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09-16 投稿



unmerciful 发音

[ʌn'mɜːsɪfʊl; -f(ə)l]

英:  美:

unmerciful 中文意思翻译



unmerciful 网络释义

adj. 无情的;不仁慈的;残酷的

unmerciful 词性/词形变化,unmerciful变形

副词: unmercifully |名词: unmercifulness |

unmerciful 相似词语短语

1、unbeautiful ─── adj.不美的;丑陋的

2、unmercifully ─── 不仁慈地;残酷地

3、merciful ─── adj.仁慈的;慈悲的;宽容的

4、undutiful ─── adj.不顺从的;未尽职的;不孝的

5、mercifully ─── adv.仁慈地

6、unmercifulness ─── 无情

7、unmirthful ─── 不正之风

8、mercify ─── 仁慈

9、unmeaningful ─── adj.没有意义的;不重要的

unmerciful 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She showed an unmerciful look to me when I siad to her. ─── 我对她说话时,她表情冷酷。

2、Maybe that is fate, uncertain, unmerciful, but hard to predict.Things are not always bad. ─── 也许这正折射了命运的无常吧,而无常未必是坏事。

3、One day , however , it is trampled by the unmerciful warfare . ─── 有一天,它却被战争的车轮无情践踏。

4、31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving,[d] unmerciful; ─── 31无知的、背约的、无亲情的、不怜悯人的。

5、History is both fair and unmerciful. ─── 历史既公正,又无情。

6、Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: ─── 无知的,背约的,无亲情的,不怜悯人的。

7、You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial Wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial Lamb. ─── 你们看到了一只凶恶的、贪婪的、残忍的金融狼,俯视着一只畏缩的、朴实的商业羊。

8、You have a vicious , greedy , unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb . ─── 你们看到了一只凶恶的、贪婪的、残忍的金融狼,俯视着一只畏缩的、朴实的商业羊。

9、It is unprrejudiced and unmerciful. ─── 不可理喻,残酷无情!

10、Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence. ─── 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。

11、They chatted for an unmerciful length of time. ─── 他们聊了一个过分长的时间。

12、The fifth chapter is “ unmerciful history”. ─── 第五章“‘历史无情’”。

13、for nature cannot direct us to be good and kind to others, and yet at the same time to be unmerciful and cruel to ourselves. ─── 要么它是一桩好事,倘若如此,我们就不单可以、而且应该帮助人们追求它,这么说来,为什么一个人不能从一己开始设想呢?

14、However, time just pass.Being unmerciful to any individual life. ─── 时间是心中的一滴水,干涸,那是随即而至的解构过程。

15、His caritative articles well expressed his loyalty to the unmerciful world and his role of lover to the inconstant daily life.No one devotes his love to the world than him. ─── 他饱蘸博爱的浓墨为世界这个无情者书写着忠诚,为反复无常的生活充当着情人,没有谁像他那样对世界奉献着爱。

16、When the Church does this, some like to make the accusation against her that she is unmerciful, that she is exclusionary. ─── 当教会真的这样做的时候,就有人会责难教会不够慈悲,排除异己。

17、They chatted for an unmerciful length of time. ─── 他们聊了一个过分长的时间。

18、Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence. ─── 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。

19、Hence, the well-being index continues to decline.Where we live is not a brilliant world, but a crazy, bloody, cold and unmerciful world.Those paintings are natural and unrestrained. ─── 更重要的是我们面对这些作品时不得不重新正视现实与历史,我们不禁要问:我们这个社会真的和谐吗?

20、Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. ─── 此外,你会十分残忍地对待自己及你的弱点。

21、You have a vicious, greedy, unmerciful financial wolf standing over a cowering, unsophisticated commercial lamb ─── 你们看到了一只凶恶的、贪婪的、残忍的金融狼,俯视着一只畏缩的、朴实的商业羊。

22、The time is unmerciful! ─── 岁月无情啊!

23、unmerciful heat. ─── 过度的炎热

24、R: unmerciful mire, lick up the most lovely person in the world! ─── 罗密欧:你无情的泥,吞噬了世上最可爱的人!

25、One day, however, it is trampled by the unmerciful warfare. ─── 有一天,它却被战争的车轮无情践踏。

26、Showing no clemency; unmerciful. ─── 冷酷的表现无情的;

27、Those promises paled when facing the unmerciful fact, for they didn't notice the "responsibility". ─── 无情的现实苍白了忽视“责任”的誓言。

28、On one hand, I fear the unmerciful time that is gradually depriving me of my precious youth; ─── 其次范美忠的此番举动不仅仅是其个人道德水平的外化,更深层原因在于整个社会的风气的影响。

29、Showing no clemency; unmerciful. ─── 冷酷的表现无情的;残忍的

30、without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful: ─── 丧尽天良,言而无信,没有爱心,没有同情心。

31、With the crowd shouting for blood, the battles will be furious and unmerciful in the Arena of Doom! ─── 在命运竞技场里每个人的血都在咆哮,彼此进行着疯狂无情的战斗!

32、Maybe that is fate, uncertain, unmerciful , but hard to predict. Things are not always bad. ─── 也许这正折射了命运的无常吧,而无常未必是坏事。

33、With the crowd shouting for blood, the battles will be furious and unmerciful in the Arena of Doom! ─── 在命运竞技场里每个人的血都在咆哮,彼此进行着疯狂无情的战斗!

34、However,"bad"here doesn't mean acridity,selfish or unmerciful etc.it means glib and fair-spoken. ─── 而是指油嘴滑舌,花言巧语。

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