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09-16 投稿



hidebound 发音

英:[ˈhaɪdbaʊnd]  美:[ˈhaɪdbaʊnd]

英:  美:

hidebound 中文意思翻译



hidebound 短语词组

1、hidebound in his views ─── 他观点保守

2、hidebound by practices ─── 习惯性墨守成规

hidebound 相似词语短语

1、tide-bound ─── 潮水

2、airbound ─── 空气包

3、homebound ─── adj.回家的,回家乡的

4、icebound ─── adj.冰封的;被冰封冻着的

5、unhidebound ─── 无边界

6、air-bound ─── 气障,气隔

7、housebound ─── adj.不能离家的,足不出户的

8、hard-bound ─── adj.精装的

9、hideboundness ─── 营养不良

hidebound 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a society hidebound by convention ─── 墨守成规的社会.

2、Its symptoms are usually hidebound management, heirs who lack talent and drive or feuding over corporate spoils. ─── 其症状通常是管理层墨守成规,继承人缺少才能和动力,家族内部在公司利益上长期争执。

3、Hidebound be ignored for a long time, final meeting appears the state with exasperate affection of the primary affection. ─── 营养不良长期被忽视,最终会出现原发病情恶化的状况。

4、Say to this woman: Pardonable BABY will be hidebound, you breed without the mother at all! ─── 对这妇人说:难怪BABY会营养不良,你根本就没有母乳嘛!

5、a hidebound philosophy ─── 保守的哲学

6、Wine, perhaps more than any other perishable consumer good, is hidebound by an often unfathomable set of rules. ─── 其它一次性消费品相比,葡萄酒的规矩大概是最多的了,这些规矩极其复杂,常常会令人莫知适从。

7、One Tian Xiaomin gnaws snack on the bed, han hits a phone to say such meetings are hidebound! ─── 一天小敏在床上啃快餐,韩打来电话说这样会营养不良!

8、Grow as the age, vitamin C content drops apparently, crystalline lens is hidebound, as time passes can cause crystalline lens denaturation. ─── 随着年龄增长,维生素C含量明显下降,晶状体营养不良,久而久之会引起晶状体变性。

9、"Americans approaching this new work of his are confronting not a hidebound Brit but a full-fledged citizen of Anglophonia" (Anthony Burgess) ─── “处理他这项新工作的美国人面对的不是一个墨守成规的英国佬,而是一个操英语的成熟公民”(安东尼·伯吉斯)

10、But business, too, is often a slow-moving gerontocracy, hidebound by a reluctance to let creative individuals make quick decisions. ─── 不过日本商界常常也是一个行动迟缓、处在老人统治下的领域,固守着一种不愿令富有创造力的个人快速作出决断的心态。

11、London doesn't seem as hidebound by tradition as some of the other European cities. ─── 像其他欧洲城市,伦敦并不因传统而守旧。

12、We're an old - fashioned firm, Mr Smith, but not hidebound. We're not averse to giving a man with ideas of his own some rope. ─── 史密斯先生,我们是一家老式公司,但并不保守,不反对给人较大的活动范围。

13、Mean Literatus and Hidebound Scholars ─── 措大与腐儒

14、Hidebound be to bring about liverish main reason? ─── 营养不良是导致肝病的主要原因?

15、” Although many literary critics seem to regard the canon as rather hidebound and resistive to change, in fact it has always been very mutable. ─── 尽管诸多文论家觉得经典似乎很固执,并且拒绝改变,但实际上它总是处于变化之中。

16、Organizations that make the same mistakes every day (hidebound ones, rulebook based ones, airlines) rarely get to layer. ─── 那些不断重复着以前的错误的公司(死板的公司,教条主义的公司,航空公司)很少建立起自己的层次。

17、It should be far more democratic and less hidebound. ─── 它应当多一些民主、少一些死板。

18、He is an individualist while they are hidebound; ─── 他是一个个人主义者当他们墨守成规时候;

19、When some children check-up, weight overweights hundred 50, but it is hidebound that the result that the doctor checks says, why? ─── 某儿童体检时,体重超重百分之50,可医生检查的结果说是营养不良,为什么?

20、He was an administrative genius, with none of the hidebound instincts of some of his peers in Cheltenham. ─── 他是行政管理方面的天才,绝无他在切尔滕纳姆市的某些同事的那种狭小气量。

21、It's a very hidebound society and views anything new with suspicion ─── 这是个非常保守的社会,对任何新事物都抱着怀疑的态度。

22、hidebound views, bureaucrats ─── 守旧的观点、 官僚

23、The economy was hidebound by public spending and private monopolies. ─── 该经济体由于公共开支和私有垄断而变得僵化。

24、On July 29,1981,Lady Diana Spencer took "Philip Charles Arthur George" - she mangled the order of Prince Charles'names during her vows - as her lawful wedded husband and entered a family hidebound by practices no outsider could fathom. ─── 1981年7月29日,戴安娜-斯潘赛在婚礼宣誓时竟把自己丈夫查尔斯王子的全名顺序搞错了,成了

25、So, how should the old person judge him hidebound? ─── 那么,老人应怎样判断自己是否营养不良了呢?

26、The men are hidebound and reactionary. ─── 那些人既顽固又反动。

27、The Buddhist clergy was seen, not without reason, as hidebound and oppressive. ─── 僧侣集团在当时是不无原因的死板和专制。

28、a hidebound conservative ─── 顽固的保守主义者

29、involved in these events seemed to be suppressed and hidebound for a while. ─── 被卷进这些事件里的人们,似乎有一段时间全都在生活中消声匿迹了。

30、Had appeared the old people of hidebound state, should eat more boil soft corn, vegetable and fruit, can add condiment more in dish with appetitive. ─── 已经出现营养不良状况的老年人,要多吃煮软的谷类、蔬菜和水果,可在菜中多加调料以促进食欲。

31、hidebound disease ─── (皮肤)绷紧疾病

32、Another constitutional change aims to improve a hidebound judicial system, introducing oral evidence and moving towards adversarial trials. ─── 另一项宪法改革旨在改进迂腐保守的司法系统,并将口头证据和抗辩制庭审系统引入法庭。

33、If mobile hidebound place sleeps room, can choose the carpet with wool taller, softer cloth with soft nap (if cut fine hair) . ─── 活动量小的地方如睡房,就可以选毛绒较高、较软的地毯(如割绒)。

34、The cause that uric road affects, constant because of hidebound cause depauperate, make urethral muscle faint easily outspread and produce retention of urine and infection. ─── 尿路感染的原因,常因营养不良造成发育不全,使尿道肌肉无力易于扩张而发生尿潴留及感染。

35、To the kidney, hidebound can make kidney function drops, bring about condense ability bring down and uric proportion to drop, make make water estimates increase. ─── 对于肾脏,营养不良可使肾功能减退,导致浓缩能力减低和尿比重下降,使尿量增多。

36、In a country known for its outstanding computer-services entrepreneurs and hidebound, lacklustre government, this was an exciting recruitment. ─── 对拥有杰出的计算机企业家、但政府却是顽固守旧、毫无生气的印度来说,这项人事任命让国民振奋。

37、As a result of hidebound, they may have create infecund risk, also may bring an osteoporosis, bring about directly even fracture happens in the life or job. ─── 由于营养不良,她们可能会有造成不孕的危险,也可能会带来骨质疏松症,甚至直接导致在生活或工作中发生骨折。

38、Inevitably her death brought calls for the British crown to become less stuffy, less hidebound by protocol and tradition, and more people-friendly. ─── 她的死不可避免地呼唤英国皇室在礼节和传统上少些拘谨(息)少些迂腐,对人们多些友好。

39、American orchestras have historically been hidebound institutions afraid of alienating mainstream subscribers. ─── 美国的管弦乐团一向保守刻板,怕与主流听众脱节。

40、Hidebound companion someDiabeticSee more at intertropical developing country. ─── 营养不良伴有的糖尿病多见于热带发展中国家。

41、Hidebound: Animal albumen is lacked in food, long-term completely maigre; ─── 营养不良:食物中缺少动物蛋白,长期全素食;

42、In some such insidious form there is at present a strong tendency to this narrow theory of life, and to the pinched and hidebound type of human character which it patronizes. ─── 在类此的狡诈形式之下,目前对于这种狭窄的人生论以及它所奖助的那类捏瘦和抽紧了的人类性格颇有一种强烈的趋向。

43、Unlike the hidebound health systems of the rich world, he says, “in our country's patient-centric health system you must innovate. ─── 他表示,跟西方墨守成规的医疗保健系统不同,“在印度以病人为中心的医疗系统中你必须创新”。

44、Hidebound person should notice to strengthen nutrition, proper and compensatory albumen and vitamin. ─── 营养不良者应注意加强营养,适当补充蛋白与维生素。

45、The hidebound managers of the old company refused to adopt computer-based business systems and preferred to rely on tediously slow,paper-based procedure. ─── 这家老牌公司守旧的经理拒绝采用电脑化业务机制,仍然偏好枯燥缓慢的纸质流程。

46、a rigid way of thinking; an ossified way of thinking; ossified [hidebound] thinking; rigid concepts ─── 思想僵化

47、Have in posteriority a young person with greying hair a lot of be to accompany some kind of disease happening, because spirit is het-up,some are with hidebound be caused by. ─── 在后天性少白头中有许多是伴随某种疾病发生的,有些则是由于精神过度紧张和营养不良所致。

48、Life among the people involved in these events seemed to be suppressed and hidebound for a while. ─── 被卷进这些事件里的人们,似乎有一段时间全都在生活中消声匿迹了。

49、The hair is yellow, hidebound? ─── 头发黄,营养不良?

50、Myapathies countenance is visible at undertaking sexual flesh hidebound (humerus of the much shoulder that it is a face) , atrophic sex myotonia disease. ─── 肌病面容可见于进行性肌营养不良(多为面肩肱型)、萎缩性肌强直症等。

51、Actually, the woman is vivid life snacks every detail, it just as woman's lover, had its ornament, their life is no longer hidebound. ─── 其实,零食生动着女人一生中的每个细节,它恰似女人的情人,有了它的点缀,她们的生活不再是墨守成规。

52、According to the statistic of world bank, in low income country, 5 years old of the following children have 50% because hidebound; ─── 根据世界银行的统计,在低收入国家,五岁以下的儿童有50%营养不良;

53、He has also reinvented the culture, turning a hidebound, introspective company, whose besuited executives were nicknamed "Proctoids", into one that is open and outward-looking. ─── 他还再造了企业文化,而把宝洁从一家墨守成规、内向型的公司转变为一家开放、外向型的公司。过去,宝洁那些身着西服领带的高管人员有“宝洁偏执狂”的绰号。

54、Hidebound opposition. 8, advocate unity and cooperation, modest; ─── 8、倡导团结协作、谦虚谨慎;

55、As someone who came up through the ranks of the often hidebound and highly deferential corporate world, I am glad to say good riddance to much of the old office culture. ─── 正如一些公司已经跳出那些死板和高度恭敬的企业文化地桎梏,我为终于摆脱过去旧体制的办公室文化叫好。

56、In addition, hidebound also be the reason with coarse skin, be in especially when lacking vitaminic B2, B6, the skin is the easiest and coarse. ─── 此外,营养不良也是皮肤粗糙的原因,尤其是在缺乏维他命B2、B6的时候,皮肤最容易粗糙。

57、He was an administrative genius, with none of the hidebound instincts of some of his peers in Cheltenham ─── 他是行政管理方面的天才,绝无他在切尔滕纳姆市的某些同事的那种狭小气量。

58、This just suits at hidebound sex oedema, have be good at lienal, Filling gas, the effect of disappear oedema. ─── 此方适应于营养不良性水肿,有健脾、补气、消水肿的功效。

59、Why does hidebound meeting feel giddy sometimes? ─── 为什么营养不良会有时感到头晕?

60、Accordingly, want those who strengthen pair of hidebound infants to nurse, adjust food and improve feed method, make the infant restores health as early as possible. ─── 因此,要加强对营养不良婴幼儿的护理,调整饮食和改进喂养方法,使婴幼儿尽早恢复健康。

61、Long-term and excessive exhaustion, rage, excessive spirit is nervous, try hidebound, can become the inducement of chronic enteritis. ─── 长期过度疲劳、情绪激动、过度精神紧张,加以营养不良,都可成为慢性肠炎的诱因。

62、Abstract:Ask: Sex of the travel that take flesh is hidebound this disease can cure in that. . ─── 答:你好,医治有一定的作用,能够使用磁疗,体疗等赞同疗法以及架子,手术改正畸变等可作帮助医治之用.

63、Hidebound outside removing economic cause, dietary habit, cooking method, sometimes partiality for a particular kind of food, long-term verticalWine, long-term and maigre, also be main reason. ─── 营养不良除经济原因外,饮食习惯,烹饪方法,有时偏食,长期纵酒,长期素食,亦为重要原因。

64、Into this somewhat hidebound "atmosphere" it was vital to inject new blood. ─── 在这有点墨守成规的“环境”中注入些新鲜血液是十分重要的。

65、You will never change their ideas.They are far too hidebound. ─── 你无法改变他们的意思,因为他们太墨守成规。

66、The Buddhist clergy was seen, not without reason, as hidebound and oppressive.Chinese communism promised modernisation. ─── 现代化应该由自己人民自己的政府来实施,而不是由外来力量强加。

67、Get used to disease: Anaemic, hidebound, neurasthenic, Diabetic, empty of ill rear body person. ─── 适应症:贫血、营养不良、神经衰弱、糖尿病,病后体虚者。

68、But business, too, is often a slow-moving gerontocracy, hidebound by a reluctance to let creative individuals make quick decisions. ─── 不过日本商界常常也是一个行动迟缓、处在老人统治下的领域,固守着一种不愿令富有创造力的个人快速作出决断的心态。

69、Additional, hidebound the immune function that causes airframe resistance and oneself is low, leucocyte gobbles up bacterial ability to reduce, erupt simultaneously easily all sorts of infection. ─── 另外,营养不良造成机体抵抗力和自身的免疫功能低下,白细胞吞噬细菌的能力降低,容易并发各种感染。

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