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09-16 投稿



interconnection 发音

英:[ˌɪntərkəˈnekʃn]  美:[ˌɪntəkəˈnekʃn]

英:  美:

interconnection 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 互连


interconnection 常用词组

interconnection network ─── 互连网络;互连图

interconnection 短语词组

1、interconnection network ─── [计] 互连网络

2、cell interconnection ─── [计] 单元互连

3、interconnection function ─── [计] 互连函数

4、loose interconnection ─── [计] 松散互连, 松散连接

5、interconnection topology ─── [计] 互连布局

6、interconnection diagram ─── [电] 互连图表

7、interconnection method ─── [计] 互连法

8、central interconnection ─── [计] 中央互连

9、distributed interconnection ─── [计] 分布式互连

10、interconnection switch ─── [计] 转接开关

11、emergency interconnection ─── [计] 紧急联络

12、interconnection technique ─── [计] 互连技术, 连接技术

13、interconnection approach ─── [计] 互连法

14、interconnection system ─── [计] 互连式

15、interconnection level ─── [计] 互连级别

16、interconnection matrix ─── [计] 互连矩阵

17、interconnection capacitance ─── 互连电容

18、module interconnection language ─── [计] 模块互连语言

19、carrier-frequency interconnection ─── [电] 载频互连

interconnection 词性/词形变化,interconnection变形


interconnection 相似词语短语

1、interconnections ─── n.相互连接;彼此连系

2、interconnected ─── adj.连通的;有联系的;v.互相连接(interconnect的过去式)

3、interconnect ─── vt.使互相连接;vi.互相联系

4、interconnectors ─── n.联络线路;联焰管;[电]内部连线

5、interconnecting ─── adj.互相连接的;v.使互相连接,使互相联系(interconnect的现在分词)

6、interconnector ─── n.联络线路;联焰管;[电]内部连线

7、interconnexion ─── 互连

8、interconnexions ─── 互连

9、interconnects ─── n.连接线;连接器产品(interconnect的复数);v.使互相连接(interconnect的三单形式)

interconnection 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In data communications, a layer in the ISO Open Systems Interconnection model. ─── 在数据通信技术中,国际标准化组织关于开放系统互连参考模式的第四层。

2、One of the key design issues of multicomputer systems is the interconnection networks. ─── 多计算机系统的关键设计之一是互连网络。

3、The study is of great significance for fault-tolerant design of fiber-optic channel interconnection of avionic system in the future. ─── 光纤通道网络故障处理方法的研究对于未来航空电子系统光纤通道互连的容错设计具有重要意义。

4、The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model released in 1984 was the descriptive network model that the ISO created. ─── 在1984年发表的OSI参考模式,是由ISO所开发的一种叙述性架构。

5、Peer to Peer computing change the point-to-point communication from the client/server architecture to the interconnection of peers. ─── 对等(Peer to Peer)技术将点到点(Point to Point)的通信从主从式(client/Server)结构进一步转变为对等体间的连接。

6、In a world where many networks interconnect on the fly and information is widely shared, that will not work. ─── 但在未来的无线世界,许多网络在空中纵横交错,信息广泛共享,协约将难以奏效。

7、It reflects a chain-like interconnection between quantities. ─── 它反映了诸量之间的一种链式的连系。

8、They have been a very attractive interconnection networks for SIMD and MIMD systems. ─── 因而对SIMD系统或对MIMD系统,它都是一种很有吸引力的互连网络。

9、Under price regulation, social welfare is maximized when interconnection fee equals access cost and market price equals cost that carriers understand. ─── 在规制定价条件下,社会福利最大化要求政府制定互联价格等于终接成本,服务价格等于运营商理解到的边际成本。

10、These cause some problems such as complex deployment, high-cost, difficult interconnection and intercommunication in TPKI, and restrict the use of PKI. ─── 实践表明TPKI存在部署复杂、成本高、互联互通困难等问题,在一定程度上限制了PKI技术的推广。

11、Amphenol is the second ranked supplier of interconnect solutions in the world, established in US in 1932. ─── 安费诺(成都)有限公司是安费诺集团的全资子公司。

12、Why So Difficult it is for Interconnection? ─── 互联互通咋这么难?

13、Century interconnection company passes old development, be domestic IDC industry all the time get army enterprise. ─── 世纪互联公司经过多年的发展,一直是国内IDC行业的领军企业。

14、DAP only runs on Open Systems Interconnection protocol stacks, and requires much of a PC's processing power to run. ─── DAP只能在开放系统互连的(七层)协议上运行,运行时需要用pc机的很多处理能力。

15、In data communications, a layer in the ISO Open System Interconnection model, it provides for connections between processes in differen thosts. ─── 在数据通信技术中,国际标准化组织(ISO)开放系统互连(OSI)模型中的一层,提供不同主机中进程之间的连接。

16、Economic Effect and Social Effect Being Passed to Our Institute by the Applica tion of Interconnection Network. ─── 互联网应用给设计院带来效益。

17、WANs interconnect LANs, which then provide access to computers or file servers in other locations. ─── WAN将各个LAN连结起来,提供在其他位置的电脑或档案伺服器的存取。

18、At the same time, interconnection charges between the mobile phone networks and the fixed telephone network will also be reduced. ─── 同时,流动电话网络与固定电话网络之间的互连费亦会下调。

19、It is shown that a competitive equilibrium may not exist for large network substitutability and large interconnection charge proportion factor (ACPF). ─── 分析结果表明:竞争均衡的存在性取决于网络替代性和结算价格系数的大小;互联双方可能将结算价格系数作为合谋工具。

20、Besides, the use of Bluetooth allows the residence to escape from the fetters of interconnection wires, thereby increasing system mobility. ─── 另外透过蓝芽技术的应用,本系统亦可大幅减少家中缆线的羁绊并增加机动性。

21、Used for the information transmission, interconnection of the instrumentation and control equipment in ships and over-water buildings. ─── 适用于河海船舶及水上建筑物传输话音信息,也可用于连接船用一般仪表和控制设备。

22、They point out how the interconnection of computers leads to a much broader class of connections than might have been expected. ─── 他们解释了互联电脑如何超越大家的期望,导向更高级别的连接。

23、The Application of Dammann Grating in Optical Interconnection[J]. ─── 引用该论文 周静,龙品,徐大雄.

24、Crossbar switch is significant to the expansion of system bus and interconnection of multi processors. ─── 交叉开关对于系统总线的扩展以及多处理器之间的互连都有很重要的意义。

25、The interconnection of the monitoring system of large irrigating area is a physical platform of digital irrigating area. ─── 大型灌区监控系统互联是数字化灌区的物理平台。

26、TMF814 is one of the series standards that TMF put forwarded. This standard solute the problem of the interconnection between EML and NML. ─── TMF 814系列标准是电信管理论坛针对多厂商环境问题提出的EML-NML层互连的通用标准和解决方案。

27、Interconnection &intercommunication, resource sharing”. ─── 互联互通,资源共享”。

28、OPC technology is presented to interconnect DCS and MIS. ─── 并通过OPC技术,实现了DCS系统和厂级管理信息系统MIS之间的数据共享。

29、The information shown in this view can help you understand the shape and interconnection of the data structures within the heap dump. ─── 此视图中显示的信息可帮助您打造和连接堆转储中的数据结构。

30、The super restricted edge-connectivity of a graph is an important parameter to measure fault-tolerance of interconnection networks. ─── 图的超级限制边连通性是度量计算机互连网络可靠性(容错性)的一个重要参数。

31、Interconnection delay has become a dominant factor in IC design. ─── 互连线时延是集成电路设计中非常重要的影响因素。

32、The notion of string stability of a countably infinite interconnection of a class of nonlinear system was introduced. ─── 对一类无限维关联系统引入弦稳定概念。

33、The Interconnection technology based on embedded parallel processing system adopts processors like DSP,FPGA,GPP/RISC,ASIC,ASSP and MCU. ─── 基于嵌入式并行处理系统的互联技术,采用DSP、FPGA、GPP/RISC、ASIC、ASSP、MCU等处理器。

34、New entrants cannot take part in the telecommunication market without interconnection, let alone efficient competition. ─── 如果没有互联互通,新兴的运营商就难以进入市场,电信业的竞争发展就无从谈起。

35、Interconnection of programming function is carried out on a matrix board. ─── 各种编程功能之间相互衔接在矩阵板上进行。

36、Playhut's home grown "Playhut" brand offers a wide product mix, product interconnect ability and price value. ─── “同乐和”品牌乐园为青少年儿童提供了广阔的产品组合、产品连结互动空间。

37、This article introduces a LAN interconnection device which can realize remote interconnection of LANs on the data link by E1. ─── 介绍了一种新型的局域网互连设备 ,该设备利用 E1线路 ,可以在数据链路层实现局域网的远程互连

38、Inter-operation and interconnection of Oracle ,SQLserver and DB2 areimplemented with JDBC, a realizing process of servelet based on PDM isgiven. ─── 2用JDBC实现PDMS异质数据库Oracle,SQLServer和DB2的互连和互操作,

39、Using the Bridge Federate is one of the approaches to interconnect HLA multiple federations. ─── 实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。

40、Information technology. Open systems interconnection. Connectionless presentation protocol specification. ─── 信息技术.开放系统互连.无连接表示协议规范

41、Network interconnection shall conform to the principles of transparency, reasonableness and non-discrimination. ─── 前项网路互连,应符合透明化、合理化及无差别待遇之原则。

42、The application of PCI Express(interconnect technology for next generation) in embedded system. ─── (下一代内部互联技术)在嵌入式系统中的应用。

43、To solve the unfairness, we use interconnection mechanism between each router to adjust the traffic distribution. ─── 因此,为了解决此类不公平的情形,我们利用路由器间的讯息传递来达到进一步的流量平衡。

44、TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) transport layer, or Layer 4. ─── tcp完成开放系统互连(osi)模型中传输层,即第四层的功能。

45、In many issues of the reliability of copper interconnection, we place the emphasis on electromigration and stress migration. ─── 在铜互连可靠性的几个主要问题中,重点针对互连中的电迁徙和应力迁徙进行了探讨。

46、A new generation of interconnect schemes is required for high performance ULSI. ─── 开发旨在减小RC延时和降低功耗的新互连技术是ULSI的发展需要。

47、Here use Cadence’s Allegro interconnection design platform to design SFT optical transceiver circuit. ─── 对于SFP光收发模块电路板的设计,文中采用Cadence软件的Allegro互连设计平台进行设计。

48、In order to decrease the interconnect delay, it′ s a common and effective way to insert buffers in it. ─── 为了减小互连线时延,缓冲器插入是当前一种常见且有效的方法。

49、Banks launch their own online payment options Interconnection between networks difficult. ─── 各银行各自推出自己的网上支付方案,网络之间难以互联互通。

50、In a process computer system, the means for interconnection between the computer system and the process interface system. ─── 在过程控制计算机系统中,连接计算机系统和过程控制接口系统的线路。

51、The lack of interconnection is striking. ─── 它们相互联络的缺乏是非常显著的。

52、Experimental results show that the resource allocation algorithm proposed in this paper can improve circuit testability and interconnection cost. ─── 实验结果表明该文所提出的资源分配算法对电路的可测性和互连造价两方面都有所改善。

53、The Panel discussed with the Administration on its decision to withdraw mandatory Type II interconnection for FTNS market. ─── 事务委员会与政府当局讨论政府的决定,即撤销固网服务市场的强制性第II类互连。

54、Open Systems Interconnection Management (OSIM) is one of Specific Application Service Elements (SASE) defined by OSI/RM. ─── 开放系统互连管理 OSIM 是 OSI 参考模型中定义的特定应用服务元素 SASE 之一,也是唯一涉及全部七层协议的服务元素。

55、Any interconnection between telecommunication networks within a local network shall have two or more interconnection points in principle. ─── 在一个本地网内各电信网网间互联原则上应当有两个以上(含两个)互联点。

56、Using Realtime Network resolves the interconnection of the computers and provides a hardware environment that supports the Realtime Distributed System. ─── 使用实时网络来解决计算机之间通信互连的问题,给实时分布系统提供硬件支撑环境;

57、Enterprise Network is an interconnection of LANs belonging to different departments in an enterprise via WAN such as ISDN, DDN, and Internet and so on. ─── 企业网是由企业内不同部门局域网通过ISDN、DDN专线、Internet等广域网连接而成的跨部门混合性网络。

58、Are these("pure"and "applied"science) two totally different fields, having little interconnection as is often implied? ─── 像有人所指的那样,理论科学和应用科学是两个完全不同的领域,几乎没有什么相互联系吗。

59、Bricks and wood are good technology because they interconnect neatly and can be assembled into custom configurations. ─── 好技术是可组合的,可组合就是由不同实体组成,每一个实体能够单独工作,且能够按需很轻易重新组合。

60、The organizations also agreed to interconnect the services where applicable with other interagency initiatives. ─── 同时,情报组织之内还将进行内部互连,以确保服务可以被其他机构所使用。

61、The main purpose for establishing such standards is to prevent interconnection with non-compatible gases and to provide continuity among manufacturers. ─── 建立这些标准的主要目的是防止不相容气体的相互连接和在制造商之间提供连续性。

62、The interconnection to nature is best fostered through communion with the land or sea. ─── 和大自然互动的最佳培育方式就是与大地或海洋对话。

63、Switches and automatic controls operating at safety extralow voltage may be fitted in interconnection cords in the maintenance area. ─── 在安全特低电压下工作的开关和自动控制器可以装在维护区域的互连软线上。

64、Multicast routing algorithm is extremely important to the communication performance of interconnection network and multiprocessor systems. ─── 多播路由算法对互连网络的通信性能和多处理机系统性能的发挥起着重要作用。

65、SLD: It’s hard to synthesize software now.Is it possible to synthesize the interconnect? ─── SLD: 目前很难进行软件的综合设计,将互联产品进行综合设计是否可能?

66、The USB physical interconnect is a tiered star topology, with up to seven tiers. ─── USB物理互连是分层的星形拓朴,最多有七层。

67、In Japan, the Sakuma Station is a DC interconnection between 50-Hz and 60-Hz systems. ─── 在日本,Sakuma换流站将50Hz和60Hz系统联接起来。

68、Therefore in the interconnection,no harm can come to one's physical self,as earth has never partaken in harmfulness as a consensus. ─── 因此在相互联接中,没有什么会伤害到肉体自我,因为地球作为一个一致实相绝不会参与伤害。

69、Testing the interconnection of JBI servers. ─── 测试J BI服务器的互连。

70、The morphology of abnormal graphites has the three-dimensional interconnection netlike structure. ─── 异常石墨的形态表现出相互联结的立体网络状。

71、An interconnection between two A.C. systems operating at independent frequencies. ─── 以不同频率运行的两个交流系统之间的联结。

72、The interconnection rules shall be binding on the activities of interconnection and interflow between dominant telecommunication business operators. ─── 互联规程对主导的电信业务经营者的互联互通活动具有约束力。

73、How to Push Forward the Interconnection? ─── 如何推动互联互通?

74、TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)transport layer, or Layer 4. ─── tcp完成开放系统互连(OSI)模型中传输层,即第四层的功能。

75、The performance of an FPGA is dependent on its architecture including the design of its logic block and its interconnection fabric. ─── 性能的FPGA实现取决于其结构的设计,包括其逻辑块和互连结构。

76、The droop characteristic with no control interconnection is an effective control scheme for the wireless parallel operation of inverters in UPS. ─── 在UPS逆变电源的无互联线并联运行中,下垂特性控制是一种较为有效的控制方案,但这种方案不可避免地会带来系统输出电压的稳态误差。

77、An interconnection device, usually removable, that employs removable wires to control the operation of computing equipment. ─── 一种通常可移动的互连设备,改变它的连线可以控制计算设备的操作。

78、Those are the interconnection prices for 2011. ─── 这是2011年电网互联的价格。

79、Greater CLP-HKE interconnection is an integral step on the road to fostering true competition in Hong Kong. ─── 加强中电与港灯的相互连系,乃迈向真正市场竞争的道路上的里程碑。

80、But TMF814 only solute the standardi-zation of the EML Northbound interface. The interconnection between EML and private NML is still a big problem. ─── 但是TMF814接口仅仅解决了EML北向接口标准化问题,它与私有NML的信息互通问题仍然存在。

81、Any interconnection between telecommunication networks within a local network shall have two or more interconnection points in principle. ─── 在一个本地网内各电信网网间互联原则上应当有两个以上(含两个)互联点。

82、Scalable parallel computer cluster is a multicomputer system which consists of processing nodes and a high speed interconnection network. ─── 可扩展并行机群系统是以工作站或高档微机作为其处理结点,通过高 速互联网络组成的并行处理系统。

83、In communications,the connection of a piece of telephone equipment to the tele- phone network,also applies to the interconnection of common carrier networks. ─── 在通信技术中,一部电话设备与电话网的连接以及公共载波网的互连。

84、It's strange how people's lives interconnect. ─── 人们的生活是如何互相联系在一起的,真是不可思议。

85、PCI bus can interconnect peripheral components with CPU. ─── PCI局部总线实现了周边设备与中央处理器的高速互连。

86、Amphenol Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. ─── 安费诺公司是全球最大的接插件生产商之一,总部在美国,已有70年历史。

87、Additionally pay attention to interconnection of all these exercises , they are mutually precondition or result to each others . ─── 另外,在解题时需注意这些习题具有内在的联系性,互为条件或结果。

88、AWG can offer some basic function including multiplexing/demultiplexing, optical add/drop mutiplexing (OADM) and optical interconnection. ─── 光纤通信网络能否持续的发展最终依赖于低廉的价格,可靠性,用来实现路由、开关和探测等功能的集成光波导器件。

89、ITC is also planning CBD buildings interconnection between the exchange, but very difficult to achieve. ─── 国贸CBD也在规划建筑物之间的互连互通,但实现的难度很大。


PCI设备就是指**在这些PCI**槽上的设备。PCI**槽,是基于PCI局部总线(Peripheral Component Interconnection,周边元件扩展接口)的扩展**槽。其颜色一般为乳白色,位于主板上AGP**槽的下方,ISA**槽的上方。

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