformation and mechanical properties changes directly affect soil stresses release, stratum distortion, and earth pressures acting on the segment. ─── 壁后注浆体的变形及力学性质变化直接影响到土体的应力释放、地层位移及作用在管片上的土压力大小。

65、Profile Design for Compensation Cam on Double Piston Grout Pump ─── 双活塞砂浆泵补偿凸轮曲线设计

66、When drill bar reaches down to the presumptive rock surface, it will be lifted up at certain speed to make grout be mixed with weathered sand forcedly;when grout consolidates, a wall has been formed. ─── 当钻杆到达预定岩面后,以一定速度向上提升钻杆,使浆液与土体强制混合,待浆液凝固后便形成防渗墙。

67、In practice, pre-tensioned cables may be fully grouted, or they may be left ungrouted over part oftheir length. ─── 应该注意的是设置了预应力的锚索不可能和其它的锚索单元或相连接的单元同处于一个平衡状态。

68、The experimental results show that the instrument can successfully monitor the density of the cement grout in harsh environment. ─── 实验结果表明:该装置能够在恶劣环境下准确、快速地检测水泥浆液的密度;

69、Line Meter (m) and Grout Take (t) method were taken successively for measurement of grouting quantity in China. ─── 我国灌浆工程的工程量主要采用灌浆孔进尺(延长米,m)和灌浆注入量(t)两种方法计量。

70、Finally,the bond strength of FRP bars to epoxy resin and cement grout is also stu... ─── 同时对纤维塑料筋与水泥浆和环氧树脂的粘结强度也进行了探讨。

71、Because the cradle system does not require strands to be grouted, they can be individually removed, inspected, and replaced, even when there is traffic on the bridge. ─── 因为支架系统不要求用水泥浆添塞绳股,所以即使是在桥上有车辆和行人的情况下它们可以被单独地移除,检查和替换。

72、The mixing is a key link in cement grouting construction,and the different mixing manners have an important effect on grout engineering quality. ─── 搅拌是水泥类灌浆施工中一个重要的环节,不同的搅拌方式对浆液的工程性质有着重要的影响。

73、After seven days, the grouted mortar will have concreted , then we shall tighten the anchor bolts . ─── 灌浆在七天以后凝固,我们就将拧紧地脚螺栓。

74、Grout replacing of slop or water to inflatable packed external packer eliminates the hidden trouble of packer invalidation, which is equal to make a permanence firmly clapboard among layers. ─── 其技术方案是用水泥浆替代泥浆或者水来胀封管外封隔器就消除了封隔器失效的隐患,相当于在层与层之间打上了永久坚固的隔板。

75、positive displacement grout pump ─── 排液灌浆泵

76、The immiscible flow of chemical grout in geotechnical medium ─── 化学浆液在岩土介质中的非混溶流动过程

77、Cracks dealt with LPL grout material ─── LPL灌浆材料在三峡工程裂缝处理中的应用

78、The generant course,inherence mechanism,and cause of efflorescence of adhesive and grout for tile and stone after construction,and control measures were introduced. ─── 介绍瓷砖、石材粘结剂和填缝剂等材料在施工后泛碱的产生过程、内在机理、泛碱的原因及防治措施。

79、Application of sand grout in concrete repairing project ─── 丙乳砂浆在混凝土修复中的应用

80、In combination with the radial deformation equation of brittle wall rock in circular tunnel,the computing model for the axial stress of the grouted rock bolt in ideal brittle wall rock and ... ─── 分析了锚杆应力的分布特征以及影响其应力分布趋势和大小的因素,其中重点对围岩体的剪涨角进行了分析。

81、When you install tile yourself, spacers make it possible to keep straight grout lines and square tiles together as the adhesive dries. ─── 当你自己安装瓷砖的时候,瓷砖隔片使瓷砖可以保持薄泥浆线正直和使铺在一起的瓷砖在粘缝剂干燥时成直角。

82、Application of the Post Pressure Grouted Reinforced Concrete Pile ─── 后压浆钢筋混凝土灌注桩的应用


84、The BP model of artificial neural network is applied for the construction model of grouted block masonry instead of traditional methods in the paper. ─── 利用反向传播神经网络(BP神经网络)的模拟能力来代替传统的方法,建立灌芯砌体的本构模型,对比模拟结果,并与传统方法进行比较。

85、After seven days and the grouted mortar will haudio-videoe concreted and then we shingl tighten the point products. ─── 灌浆在七天自此固结,工具。我们就将拧紧地脚螺栓。

86、Brick masonry walls built with a technique known as reinforced grouted brick masonry performed excellently. ─── 用新的施工技术砌筑的配筋灌浆砖墙表现良好。

87、In sands, a large amount of grout was required for the heave to be significant. ─── 在砂土层中则须注入大量浆材方可达到隆起之目的。

88、Bentonite and Grout Flow around TBM ─── TBM周围膨润土和浆液流动

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