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09-13 投稿



preponderant 发音

英:[prɪˈpɑːndərənt]  美:[prɪˈpɒndərənt]

英:  美:

preponderant 中文意思翻译



preponderant 词性/词形变化,preponderant变形

副词: preponderantly |

preponderant 相似词语短语

1、preponderation ─── 优势

2、preponderantly ─── adv.占优势地,多数地

3、preponderately ─── 占优势

4、preponderancy ─── 优势

5、preponderated ─── v.(在重量、影响、重要性等方面)占优势,胜过

6、preponderating ─── v.(在重量、数量、重要性等方面)占优势;大于;比……重(preponderate的现在分词)

7、preponderance ─── n.优势;多数;占优势

8、preponderate ─── v.(在重量、影响、重要性等方面)占优势,胜过

9、preponderates ─── v.(在重量、影响、重要性等方面)占优势,胜过

preponderant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、preponderant strategic mineral resources ─── 优势战略矿产资源

2、Accelerating Development Step of Preponderant Mineral Resources,Push Ganzi's Mining Economic Leap to a New Stage ─── 加快优势矿产资源开发步伐 推动我州矿业经济再上新台阶

3、As the technical equipments are so advanced that the technology of profiles production is highly competitive and preponderant . ─── 产业链的技术装备在全国同业处于先进水平,在铝型材生产技术方面具有明显的竞争优势。

4、The preponderant slurry was prepared on the base of other researchers.The peculiarity and using condition were recommended.On the other hand, the effect of the slurry was showed briefly. ─── 并在前人研究的基础上研制出更具优势的抛光研磨料,详细介绍其特点及使用条件,另对它的使用效果进行了简要说明。

5、Optimizing the Region Layout of Preponderant Stock Products to Swell China's Stock Raising Competition Ability ─── 推进优势畜产品区域布局增强我国畜牧业竞争力

6、Objective: To investigate the possible afferent pathway of the clinical acupuncture "Distal Limb Preponderant Principle". ─── 摘要目的:探讨临床针刺“远肢优势规律”的可能传入途径。

7、As being a province with relatively affluent natural mineral resource,Qinghai should take the exploitation on preponderant resource for mainline in industrial policy option. ─── 作为自然矿产资源相对富足的省份,青海产业政策的选择应以优势资源开发为主线。

8、Depend on the preponderant resource, integrate county economic with characteristic economic, tend towards the road of characteristic economic. 2. ─── 据此,提出固原市县域经济发展的战略与对策:一、根据资源优势,把县域经济和特色经济有机结合起来,走特色经济之路;

9、The theory of competitive preponderant and innovation on tourist trade in the headwaters of pearl river ─── 竞争优势理论与珠江源头地区旅游经济的创新

10、preponderant crystal derection ─── 晶向择优取向

11、Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. ─── 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。

12、Fast starting-up may be achived by inoculating ANAMMOX reactor with ammonia-oxidizing sludge, in which ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was preponderant. ─── 利用氨氧化细菌占优势的硝化污泥接种厌氧氨氧化反应器可能会有更好的启动效果。

13、Course of Agricultural Industrialization Advanced by Implanting Preponderant Industry ─── 积极培植优势产业加快山区农业产业化进程

14、Greed is a miser's preponderant characteristic. ─── 贪婪是一个守财奴的主要特点。

15、Through experiment on single or both of the two preponderant functional bacteria, AB-ZH01 and SRB-ZH07 isolated from acidogenic bio-reactor, ecological relation of microbe in acidogenic desulfate bio-reactor were studied. ─── 研究产酸脱硫反应器的微生物生态关系 ,对分离出来的 2种优势功能菌AB-ZH0 1和SRB -ZH0 7进行单独和配合生态学实验。

16、preponderant frequency channel ─── 优势频带

17、Comparing to the traditional monitoring and evaluation, the participatory monitoring and evaluation is more preponderant obviously, which is more and more widely used at home. ─── 摘要参与式监测评估和传统的监测评估相比具有明显的优势,在国内的应用也越来越普遍。

18、The middle state is the preponderant state which influences the next year drought and flood type. ─── 中雨年是长春市旱涝的优势状态,对下年的旱涝类型影响较大;

19、Needless to say, private enterprise is now preponderant and will inevitably continue to occupy a dominant position for a considerable time. ─── 私人经济,不待说,现时是占着绝对的优势,并且在相当长的期间内也必然还是优势。

20、Team spirit, regarded as one of the most preponderant in seeking jobs.Through the whiz keyboards merely impair the valuable expertise. ─── 总而言之,既然我已经处在一个不优秀的大学就一定要努力奋斗成为优秀的人才!

21、abusing preponderant status ─── 滥用市场优势地位

22、Compare with Auction Trading System, Market Maker System is more preponderant on market-activation and variety incensement increment. ─── 做市商制度,相对于竞价交易方式,在活跃市场交易、提高品种流动性方面有着明显的优势。

23、If we change to another work at this time, especially to a new type of work, a new preponderant excited area will arise, and the previous area will be restrained. ─── 如果这时改变工作内容,特别是转向其他形式的活动,就会产生新的优势兴奋灶,而原来的兴奋灶就会得到抑制。

24、Rapid growth of netizen and preponderant communication of network information bring forth Chinese network nationalism gradually. ─── 网民人数的激增和网络信息传播的优势,逐渐催生出中国网络民族主义。

25、comparatively preponderant ─── 比较优势

26、Peter. Drucker once said: knowledge have been pivotal in economy resource, and that been leading source of competition preponderant, indeed may be exclusive source. ─── 德鲁克提出:“知识已经成为关键的经济资源,而且是竞争优势的主导型来源,甚至可能是唯一的来源”。

27、characteristic and preponderant industry ─── 特色优势产业

28、preponderant flora ─── 优势菌群

29、The frustration on rural finance reform in China is related to rather the indefinite development direction of Chinese agriculture than preponderant traditional agriculture. ─── 中国农村金融改革踌躇不前,虽然与中国农业以传统农业为主有关,但最主要的原因还是中国农业的发展方向不明。

30、is the preponderant mood of the poem. ─── 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调.

31、And these fishes could be divided into freshwater, migratory and estuarine kinds, among which the former was the preponderant kind. ─── 这些鱼类可分为淡水、洄游和河口3个生态类群,其中以淡水类群为优势类群。

32、YuLin is an unusual area rich in mineral resources such as coal, oil, natural gas and rock salt in the world, and it is preponderant in resources to develop energy and chemical industries. ─── 榆林是世界罕见的矿产资源富集区,煤炭、石油、天然气、岩(湖)盐等大型矿藏富集一地,具有发展能源化工产业的独特资源优势。

33、A preponderant brevibacterium was isolated from the sludge contaminated by coke plantwaste water for a long time. ─── 本研究从长期被焦化废水污染的污泥中分离出一株优势短杆菌。

34、This paper analyzed the spectrum character of preponderant vegetables and distilled wave band using the spectrum of the vegetation through field measure in the estuary of Yangtse River. ─── 摘要通过野外实测长江口潮滩湿地主要植物的光谱特征,分析和提取了优势植被的光谱特征参数和波段。

35、It is the primary sedimentary characteristics of sandstone and the fine porethroat distribution preponderant through diagenesis modification that caused low permeabili-ty. ─── 砂岩原始沉积特征和成岩作用改造后细孔喉分布优势是导致低渗透的原因。

36、It underlines their policies in all kinds of areas, their belief that the overwhelming or preponderant power of the United States can simply change fact, can change truth. ─── 小时候看这个故事,没有看出阿斯兰是暗指基督,不过当年看新约故事倒也挺感动,大概我比较容易被这种自我牺牲的故事打动。

37、Biodegradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by A Preponderant Brevibacterium ─── 优势短杆菌对多环芳烃的降解性能

38、Keywords preponderant functional bacteria;utilization of substrate;protocooperation; ─── 优势功能菌;底物利用;互生关系;

39、The union is preponderant because it has a huge financing;it also takes the lead in new media field. ─── 第一视频集团拥巨资优势在新媒体领域独领风骚!

40、Preponderant Functional Microbe Ecological Relation in the Acidogenic Desulfate Bio-reactor ─── 产酸脱硫反应器优势功能菌生态关系

41、preponderant industry ─── 优势产业

42、preponderant game ─── 优势博弈

43、preponderant growth orientation ─── 生长择优取向

44、The Unary code is applied in the binarization of the translation coefficients in the national standard AVS. It is preponderant for the small values, but will bring more redundancy for the bigger ones. ─── 在AVS标准中,变换系数level值的二值化方案采用了Unary码,Unary码对较小的整数值二值化效果较好,但对较大的值则会造成很大的冗余,从而影响了CABAC的编码效率。

45、abusing the preponderant status ─── 滥用优势地位

46、Keywords preponderant academic subjects group;core competitiveness; ─── 优势学科群;核心竞争力;

47、Analysis of Preponderant Undergraduate Subject for Comprehensive Universities in China ─── 我国综合性大学本科优势专业分析

48、Faithful to its master is one of the preponderant characteristics of a dog. ─── 忠于主人是狗的一个重要特性。

49、Preponderant culture spreaded widely and elites made great efforts to promote Japan and Japanese nationality which were fundamental reasons of high-speed development of the whole society. ─── 优势文化的传播扩散、精英分子的大力推进以及日本的民族性在这一时刻所表现出来的灵活顺应倾向是整个社会飞跃性的发展根本原因。

50、Cause of Formation and Its Countermeasure of Sichuan Preponderant Events of Athletics ─── 四川省田径优势项目成因及发展对策研究

51、Keywords preponderant fly species;Jinhua city area; ─── 优势蝇种;金华市区;

52、The Agricultural Ministry Demanded to Deeply Advance the Preponderant Regional Layout to Expedite the Modem Agricultural Construction ─── 农业部要求:深入推进优势区域布局加快建设现代农业

53、The main products are all kinds of cotton &strength cotton series, corduroy is preponderant and ripen product of our company. ─── 其中灯芯绒系列是公司主打产品。

54、The preponderant species were as follows: Lucilia sericata Meigen, chrgsomya megacephala Fabricius, Fammia leucosticta Meigen. ─── 优势蝇种为家蝇、丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、白纹厕蝇。

55、On the other side, it is the severe challenge because of the developed countries occupy the preponderant position in the course of economic globalization and try to lead this course. ─── 另一方面是严峻的挑战,以美国为首的发达国家在经济全球化进程中占据优势地位并力图主导这一进程。

56、No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power(Samuel Eliot Morison. ─── 没有哪次重大现代战争不是由占优势的海军力量取胜的(萨缪尔 艾略特 莫里森)。

57、“Treat before getting illness” is one of the preponderant thinking of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in dealing with problems of disease and health. ─── “上医治未病”是中医对待疾病和健康问题的一个突出的思维优势。

58、A number of preponderant enterprises with famous brands, core intellectual property and rich experience in utilizing the intellectual property system will emerge. ─── 有利于扩大对外开放,实现互利共赢。必须把知识产权战略作为国家重要战略,切实加强知识产权工作。

59、To strengthen the preponderant discipline and characteristic discipline construction is the way of enhancing the university level. ─── 摘要加强优势、特色学科的建设是建设强校的途径,是提升学科建设水平、提高学校层次的必然选择。

60、Melancholy is the preponderant mood of the poem. ─── 忧郁的感情是该诗的基调。

61、This Convention does not apply to contracts in which the preponderant part of the obligations of the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or other services. ─── 本公约不适用于供应货物一方的绝大部分义务在于供应劳力或其它服务的合同。

62、Based on a lot of numerical experiments, the results showed that the algorithm is more preponderant than traditional algorithm genetic on solving nonlinear equations. ─── 数值实验结果表明,遗传-牛顿法能以较高的效率和精度得到方程的数值解。

63、The relationship investment strategy can not only offset the limitation of dilemma plunged by price promotion, but also provide a realistic approach to acquire preponderant competition power. ─── 研究表明,关系投资不但可以弥补价格促销易使厂商陷入两难困境的缺陷,而且是厂商赢得真正忠诚顾客的有效工具,并为厂商在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势竞争力提供了现实途径。

64、In order to guarantee the technical fruit industrialize rapidly and supply the preponderant production for customers.The company will reduce products cost at the maximum . ─── 保证公司技术成果快速产业化, 为客户提供浓缩高效的优势产品,最大限度的为客户降低运营成本。

65、Textile Engineering Department : Textile engineering discipline is the key discipline of Shandong Province and the characteristic &preponderant discipline of Qingdao University. ─── 纺织工程学科为山东省重点学科和青岛大学特色优势学科。

66、preponderant subject ─── 优势专业

67、The HBA was the preponderant allele,and the HBAA was the preponderant genotype. Their frequencies were 0.799 and 0.610 4 respectively. ─── 其中HBAA和HBA分别为优势基因型和优势等位基因,其频率分别为0.6104和0.799。

68、Coal's industry is one of the preponderant industries in Inner Mongolia. ─── 煤炭产业是内蒙古的优势产业之一。

69、preponderant discipline ─── 优势学科

70、How can we recombine three media according to their preponderant characteristics is worth to be considered and researched. ─── 以这三种媒介的信息特征进行优势互补对媒介进行重构整合,是我们值得思考和研究的方向。

71、As the technical equipments are so advanced that the technology of profiles production is highly competitive and preponderant. ─── 产业链的技术装备在全国同业处于先进水平,在铝型材生产技术方面具有明显的竞争优势。

72、"No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power" (Samuel Eliot Morison). ─── “没有哪次重大现代战争不是由占优势的海军力量取胜的”(萨缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。

73、However, as one of our traditional preponderant industries, manufacturing industry, its networking and digital problem is prominent increasingly. ─── 但同时,作为我们传统强势产业的制造业,它的网络化、数字化问题日益突出,成为一个不得不重视的问题。

74、Further, we seek to limit the corrosive and coercive efforts that preponderant military capabilities would have in the hands of an implacable adversary. ─── 另外,我们还力图限制一个死敌一旦掌握了优势军事能力之后所施加的侵蚀性的和胁迫性的影响。

75、Study to Degradation Characters of Preponderant Flavobacterials Strains in a Mixture of Anthracene, Phenanthrene and Pyrene ─── 优势黄杆菌对蒽、菲、芘混合物的降解特征研究

76、Objective: To investigate the possible afferent pathway of the clinical acupuncture "Distal Limb Preponderant Principle" . ─── 目的:探讨临床针刺“远肢优势规律”的可能传入途径。

77、The middle state is the preponderant state which influences the next year drought and flood type. ─── 中雨年是长春市旱涝的优势状态,对下年的旱涝类型影响较大;

78、We gradually enter the international market with our good service, great product polity and preponderant competitive price. ─── 以良好的服务,优良的产品品质及强有力的市场竞争价格不断融入国际市场。

79、Build Preponderant Academic Subjects Group and Improve Core Competitiveness ─── 打造优势学科群提升核心竞争力

80、Preponderant strains ─── 优良菌

81、preponderant population ─── 优势种群

82、"Treat before getting illness" is one of the preponderant thinking of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in dealing with problems of disease and health. ─── "上医治未病"是中医对待疾病和健康问题的一个突出的思维优势。

83、Preparatory Filtration of the Preponderant Microbe in Night Soil Composting ─── 粪便堆肥化优势菌株初步筛选

84、Aim:To research mutagenicity of the extracts from preponderant fungi(Penicillium digitatum) in mildewed oranges. ─── 目的:为了研究分离获得的引发桔子霉烂的优势真菌指状青霉提取物的致突变作用。

85、preponderant dinstinctive industry ─── 优势特色产业

86、preponderant fungus ─── 优势菌种

87、Livestock husbandry in grassland is the preponderant industry in Inner Mongolia. ─── 草原畜牧业是内蒙古的优势产业和基础产业。

88、10.As being a province with relatively affluent natural mineral resource, Qinghai should take the exploitation on preponderant resource for mainline in industrial policy option. ─── 摘要作为自然矿产资源相对富足的省份,青海产业政策的选择应以优势资源开发为主线。

89、Most of our DON eyes showed relative blue-yellow dyschromatopsia (20/24, 83%), in contrast to the preponderant red-green defects reported before in compressive optic neuropathy. ─── 我们的结果是,大部分(83%,20/24)的患眼有相对的蓝-黄后天性色觉异常,和以往认为的红-绿色觉异常有明显的不同。

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