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oxyhemoglobin 发音

英:[[ˌɒksɪ'hi:məˌgləʊbɪn]]  美:[[ˌɒksɪ'hi:məˌgloʊbɪn]]

英:  美:

oxyhemoglobin 中文意思翻译



oxyhemoglobin 相似词语短语

1、methaemoglobin ─── n.[生化]高铁血红蛋白;[生化]正铁血红蛋白

2、haemoglobin ─── n.血红蛋白;血色素

3、carboxyhaemoglobin ─── n.碳氧血红蛋白

4、oxyhaemoglobin ─── 氧合血红蛋白

5、hemiglobin ─── n.高铁血红蛋白

6、hemoglobin ─── n.[生化]血红蛋白(等于haemoglobin);血红素

7、carboxyhemoglobin ─── n.羧络血红蛋白;[生化]碳氧血红蛋白

8、leghemoglobin ─── n.(美)豆血红蛋白

9、methemoglobin ─── n.[生化]高铁血红蛋白;[生化]正铁血红蛋白;氧化血红素

oxyhemoglobin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Predictive Value of Nocturnal Oxyhemoglobin Desaturation at Sleep Stage in Patients with Chronic Cor Pulmonale at High-Altitude Area ─── 高原地区慢性肺心病夜间睡眠时血氧饱和度降低的预测和机制

2、Another important finding is that, for both apnea and hypopnea, probability of oxyhemoglobin desaturation increases with increases of body mass index (BMI) and neck circumference (NC). ─── 测试资料库含40个精神分裂症患者及51位正常人,实验结果所示,正常与患者间确实存在统计上明显差异性。

3、Progress in research of oxyhemoglobin and the pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm ─── 氧合血红蛋白与脑血管痉挛发病机制研究进展

4、Objective: to explore the significance of monitoring jugular bulb oxyhemoglobin saturation in patients with severe head injury. ─── 目的:探讨监测严重脑损伤患者颈静脉球氧饱和度的意义。

5、Keywords neurobehavior;Neurobehavioral Evaluation System in Chinese version(NES-C);high altitude;hypoxia;arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation(SaO 2); ─── 神经行为;神经行为测试系统;高海拔;低氧环境;血氧饱和度;

6、Freeze to death, the bodies of cyanide poisoning, because of their use of oxygen in insufficient blood contains more oxyhemoglobin, it emerged its skin through the Shiban was bright red. ─── 冻死、氰化物中毒的尸体,因其体内氧利用不足,血液中含有较多的氧合血红蛋白,故其透过皮肤呈现出来的尸斑呈鲜红色。

7、Oxyhemoglobin F ─── 氧合血红蛋白F

8、method for crystallizing oxyhemoglobin ─── 结晶氧合血红蛋白测定法

9、Spectral and Kinetic Studies on the Interaction between Oxyhemoglobin and Nitrite, Peroxynitrite ─── 氧合血红蛋白与亚硝酸根、过氧化亚硝酸离子反应的动力学研究

10、The changes and significance of jugular bulb oxyhemoglobin saturation in patients with severe head injury ─── 严重脑损伤患者颈静脉球血氧饱和度的变化及其意义

11、Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of the Interaction between Sodium Nitrite and Oxyhemoglobin[J]. ─── 引用该论文 Shen Gaoshan,Gu Huaimin,Yan Tianxiu,Wei Huajiang.

12、Keywords Near-infrared spectroscopy;Prefrontal cortex;Portable;Brain function imaging;Oxyhemoglobin;Blood volume; ─── 近红外光谱术;前额叶皮层;便携式;脑功能成像;血氧;血容量;

13、Keywords Cerebral vasospasm;Model;Culture;Oxyhemoglobin; ─── 脑血管痉挛;模型;培养;氧合血红蛋白;

14、Keywords Stopped-flow time-resolved spectrophotometry;Oxyhemoglobin;Hydrogen peroxide;Mechanism; ─── 停流时间分辨光谱;氧合血红蛋白;过氧化氢;机理;

15、Keywords NIRS;lactate concentration;oxyhemoglobin;blood volume;blood oxygen; ─── 近红外线光谱技术;乳酸浓度;氧合血红蛋白;血容量;血氧;

16、Progress in research of oxyhemoglobin and the pathogenesis of cerebral vasospasm ─── 氧合血红蛋白与脑血管痉挛发病机制研究进展

17、The changes and significance of jugular bulb oxyhemoglobin saturation in patients with severe head injury ─── 严重脑损伤患者颈静脉球血氧饱和度的变化及其意义

18、Keywords Sleep apnea syndrome The Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve; ─── 关键词睡眠呼吸暂停综合征;氧离曲线;

19、Patient’s Oxyhemoglobin value is too low to be measured. ─── 2.病人的血氧值非常低而无法检测到。

20、Patient's Oxyhemoglobin value is too low to be measured. ─── 病人的血氧值非常低而无法检测到。

21、oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve ─── 氧合血红蛋白离解曲线

22、Measurement Performance in Weak Filling Condition: Oxyhemoglobin and pulse value can be shown correctly when pulse-filling ratio is 0.5%. ─── 6弱灌注情况下的测量性能:在脉搏充盈度为0.5%时能正确显示血氧和脉率值。

23、Keywords Cerebral vasospasm;Subarachnoid hemorrhage;Oxyhemoglobin;Vascular smooth muscle cell; ─── 脑血管痉挛;蛛网膜下腔出血;氧合血红蛋白;血管平滑肌细胞;

24、Spectral and Kinetic Studies on the Interaction between Oxyhemoglobin and Nitrite, Peroxynitrite ─── 氧合血红蛋白与亚硝酸根、过氧化亚硝酸离子反应的动力学研究

25、A novel in vitro model applied in the study of oxyhemoglobin-induced cerebral vasospasm ─── 一种可应用于研究脑血管痉挛的新型细胞模型

26、Predictive value of nocturnal oxyhemoglobin desaturation at sleep stage in elderly patients with chronic cor pulmonale at high-altitude area ─── 高原地区老年慢性肺心病患者夜间睡眠减氧饱和的观察

27、This leads to the stimulation of 2.3-diphosphoglycerate which shifts the oxyhemoglobin disassociation curve to the right. ─── 这导致刺激的2.3 -二磷酸甘油的变化的血氧解离曲线向右。

28、Keywords obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;adiponectin;apnea hypopnea index;minimal oxyhemoglobin saturation;average oxyhemoglobin saturation; ─── 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征;脂联素;睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数;最低血氧饱和度;平均血氧饱和度;

29、Keywords oxyhemoglobin;hemoglobin oxygen saturation;calibrator; ─── 血红蛋白;血氧饱和度;校准仪;

30、Indwelling blood oxyhemoglobin concentration analyzer ─── 心内血氧基血红素浓度分析仪

31、A detecting system for the transformations of oxyhemoglobin(HbO2) and blood flow of inner ear was presented for the research of motion sickness. ─── 提出了一种利用内耳血氧含量及血流量变化作为检测参数的测量系统。

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