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09-16 投稿



idiosyncrasy 发音

英:[ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi]  美:[ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi]

英:  美:

idiosyncrasy 中文意思翻译



idiosyncrasy 短语词组

1、relative idiosyncrasy ─── [医] 相对特 ─── [异反]应性

2、food idiosyncrasy ─── [医] 食物特(异反)应

3、absolute idiosyncrasy ─── [医] 绝对特 ─── [异反]应性

4、flagitious idiosyncrasy ─── 明显的特异性

5、local idiosyncrasy ─── [医] 局部特 ─── [异反]应性

idiosyncrasy 词性/词形变化,idiosyncrasy变形


idiosyncrasy 相似词语短语

1、idocrase ─── n.[矿物]符山石

2、idiocies ─── n.白痴;白痴的行为

3、idioblast ─── n.异形细胞;细胞原体;自形变晶

4、idiosyncratical ─── 特殊的

5、highly idiosyncratic ─── 非常独特的

6、idiosyncrasies ─── 个性,[心理]特异品质;个人喜好;特有的风格(idiosyncrasy的名词复数);(对药物、食物等的)[医]特异反应,过敏;特异体质;气质,习性,癖好(idiosyncrasy的名词复数)

7、idiosyncratically ─── 独特地

8、idiosyncratic style ─── 独特风格

9、idiosyncratic ─── adj.特质的;特殊的;异质的

idiosyncrasy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To a great extent, the orientation of values is the most direct and convincing window through which Hemingway"s idiosyncrasy of personality and creative thoughts are reflected. ─── 从很大程度上说,价值取向是反观海明威个性特质和创作思想的最直接、最有说服力的窗口。

2、drug idiosyncrasy ─── 对药物的特异反应

3、And through the integration of the human capital by the social capital, the firm can form the endogenous idiosyncrasy and keep the permanence competitive ability. ─── 而通过社会资本对人力资本的整合,可以使企业形成内生特质,获得持久竞争力。

4、Realism,romanticism,patriotism and the Idiosyncrasy of the People is belletristic keywords. ─── 第三,文化意识增强,强调从文化的视角考察文化对文学本体特征、美感形式的影响;

5、relative idiosyncrasy ─── [医] 相对特[异反]应性

6、Incentive Idiosyncrasy of the Asian Option and its Incentive Effect on Managers ─── 亚式期权激励特性及其对经理的激励效用分析

7、The idiosyncrasy of conglomeracy. ─── 公司组织结构的特性。

8、They also can't take the dynamic idiosyncrasy of recognizer into account. ─── 而且没有利用识别器的动态识别特性。

9、Firth here seemed to suggest the creativity and diversity of linguistic idiosyncrasy in language use. ─── 弗斯在这里指出了语言使用中语言的创造性和多样性。

10、Despite of Vatican’s religious idiosyncrasy, the United States takes its state particularity into consideration due to U. ─── 美国与梵蒂冈再次建立外交关系的根本原因是国家利益的需要。

11、Keywords Passive coping Active coping Physical-mental health problem Idiosyncrasy; ─── 消极应对;积极应对;身心健康问题;特质;

12、Instead it was an idiosyncrasy of Sir Robert that earned the title. ─── 相反,它只是与罗伯特爵士的癖好有关——他为书命名的方式相当独特。

13、Every village has its idiosyncrasy and its constitution. ─── 每一个村庄,都有它自己的特性,它自己的脾气。

14、The article also thinks the trade made between firms in the former kind of varies industrial district is not belong to the idiosyncrasy one. ─── 本文还认为前一种模式中企业间的交易不是特质交易。

15、You can learn to compensate for such an idiosyncrasy with a little logic and discipline. ─── 你要学会弥补(处理)这种没有逻辑和规律的特殊情况。

16、Based on aesthetics idiosyncrasy of music, for piano basic education, it's proved an effective and feasible way to train the students by 3 steps: listening, experience, and comprehending. ─── 摘要根据音乐的审美体验特性,对学生进行聆听、体验、理解三阶段的基础训练,实践证明是行之有效的钢琴基础教育手段。

17、Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy. ─── 也许这些公司所激发的强烈的忠诚感只是一种有趣的癖好。

18、On the Literary Idiosyncrasy of "Network Literature" ─── "网络文学"文学特质初探

19、Allowing for the fact that such relation embeds exposure, communication and appraisal and absorption of information by the market, the idiosyncrasy may very well be rooted in the functioning of information in Chinese stock market. ─── 考虑到交易量与波动性的关系事实上反映了信息披露、信息传递、市场对信息的评估与消化机制,因此这些特质性可能根源于中国股市的信息作用机制。

20、Every village has its idiosyncrasy, its constitution , often its own code of morality. ─── 每一个村庄,都有它自己的特性,它自己的章程,往往还有它自己的道德律条。

21、Abstract: Based on aesthetics idiosyncrasy of music, for piano basic education, it's proved an effective and feasible way to train the students by 3 steps: listening, experience, and comprehending. ─── 文章摘要: 根据音乐的审美体验特性。对学生进行聆听、体验、理解三阶段的基础训练,实践证明是行之有效的钢琴基础教育手段。

22、If the idiosyncrasy dermatitis patient, his/her family member possibly contracts. ─── 如特应性皮炎患者,其亲人可能患有。

23、My Idiosyncrasy of Making Exhaustive Inquiries ─── 喜欢追根究底的我

24、individual idiosyncrasy ─── 个体饲养

25、The quality of being characterized by purely personal modes of expression or behavior; idiosyncrasy. ─── 个性以纯粹个人的表现或行为的方式为特征的品质;癖性

26、In fact, Nan Xi Sheng Qiang is somewhat affected by widely-submitted Ye yang tune-patterns, but there is still substantial discrepancy on music idiosyncrasy between them. ─── 实际上,这些南戏声腔虽然可能受到了广泛流播的弋阳腔的影响,但在音乐特质上仍然存在本质的差异。

27、Regional idiosyncrasy of national art aesthetic has its normal inevitability, while is also in a state of developing and change. ─── 民族艺术审美的地域性特质具有合规律的必然性,但同样又是处于发展变化状态的。

28、Idiosyncrasy is not easy for economists to deal with, but if we want to understand the intangible economy of ideas, its a trick we shall have to master. ─── 经济学家不太容易应对特殊情况,但如果我们想要理解无形的创意经济,这是一个我们必须掌握的戏法。

29、Every village has its idiosyncrasy, its constitution , often its own code of morality. ─── 每一个村庄,都有它自己的特性,它自己的章程,往往还有它自己的道德律条。

30、And depend on the idiosyncrasy and demand , lead and help to set up performance technology and style. ─── 并依个人特质与需求,引导与协助建立个人表现技术与风格。

31、Personality idiosyncrasy ─── 人格特质

32、Firth here seemed to suggest the creativity and diversity of linguistic idiosyncrasy in language use. ─── 弗斯在这里指出了语言使用中语言的创造性和多样性。

33、A relationship that thrived under eight American Presidents of both political parties must have resulted from deeper causes than personal idiosyncrasy ─── 一种关系能够在分属两党的八位总统执政期间都得到蓬勃发展,必然有比个人癖好更为深刻的原因。

34、personal idiosyncrasy ─── 个体特异体质

35、idiosyncrasy credit ─── 特殊信任

36、cultural idiosyncrasy ─── 文化特质

37、And depend on the idiosyncrasy and demand , lead and help to set up performance technology and style. ─── 并依个人特质与需求,引导与协助建立个人表现技术与风格。

38、I don't agree.It's an idiosyncrasy of the Japanese economy." ─── 我不同意。这是日本经济的特色。”

39、On the Roll Play and Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy of the Situation Improved in "Three were Two Shoot" ─── 论"三言二拍"否极泰来的角色扮演及审美特质

40、The Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy and the Concept for Preserving Tablets'Sculptures of the Southern Dynasty ─── 南朝陵墓石刻的美学特质及其保护理念

41、the legalist school idiosyncrasy ─── 法家

42、“I don't mind a bit of idiosyncrasy , but that strange ideology you believe in , coupled with your idyllic ideas on life, suggest to me that all you're doing is looking for some idol to follow. ─── “你有一点特殊的癖性我不在乎,但你相信的那种奇怪的意识形态,加上你向往田园诗般生活的想法,给我的印象是你在做的就是要找到一个偶像来效仿。

43、For all, it still showed some unique parochial idiosyncrasy. ─── 就民居建筑个体而言,荆门地区地处华中腹地,人口迁徙频繁,因此在建筑形态上也明显受到各地区不同风格的影响,同时也有某些独特的地域特征。

44、The Cause of the Formation of ci Poets'Group among South Song Descendants in Jiangxi and Its Idiosyncrasy ─── 论南宋江西遗民词人群体形成的原因及其特质

45、theory of idiosyncrasy ─── 特异说

46、One of her little Idiosyncrasy be always washing In cold water ─── 她有个怪习惯, 就是洗什麽都爱用冷水

47、psychophysiological idiosyncrasy ─── 心理生理特征

48、It was his idiosyncrasy to seem much older than his years. ─── 他的特点是看起来比实际年龄苍老得多。

49、After developed circuitously in China for more than ten years, CB plays a more and more important role in China securities market by idiosyncrasy of its unique risk-return characteristic. ─── 可转换债券在中国经过十几年的不断探索、发展,凭借其独特的风险收益特征必将在我国市场上占据越来越重要的位置。

50、idiosyncrasy One of her idiosyncrasies is keeping pet dog. ─── 个性,癖性她的癖好之一是养狗作为宠物。

51、Landscape color idiosyncrasy ─── 景观色彩特质

52、On the Idiosyncrasy of Local Government Competition in Chinese Regional Economy Development ─── 中国区域经济发展中地方政府竞争的特质性

53、And then his idiosyncrasy, just physically, the way he moves, the way he watches, the way he doesn't look anybody in the eyes. That kind of stuff. ─── 然后是他的特性,十分的具体,他的一举一动,他看人的样子,他目中无人的样子。这类东西。

54、Most people are neurotic, slightly unbalanced, caught in some particular idiosyncrasy. ─── 大多数人是神经质的,轻微地不平衡的,被一些特有的自身气质和习性所支配。

55、The product's design inosculated continental neoclassicism, French and American country classicism, and also have idiosyncrasy of exalted, silk-stocking, gentler, decent, etc. ─── 其产品设计溶合了欧式新古典主义风格、法式及美式的乡村古典风格,并且富有尊贵、奢华、优雅、大气等明显特质。

56、This article designs self-control teaching method for football teaching combination of practice and application according to university student s characteristics and football sport idiosyncrasy. ─── 根据大学生身心发展特点和足球运动的特点,结合足球教学的实践和应用,为足球教学没计了"自控式教学法"的教学实验方案。

57、Keywords Nursing profession;Schoolboy;Personality idiosyncrasy;Vocation interest; ─── 护理学;男生;人格特质;职业兴趣;

58、In this thesis, we will begin with the characteristic space of Chinese traditional folk resident environment to discuss the idiosyncrasy and the social culture foundation of it. ─── 因此,本文从传统居住环境中的特征空间出发,探讨其中的空间特质和社会文化背景;

59、The quality of being characterized by purely personal modes of expression or behavior; idiosyncrasy . ─── 个性以纯粹个人的表现或行为的方式为特征的品质;

60、idiosyncrasy and vicissitude had combined to stamp Sergeant Troy as an exceptional being ─── 个人的特性和身世的沉浮都表明特罗依中士是一个非同寻常的人。

61、The Ecology of Dancing and the Idiosyncrasy of Chinese Minority Dancing ─── 舞蹈生态与中国民族舞蹈的特异性

62、Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy ─── 也许这些公司所激发的强烈的忠诚感只是一种有趣的癖好。

63、CERTAIN genre of books about English extols the language's supposed difficulty and idiosyncrasy. ─── 一些探讨英语语言的书籍常对英语的难度和独特风格大为赞叹。

64、First, this dissertation clarifies the basic idiosyncrasy of the philosophy in Song and Ming dynasty as a Chinese ancient metaphysics of moral. Consider revising the history of this thought. ─── 本文首先在总体上澄清宋明理学的基本哲学特质:一种具有中国特色的道德形而上学,并且追源溯流,考察其历史流变。

65、As no human art can develop in isolation of society, any style or idiosyncrasy inevitably bears the mark of social ideology and temporal disposition. ─── 在中外美术史上 ,我们可以看到 ,凡是杰出的艺术家都有自己鲜明独特的风格。

66、Eating no meat was Amy's idiosyncrasy ─── 不吃肉是艾美的习惯。

67、idiosyncrasy of French civilization ─── 法国文明特质

68、Occupational Idiosyncrasy and Attribution of Secretary Corruption ─── 秘书腐败的职业特性与职业成因

69、A distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy. ─── 习性明显的行为特征;习性

70、At the same time, it can make the idiosyncrasy bright. ─── 体现消费者的心理特征;

71、Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna. ─── 浮石混凝土在密实成型后,其凝结硬化过程中对于湿养护的敏感性较小,这有利于简化施工养护措施和减少早期混凝土缺陷的产生。

72、An idiosyncrasy to the colossal developers of Hong Kong, Eton is able to respond with grate alacrity to markets and consumer tastes. ─── 在香港,裕景是少有的具有风格化的房地产开发商,有能力并乐于满足市场和消费者品味需求。

73、This Jam idiosyncrasy is necessary to preserve the soundness of the type system. ─── 这个jam特性是保护类型系统的稳固性所必不可少的。

74、An eccentricity; an idiosyncrasy. ─── 怪异,怪癖奇异的事物;个人所持有的癖性

75、A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy. ─── 怪癖行为古怪;特殊倾向

76、She reflects multi-levelly and multi-dimenslonally the cultural and artistic idiosyncrasy of Hui-style architecture. ─── 仁辉1995年于黄山落成登瀛楼私人艺术馆,1997年落成的丰镐园私立文化艺术接待中心。

77、On the Idiosyncrasy, Origin and Influence of BAI Ju-yi's Life Style as a Mid-hermit ─── 论白居易中隐的特质、渊源及其影响

78、Studies on the Relationship between the Five-Personality Idiosyncrasy Dimensionality and Undergraduates'Achievement in English Study ─── 大五人格特质维度与大学生英语学习成绩关系研究

79、absolute idiosyncrasy ─── 绝对特异反应性

80、dietary idiosyncrasy ─── 膳食特异反应性

81、During the times of May4 th, the aesthetic idiosyncrasy of Chinese modern essays was established with the integration of the Chinese and Western culture and literature. ─── 五四时代中西文化与文学的整合,确立了中国现代散文的审美特质,即源自人本主义的“自我表现”、本哲学的“自我”本真以及作家“自我”人格之美。

82、Keywords ancient Chinese landscape paintings;ancient Chinese landscape painter;personality;personality idiosyncrasy;truthfulness and freedom; ─── 中国古代山水画;中国古代山水画家;人格;人格特质;本真与自由;

83、Looking from the theoretic feature, it has the idiosyncrasy of successive nature、innovative nature、opening nature、times nature、foresightedness and scientific nature, etc. ─── 从理论特质上看,中国特色社会主义理论体系具有继承性、创新性、开放性、时代性、前瞻性和科学性。

84、Return to an appreciation of idiosyncrasy as against state regimentation. ─── 反对全国性的政府权威,维护地方文化。

85、aesthetic idiosyncrasy ─── 审美性

86、feminist literary criticism;bisexualism;female idiosyncrasy;beyond-sex consciousness;yin and yang congruity;filial piety concept. ─── 10女性主义文学批评,双性同体,女性特质,超性别意识,阴阳调和,孝亲观

87、These texts can be used to construct adaptive language model and to obtain the idiosyncrasy of recognizer which can help dynamically adjust candidates set. ─── 另一方面可以利用识别器的动态识别特性 ,以修正候选字集 ;

88、local idiosyncrasy ─── 局部特异反应性

89、a technique of expression; (of an author) the idiosyncrasy ─── 表现手法

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