Islamize 发音
英:[[ˈɪsləmaɪz,ˈɪz-]] 美:[[ˈɪsləˌmaɪz, ˈɪz-]]
英: 美:
Islamize 中文意思翻译
Islamize 词性/词形变化,Islamize变形
Islamize 相似词语短语
1、Islamises ─── 伊斯兰的
2、Islamised ─── 伊斯兰的
3、infamize ─── vt.使声名狼藉
4、Islamizes ─── 伊斯兰化
5、Islamizer ─── 伊斯兰主义者
6、Islamized ─── 伊斯兰化
7、Islamize ─── vt.使伊斯兰化,使皈依伊斯兰教
8、Islamite ─── adj.穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的(等于Moslem);n.伊斯兰教徒
9、Islamise ─── vt.使伊斯兰化;使皈依伊斯兰教(等于Islamize)
Islamize 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world. ─── 佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教。
2、Among them Buddhism, Daoism and Islam are more widely accepted. ─── 佛教、道教、伊斯兰教在中国的传播比较广泛。
3、Not long ago, someone was translating a news story on Islam and Muslims from English to Chinese. ─── 不久前,有人把一则以回教和回教徒为主的英文新闻报道翻译成华文。
4、So, the real challenge for Muslims today is to be true to Islam. ─── 回教徒今日面对的真正挑战是忠于回教教义。
5、"Hijab is one of the most misunderstood symbols of Islam," he Jafry. ─── “盖头是最被误解的伊斯兰的标志之一,”加法尔说。
6、Islam is world's great monotheistic religions. ─── 伊斯兰教是世界上伟大的信仰一个神的教。
7、Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God. ─── 伊斯兰教也不主张任何人类化身为真主。
8、Islam's most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. ─── 伊斯兰教最神圣的圣地在沙特阿拉伯的麦加。
9、Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. ─── 伊斯兰教:如果屙狗屎了,这是阿拉的旨意。
10、While ostensibly about morality, the campaign is seen by many liberals and minorities as a broader push to Islamize Indonesia. ─── 不过,表面上看似关乎道德规范,但在许多自由派人士和少数派群体看来,这一行动是在进一步地推动印尼的伊斯兰教化。
11、They called for a socialist republic based in Islam. ─── 他们号召在伊斯兰建立社会主义共和国。
12、Islam was introduced into China in the seventh century. ─── 伊斯兰教于公元七世纪传入中国。
13、Ever since the days of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam has provided a vivid example of how racism can be ended. ─── 从先知穆罕默德的年代开始,伊斯兰教即已清晰地证明如何终结种族主义。
14、Islam is mostly practised among some of the minorities. ─── 信仰伊斯兰教的多半是一些少数民族。
15、Green, for example, is the holy colour of Islam. ─── 例如,伊斯兰教视绿色为神圣的颜色。
16、Islam is the national religion and all Maldivians are Sunni Muslims. ─── 伊斯兰教是国教,所有马尔代夫人都是逊尼派穆斯林。
17、Islam and Buddhism are two of the great religions of the world. ─── 伊斯兰教和佛教是世界上两大宗教。
18、PM Goh has said he is not concerned with Muslims becoming more religious, but rather, with them becoming more rigid in interpreting Islam. ─── 吴总理说他关注的不是我们的回教徒越来越虔诚,而是他们是否越来越倾向于狭隘地诠释回教教义。
19、Islam is a system of religious beliefs and an all-encompassing way of life. ─── 回教是宗教信仰和all-encompassing生活方式系统。
20、Islam has enjoyed a long and rich intellectual tradition. ─── 伊斯兰教拥有历史悠久而丰富的理性传统。
21、The Temple Mount: the most holy site in Judaism and also the third most holy site in Islam. ─── 圣殿山,位于耶路撒冷中心地带,伊斯兰教和犹太教的圣地。
22、You cannot accept Islam and be homosexual. ─── 你不能接受伊斯兰教人成为同性恋者。
23、There are many religions in China, such as Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. ─── 在中国,有佛教、道教、伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等多种宗教。
24、He believes in Islam, and is very pious. ─── 他在教,而且非常虔诚。
25、They impress on thee as a favour that they have embraced Islam. ─── 他们以自己信奉伊斯兰,示惠于你,你说:“你们不要以你们的信奉伊斯兰示惠于我;
26、The religious faith, principles, or cause of Islam. ─── 伊斯兰教伊斯兰教的宗教信仰,原则,或事业
27、The word "Islam" itself literally means "peace" and "submission". ─── 回教的直译意思是“和平”和“服从”。
28、The Prophet of Islam said:" I was ordered to fight the people until they believe in Allah and His Messenger. ─── 伊斯兰的先知说过:“我是奉命与人战斗,直至他们信奉真主及其先知。
29、The civilization based on Islam. ─── 伊斯兰文明以伊斯兰教为基础的文明
30、How Did the Spread of Islam Affect the Development of Science? ─── 伊斯兰教的传播如何影响科学的进展?
31、The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. ─── 中国宗教徒信奉的主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。
32、In Islam, Muslims are asked to assess their daily realities and environment before making certain religious decisions. ─── 回教教义要求回教徒在作出和宗教有关的决定前,先评估实际情况和环境。
33、The number of Christians declined due to conversion to Islam. ─── 基督徒数目的下降是由于改信了伊斯兰教。
34、They want to take the "middle path" of Islam - they want to adapt to the times and embrace modernity while keeping the essentials of their faith. ─── 他们希望走"中间路线"--既能够与时并进跟上现代化,也能够保留回教的基本教义。
35、Islam is one of the great world religions. ─── 伊斯兰教是世界上几大宗教之一。
36、Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism. ─── 伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。
37、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, and Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴基斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。
38、Hands that reach Islam must be broken," a group of Mu-slims chanted outside of an Istanbul mosque, AP reported. ─── 伸向伊斯兰的手必须被斩断,"一群穆-斯-林高呼着在伊斯坦布尔清真寺外面。
39、Friendly international exchanges are also increasing in the areas of China's Buddhism, Taoism and Islam. ─── 中国佛教、道教和伊斯兰教的国际友好交往也日益扩大。
40、Rather than accusing the AKP of seeking to Islamize Turkey, Kilicdaroglu has campaigned on economic opening and social safety. ─── 比起控诉正义与发展党设法使土耳其伊斯兰化,奎里达欧鲁更注重经济开放和社会稳定。
41、The population of the ten ethnic minorities believing in Islam totals 18 million. ─── 信仰伊斯兰教的10个少数民族人口1800万。
42、Into this void came the new, major force of Islam, which was to exert an enormous influence on Europe for centuries. ─── 伊斯兰教这股新的主要势力趁虚而人,几个世纪以来对欧洲产生了巨大影响。
43、Islam was “a pool that never purifies”. ─── 伊斯兰教是“永远无法被净化的落后宗教”。
44、This new video tape from Al-Quida invites Americans to convert to Islam. ─── 基地组织的这盘新录像带怂恿美国人改信伊斯兰教。
45、He added that Jordan does not endorse extremist interpretations of Islam. ─── 他还说,约旦不支持对伊斯兰教的极端主义解释。
46、A case can indeed be made that Islam complicates democracy. ─── 但是一个事实现在确实在发生,伊斯兰正在将民主复杂化。
47、Between Allah and the believer there is no mediator. Islam has no priests, no sacraments, no formal ritual. ─── 在安拉与信徒之间没有中介的存在,伊斯兰教没有牧师、没有圣典、没有正式仪式。
48、Ethics and principles are very important components in Islam. ─── 伦理道德是伊斯兰教的重要组成部分。
49、The world's great religions originated from Asia: Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. ─── 世界上的几大宗教起源于亚洲:佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴勒斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。
50、The sacred text of Islam, considered by Moslems to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. ─── 古兰经伊斯兰教的圣经,穆斯林认为其中包含着真主对穆罕默德的启示
51、He believe's in Islam, so he has different living habits than the rest of us. ─── 他是一名回教徒,在生活习惯上和我们不太一样。
52、The established religion of Egypt is Islam. ─── 埃及的国教是伊斯兰教。
53、The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with teachings of Islam . ─── 埃及贫民深受伊斯兰教教义的影响。
54、Islam also takes this position, which is stated explicitly in the Quran (3:47). ─── 伊斯兰也采用这个立场,在古兰经明确地表明(3:47)。
55、At the same time, they realise that they have to play a bigger role in showing other Singaporeans what true Islam is. ─── 他们也意识到必须扮演更大的角色,让非回教徒国人认识回教的真谛。
56、The established religion of Egypt and other Arabic countries is Islam. ─── 埃及和其它阿拉伯国家的国教是伊斯兰教。
57、Mothers in Islam are highly honored. Islam recommends treating them in the best way. ─── 伊斯兰教的母亲均受到高度尊重。伊斯兰教建议以最好的方式来对待她们。
58、Islam Observed: Religion Development in Morocco and Indonesia. ─── 伊斯兰观察:摩洛哥与印度尼西亚的宗教发展。
59、During the Crusades, Western Europe tried to contain the spread of Islam. ─── 十字军东征期间,西欧各国设法遏制伊斯兰势力的扩张。
60、They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between Islam and the west. ─── 他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。
61、Whatever its importance to other faiths, Cologne is a sensitive spot for German Islam. ─── 不管科隆对其它宗教信仰而言重要性如何,它对德国穆斯林来说都是一个敏感的地方。
62、Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress. ─── 伊斯兰将盖头视为一个服饰义务。
63、Democratic reforms of the religious systems of Islam and Tibetan Buddhism were carried out. ─── 伊斯兰教、藏传佛教进行宗教制度的民主改革。
64、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴勒斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。
65、Islam gives no certainty, and keeps us distant from Allah. ─── 回教不给任何把握,也维持我们与阿拉的距离。
66、The conversion to Islam, in 1153 AD, is a watershed in Maldivian history. ─── 公元1153年对于伊斯兰教的皈依是马尔代夫历史上的一个分水岭。
67、Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam? ─── 元代设有管理伊斯兰教的官署吗?
68、China is home to many religions,mainly Buddhism,Taoism,Islam and Christianity. ─── 中国是一个有着多种宗教的国家,主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教。
69、Today Buddhism and Islam are the principal religions of much of Aisa. ─── 今天,佛教和伊斯兰教是亚洲许多国家和地区的主要宗教。
70、As caliph he spread Islam to Egypt, Syria, and Persia. ─── 作为哈里发,将伊斯兰教推行到埃及、叙利亚和波斯。
71、What Does Islam Say about the Day of Judgment? ─── 伊斯兰教如何描述审判日?
72、Its people are quick to anger when they feel Islam is under attack. ─── 因此当那里的人民觉得自己的伊斯兰信仰受到威胁时,他们比别的穆斯林更容易被激怒。
73、Jihad in Islam: Is Islam Peaceful or Militant? ─── 伊斯兰是和平的还是好战的?
74、He converted from Christianity to Islam. ─── 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。
75、The study of Islam and the Far East was well on its way. ─── 伊斯兰教和远东的研究也在进行。
76、The Koran is the sacred book of the Islam. ─── 《古兰经》是伊斯兰教的圣典。
77、Cf.Encyclopaedia of Islam (Leiden), new edition, s.v. ─── 其第一,二,三代门徒的Sunnah.
78、Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. ─── 《在伊斯兰教里的女性和性别:一场现代辩论的历史根源》。纽哈芬:耶鲁大学出版社,1992。
79、For centuries before 1500 the world of Islam had been culturally and technologically ahead of Europe. ─── 1500年以前的几个世纪中,伊斯兰世界在文化和技术上都领先于欧洲。
80、The strength of Islam was its simplicity. ─── 伊斯兰教的力量源自它的简单性。
81、Is Islam a peace-loving Religion? ─── 伊斯兰是爱好和平的宗教吗?
82、The Koran is the sacred book of Islam. ─── 《可兰经》是回教的圣典。
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