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homological 发音

英:[ˌhoʊmoʊˈlɑːdʒɪkəl]  美:[hɒməˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l]

英:  美:

homological 中文意思翻译



homological 短语词组

1、homological algebra ─── 同调代数

2、homological anatomy ─── [医] 相关部位解剖学

3、homological equation ─── 同调方程

4、homological containment ─── 同质遏制

5、homological dimension ─── 同调维数

homological 词性/词形变化,homological变形

副词: homologically |异体字: homologic |

homological 相似词语短语

1、chorological ─── adj.分布学的

2、pomological ─── 果树栽培学的(pomology的变体)

3、horological ─── adj.钟表的;钟表术的

4、nomological ─── adj.法理学的;法则论的

5、homologically ─── 同调

6、hymnological ─── 处女膜学

7、cohomological ─── 上同调

8、cosmological ─── adj.宇宙论的;宇宙哲学的

9、phonological ─── adj.音韵学的

homological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、homological identification ─── 同源性鉴定


3、human mutS homolog 2 ─── hMSH2基因

4、Conclusions OMP28 is highly homological and characterized by stable antigen. ─── 结论布鲁杆菌omp28基因高度保守,具稳定的抗原特征。

5、isomer homolog ─── 异构体同系物

6、Screening for differentially expressed genes of intestinal epithelial cells derived from mice with mild intestinal type of radiation sickness with high homological primer DDRT-PCR ─── 小鼠轻型肠型放射病肠上皮细胞差异表达基因的筛选研究

7、given a ring or module , one can define various homological dimensions by resolving the modules. ─── 给定一个环或模,人们通过环和模的多种不同分解式,可以定义不同的同调维数。

8、Keywords phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome10;green fluorescent protein;Golgi body; ─── 关键词磷酸酶及张力蛋白同源体;绿色荧光蛋白;高尔基体;

9、Isolation and Sequence Analysis of a Full-length NBS Class of Resistance Gene Homolog from Soybean ─── 大豆NBS类抗病相关基因的克隆与序列分析

10、Phophatase and tonsin homolog detected on chromosome 10 ─── 张力蛋白同源酶基因

11、Glioma cells with mutation in a specific gene called the phosphatase and tensin homolog gene, or PTEN, seemed more resistant to the immune system than glioma cells with normal PTEN function. ─── 带有称作磷酸酶-张力蛋白基因(PTEN)突变的胶质瘤细胞,对免疫系统要比PTEN功能正常的胶质瘤细胞,看上去更有抗药性。

12、Results from Blast analysis revealed 14,20,23 and 19 homolog genes in 4-w forward,4-w reverse,8-w forward and 8-w reverse subtractive libraries,respectively. ─── 同源性分析结果提示4周正向文库得到14个同源基因,4周反向文库得到20个同源基因,8周正向文库得到23个同源基因,8周反向文库得到19个同源基因。

13、It is homological with the sequence of gene that coded ZPT4-4 and RPH8A. ─── 和水稻的编码ZPT4-4的基因有较高同源性;

14、The s271 homolog isolated was a partial cDNA sequence and also encoded a polypeptide homologous to an Arabidopsis protein. ─── 5271的同源序列的编码区不完整,所编码的多肤与拟南芥一个未知蛋白同源.

15、homological functor ─── 同调函子

16、The numerical calculations show that the quasi-SU(1,1) coherent state exhibits the sub-Poisson character.this is a pure quantum effect,and is not classical homolog. ─── 数值计算显示准SU(1,1)相干态呈亚泊松分布,这是没有经典对应的量子特性.

17、Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten protein ─── PTEN蛋白

18、homological algebra ─── 同碟数同调代数

19、In the dosage compensation pathway, no homolog of genes msl1 and msl2 were found while the one of the rest three genes msl3, mle and mof were found, which was confirmed that mechanism of dosage compensation is lacking in silkworm. ─── 在剂量补偿途径中,3个基因msl3、mle和mof在家蚕中具有同源体,msl1和msl2基因在家蚕没有同源体,这进一步证明了家蚕缺乏剂量补偿机制;

20、Expression of the immunosuppressive protein B7 homolog 1 (B7-H1), also known as programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1), is increased in many pathological conditions, including cancer. ─── 免疫抑制蛋白B7同系物1(B7-H1),亦称程序性死亡配体1(PD-L1)在包括癌症等许多病变中表达增高。

21、Modern algebras, Homological algebras, Representation theory of algebras, Lie algebras, Hopf algebras. ─── 教课领域:近世代数, 同调代数, 代数表示, 李代数,Hopf代数;

22、NPR1 homolog gene ─── NPR1同源基因

23、Cloning and Analysis of a Disease Resistance Gene Homolog from Soybean ─── 大豆抗病基因同源序列的克隆与分析

24、A PRELIMINARY COMPARISON OF THE HOMOLOG OF TRYPSIN-GIEMSA BANDING OF CHROMOSOMES AMONG MAN, GOLDEN MONKEY (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) AND RHESUS MONKEY (Macaca mulatta) ─── 人(Homo sapiens)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)和恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)染色体同源性的初步比较

25、Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten(PTEN) ─── 与细胞骨架蛋白tensin同源的在肿瘤的10号染色体有缺失的磷脂酶

26、The homological quadratic form ─── 同调二次型

27、The heat of formation for several homolog seriers of organic compounds has first been determined using gas chromatography method in this paper. ─── 本文首次用气相色谱法测定了几个同系列有机化合物的生成热。

28、enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) ─── zeste基因

29、In this article, we generalize some homological properties of connected graded algebras to more general graded algebras. ─── 本文将前人的关于连通分次代数的一些结论推广到零阶部分为 Artin 半单环的正分次代数上。

30、The ORF-1 gene only esisted among PrV and EHV-1 Ab4 strain, that the homolog of the two strain was 35%. ─── ORF-1基因只存在于PrV和EHV-1 Ab4株中,二者氨基酸同源性为35%。

31、And selected homological hydraulic elements, drawned up the assembly pictures and the charts of major parts according to the calculation and flow analysis. ─── 并根据计算及流量分析选取了相应的液压元件,画出了液压缸及整个系统的装配图及主要零件图。

32、Abstract : Abstract In this paper, we investigate the difference between PS-ring and nonsingular ring, and obtain a formula of the homological dimensions. ─── 摘要 : 本文刻划了PS-环与非奇异环的差距,给出了一个计算同调维数的公式.

33、Homological algebra plays such an important part in modern developments. ─── 同调代数在现代发展中起了如此重要的作用。

34、In this paper we generalize the theory of local duality and discuss the homological dimension of modules of finite length. ─── 本文推广了局部对偶理论并讨论了长度为有限的模的同调维数.

35、Rabla homolog ─── Rab1a

36、Almost Excellent Extensions and Homological Dimensions ─── 几乎优越扩张与同调维数

37、Zhang Yin, Zhou JC, Zhou JN.On homological nerve's reflex of No.3 vertebra transverse process syndrome[J].The Journal of Cervicodynia and Lumbodynia, 2002, 23(1):7 (Chinese). ─── [3]章瑛,周锦财,周江南.腰三横突综合征的同根神经反射现象[J].颈腰痛杂志,2002,23 (1):7.

38、human MutS homolog 2 gene ─── hMSH2

39、In chapter 1, we study the injective test sets and homological dimensions. ─── 在第一章,我们研究了内射测试集和同调维数。

40、crylAc homolog ─── cry1Ac同源基因

41、9. (2)There were 420 up-regulated genes and 552 down-regulated genes among 2-fold DEGs,including DKK1(dickkopf homolog 1)which was 5- fold up-regulated; ─── 2倍差异表达基因中,上调基因共420个,下调基因共552个,其中包括5倍上调基因DKK1;收藏指正

42、Simultaneously, we conducted examinations on the homolog) of serum, the results showed that the tested 12 strains have the same O-antigen and the same K-antigen. ─── 同时对该菌的血清型进行了检定,表明12株菌具有同种的K抗原和同种的O抗原(血清同源);

43、Functional genomics uses as its starting point the isolated gene whose function is to be determined, and then selects a model organism in which a homolog of that gene exists. ─── 功能基因组用功能不明的分离基因作为起始点,然后选择具有该同源基因的生物模型。

44、Abstract: In this paper we generalize the theory of local duality and discuss the homological dimension of modules of finite length. ─── 文摘:本文推广了局部对偶理论并讨论了长度为有限的模的同调维数.

45、Homological tetraploid ─── 同源四倍体

46、Keywords homolog;molecular weight;the heat of vaporization;empirical rule; ─── 同系物;相对分子质量;蒸发热;经验规则;

47、coherent ring,WQF-ring,GIF-ring, homological equation,strongly almost excellent extension. ─── 凝聚环;WQF-环;GIF-环;同调方程;强几乎优越扩张

48、Homological Proof of the Structure Theorem of Finity Abel Group ─── 有限阶Abel群结构定理的同调证明

49、At fertilization each parent contributes one homolog of each pair, thus restoring the diploid chromosome number in the zygote. ─── 所以每一个亲本只贡献一条染色体给受精卵,这样就保证了受精卵依然是二倍体。

50、Prediction of lowly homological protein secondary structure is still a difficult problem up to now. ─── 低同源蛋白质的二级结构预测至今仍然是一个困难的问题。


52、The rodent gene researchers investigated is the human homolog of ALAD gene, named DBA and C57, but it cannot precisely replicate the polymorphism of ALAD in humans. ─── 将来的工作:有研究报道用大鼠模型研究铅生物蓄积的遗传易感性,但所用的大鼠基因只是人类ALAD基因的类似物,名为DBA和C57,这两种基因都不能准确代表人类ALAD基因及其多态性。

53、To prevent effects of homological deviation caused by common method variance, questionnaires were divided into two parts: self-evaluation questionnaires and colleague evaluation questionnaires. ─── 另一则是以个体外在工作行为面之观点探究员工因执行情绪劳务产生情绪耗竭对工作行为之角色分析。

54、homological invariant ─── 同祷变量

55、structure of R with small homological dimension is discussed. ─── 讨论论了R在小同调维数时的结构。

56、higher homolog ─── [化] 高级同系物

57、In this paper we generalize the theory of local duality and discuss the homological dimension of modules of finite length. ─── 本文推广了局部对偶理论并讨论了长度为有限的模的同调维数。

58、homological dimension ─── 同惮数同调维数

59、Homological analysis of small antibiotic resistance plasmids from two hospitals ─── 两所医院绿脓杆菌耐药小质粒同源性分析

60、A Course in Homological Algebra ─── 同调代数教程

61、homological properties ─── 同调性质

62、homological figures ─── 同源图形

63、A Course in Homological Algebra by P.J.Hilton,U. ─── Stammbach:经典全面的同调代数参考书;

64、The homolog of the PPO gene among different chestnut plants was 98%-99% in nucleotide acid and 86%-99% in amino acid respectively. ─── 板栗不同材料间PPO基因核苷酸序列和氨基酸序列同源性分别为98%-99%和97%-99%;

65、homological mapping ─── 同调映射

66、homological containment ─── 同调包含

67、homolog gene ─── 同源基因

68、Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 ─── EZH2基因

69、Swat and colleagues found a similar condition in mice after the gene for a protein known as discs-large homolog 1 (DLGH1) was disabled. ─── 斯瓦特和他的同事发现了类似的情况后,在小鼠基因的蛋白质被称为光盘大同源1 ( DLGH1 )被禁用。

70、4. Homological algebra plays such an important part in modern developments. ─── 同调代数在现代发展中起了如此重要的作用。

71、Homological Dimensions of Finite G-Graded Semisimple Modules ─── 有限G-分次半单模的同调维数

72、Keywords GBV C genome;PBMC DNA;PCR;Sequencing;Homological analysis; ─── GB病毒C型基因组;外周血单个核细胞DNA;聚合酶链反应;核苷酸序列;

73、An Introduction to homological algebra ─── 同调代数导论

74、Homolog labeling ─── 同系物标记

75、the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on the chromosome 10 ─── PTEN

76、There were 420 up-regulated genes and 552 down-regulated genes among 2-fold DEGs,including DKK1(dickkopf homolog 1)which was 5- fold up-regulated; ─── 2倍差异表达基因中,上调基因共420个,下调基因共552个,其中包括5倍上调基因DKK1;

77、Phosphatase and tension homolog deteted on chromosome ten ─── PIEN基因

78、Abstract Objective To investigate the expression and significance of epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR) and phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN) in meningiomas. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨脑膜瘤组织中表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)和人10号染色体上缺失的磷酸酶和张力蛋白类似物(PTEN)表达的相互关系及意义。

79、Discs large homolog 5 ─── DLG5

80、homological nontrivial critical point ─── 同调非平凡临界点

81、Mapping based cloning identified ABO1 gene which encodes a homolog of animal IKAP (IkB Kinase-Associated Protein) protein. ─── 利用图位克隆鉴定出ABO1基因编码一个动物IKAP(IkB Kinas-Associated Protein)的同系物蛋白。

82、Conclusions There exists a close relationship between No. 3 vertebral transverse process syndrome and homological nerves refl. . . ─── 结论第三腰椎横突综合征的发病过程与其同根神经反射现象存在着密切关系。

83、Keywords Thinopyrum intermedium;wheat;Ae.squarrosa;Blumeria graminis;R..cerealisis;NPR1 homolog genes TiNH1;regulative response;Transient expression system;retrotransposons;transcription; ─── 中间偃麦草;粗山羊草;小麦;小麦白粉病菌;小麦纹枯病菌;NPR1类似基因NH1;调控反应;瞬间表达系统;增强抗性;反转录转座子;转录;

84、Therefore, we could analyzed generations background by heterozagous markers of their female parents without using homological markers in order to saving lots of analysis time and cost. ─── 因此,在背景选择中,可以仅对上一个回交世代的杂合标记进行分析,无需对纯合标记进行分析,以节约大量的分析时间和成本。

85、Through BLASTX, it was homological with a protein named hypothetical protein. 4、Z4 was highly similar to (98%) the nucleotide sequences of PAC clone from chromosome 1, oryza sativa genomic DNA. ─── 4、片段Z4:该片段与水稻基因组第1号染色体PAC克隆的一段序列同源性为98%,可能为新的基因片段。

86、Objective To study the homological nerves reflex of No. 3 vertebra transverse process syndrome in order to understand it better. ─── 目的探讨第三腰椎横突综合征中的同根神经反射现象。更进一步认识第三腰椎横突综合征。

87、Rab11 homolog ─── Rab11鸟苷三磷酸酶GTP酶

88、enhancer ofzesle homolog 2 ─── 果蝇Zesle基因增强子2

89、7、Methods of Homological Algebra by Sergei I.Gelfand, Yuri I. ─── Manin:高级、经典的同调代数参考书;

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