impassibility 中文意思翻译
impassibility 相似词语短语
1、impassability ─── n.不通,不能通行
2、impressibility ─── n.感受性;易感动
3、impossibility ─── n.不可能;不可能的事
4、passibility ─── 通过性
5、amissibility ─── 和蔼可亲
6、implausibility ─── n.难以相信;不像真实
7、impossibilists ─── 不可能的
8、impartibility ─── n.不可分
9、compossibility ─── 共存能力
impassibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Federal Service Impass Panel ─── 联邦服务未通过面板
2、At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. ─── 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。
3、On rare clearings in this swampy hell a few Finno-Ugric tribes eventually appeared and left many burial mounts behind, with some of them still belowground because of impassibility of the swamp. ─── 在这难得如此空旷的沼泽地狱里,几个芬兰乌戈尔部落终于出现了,身后留下了许多坟墓,其中有些还是地下,因为的沼泽是那么不近人情。
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