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09-16 投稿



remorseless 发音

英:[rɪ'mɔːslɪs]  美:[rɪ'mɔrsləs]

英:  美:

remorseless 中文意思翻译



remorseless 网络释义

adj. 冷酷的;不知过错的;坚持不懈的;不屈不挠的

remorseless 短语词组

1、remorseless drinking has long ─── 无情的饮酒由来已久

2、remorseless drive ─── 无情的驱动

3、remorseless assassin ─── 无情的刺客

remorseless 词性/词形变化,remorseless变形

副词: remorselessly |名词: remorselessness |

remorseless 相似词语短语

1、horseless ─── adj.无马的;不用马的;自行推进的

2、remorselessness ─── 悔恨

3、unremorseless ─── 无情的

4、reverseless ─── 不可逆的

5、recureless ─── 复发的

6、remorsefulness ─── 悔恨

7、responseless ─── adj.没有反应的

8、remorselessly ─── adv.无悔意地;冷酷地

9、remodelers ─── 染色质重塑(生物术语)

remorseless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line ─── 那个工人一辈子只干一种活,即旋紧冷酷无情的装配线上第999号螺丝钉。

2、Dengar was patched together by agents of the Empire and transformed into a remorseless killer. ─── 丹加被帝国探员医治且改造为一位毫无悔意的杀手。

3、Robert is a drummer, with great enthusiasm for rock band, however, was kicked out of the remorseless. ─── 罗伯特是一名鼓手,对于摇滚抱有极大的热情,然而却被乐队毫不留情的踢了出来。

4、Within the hardened carapace beats the heart of a remorseless killer. ─── 他坚固的外壳下跳动的是一颗冷血的杀手之心。

5、"That remorseless government persisted in its flagitious project" (Robert Southey) ─── “残无人道的政府继续着它无耻的计划”(罗伯特·索锡)

6、This is often because they have found ways of bypassing what might seem like the remorseless inevitability of the curve and its slope. ─── 原因多是,这些公司能够找到绕过这些看似无情的经验曲线的方法。

7、Miserable little propitiators of a remorseless Idol, how abject we were to him! ─── 我们在他眼里多么卑贱啊,就像屈服在一尊残忍的偶像下的小小的可怜赎罪人。

8、They reported exchanging fire with “remorseless” enemies, who knew the layout of the hotel well. ─── 报告说他们与 ‘冷酷的’ 敌人交火,并且对方很清楚的知道饭店的布局。

9、Remorseless Attacks: This talent can no longer be triggered by the death of a rogue's target dummy or other pet. ─── 冷酷:此天赋不会由盗贼的无效目标或者其他宠物的死亡触发。

10、Products with good performance and price to win the market, and good service to win the clients, which are the remorseless endeavor direction for Chengdu profit technology Co. Ltd. ─── 以优良性价比的产品来赢得市场,以良好的服务来赢得客户,这是成都普利菲特科技有限公司坚持不懈的努力方向。

11、a remorseless urge, ambition, etc ─── 永无休止的欲望、 野心等.

12、In the remorseless wrinkles of his face; ─── 塔昆脸上那一副颦眉蹙额的神情;

13、The remorseless demolition of wretched homes and lives by a mighty high-tech war machine cannot but cause grief and outrage in any decent onlooker. ─── 在任何一个正派的旁观者看来,用威力强大的高科技战争武器无情地摧毁破旧的房屋和脆弱的生命只能引起悲痛和义愤。

14、Unemployment continued its remorseless rise. ─── 失业率持续上升。

15、When he had traveled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump, thump, thump, and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy. ─── 每走几分钟,心脏就突突突地跳动,然后就一上一下剧烈地,令人疼痛地跳动,这使他都喘不过气来,头昏眼花。

16、What happened yesterday has become a history.A glorious future needs to be realized by hardheaded and remorseless working from now on.I has great confidence that every man have his gift. ─── 昨天已成为历史,未来的辉煌要靠今天的脚踏实地、坚持不懈地努力去实现,我坚定地认为:天生我才必有用!

17、The minister well knew - subtle, but remorseless hypocrite that he was! ─── 牧师深知这一切——他是一个多么难以捉摸又懊悔不迭的伪君子啊!

18、2. I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest. ─── 我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。

19、“He is the most courageous, remorseless writer going and the more he grinds my nose in the shit the more I am thankful to him,” British playwright Harold Pinter once said of Beckett. ─── 英国剧作家品特曾经谈到贝克特:“他是当今最英勇无畏、不屈不挠的作家,他越是让我接受现实的丑恶,我越感激他。”

20、Just like remorseless Torrence who achieves her goal with all her possible efforts, we have to be devoted in creating a pleasant home. ─── 一如坚强的托兰丝用尽所有的努力和汗水最终迎来的美好结局,我们对家的营造也需要经历付诸心血的过程。

21、You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr.Dufresne.It chills my blood just to look at you. ─── “你的无情和冷血令我震惊,杜弗兰先生,只是看着你就使我不寒而僳。

22、1.When he had travelled a few minutes it would begin a remorseless thump, thump, thump, and then leap up and away in a painful flutter of beats that choked him and made him go faint and dizzy. ─── 每走几分钟,它就会怦、怦、怦地狂跳不止,然后还要演变成一阵持续的、痛苦的上窜下跳的撞击,几乎让他窒息了,令他感到虚弱而眩晕。

23、Seal fate dagger with full remorseless finally becomes a dream build with ZG trinkets, this is the spec in all of its glory. ─── ZG饰品的出现使封印命运匕首贼加满冷酷的天赋成为一个非常理想的天赋。尤其是一套荣誉装的时候。

24、The decline in credit ratings has been remorseless over the past couple of decades. ─── 信用评级已在过去的几十年里无情地下降。

25、Urborg Drake attacks each turn if able.Relentless as the sea, remorseless as death. ─── 飞行 乌尔博格龙兽每回合若可攻击,则须进行攻击。

26、Riding into combat, wielding a mace and wearing chainmail armour, these knights are fuelled by the desire to avenge their fallen brethren who lost their lives to remorseless Pagans. ─── 骑士们身穿链甲,挥舞狼牙棒奋勇厮杀,心中充满为同僚复仇的怒火,哪怕付出生命亦在所不惜。

27、Admittedly, werewolves from other tribes are often shocked by their violent and remorseless behavior, even toward other Garou. ─── 其他部族的狼人总是会被他们英勇无畏、冷酷无情的做法镇住,即使他们也变成了狼型。

28、She emerged from her training a deadly, remorseless killer, seeking revenge for all who had wronged her in the past. ─── 她决心向所有曾经待她不公的人复仇。

29、The computer is an invaluably remorseless master: harsh, sometimes to the point of causing you to tear your hair out, but never unfair. ─── 计算机可以说是一位铁面无情的大师:严酷,有时甚至会让你抓狂,但绝对公平。

30、remorseless cruelty ─── 残酷无情的虐待.

31、Using data from our patients and working together with mathematicians, we proved that HIV replication in vivo was rapid and remorseless ─── 我们根据从病人身上取得的数据,与数学家密切合作,证明了艾滋病毒在不断迅速地自行复制。

32、But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence. ─── 但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕生活、又要适应捉襟见肘的生活,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的生活更有益成长。

33、He said that you should remorseless until you can't persist any more, then it is what you are. ─── 他说:你只要比别人多坚持一点,等到实在坚持不下去了,你就已经显露出来了。

34、Our poor emmy, who had never hated, never sneered all her life, was powerless in the hands of her remorseless little enemy ─── 我们可怜的爱米一辈子不记恨,不会说带刺的话,碰见了这么毒辣的冤家一点办法都没有。

35、certainly a speedy, violent death would be a fine means of deceiving these remorseless enemies, who appeared to pursue him with such incomprehensible vengeance. ─── 噢,是的,这些残酷的敌人既然用这无法理解的手段来迫害他,那么,迅速的突然的死去,可算是一种报复他们的好方法。

36、Furthermore, it states the determined position and remorseless struggle which the IOC and our Chinese government hold against using stimulant.The aim is to have maxi... ─── 阐述了国际奥委会反兴奋剂的鲜明态度,以及我国政府反对使用兴奋剂的坚决立场和不懈努力。

37、The hour the savage usually chose for his most barbarous and remorseless acts of vengeance or hostility, was speedily drawing near ─── 那班野蛮人通常选来进行最残酷无情的复仇或战斗的时刻,很快就要到了。

38、A remorseless assassin suffers severe head trauma and begins to hallucinate, becoming haunted by her victims. ─── 如果你喜欢该音乐或影片文档等资源,应该尊重知识产权,打击翻版,去购买正版;

39、Our poor Emmy, who had never hated, never sneered all her life, was powerless in the hands of her remorseless little enemy. ─── 我们可怜的爱米一辈子不记恨,不会说带刺的话,碰见了这么毒辣的冤家一点办法都没有。

40、I don't know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven percent interest. ─── 我不知道在这地球上还有什么东西是比七厘利息更无情的。

41、But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence. ─── 但至少,被迫既要适应丰裕糊口、又要适应捉襟见肘的糊口,比过着不知悔改、放纵无度的糊口更有益成长。

42、But she remembered the face of Archie in the lumber office, the cold, pale eye, remorseless, full of hate for her and all women. ─── 可是她又记起了阿尔奇的木场办事房时的那副脸孔,那双冷酷、阴险、残忍的眼睛里充满着对她和一切妇女的仇恨。

43、This is often because they have found ways of bypassing what might seem like the remorseless inevitability of the curve and its slope. ─── 原因多是,这些公司能够找到绕过这些看似无情的经验曲线的方法。

44、Exuding a restless, untamed energy, the heart of the country is at once remote, remorseless and magnificent. ─── 流出不安静又不能抑制的能源,国家的心是立刻遥远、无慈悲而且出色的。

45、remorseless rise in unemployment ─── 不断上升的失业率

46、He was vain of that unwavering obstinacy which no influence of love or pity had ever been known to bend from its remorseless purpose. ─── 他固执得毫不动摇,从未听说过爱情和同情的影响使他背离残忍的目标,而且他以这种固执自负。

47、Diligence belongs to these people, who cherish and treasure time, are a man with his feet on the ground and punctilious, remorseless and persistent, and who have courage to explore and innovate. ─── 勤奋属于珍惜时间、爱惜光阴的人,属于脚踏实地、一丝不苟的人,属于坚持不懈、持之以恒的人,属于勇于探索、勇于创新的人。

48、Exuding a restless, untamed energy, the heart of the country is at once remote, remorseless and magnificent. ─── 它曾是这个国家的心脏地带,蕴含着不安分的,不受驾驭的野性力量,遥远、坚毅、不屈不挠却又宏伟壮丽。

49、Grace's silence and the remorseless emptiness of the spaces they had crossed made Annie feel suddenly, terribly alone. ─── 克蕾丝的沉默和这一路上一处处空荡荡的景物,突然间让安妮感到寂寞得吓人。

50、The clang and tumult were still going on, and the remorseless fires were burning fiercely as before ─── 铿锵声和喧嚣声仍在继续,无情的怒火和先前一样凶猛地燃烧着。

51、The remorseless sea of turbulently swaying shapes, voices of vengeance, and faces hardened in the furnaces of suffering until the touch of pity could make no mark on them. ─── 激烈地震荡着的毫不内疚的人的海洋,复仇的呼号,经过苦难的熔炉锻炼得僵硬的脸,在那脸上怜悯再也留不下痕迹。

52、These could be written off as temporary factors hitting supply if it weren't for a remorseless increase in demand. ─── 这些也许会被看作是暂时性打击,而不会对供应产生持续性影响。

53、Like all true farce, the coming denouement would proceed with remorseless logic from its ridiculous premise: that Dooku could ever be overcome by mere Jedi.Any Jedi. ─── 正如所有的闹剧,即将到来的结局将会顺着一个构建在可笑前提上的无情逻辑进行:杜库根本不会被区区绝地打败,不论任何绝地。

54、a remorseless killer ─── 残酷的杀手

55、the remorseless increase in crime ─── 犯罪的持续增长

56、The Second Opium War was waged over trade and came after remorseless attempts to force China’s doors to open more widely to the West. ─── 第二次鸦片战争是因贸易问题而引起的战争。在多次要求中国对西方更开放其市场而不成之后,战争开始了。

57、No, he hath not escaped the fires, the consuming, unpitying, remorseless fires--and they are everlasting! ─── 不,他逃不了永恒的火,那熊熊燃烧的、无情的、没有慈悲的大火——而且它永远不会熄灭!

58、Remorseless Attacks: This talent can no longer be triggered by the death of a rogue's target dummy or other pet. ─── 冷酷:此天赋不会由盗贼的无效目标或者其他宠物的死亡触发。

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