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09-16 投稿



internecine 发音

英:[ˌɪntərˈniːsn]  美:[ˌɪntəˈniːsaɪn]

英:  美:

internecine 中文意思翻译



internecine 短语词组

1、internecine squabble ─── 自相残杀的争吵

2、internecine struggle ─── 窝里斗

3、internecine feuds and strifes ─── 自相残杀的世仇和纷争

4、internecine strife ─── 自相残杀

5、internecine squabbles ─── 自相残杀的争吵

6、internecine warfare ─── 自相残杀的战争

7、internecine fracas ─── 弱自相残杀

8、internecine war ─── 同室操戈

internecine 相似词语短语

1、interning ─── n.实习生,实习医师;vt.拘留,软禁;vi.作实习医师

2、interfacing ─── v.(使通过界面或接口)接合,连接;与……相互联系(或交流)(interface的现在分词);n.(尤用于衣领)内衬,衬布

3、internee ─── n.被拘留者(尤指战俘或敌侨)

4、internalise ─── v.(使)(态度、行为)成为本性的一部分;(使)内化;把(社会成本)内化(计入定价机制)

5、interdine ─── 共餐

6、interlacing ─── n.交错,隔行;隔行扫描;v.交错,交织(interlace现在分词)

7、interline ─── v.(在文本行与行之前)插入(或书写、印刷)词语;织物与普通衬里间加衬布;adj.联运的

8、internalize ─── vt.使(习俗等经吸收同化而)内在化;使藏在心底

9、internecive ─── 自相残杀的

internecine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since then, Somalia has rotted away, a victim of international indifference and its own internecine history. ─── 从此,索马里便自生自灭——饱受国际上的漠视,国内也长久经历着自相残杀的过程。

2、In more recent times, we have seen partisan warfare spring up during the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Yugoslav national war and the internecine strife in Greece. ─── 本世纪的俄国十月革命,西班牙内战,南斯拉夫卫国战争和希腊内战,也是游击战。

3、This situation motivated local intellectuals to elaborate a system of common values and a sense of internecine sympathy. ─── 而社会地位的不同,也决定了地域知识分子形成共同价值观,社会关怀的体系。

4、internecine strife, war, conflict, etc ─── 两败俱伤的争斗、 战争、 冲突等.

5、In recent years, however, port construction increasingly presents blindness and randomness, and the competition among the ports becomes more and more vehement and the result is usually internecine. ─── 近年来,我国港口建设与发展日益暴露出盲目性、随意性,港口之间的竞争也越来越走向两败俱伤的结果。

6、The internecine strife was caused by a shortage of food. ─── 这次内部冲突,是由于食物匮乏而引致的。

7、Semi-final Wang Hao with the Gelinka internecine strife, Malone will have encountered the Pohl. ─── 半决赛王皓将与格林卡火拼,马龙则遭遇了波尔。

8、Calgar is a proud man, a trait that has earned him more than a fair share of enemies within the Imperium`s internecine politics. ─── 卡尔加是一个骄傲自豪的人,这使他在帝国内部政治中树立了很多敌人。

9、Republicans outnumber Democrats in Kansas, but in recent years they have been more interested in internecine combat than in fighting the opposition. ─── 在堪萨斯州共和党人多于民主党人,但是最近几年,他们一直更感兴趣的是自相残杀的打斗而不是打击反对党。

10、Mutual annihilation, internecine ─── 自相残杀

11、Therefore, is unavoidable the internecine strife started. ─── 于是,一场在所难免的火拼开始了。

12、My digital-storage problems had become so internecine that I didn't stop to consider my photos' vulnerability until it was too late. ─── 我的数字存储问题就是这么互为牵绊,我都没有来得及去考虑我手机上照片的脆弱性。

13、There has been none of the internecine warfare which riddled the Clinton campaign and is now erupting within the McCain camp even before they know for certain that they've lost. ─── 那些上演在克林顿阵营和眼下爆发在麦凯恩阵营内部的窝里斗(甚至在他们确信自己大势已去之前就发生了),都从未在奥巴马的团队中出现过。

14、At the behest of his mother, he sails downstream in a raft and comes to place known as Yilihada where he successfully stops an internecine war among three Manchu tribes and is voted the chieftain of all three. ─── 他遵照母亲的嘱咐,乘坐筏子顺流而下,来到依立哈达地方,平息了这里的战乱,结束了3个部族的械斗,被推举为三族的首领。

15、an internecine feud among proxy holders. ─── 代理持有者之间的内部不和。

16、65.The assumption that the moment you have a more open society you invite internecine strife underpins the conservatism of the military. ─── 一个较为开放的社会一旦形成,立刻就会爆发相互残杀的内讧--这种臆断,乃是军方保守立场的确证。

17、Baldwin's personal and literary patricides brought about internecine both to Wright and himself, but it is an indispensable tache in the African-American literature progress, so its positive significance must never be overlooked. ─── “弑父”使赖特和鲍德温两败俱伤,具有浓烈悲剧色彩,但它是美国黑人文学发展过程中的一个必然环节,客观上具有积极意义。

18、But after the final internecine strife's victor may become Mai Chengcheng the host, thus enjoys some preferential benefits which the wheat city brings. ─── 而最终火拼后的胜利者就可以成为麦城城主,从而享受麦城带来的一些优惠。

19、When they realize they face extremity, the victims will take an internecine measure to help them. ─── 在意识到面临绝境的时候,村民很可能采取“两败俱伤”的自力救济行为。

20、Feeling certain that she alone could save Greece from a possible internecine strife, she was ready to die a noble death ─── 知道自己一人就可以免却一场内讧,挽救希腊,伊菲革尼亚决定光荣献身。

21、internecine strife among the nationalities of the empire ─── 帝国中各民族间的纷争

22、The internecine strife was caused by a shortage of food. ─── 这次内部冲突,是由于食物匮乏而引致的。

23、internecine struggles/warfare/feuds ─── 内部斗争;内战;内部世仇

24、Should go all out in the home decadent, internecine when, rest stop doing sth, outside seeing a window, be good time light. ─── “Made in China”可能是中国家电业的出路。当在家中拼得昏天黑地,两败俱伤时,歇歇手,看看窗外,正是好辰光。

25、bitter internecine feuds ─── 不共戴天之仇

26、With luck, Thailand's political elite has tired of its internecine strife, and normal parliamentary politics are about to resume. ─── 幸运的话,泰国的政治精英们厌倦了内部你争我斗,那么便有望恢复正常的议会政治。

27、everything that has gone wrong at Microsoft is due to internecine warfare. ─── 微软的所有失败并不都是由于内耗。

28、5.Archeological evidence points to a multitude of factors, including internecine warfare, the loss of trade routes, drought, and disease. ─── 考古上的证据有很多种,包括内战,贸易途径的消失,干旱和疾病。

29、Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practitioners dwindled their numbers. ─── 渴望获得能力的西斯成员陷入自相残杀的困境中,数量也逐渐减少。

30、Their activities turn all too quickly into a theoretical, nit-picking discussion about politically correct language, complete with internecine feuds between different lobbies. ─── 他们的活动使这一切很快进入了理论的、吹毛求疵的关于政治上正确的方式的讨论之中。最后则以不同游说团两败俱伤的不和而收场。

31、internecine a. ─── 两败俱伤的;

32、A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed. ─── 一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。

33、Premature departure, what doesn't Lei Jun take, harm golden hill again, bring about internecine, this also is the reason that contradiction did not erupt all the time. ─── 过早分开,雷军拿不到什么,又伤害金山,导致两败俱伤,这也是矛盾一直没有爆发的原因。

34、Once in power, their lack of cohesion led to internecine squabbles, which in turn were exploited by Mrs Gandhi, leading to Janata's downfall ─── 一旦掌了权,他们之间的龃龉就导致内部的互相攻讦。甘地夫人利用这一点搞垮了人民党的政府。

35、Chinese politics has become increasingly institutionalized, the elite are more pragmatic, and top leaders want to avoid a perception of internecine feuding. ─── 中国政治已经变的越来越制度化,精英们变得越来越务实,最高领导者也不想给人以长期内部不和的感觉。

36、Strife was internecine during the next fortnight ─── 在以后两个星期的冲突中我们两败俱伤。

37、Compared with the tangible one, the information product has its own speciality.The competitive method of price war that Fountain Co. used before will only bring the internecine result. ─── 信息产品与有形产品相比有其自身的特点,国商公司原有的以价格战为主的竞争手段只能带来两败俱伤的结果。

38、A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed. ─── 一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。

39、This kind " inside bad news " , make factory of each wife and children gets tired of " argue " , internecine. ─── 这种“内耗”,使得各家小厂疲于“较量”,两败俱伤。

40、The inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are caught in a maelstrom of internecine feuding between gunmen of Hamas and its Fatah rivals, loth to accept the electoral defeat they suffered earlier this year. ─── 由于不愿意接受今年年初遭受的选举失败,哈马斯的世仇对手法塔赫与持枪的哈马斯成员在加沙城不断进行械斗,加沙居民深受这种械斗之苦。

41、According to the memo, Bush also “thought it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups” in Iraq once Saddam was removed from power. ─── 根据这份备忘录所说,布什同样“认为在不同的宗教与种族族群之间不会有自相残杀的战争”一旦萨达姆在伊拉克失去权势。

42、The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth. ─── 对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth。

43、When Rich Bower decides to leave behind his life of crime and re-invent himself as a hip-hop impresario, he is confronted for the first time by the internecine dealings of the while world. ─── 黑人理治从事不法勾当多年,一日浪子回头,决定金盘洗手;

44、Therefore, is unavoidable the internecine strife started. ─── 于是,一场在所难免的火拼开始了。

45、Mr Zuma may plead that he is too busy trying to heal divisions in the ANC after its own recent internecine battles. ─── 但是祖马也许会以忙于治愈非国大内部争斗造成的分裂为借口,延缓接受进程。

46、The once, seem to be miserable, eventually internecine. ─── 那个曾经,似乎惨不忍睹,最终两败俱伤。

47、Feeling certain that she alone could save Greece from a possible internecine strife, she was ready to die a noble death. ─── 知道自己一人就可以免却一场内讧,挽救希腊,伊菲革尼亚决定光荣献身。

48、In those days, the LDP could afford to settle internecine struggles through national elections under the solid one-party rule called the "1955 regime" after the year when the party was founded. ─── 那时,自民党能够通过全国大选来平息内讧。自民党自1955年成立以来,就被称为“1955政权”,是唯一的执政党。

49、With luck, Thailand's political elite has tired of its internecine strife, and normal parliamentary politics are about to resume. ─── 幸运的是,泰国的政治精英已经厌烦了内部的斗争,正常的议会政治开始恢复。

50、internecine strife ─── 自相残杀的斗争

51、internecine battles ─── 内战

52、"Internecine", song for novel, "True Love Story", When the couples are dating, every times they argue about should they hug or hand in hand...until the end ... ─── "两败俱伤",小说"真实爱情故事"的插曲.男主角和女朋友在外出时,每一次都为了该牵手还是拥抱.一直吵...到最后...

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