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09-15 投稿



studding 发音

英:[ˈstʌdɪŋ]  美:[ˈstʌdɪŋ]

英:  美:

studding 中文意思翻译




studding 短语词组

1、studding sails on square riggers ─── 在方形索具上钉帆

2、studding sail booms ─── 船帆吊杆

3、studding sail yard ─── 翼帆横桁

4、866 studding sail vacaville 866 ─── 钉帆瓦卡维尔

5、878 studding sail st ─── 钉帆街878号

6、studding sail n. ─── 副帆;翼横帆

7、studding machine ─── 螺柱机

8、studding-sail ─── 翼帆辅助帆

studding 词性/词形变化,studding变形


studding 常用词组

stud welding ─── 柱焊,嵌柱焊接;螺柱焊接;电栓焊

stud bolt ─── 双头螺栓

studding 相似词语短语

1、scudding ─── n.刮面;v.疾行;掠过;顺风疾驶;擦掉…的污垢(scud的ing形式)

2、studying ─── v.研究;学习(study的ing形式)

3、squadding ─── 挤压

4、-studding ─── n.壁骨材料;间柱;房间净高度;v.给…钉上饰钉;点缀;给…加壁骨(stud的ing形式)

5、budding ─── adj.萌芽的;发育期的;n.发芽

6、bestudding ─── 贝斯特丁

7、squidding ─── 鱿鱼

8、crudding ─── 积垢

9、spudding ─── n.开钻,铲除;v.用小锄头挖掘(spud的ing形式)

studding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Minshan stud stock market this straight breakout Temple, Ma Ye are in the territory of forestry. ─── 岷山种畜场本直寺分场、马烨林场均在境内。

2、The Japanese quince is invaluable for early spring color when its bright orange-flame flowers stud the bare thorny stems for weeks. ─── 当日本花木瓜(贴梗海棠)明亮的橙色火焰般的花朵点缀在带刺的枝头数周的时候,简直可以说它是早春无价的瑰宝。

3、The agreement concerning stud fees should be in writing and clearly state all obligations and circumstances. ─── 合同上应注明配种的费用以及双方应尽的义务和其它一些情况。

4、Fig.4 shows the construction of a stud partition as used in a typical Canadian timber framed house. ─── 图4所示为典型的加拿大木结构房屋中所采用的墙体隔断形式。

5、If this method of mounting is desired, accelerometers should be purchased that are designed for stud and/or screw mounting. ─── 如果需要的就是这种安装方法,那么采购加速表时,必须设计用于螺柱/螺丝安装。

6、This paper a na lyzes the promoting function of the network games on the puberal university stud ents in the course of the pre-socialization. ─── 分析了网络游戏对处于青春期的大学生前社会化过程的促进作用。

7、They stud the question carefully before they make the decision. ─── 他们认真研究了这一问题,然後才作出决定。

8、Since when have he stud English? ─── 他从什么时候起学英语?

9、The subjective referees to the definition of the individual as he is studding and changing the world. ─── 主体性是人们作为实践、认识活动的主体的规定性,它包括三个特征:自觉性、自主性、自为性。

10、The matching Daisy Bouquet pin, number (AFG-P-790-49) and Daisy Stud earrings, number (AFG-E-791-49) are also available. ─── 与它同款搭配的雏菊花束的别针货号为(AFG-P-790-49)和雏菊花耳钉货号为(AFG-E-791-49)同样有售。

11、Sir.Alex Ferguson did it to John Magnier, when they fell out over the stud fess for the racehorse Rock of Gibraltar. ─── 弗格森爵士队马尼耶也做过同样的事情,他们当时因为直布罗陀岩石的种马交配费用闹翻了。

12、She resort to go to a Japanese language school for a study which was she always fancied.In last one year, she cast a whole heart in studding. ─── 很多人以为,一个人的缺点,会在他或她结婚之后,自动消失,我觉得如果不说这是自欺欺人,也是一厢情愿。

13、Oh, Andy Lau, he's a real stud! ─── 喔,刘德华,他真是个钻石王老五。

14、Beckham, famed for his fashionable hairstyles, diamond stud earrings and for wearing a sarong on the beach, is a metro***ual style icon par excellence. ─── 以新潮发型、钻石耳钉和在海滩穿着布裙而著名的小贝就是“都市中性男”的典型代表。

15、These studied methods and conclusion provided foundation for MEMS CPW's microscale studding field. ─── 这些研究方法及其结论为传输线的相关微尺度领域提供了分析基础。

16、He played only draw and stud. ─── 他只玩抽牌(draw)和沙蟹牌(stud)游戏。

17、Check out Natural States upcoming stud "FOLSOM" thanx Fred Logan. ─── Dreamline/Lifeline/Driveline 心情: On sum new shit 昨天。

18、All kinds of electronics, electrical appliances, high-quality screw, nut, stud, rivets and screws Gezhongfeibiao special combination, the annual output of about 300 Dayton. ─── 各类电子、电器、高品质的螺丝、螺帽、螺柱、铆钉及各种非标组合特殊螺丝,年产量约300顿。

19、Do you still remember those day when we stud together? ─── 你还记得我们共同在一起学习的日子吗?

20、He stud the cycle of event leading to the great depression. ─── 他研究了导致大萧条的一系列事件。

21、Carol: I'm going to wait for this stud outside. ─── 卡罗尔:我要去等那个人了。

22、George Gould had a Southdown Stud and in 1913 imported the first Suffolks into New Zealand. ─── George Gould有一个无角短毛羊群,1913年他首次进口萨克福羊到新西兰。

23、This paper has stud ied the protective methodandthe aboveground exhi bition hall design of this famous Baiheliang Ridge. ─── 就此讨论了白鹤梁的保护方式,及其地面陈列馆的设计方案。

24、The full set of Notarial certificate and Board Minutes SHOULD be bound by stud or by wax seal.A simple staple would NOT be accepted. ─── 公证员证书及决议议事录等一套文件须以火漆或以打铁孔方式钉装,以简单的钉书机钉装将不被接受。

25、A review is presented of new advances in the stud y of the antitumor effects of hematoporphyrin sonodynamically activated by ult rasound. ─── 在综合国内外有关文献的基础上,评述了超声声动力学激活血卟啉抗肿瘤效应研究的新进展。

26、Arrearage of progress of economy of field of state-operated stud stock is a problem that has catholicity. ─── 国营种畜场经济发展迟滞是一个具有普遍性的问题。

27、It is an excellent idea to work out a contract with the owner of the stud dog before breeding takes place. ─── 在配种之前和种公犬的主人拟定一份合同是一个很好的方式。

28、I hear that you are studding Roman history. ─── 听说你最近在研究罗马历史。

29、The Enterprise took in her topmast studding - sail,and hauled her wind. ─── “企业”号把中枪翼帆收起来,抢风行驶。

30、Stainless steel nuts, slipknot bolts, cap nuts, hex socket bolts, stud bolts, countersunk screws, carriage bolts, hex socket countersunk fasteners and non-standard ones. ─── 不锈钢六角螺丝;螺帽;活接螺丝;盖型螺帽;内六角螺栓;牙条;双头螺丝;沉头螺丝;马车螺丝;沉头内六角;及各种非标;

31、Healthy stud dogs may remain sexually active and fertile to old age. ─── 健康的种公犬在老年时仍然有性活跃和具有生育的能力。

32、It is needs to investigation denotation and language in cross -cultural aesthetic studding. ─── 跨文化美学中还应考察符号和语言问题。

33、Last season's leading rebounder has already developed into a stud, and he is only going to get better as the years pass. ─── 上赛季的篮板王早就是板上钉钉的事情了,现在他只是在变得更好。

34、I like studding English very much. ─── 我非常喜欢学习英语。

35、She stud the young man with her sharp bright eyes. ─── 她用明亮锐利的眼睛端详这年轻男士。

36、I'm studding English. ─── 我在学英语。

37、The paper introduces the process features of gasified patterm mould casting and the special requirement in steel stud casting. ─── 介绍了消失模铸造工艺特点,以及在钢爪铸造过程中的特殊要求。

38、Tightening down on special tool will push wheel stud out of the hub and bearing assembly flangRemove lug nut from stud and remove wheel stud from flange. ─── 上紧特殊工具,即可将车轮螺桩推出轮毂及轴承组件。自螺桩取下凸缘螺帽并自凸缘取出车轮螺桩。

39、If I've gone from stud to spud,then you've gone from doll to drudge. ─── 如果说我从猛男变成了懒蛋,那你就是从美女变成了苦工。

40、Determining of blood sample gained in the same conditions showed that concentrations of GOT and GPT of Poll Dorset stud ewe and those of even-aged indigenous ewe are similar. ─── 同龄无角陶赛特母羊与土种母羊是在相同条件下学位论文 摘 要-h-采得的血样,二者 GOT、Gpp含量接近。

41、However, mathematic studding needs almost nothing except for paper and a full library. ─── 而做数学研究除了纸张和藏书丰富的图书馆,几乎不需要别的什么。

42、All this she thought of as Drouet rummaged the drawers for collars and laboured long and painstakingly at finding a shirt- stud. ─── 她脑子里在想着这一切时,杜洛埃在翻箱倒柜地寻找他的衬衫领子。 他又化了不少时间,才找到了一个衬衫的饰扣。

43、KMTA lock nuts can be tightened using a pin wrench with a stud to engage one of the holes in the circumference. ─── KMTA锁紧螺母可使用销式扳手固定,这种扳手带一个爪手,可插入圆周上的孔中。

44、A doughy bald guy in a Rolex will outscore a stud in a Burger King uniform almost every time! ─── 一个戴劳力士表,面色苍白的秃头佬几乎总是比穿汉堡店制服的英俊小伙更受青睐!

45、Forty years after his death, the Southdown stud masters saw the wisdom of what he had said and have done just that. ─── 在他死后四十年,无角短毛羊和牧场主看到了他所言所行的智慧所在。

46、She stud hard, and in consequence she pass the examination. ─── 她努力学习,结果通过了考试。

47、Constituents of trade"s secrets are the core of trade secrets studding. ─── 商业秘密的构成要件是商业秘密研究的核心。

48、In order to solve this problems in procesing rice noodles,a new technology was adopted,while factors afecting productquality were stud ied. ─── 工业化米粉由于受质量等方面因素的制约,仍未得到应有的普及。为了解决目前米粉生产中存在的质量问题,试验采用新型工艺制作米面条。

49、But Kobe is not interested in being the only bona fide stud on a rebuilding team. ─── 但是科比没有兴趣成为一支重建中的球队唯一的接点。

50、Kennels who used INOX as a Stud Dog. ─── 以下是用 INOX 作为种犬繁殖的犬舍.

51、Info-tech can be adopted to construct study atmo-sphere, provide varieties of ideas, launch multiple teaching activities and develop stud ent's creative thinking effectively. ─── 利用信息技术营造学习氛围,提供多种表象材料,开展灵活多样的教学形式,可以有效地培养学生的创造性思维。

52、Studding the neck piece with diamond, paillette , giving a feeling of fresh and brilliance. ─── 领圈镶嵌的钻石、珠片,给人清新、亮丽的感觉。

53、He runs stud farm in Ireland. ─── 他在爱尔兰经营一家种马场。

54、Remacle M, Marbaix E.Further morphologic stud ies on collagen injected into canine vocal folds [J]. ─── 刘秉慈,许增禄,虞瑞尧,等.医学美容胶原注射剂除皱的实验研究及临床验证[J].中国医学科学院学报,1994,16:197.

55、Have you stud the arbitration award? ─── 您研究过仲裁裁决了吗?

56、Studding basic theory question of administratively restrictive practice in China, looking for comprehensive law adjustment mechanism has important theory and reality meanings. ─── 为此,研究我国当前的行政性限制竞争行为的基本理论问题,探求对行政性限制竞争行为的综合法律调整机制具有重要的理论和现实意义。

57、If you have stud harder, you may have become someone. ─── 如果你当初学习努力的话,你或许已经成了重要人物了。

58、But roulette on line action come flush george jack black school of credit up ladies stud blind code bonus casino real round belly vig blackjack ante. ─── 共79437个问题页次:14757/15888页转到:食品添加剂,食品配料,香精香料,瑞士芬美意,美国森馨,美国味好美,法国曼氏

59、Which foreign language have you stud? ─── 你学过几门外语?

60、He have stud the basic of foreign exchange dealing . ─── 他以学习了外汇交易的基础知识。

61、He's gone from stud to spud. ─── 他从猛男变成了懒蛋。”

62、If you’re lucky, you will get that perfect blend from a stud dog.When you outcross, look for a male from a line of distinct type. ─── 在刚刚起步时,面临的挑战就是如何保持你所繁殖的血系的稳定性及健康度。

63、She explained to me why he stud French. ─── 她向我解释他学习法语的原因。

64、Length of stud bolt dows not include the height of the chamfered part. ─── 双头螺栓长度不包括倒角高度。

65、Puppies by order, Males at stud and Koolie Rescues. ─── 幼犬秩序,在男性螺柱阿尔达年表和救援.

66、When bolting to steel flanges, longer bolts or stud may be required. ─── 如果是应用在钢法兰晌,可能需要更长的螺栓或双头螺栓。

67、He wore a collarless striped shirt, closed at the neck with a golden stud, and pants held up by suspenders. ─── 他穿了一件没有领子的条纹衬衫,领口上别着一颗金色饰扣,裤子用吊带系着。

68、He may be studding in his study. ─── 他可能正在书房里学习。

69、You must have stud the market and is aware of the present soaring market. ─── 您一定了解市场,知道目前行情在暴涨。

70、But all we found was lots of woodworm, some old nails and a collar stud. ─── 勃朗特在小说中描述到,罗切斯特先生从“孔雀屋”旁边的一段秘密楼梯可以到达自己的疯妻子所居住的房间。

71、She stud history and philosophy, but she have little interest in either subject. ─── 她学过历史和哲学,但对这两门课都没有多少兴趣。

72、So do I get to wear your beer pong letterman jacket, you jock stud? ─── |我能穿上写着啤酒桌球头号射手的上衣了吧 你这匹小种马?

73、Thrust out past service from the devil's stud! ─── 可是自恶魔的种马群中逐出!

74、Based on self-made stepping arc stud welding gun,the welding process adopting ferrules as arc shield was studied. ─── 利用自行研制的步进式电弧螺柱焊枪,采用套圈作为焊接过程的保护方式,研究了套圈保护步进式电弧螺柱焊过程。

75、If I've gone from stud to spud, then you've gone from doll to drudge. ─── 如果说我从猛男变成了懒蛋,那你就是从美女变成了苦工。”

76、Pauly D.Fish population dynamics in tropical waters:a manual for use with programmable calculators[J].ICLARM Stud Rev,1984b(8):325. ─── 徐宾铎,金显仕,梁振林.秋季黄海底层鱼类群落结构的变化[J].中国水产科学,2003,10(2):148-154.

77、They stay alive for only six to ten hours after ejaculation, so a stud ram from Wales cannot easily inseminate a Scottish ewe without going to meet her. ─── 射精后,公羊的精子只能存活6至10个小时;所以,威尔士的种羊无法轻易地令远在苏格兰的母羊受精,除非与对方“亲密接触”。

78、The press stud on the collar of his evening shirt. ─── 他晚礼服衬衫领口上的摁扣儿。

79、He have stud english since 1987. ─── 他从1987年起学英语。

80、We also produce water transfer、cool press on transfer and iron on stud &stone、offset print PVC. ─── 另有水转印和感压冷转及烫钻烫图、柯式印PVC。

81、He knows it very well because he have stud it up in a book. ─── 他对这个问题很了解,因为他为此曾在一本书中查阅过。

82、It is indicated from the test results that the arc burns stably in ferrules shielded stepping arc stud welding. ─── 实验结果表明,在套圈保护下,步进式电弧螺柱焊过程电弧稳定燃烧,熔化金属短路现象明显减少;

83、While many in Yankeeland were hoping to land a "true" # 1 in Santana earlier this winter, Andy Pettitte dismissed the idea that Wang was anything but an ace, calling him "a stud. ─── 当很多洋基球员与球迷在早先冬季会议时希望洋基可以交易到真正的第一号先发投手桑塔那时,派提特不认同王建民不是王牌投手的这个想法,认为王建民是一个一流的选手。

84、Little islands stud the bay. ─── 小小的岛屿散布在海湾内。

85、Smooth leather upper in a lace up casual sneaker with stitching, overlay and metal stud trim. ─── 在光滑皮革与缝合,覆盖和金属钉装饰花边休闲鞋上。

86、Meanwhile, two men in germ-free clean suits adjust various dials studding the tank's exterior. ─── 旁边,两个身着无菌衣的工作人员不断地调整着布满水箱外面的控制按钮。

87、The article proposes the method for oblique principle component analysis(OPCA),and conducts a preliminary stud... ─── 因此提出了斜交主元分析方法,并对斜交主元分析方法的理论体系及其应用进行了初步的探讨。

88、Become soon fork fulcrum stud bolt. ─── 变速叉支点螺栓。

89、However, its still not ideal, many scholars are still in exploring and studding to find a better mathod. ─── 但还不是很理想,为取得进一步的成效,许多学者仍在进行不懈的探讨和研究。

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